With the non-stop circumspection, leaks and debates we have online, at times it can feel as if system launches will never actually arrive. For Nintendo fans, though, it's getting very real, as we enter the final week before Nintendo Switch launches.
It's getting so close, and in the past week we had our hardware and The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild preview articles, more Nintendo Switch launch day titles were finally confirmed and we had the announcement of the upcoming Nindies Video Showcase on 28th February, which should give us an excuse to break out the live stream and blog for some pre-launch excitement.
- Preview: Immersing Ourselves in the World of The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
- Preview: Nintendo Switch Hands-On - UI, Size, Mii Maker, Micro SD Cards and More
We have more to say on Breath of the Wild pre-review, plus of course we'll be meeting review embargoes for the system and that most anticipated of launch titles. We get a sense, too, that unlike with Wii U there's a broader public awareness and interest in Switch; even with limited stock availability at launch and with more games to come in April and beyond, the console isn't arriving too quietly. Dare we be optimistic that Switch will not only sell well over its launch weekend, but maintain momentum in the weeks and months to follow? Titles like Mario Kart 8 Deluxe (in late April) could be key to that.
There are interesting times to come, but let's not get ahead of ourselves and instead focus on the near future. So, where are you right now in the Switch hype stakes? Do you have that pre-launch buzz, or have you been left cold ahead of the system's arrival? Let us know in the polls and comments below.
In the poll below we've left out games due in March that may not make launch day.
Comments 398
Yes, I'm in my 30s and going to a midnight launch.
World of Goo should be added too.
I'm waiting until early May to pick up my Switch. If I were to get it at launch before my classes end, Zelda would probably destroy my grades!
Can't wait. Hype is all over me!
@Aslanmagic I wish I could but I've got work real early and street lights go out at midnight. Really don't want to be walking around a dark town with expensive new gadgets.
My ******* body is ******* ready!
Been waiting a long time for this.
Not excited, no plans to pick it up. The system needs to provide me 10 exclusive games that I want to play. Mario is the only one so far.
By the time it gets close to 10 exclusive great games, it will most likely be dead and buried.
I think everyone will feel far more at ease once they actually have the console. There's a possibility my Nephew will spontaneously combust. All this does is fill me with dread that something goes wrong.
If I can get a Switch, Breath of the Wild on it for sure. I'll wait to try out 1-2-Switch and Snipperclips with my friend first before I consider purchasing them.
I'm not getting fooled again, Nintendo.
"Dare we be optimistic that Switch will not only sell well over its launch weekend, but maintain momentum in the weeks and months to follow? Titles like Mario Kart 8 Deluxe (in late April) could be key to that."
If Mario Kart 8 didn't make Wii Us fly off the shelves, why would it randomly do that for the Switch?
@Aslanmagic likewise.
I'm more hyped for the Switch than any console launch. I think it is because I'm sharing the hype with my kids.
I'm not really looking forward to the launch itself very much because I'm pretty sure I'm gonna buy one in the summer when Splatoon 2 comes out, but I'm definitely interested in what everyone's opinions of the system will be at launch and in the following days/weeks.
@Yasume we get it, you never plan to buy it. Happy you shared your thoughts?
This'll be the first Nintendo launch I'm skipping. There's been non-stop bad news and disappointments in the months leading up to the release, and aside from Zelda (Which I'll just get on Wii U) none of the launch games interest me. 1 2 Switch should've been a pack-in, and while I was initially excited about a new Bomberman game all the footage I've seen makes it seem extremely underwhelming.
@gortsi That's what a comment section is for.
Already sold my ps4 its time to switch!
This time i will buy a lot of Switch games.
@RainbowGazelle not when it's like an endless tirade of the same thing again and again, sorry.
Just goes to show some people still think Bomber Man is still a bit pricey.
Got it preordered and now I gotta wait. I'm super excited as I need more portable games to play in my free time and my 3DS is starting to get stale.
I'm going to call March 3rd and see if I can get one.
Definitely getting a Switch, I was lucky enough to get mine pre-ordered. Same with Breath of the Wild. I'd also really like to get Super Bomberman R, I'm just not looking forward to the fact that it is $70 CDN here...
The hype is there, but the price is stiff.
@yasume oh what a surprise. You're in the comments section once again! I think everyone knows how you feel by now.
(almost) Dawn of the Final Week
My hype is building, for Breath of the Wild on the Wii U.
Switch, not a chance.
30+ brigade! No bedtimes, no parents, no rules!
Switch has a lot of appeal to older gamers methinks, just because it's harder to find time to game, and I've often had to split that time further between handhelds and consoles. Chipping away at, say, Zelda on my lunch break is incredibly exciting.
I've always had a similar rule, but at 5. 10 seems a bit excessive; I don'tnthink Sony or Xbox1 even have 10 exclusive games, let alone system sellers.
All so bear in mind that Switch will have games "exclusive" to a handheld. That factors in for me for sure.
That being said, if Mario's the only thing getting your blood up, I wouldn't bother for quite a while. Just please try not to be to dissmive to the rest of us in the comments:)
@gortsi Well, in fairness, NLife specifically asked for opinions on how people feel about the launch.
Kids want one. I'm not so sure. Want to wait till Christmas, but have Friday off so might pop to my local Argos to see if they have any.
The Switch will get five Nintendo titles I'm anticipating this year alone, three of which I consider to be system sellers. Not too shabby for the first ten months on the market. That's reason enough for me to jump on board early.
That said, I'm already waiting for E3 to come so we can get a broader picture of what's on the horizon.
I want one, I really want one but I have to pay 500$ for it, so not yet, sadly...
Friday can't come quickly enough
I've probably played more on both my Wii and Wii U in the last week than I have done in the previous 6 months getting my body prepared for nintendo goodness
@Yasume I agree, though 10 is a bit excessive for a new platform. My bigger concern is I feel as though I didn't get my money's worth out of the Wii U even with the games it had, so this go round Nintendo has to prove itself before I will buy. They also have to drop the price to be consistent with it's power. It's massively too expensive for a console of that ability.
@RainbowGazelle true, but like others have said before, it's getting tiresome with certain individuals in here. Enough of that though, there's no point in discussing it further. I personally like the launch lineup, but I have a PhD to finish by September, so it'll be my graduation gift to myself. In the meantime, I'll play BOTW on the Wii U.
Flying from Hong Kong (live) to the U.K. (from) to collect my Switch!
@Yasume if you have such little faith in the Switch, why are you all over the comments and reply to this post within 10 minutes?! Maybe you could find a Nintendo haters website somewhere on the interwebs...
I am literally checking my Amazon preorder every hour at this point. Game-wise, I'll get Zelda Mastersword Edition, 1-2-Switch, Shovel Knight, Snipperclips and Fast RMX. Also got the Zelda amiibos, a Switch carrying case, Pro Controller and a Joy-Con Charging Grip. Everything but the Switch herself (it's female to me since it's 'die Konsole' (the console) in german) and the eShop games are already paid off entirely.
@Aslanmagic I have you beat by a decade! You'd think people my age need sleep (and naps) but I'll be right out there at midnight too Will be a long weekend with the new Switch and a UFC party Saturday but I should get some quality Zelda adventuring between rounds of bloody noses, cauliflour ears and smelling saltz
I'm not really sure what all this "must have x amount of exclusive games I want" before you buy attitude is all about. Why build yourself a backlog before you start playing the games? I'll be playing every game as they get released, before I get bogged down in a backlog.
@phantom1472 Discussion is permitted, read the community rules. The article specifically asked a question so he has a right to answer. Stop the hate already.
@Yasume You sound like you and @SLIGEACH_EIRE would be best buds.
Having money problems sucks.
I'm looking forward to switching it up next weekend.
@Spiders I'm in my mid thirties and simply cannot find time to play the games I want on the TV. I was completely sold when Nintendo annouced Wii U (and better) games will be available on the go (and this includes in bed, on the sofa while others watch TV, on the train, etc...).
I'm already booked Friday off work. I cannot wait.
@Alshain01 discussion means making a point. I don't see one made here that hasn't been made a thousand times before.
Where's the "I'm going to be stupid and try to get one in the afternoon of March 3rd."?
@Baker1000 That's the mentality of someone who has already decided to get the console beforehand. I didn't get a Wii U until Christmas 2014 because I didn't think it was worth it until Smash and Bayonetta 2 were out. I did want to play games like Pikmin 3, The Wonderful 101 and Mario Kart 8, but 350 bucks was too much money for so few games.
@gortsi That isn't for you to decide. If he feels he is making a discussion point, then he is free to make it.
Is it just me or does it seem like there was actually more hype around the Wii U? To me it seems like they was way more hype for Wii U. Had Patchter even said anything about the Switch yet? Or has he faded into irrelevance?
I have not missed a Nintendo Console launch until the Switch, other than the NES. Granted money is not as plentiful with my wife not working, but I could have bought it. I will get one at some point this year, at least that is my plan. I really want FE Warriors and Dragon Quest games, any and all DQ games to be specific.
"not when it's like an endless tirade of the same thing again and again, sorry."
Well then in that case, I'm glad to see you're taking a stand against all those pesky positive opinions out there, and not just attacking negative opinions you personally disagree with. Otherwise, you'd be a hypocrite or something!
@Alshain01 I think it is worth applauding Nintendo for the same day release of BotW on both Switch and Wii U. Those of us that have supported the Wii U deserve this masterpiece as a swansong.
I was way more hyped for Wii U, because it had a better launch lineup than Switch.
@Aslanmagic I'm 32 myself and this will be my first midnight release. It's quite cold where I live. I'm already having old-man second thoughts.
@JamesR Totally agree. Potty time is the only quality time I ever get and the Wii U signal just didn't reach that far! LOL! I know... TMI... but those of us with young kids at home are all thinking it!
I went ahead and reserved my copy of BoTW and the Switch itself 2 days ago. My body is ready for it!
@Yasume When was the last time you bought a console/handheld?
Here's to hoping everyone who wants a Switch gets it! Enjoy! My kids are looking forward to it, I may even let them play : )
I'm looking forward to it, but I can function on a daily basis. I definitely chose this because video games is not the source of my joy. But a fun hobby to do after my devotion and important matters are taking care of first. I'll attend the midnight launch. But I'm not playing or hooking up the system until after work that day or weekend. And while at work I'll be receiving my fiancées Switch console from UPS or Fed Ex that day too, might need to buy the Snipper Clips game for her.
@JamesR Yeah, I think they would have had a riot on their hands if they didn't release it on Wii U. They have been promising it for 4 years now. If they hadn't released it on Wii U I wouldn't be talking about maybe buying the switch when it comes down in price, instead I would be talking about how Nintendo was dead to me and would never buy from them again. The only thing I'm upset about is that we will never see a new Zelda title that made proper use of the Wii U gamepad, instead only remakes.
@BLD same here. Not so much because of the line up... maybe... it was the first Nintendo console with a Mario game at launch since the N64 (I think). I was really excited about the tablet, and ability to play games on the tablet when the TV was taken. Now, the functionality of the Switch is kind of expected.
@BLD it had a better launch lineup than Switch
If you didn't own any 7th gen console other than the Wii, I guess.
He commented but I forget exactly what he said, but he sounded more positive with the Switch compared to the Wii U
this console is crap i only buy wen it has 10 zeldas
@RainbowGazelle because the Switch is also a portable, which is better suites for Mario Kart battles and races
@Alshain01 Same applies to you. @BLD I don't see anyone positively obsessed yet, and there's a fair amount of criticism I can get behind, and which others have done better than myself. It's one thing to criticize certain aspects, another to constantly moan for no reason. I agree with you on the Wii U line up, although I do think that less games makes sense this time IF it's followed by a good stream afterwards.
@AcesHigh I'm pretty sure I'll be able to play it in the bath!
I wasn't lucky enough to get a pre-order in due to traveling so I'll be trying my luck with the midnight release.
@gortsi I haven't told anyone they can't discuss the Switch or any other Nintendo product. I asked you to stop flaming people which is against the rules.
Ya the hype is real. I'm counting days like a madman. Not gonna do midnight launch, but I'll be at BestBuy first thing Friday morning. Taking 4 day vacation from work, Fri-Mon
"If Mario Kart 8 didn't make Wii Us fly off the shelves, why would it randomly do that for the Switch"
Yes, it could. The market is complex... not as simple as "it didn't sell system A so it will do nothing for system B". Mario Kart 8 is a great game, but the clunky controller and UI of Wii U, the reputation, the region locking, the poor marketing... all of these things can hamper a game'so ability to sell a system. People may have wanted Mario KART 8, they just didn't want to buy Wii U for it. Yet those same people may look at Switch and say ok, now this I can do.
Otherwise, every game on the Wii U- Mario, Smash, Zelda, etc would be counted as "won't help sell Switch cause it couldn't sell Wii U". Wii U was a different system, and games that just couldn't sell Wii U very well could help sell Switch. Maybe couldn't sell a system with appeal rated at 43/100, but can help sell the heck out of a system with appeal rated 83/100. Just to give an example.
I cannot wait for Thursday! 4 more sleeps till I get my hands on Switch, Zelda, 1, 2 Switch, Pro Controller, Guardian Amiibo, Official Case and more!
Wheres the option for I would love to buy it but I can't buy it anywhere. I already have Zelda and accessories pre-ordered but there are no pre-orders available.
@Aslanmagic Well... I guess he was ultimately right, huh? He's still a @#$% though...
Same here bro, I'm 30 years old and I like playing my 3DS in bed. I don't really like gaming on the couch anymore due to people bothering me for TV space, and I just don't have the energy for it, I work over 8 hours a day.
So I am excited about playing console level games on the go.
@JamesR !!! Careful! Thats an expensive tub toy!
@Alshain01 I wasn't, and you're the one continuing it.
@JaxonH Well said sir
@RainbowGazelle what he meant was that it will sell Well because nintendo will continue to release games consistently zelda at launch then Mario kart 8 arms after that etc. Mario kart 8 alone won't sell 10 million switches but i think that releasing games consistently Will definitely help.
Everything about this system, except Zelda, is incredibly disappointing and not worth the money. This will be the first Nintendo system that won't get my money, but I do wish them luck with the system.
@AcesHigh hahaha yup
Well guys l, i'm always away from home due to work. So Nintendo switch is perfect for me.
Can't really check in PS or XBox :/.
3DS lose to mobile game for me =X
I preorder mine in Sweden mediamarkt hope i can get it
They can only confirm if i cant get from the 1st batch i will get it in the second or third .......
@KirbyTheVampire at launch, I meant.
@JaxonH Or they may look at the switch and say they don't like it anymore than the Wii U, and still not buy Mario Kart 8. The truth is, one game alone will not sell a system, ever. The system has to sell itself.
@gortsi I have not flamed anyone. How can I continue what I never started.
@Alshain01 I wasn't the one who said that, you might want to check before you accuse me of saying things I didn't.
I'd be more excited if I could preorder one and it not be out of stock so quickly. Still, I'm gonna try to get it the day of launch and after.
@gortsi You are right, my apologies. You did not say that. Still you don't have the right to tell people they can't have a discussion over Nintendo products or decide what is a valid discussion.
30 years ago I got a NES and the original Legend of Zelda for my 6th birthday. All these years later my wife got me the Switch and Breath of the Wild and I feel just as excited as I did back in '87.
I was hyped until I head about the faulty JOY CONS! In all seriousness I will get one but but I don't know if I have a line up wait in me. Getting old and preorders were done in Canada pretty quick.
You're right, they could. But that wasn't the issue. The issue in question was whether a game could help sell Switch despite not doing much for Wii U. And the answer is absolutely.
And again, I say help sell. Every game is a contribution to level of appeal. And MK8 Deluxe (with DLC and battle mode) has quite a bit of appeal. I mean, who doesn't like Mario Kart
Pre ordered with zelda and 1-2 switch, I did have a pro controller ordered but i've cancelled that for the minute, because I don't think I'll need it (and the d-pad) till street fighter comes out.
I'm in two minds about snipperclips now until I see what the additional joy con controller bundle prices come in at. I'll either pick it up on launch day or on march 10th.
I also intend to get fast rmx and I am setsuna at launch, that'll be me set.
I'm fairly excited but nothing I can't handle lol
@MarcelRguez well that's alright as long as the price comes down by the time games you want come out. For me I'd rather have more time with the console than save £50. I'll buy whatever Nintendo releases so personally I see no reason to wait, unless there really isn't anything I want to play at launch (but there always is)
@JaxonH The answer is no. Not really. I mean every good game is a point toward the system, but the games do not sell systems, not alone anyway. Mario Kart 8 can not if the system is failing, as you said Smash, Mario Kart, etc. all failed to make a substantial impact on the Wii U. The system must sell itself, games will not save it if it can't.
You said it yourself. MK couldn't save the Wii U but that was a different system. Well, if Switch begins to fail, MK8 won't save it either.
@Ps4all Awesome story
@AcesHigh Ahh I see, my bad.
@Aslanmagic 45 and I'm there at 11. Gotta be first in line.
Games sell systems, that's a fact. But yes, the system has to be appealing enough for people to want to actually own it for those games. Which is precisely why a game on Wii U can still contribute for Switch.
There are such things as system sellers though. Zelda is one of them. Mario Kart can be if marketed right, and if the game is good enough. But yes, usually it's not one game but multiple games, each helping appeal. Which is exactly why it's ridiculous to say Mario Kart couldn't sell Wii U so it won't help Switch, because as you just said, it's the full picture that matters. Mario Kart, combined with other Wii U games and the system itself, wasn't popular. But that doesn't mean it's a waste to put Mario KART on Switch.
For me the Switch is hope that a game can still be more than the game engine it is made from. That there is still joy to be had head to head as opposed to peer to peer. That gaming can escape the confines of a darkened room that a generation foolishly put itself in. And lastly, world peace is achievable before Mario releases. Erm..ok, maybe a tad grandiose lol. OK, I am just hyped for a Nintendo console that everyone (consumers and dev studios) can get behind.
I feel like most of the people who were totally dazzled by the Wii U's launch lineup and are disappointed with the Switch's lineup are Nintendo only gamers and don't realize that all the third party games that had come to the system were basically ancient history in the eyes of gamers already, and had already been released on past systems.
Clearly they just liked the look of all the old third party stuff and didn't actually care to buy it anyway, judging by how poorly those games sold.
@JaxonH That's exactly what I am saying. A system needs good games to sell, but games don't help a failing system. There is no guarantee that Switch will appeal to the masses, if it fails, the games won't matter anymore. No, there are no system sellers. Some people will buy a system for a game, but that is a small minority. Zelda is a popular franchise, but it isn't even Nintendo's most popular franchise (despite being my personal favorite). If you look at it objectively, Mario is a much bigger franchise, even just counting the Super Mario subset, it's bigger and even it isn't a "system seller".
i'm hyped and that fun to get hyped in life time to time. i read news about nintendo switch and new game since i make my preorder
i have decide to not ask gift for last christmas because i dont know what i want really and i know nintendo switch be available in few month
Yeah the price be more high of what rumor say before the official presentation but i have preorder it anyway. yeah the ps4 now are sold more lower price with all this years and have many game allready available but i really want some nintendo game and i realise how i like all nintendo game when i buy last year a 2ds. i prefer to play nintendo game but in same time i prefer to play on the tv most of time on a bigger screen because more easy for my eyes. my last nintendo console i have buy is super nintendo and with the possible virtual console with maybe gamecube game that make me a nice catalogue of game i have never play. For the moment i have preorder zelda mario and binding of isaac. and i want maybe buy later i am setstuna, sonic mania, wonderboy, monsterboy, shovel knight, and i hope dragon quest 10 or 11 or both can be in english language in the futur and not only japaneese. maybe i going to buy splatoon 2 if i like the online test we have at the end of march. and arms look funny too
if the switch are a failure and no many game go out that make allready for me many game to play and buy
I'm looking forward to it, but not spending every waking moment thinking about it.
@KirbyTheVampire No, I was dazzled by the uniqueness. The second screen gaming was awesome on the Wii U. There is nothing unique that interests me on the Switch. It's either a ridiculously overpriced console, or a mobile unit that I have no use for. The truth is, I have a PC which is why I like Nintendo, because they have things I can't get on PC. If I were to buy an indie title it would be on PC where I don't have to re-buy it every few years if I like enough to replay it. The switch offers little in terms of technology uniqueness (other than mobile, which I don't want) so I see no reason to buy it, especially at that cost.
@Alshain01 I think you and JaxonH are somewhat saying the same thing. I will add that I think the strength of a single game can absolutely and do carry the initial sales of a console. We all have SMB on NES and SMW on SNES for where we are today. Halo on the XBOX... But only if there is a viable system to start with. I agree 100% with the notion of a great game not selling well on a complex and poorly understood system like the Wii U but doing the complete opposite on a solid system that is understood and viable in the market. Games absolutely do and have sold systems on their own merits. But yes too, if you have a dog of a system, there's not much a great game can do. As JaxonH commented, it's a complex environment. Many moving parts and many variables. Not everything is black and white.
@Aslanmagic Haha, 33 here and so am I. This and the Wii in '06 are the only times I will have waited in line for hardware. Unlike in '06, this time I thankfully have a pre order.
I'm so excited about Switch, but I will wait until there is a White or Blue color for Nintendo Switch + Price cut.
I don't believe that. I dont.
If a person sees a game they really, really like and really want to play, they start considering making that a reality. And a lot of people buy systems without ANY games in mind. They just see a system, say oh Nintendo, I like them, I'll buy this system and see what it brings.
I did that for 3DS, back when I was more of a non gamer who casually bought on impulse. No game lured me in, just the cool 3D concept and fact Nintendo made games I liked as a kid and teenager.
In reality, few would buy a system if it only got one game, forever. BUT when a person sees a game they really wanna play, that desire is all it takes. Simply knowing other games exist is enough.
I'd love to buy it at launch but i'm currently money-less...
@Equinox while not technically in stores but the UK Nintendo online store has copies (and copies of the special edition too).
However, I'm certain that Amazon will come through on launch day
@Baker1000 I'm of the same mind this time. I'm playing Zelda day 1 either way, might as well get the better version.
@Alshain01 No, there are no system sellers. Some people will buy a system for a game, but that is a small minority.
Considering we are talking about an industry driven by FIFA/CallofDuty-eating Chads, I don't think that point holds much water.
What about Pokémon? People hold onto buying Nintendo portables until those games are out, then they buy them en masse. That's the definition of a system seller.
i'm hyped for zelda on wiiu
I'me excited but could be more if not for Nintendo mistakes
@AcesHigh I'm not saying games haven't sold systems, I'm saying games alone haven't sold systems significantly enough to make them a success.
@JaxonH I believe you are thinking too small. There are people that do that, like you did. In your view it may seem like a lot. But in the grand scheme, it's very few people that actually do that.
To me, the millions of units the Wii U sold seems like a lot. But it's not in the bigger picture. I think you overestimate the number of people that buy systems based on a single game. Sure, some people do that, but in that big picture it's very few.
Incredibly excited. Nothing gets me hyped up more than a new Nintendo console.
@RainbowGazelle Sometimes a game needs the correct environment to become a big success and shift consoles.
Mario Kart 8 didn't move console units because the Wii U was badly marketed. If the Switch sells well and is known to the public, a game like Mario Kart 8 is usually enough to tip another few million people into buying a Switch too. It's all about perception and momentum, and being in the right place at the right time.
@MarcelRguez No. Those don't either. Mario is bigger than Pokemon (I've had that discussion on other threads before). Pokemon can not save a faltering system if the bigger Mario franchise can't. There is simply no game franchise big enough to be a "system seller" that can stave off the death of a console while it is faltering. That doesn't mean the game can't be a good thing for a system if it is succeeding. If the Switch succeeds, Mario Kart 8 will help it, but if it fails, it will not save it.
(In case you were wondering, Mario is the biggest game franchise there is based on sales numbers, on that list CoD falls behind Tetris, GTA, and Pokemon.)+
@gortsi pretty sure systems don't sell themselves. Games sell systems. If you want an example of a game that shift consoles look no further than WiiSports. Ok it was a pack in title but people bought the system to play the game.
Well, I don't think either one of us are basing our judgement on any real statistical polls, so there's no sense debating something neither one of us know the numbers on.
I'm so excited and I plan on going to my first midnight launch for anything for it!
I was really excited then there was a health scare... suddenly not so excited.
...Still counting the days though.
Is Shovel Knight getting a physical release in the UK?
I've pre-ordered mine at game and gonna pre pay for mine tomorrow, just gotta hope my games will arrive on Thursday or I won't have any thing to play. Unless I download Shovel Knight.
I'll wait until next year before I pick one up I'll be playing zelda on the wii u and the PS4 has got some great exclusives this year so I'll wait patiently for the switch to get more games out I want to play
@beazlen1 didn't claim otherwise, I agree with you. Or maybe you wanted to respond to someone else?
@Alshain01 There is simply no game franchise big enough to be a "system seller" that can stave off the death of a console while it is faltering.
But that's not the definition of a system seller. There's a big difference between "there's no system sellers" and "no system seller could save the Wii U", which is demonstrably true.
@MarcelRguez I'm in the same boat. Once they said Splatoon and gyro controls, i set my alarm clock for preorder. Everything else is icing on that investment.
I don't mind for Single Screen of Switch and is that really matter ?
If I want Dual screen, I can play my 3DS whenever I want.
Why should compare Switch games with PC games ?
Who cares if the games exclusive for Nintendo or multi machine released ?
Nobody ask you to buy system seller games. You can buy any games that you think is the best for you regardless of system seller or NOT. You Don't have to play System seller games just for feel Awesome to be a gamer. So what if I buy NOT so famous titles ? What's wrong with those titles? Maybe the games like that offers something different experiences. Even for me, I still need some interesting titles regardless of their popularity. As long matching with my criteria, I can have fun with those games. Stop being so stubborn about that. We can experience with Dual screen gaming with Wii U or 3DS, BUT there is Nothing wrong back to Single Screen again. Even your PC is Single screen anyway, NOT Dual Screen PC.
I wasn't even hyped but Nintendo still let me down.
Oh well. I'll buy one in 2022 or so when I can get one used for less than half the launch price. So far only Super Mario Odyssey seemed interesting.
This is the first system from Nintendo that I have preordered and then a couple of times I started to drop my pre-order and almost did, I'm still not happy about no BROWSER and no NETFLIX !! really hoping both are added very very soon.. But ultimately I really love the look of the system in my opinion it's the best looking console ever from Nintendo and the best looking console thats currently on the market hands down plus I want to play the best possible version of Zelda we all know that's without a doubt the Switch version and I feel out of RESPECT to Iwata san as well as being a lifetime Nintendo fan I gotta support my favorite video game making company , we need Nintendo and their consoles in the world of video games they are definitely one of a kind and no one makes the kind of great software (games) like Nintendo.
@AcesHigh in glad someone else here is in my age group. I don't know when I'll be growing up if ever.... Midnight launch for me!
Longest. Week. Ever.
I'm going to stay late at work for an hour each day so I can get off early. I will be stopping by my favorite burger joint on the way home and the waiting for ups to show up.
@Waluigifan Your profile picture matches the mood of your comment well, haha. I kid, I kid.
Btw, who else is picking up Switch at midnight launch and then worrying for their games to arrive from Amazon laterr in the day? lol
"once they said Spaltoon and gyro controls, i set my alarm clock for preorder"
Splatoon 2 is what's up. Man I loved the first game! Best new Nintendo IP since Pikmin and Xenoblade.
Splatoon 2, Xenoblade 2, Mario Odyssey, Fire Emblem Switch, Shin Megami Tensei V, Arms, Skyrim and Zelda and Dragon Quest XI portably... even Mario Kart 8 Deluxe (insane to have that game on a handheld!)... each one of these games gets my blood pumping.
@Anti-Matter Well what I meant was most of the indie games are released on PC as well as console, so they aren't why I buy consoles. There are relatively few exclusive indie titles and even fewer of those naturally would be ones I would be interested in. In the case of dual screen, that added something unique that the PC could no do, so it gave me a reason to want to buy on the Nintendo. The fact that the Switch is single screen and has nothing else unique to me over the PC is why I don't have interest in it. Understand that I am speaking of my experiences, not yours.
As for your comments on System seller games, I don't want to respond to that because I do not believe you understand the conversation we are having. Based on your comments you have completely taken that out of context, I don't believe you did it intentionally, but you need to go back and read the rather long trail to understand what we are talking about.
Hello from another nerd hitting his thirties and just waiting now for when his preorder materializes with the retailer. Switch is a console years in the making and the first console I've gone out of my way to get as soon as possible. A package no home console, handheld or mobile device nowadays can offer by themselves effectively.
@cfgk24 Cheers mate!
Switch is launching with a system seller: Breath of the Wild
I mean, it's not not going to shift too many Wii U's, but I can see people buying a Switch because of it...
I like Ninty but I won't be buying SwitchTwich.just not feeling it. 1% are buying justdance lol oh the shame
My pre order has been in since it opened, still got no games in the pipeline for Friday though.
At this rate won't bother taking it out of the box...
Hi. Still like to continue your lamentation ?
I'm still very much looking forward to the Switch itself, but my HYPE is all specifically for Zelda at this point. 5 days!!!
Can't sleep, can't eat, can't focus...how many seconds until Switch??? Isithereyet,isithereyet,isithereyet?
I'm so exciteeeed but I won't receive it until the next tuesday after the launch!! xD
Hardware wise, the Switch looks like it is going to be great, but games sells hardware.
My hype is completely because of Breath of the Wild and being able to play it anywhere I want. I honestly believe that if it was not a launch title I would not be half as excited for the Switch than I am now.
I am getting irrational. I hate my job more this week more than usual because the days won't go faster.
Joking a bit but am really excited. I have Friday off thankfully .
Anyone else surprised at the poll percentage for buying Zelda at launch? Yeah it was the highest but still...
I like all the support from the people on here in the 30+ club as they, like me, are privileged enough to have seen the games console evolve and for us to become advocates for games: past, present and future.
The Switch is a real evolution of what we have seen before and I think the move towards digital releases will help developers to get their games out there. Fast Racing Neo was one of my favourite Wii U games, for example.
It's an exciting time for gamers and Nintendo.
Not for me it's not. I'll likely buy it next year at some point. Taking a wait and see approach after the disaster that was Wii U. There's so much still unknown and I'm not convinced it'll be a success. As the expression goes, once biten, twice shy.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE The saddest gamer
Okay. Wanna see what titles that i'm gonna buy for Switch ?
1. Super Bomberman R
2. LEGO CITY Undercover
3. Puyo Puyo Tetris
4. Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
5. Super Mario Odyssey
6. Xenoblade Chronicles 2
7. Taiko no Tatsujin
8. 1 2 Switch
And probably will added more as time goes by. Even I just only found 8 titles so far, I still happy can play those titles for Switch. I don't care if the games by Nintendo or 3rd party or Indie developers, as long good and I can play them on Switch, that's more than enough for me.
@Talkshowhost am so stoked for the Switch, I'm in my mid 30s and my first ever console was a NES and I've had many Nintendo systems since.
Missed out on Fast on the Wii U but keen to pick it up on Switch in a few weeks.
Ya, didn't realize it at the time, but I witnessed console gaming as it was born. Remember playing NES when I was 6, beating Super Mario World when I got a SNES for Christmas, remember being awed by Mario 64 and the analog. Then 10 years later, seeing my bro play Metroid Prime and made me go buy a GC just to play it (and it's all I played aside from Metroid Prime 2 and F-Zero GX). Then I remember Wii being announced and seeing Metroid Prime 3 and Twilight Princess (I'd never seen Zelda before).
Then years later, saw a magazine article for 3DS and glasses free 3D. Ended up picking one up on impulse at a store one day. And that got me into gaming enough to decide to pick up Wii U at launch, and thus began my adult gaming career (guess you could call it that).
Ever since I can remember, I've wanted a handheld that runs console games. I look at Switch and see everything I've ever wanted from a Nintendo console. And it's looking good all around. Been reading alot of the sites early feedback like IGN, Polygon, etc and it seems everyone loves it. Has a few kinks to iron out but generally speaking people are loving it, which makes me all the more excited knowing the industry usually isn't so glowing when it comes to Nintendo hardware.
@Alshain01 for someone not buying this system and doesn't like it you seem to have a lot to say on the subject. Could you not spend your time more productively discussing something you do like? Hopefully on another site.
Skylanders at 0% and Just Dance at 1%. No suprises there then.
I'm ready. The Switch has a space in the game room waiting for its arrival. I'm most curious about how the family will use it. Will the kids abscond with it, or will it be second fiddle to those darn iPads? Will they enjoy family time with 1,2 Switch or will they think it is a hokey as my first impression was? Looking forward to Friday regardless.
Getting one, but sad about losing my TVremote/Netflix machine (Wii U).
...I mean, this is the most excited I've ever been for a new console, but I can also function perfectly well because I'm not a child and have responsibilities I need to address on a daily basis.
@Yasume name 10 worthwhile exclusives on xbox and ps4......
@gortsi yer sorry meant to reply to @Alshain01. Certainly 1 game was a system seller: WiiSports shifted millions of consoles. But that was lightning in a botttle as everyone knows. Everyone is different. Some buy a console for one game and the promise of others to come. Some wait for a small number of titles before they reach the tipping point, others wait for a few more. One thing though is for sure: games sell consoles. For me I'm buying a Switch day 1 for BotW and the promise of more big Ninty titles that I know me and my family will love (Snipperclips, FAST, ShovelKnight & Human Resource Machine are Day 1 bonuses). So for me BotW is a system seller.
@RainbowGazelle People have pointed out how the Switch has all these great games in the first year of its launch, but we already had games similar to those in the last few years.
Similar for me but I started on Atari and Philips G7000 video pack,the latter was a rival to Atari,also I had a vic20 computer. I used to play pong clones. I had NES but it was the Mastersystem that blew me away. I had MEGADRIVE and SNES and I respected both but it was the N64 that changed everything for me,in particular 4player Goldeneye and Mario kart and ocarina was from another world,bloody great times of my gaming life. I have had all Ninty and Sony machines since those days but nothing had the impact on me like N64 had. The switch is the only Ninty machine I don't have interest in,I just don't get a good vibe from it. Oh forgot to mention I loved the Saturn and Dreamcast
NOBODY is getting Imaginators. Ow.
...Where is the option: I suffer several health issues like chest pain and high blood pressure because the HYPE levels are out of rational proportions?
I got an email from Bestbuy saying my preorder was cancelled. They said it's happening to everyone, and that it should be fixed within the next couple days. That's cutting it close. Has anyone else experienced this?
Wow you're OG gamer lol.
I had a Genesis, was a Sega loving kid in elementary school. Also owned every Sony handheld and console aside from PSone, and all the Nintendo handhelds at some point and time, even if I sold soon after.
It's crazy seeing the landscape change.
I'll buy it next year with Mario.
Very much looking forward to the launch. I have console and Zelda preordered. Normally when I preorder from Nintendo UK, the item arrives on the Wednesday. Hoping it's business as usual.
I'll also get Fast RMX and snipperclips.
Just got back from retro video game market and made a mint so that I can get bomberman as well😊
Over the past week I've read alot of preview articles on the Nintendo Switch and they all gave Switch alot of praise Endgadget, Forbes, Time, and Kotkau all said alot of really great things about Switch calling it sleek, powerful, sexy tech.,high quality and even going as far as saying Nintendo has created something special and magical again which in turn has got me excited again to get the Switch it definitely seems to have more interest in it than Wii U did and reviewers are saying alot more great things about Switch than they did the Wii U which is great news for Nintendo and us gamers.
@JaxonH I know we didn't realise it at the time, but we were seeing the evolution of gaming. It's always Nintendo that innovate too. They always impress with their new hardware, even if, in the case of the Wii U, developers never get to grips with it.
The Switch is what I've always wanted. A true, uncompromising gaming experience on the go and multiplayer that you can carry around with you.
Looking forward to it, only my third actual launch day console (after GameCube in 2002 and Wii in 2006). I just really like the look of the hardware and there's enough software pending to make it worthwhile. Just hope my Joy Cons work!
@JaxonH I still have my Colecovision hanging out in my closet
Another in the over-30's club here. In fact I left my 30s behind last month.
I work shifts including nights, have a wife and a child (with hopefully another on the way), have to travel to see family and a very powerful handheld will fit perfectly into my life.
Yeah I am a old school gamer of 47 young. The changers have been amazing and some times sad,the most saddest in recent times was Wii U and Vita failing. I have heard everything over the years online or in old game magazines about the downfall of this or the success of that,let me tell you all this The switch will be a big success and it will change the gaming landscape in ways Ninty know how but on the other hand I won't be buying,well not for a few years.
"If Mario Kart 8 didn't make Wii Us fly off the shelves, why would it randomly do that for the Switch?"
The same reasons Call of Duty Ghosts was on Wii U and PS4 but one sold and one didn't. Or Animal Crossing was on GameCube and DS but one sold and one didn't. They're different machines.
@GrailUK Get real. We don't all have to think that everything Nintendo does is brilliant. I liked the Wii U. The rest of the world didn't.
@KraniX I said I wasn't buying it at launch, not that I wasn't ever buying it. Couldn't you spend your time more productively not berating other people for having a discussion and offering their views, preferrably on another site.
@Anti-Matter Sounds like it will be a great system for you.
And meanwhile, I'm sitting here in the corner just getting started on a PS2.
Talk about being an outsider.
Actually mario kart on wii u did help the system sell in the millions,if it wasn't for MK then wii u sales wouldn't have reached double figures, it was a huge game for wii u just like it will be for switch
I thought you were Mr. No-"Cuss"-Nazi?
What happened?
I hope it does change gaming. I genuinely love the hybrid concept. It's a perfect middle ground of quality graphics, home gaming, handheld gaming and seamless transition between the two.
I'd love to see Sony follow suit one day with a PS Switch. Wish all consoles would quit focusing on powerhouse graphics and go with sensible functionality. But I do like power consoles too, so... there's room for both.
@Pod yeah, seriously. To me, that's the one game that represents what was bad about Wii U. A 3rd party game may make it but not as good a deal as other platform due to missing content or features. I hope that doesn't become a trend again. I don't think it will.
@Manjushri Didn't shame anyone, and there's plenty of people in the comments who aren't excited but nobody criticized them. I got no issues with people who aren't hyped, and like I said I won't be buying at launch either. I've explained in another comment why I said what I said, so best to look at them before you attempt to jump on the bandwagon
Thanks a lot, man.
I hope you enjoy your Switch, as will I, come December.
EDIT: Sorry, didn't see your earlier comment. I guess we will simultaneously enjoy our Switches when Christmas hits then, ha ha.
My pre-order package is over $700 CDN... and I don't even feel bad about that.
@Switch81tch wow. You nailed it. I bought the same games for them consoles
@iGen enjoy. Massive massive library.
I still go back to the mega drive with the streets of rage games and golden axes
@GrailUK don't give him sympathy... It's his own fault! He's gonna be missing out on all that SWITCH fun just to try and prove a point that Wii U was a failure... I still don't understand his train of thought though lol
@Pod imaginators is for the younger players and we're all old gits lol
Thanks a ton! I will.
I'm thinking of getting the Genesis Collection for it sometime. The Genesis (or Mega Drive) has always sort of interested me, so that could be good to do.
@AcesHigh I'm gonna have to start a 40s+ gaming page on Facebook... Oh, btw.... Head on over to Switchmonsters page!
Still debating if I should:
A). Buy it at launch.
B). Wait for my birthday, so I wouldn't have to buy it.
C). Wait until Christmas, because the VC and more games will be out by then.
The hype is killing me. I REALLY want to play Zelda! But what should I do?!
botw is going to be an epic game and with edge magazine giving a 10 the hype for it is going to get even higher.
@cfgk24 Substitute GameStop for Amazon and I'm an answer to your question.
If you're that hyped, and clearly plan to buy anyways... may as well not deprive yourself and just jump in.
@beazlen1 Wii Sports didnt shift those units, the unique control method did. The game helped showcase those controls, but you are mis attributing the system's success.
I might buy it someday. I'm not hyped but I'll be interested in seeing one in the flesh.
The only thing that can sell Switch to me is the games Nintendo make for it. I hope it's a success.
I have my preorder placed, will be getting it at midnight launch with breath of the wild. That's all I need to start out with, I might get fast rmx later but I don't really like digital releases.
I voted I'm excited but can function daily. I mostly get excited and come on Nintendolife at night. The hype is growing for me knowing it's coming close. I took my girlfriend to he movies about 2 hours ago, and lol and behold, a Switch commercial before the previews! It's nice to see marketing and I think the Switch should have a decent buildup ramped up at E3, leading into the holidays.
I'm getting switch when Mario comes out playing zelda on wiiu. Would love to see some wiiu footage but nobody seems to have it. I know edge mentioned it in there review but haven't see images or a video
I would like to buy, but in my country nintendo don`t give support,
because of that there are some people chargeing too money for a nintendo switch....it`s cheeper to go abroud to buy one then to buy here in Brazil...sad T_T
@ghasfarost Why is it better suited?
@JaxonH Makes sense.
@Misternintyguy Nintendo released Wii U games consistently for a while. The switch seems to have a similar level of support so far.
@HappyMaskedGuy Maybe. But only if the Switch sells well, as Mario Kart 8 is not a great game.
@electrolite77 I'm just wondering why Thomas specifically picked a remake of a game as being key, rather than a new one.
Not at launch due to it being sold out everywhere, sadly. Ah well, soon it'll restock. But luckily I preordered Zelda for the U! Woot!
I would have never guessed😏
Seriously, I can understand not wanting to get in without exclusives. As a PS4 gamer, this is a secondary console for me, and as such, 4-6 games are plenty for me. Hopefully you can have a reason to "Switch" in 2018!
@sandman89 they are nearly identical. Any feature that would be unique to Wii U or to Switch was left out, including second screen (Wii U) and HD Rumble (Switch). The embargo is also still in place I think.
edit: to clarify, I think the second screen just mirrors the map, but no touch controls, like inventory in the HD remakes.
I'm excited for the Switch, but would be lying if I didn't say I was also disappointed. It definitely feels like a system rushed in to the marketplace because Wii U had failed so badly. No apps, not many games ready, launch line up is changing weeks before release, overall network is not established yet with no live date announced. I sure hope Nintendo can pull this off because I love Nintendo.
I'll buy it in about a year's time. This is just the Zelda U launch for me
Wii u it s graet system.. Unike game play. Some decent exclusive,s. Nindie tittles..from Friday big U will be a retro gaming... Switch time.. So hyped.. New zelda cant wait.. I even book holidays for Fri and Monday.. On Sunday I going to big dancig event and I change my plans for travelling.. Train instead a car.. Its heaper to go there by car.and definitely back. Still I,m so happy I saved by that 4 hours in my Nintendo wekend. And i will.be able to test kickstand straight aways.. M8k deluxe with two items definitely must buy.. No more loosing online becouse of bad luck driving with one banana or coin.. I,m 33 and so excited for new nintendo..and i still think switch is cheap for value.. Tablets and mobile phones are more expensive with less power and no proper games.. And i think even laptop for same price are not able to compare witch switch.. Battery live. 20 pounds and I got external battery for 10 more hour playing on the go.
Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah YeahYeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah YeahYeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah YeahYeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeaaaaaahhh...
I'm more excited to play Breath of the Wild, then I am the Switch to be honest. Still happy to get the Switch this week though.
Can't wait for Switch!!
@abe_hikura Sorry to read about the health scare. I hope things are looking positive for you.
I'll be getting a Switch in the future, likely in about a year at the earliest. As with all system launches, I would prefer for a few more games to show up before I invest in some new hardware.
I am still very excited, but I can at least function on a day-to-day basis...almost.
@Yasume I'm getting it now while I can. It's going to be hard to come by 😀
Yeah, my kids cannot wait.
Not only that though, kids friends (10 and 13) were equally hyped when they were told I was getting one. They had seen adverts on TV and said something about their 3DS's popping adverts up over the past few weeks. Excellent free advertising Nintendo!
Somehow, February feels like the longest month of the year...
Got it on reserve, and confirmed available for me to pick up, which will happen on launch day. I don't feel anything in terms of hype, or even excitement. I'll see what it's about, when I get it in my hands, and not before.
Trying to stay away from any unboxing videos and previews. Trying to stay untainted for when I first bring the new member of the family home ; p
@RainbowGazelle "If Mario Kart 8 didn't make Wii Us fly off the shelves, why would it randomly do that for the Switch?"
Such a dumb argument. You could apply that to pretty much every game that ends up being released (aside from something like Pokémon, which Wii U never had) on Switch. So therefore, no Nintendo console for the rest of time can ever be successful, because Wii U wasn't.
Nothing to interest me at launch, but I'm not closed to the possibility of getting one later in the year if they announce something enticing enough at E3.
To be fair, there are games I want but nothing to make me want to go out and buy the console.
The switch has atleast something for everybody,it's genius. Powerhouse consoles are great and they have their place in the world,if I was to lean towards one then it would be ps4 just because I like uncharted and The last of us plus horizon looks bloody great. Ninty also have their place in the gaming world and the switch doesn't have to be a powerhouse it just has to be Nintymariohouse doing what they do best. They have given us a alternative system and this time they got it right,because of what it does and offers consumers something different ppl should rejoice not hate upon a wonderful genius concept that the house of mario built
@Manjushri why so rude? Need some education yourself? Sad!
@JaxonH Thing is, the only game at launch that interests me is Zelda (and eventually Mario Kart Deluxe when that comes out in April). I could just wait until Christmas knowing more games will be out by that time. But who knows what I'll end up doing.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE I like the Wii-U but the battery on the gamepad is pretty bad.
Oh yeah I saw two adverts for Switch 1-2 tonight during the Simpsons.
30+ club here! Checking my Best Buy order on the reg even though they'll e-mail me when it ships.
Only bad part about my preorder is that it's being shipped...so I have no excuse to take the day off work!
Reason why I won't be buying zelda for my wii u. MKDeluxe is pointless for me because I have it on wii u. Splatoon is OK but not great not enticing enough for me to get a switch for it,but passed time away for me on wii u. Mario oddessey is no good for me cause I don't like platformers. So I have to wait for a new Mprime or whatever tickles my fancy. If the mario kart game was a new edition then the switch would have been a essential purchase for me but alas I have to wait
I gotchya. That Xenoblade 2 though... and that Fire Emblem Switch... And that Shin Megami Tensei in Unreal Engine 4... And even though they can be obtained on one or more other consoles, Zelda, Skyrim and Dragon Quest XI are all games I'm super excited for and would love to have as handheld games. Kinda same thing with MK8 really. The battle mode is awesome, don't get me wrong, but it's that portability factor that makes it appealing, way more so than a 3DS port would be.
Arms looks cool too though. I'm interested in that one. (and Mario isn't my favorite franchise, but I do really enjoy them, particularly the 3D entries). I'm with you on that Metroid though. Definitely with you on that.
Ya, what I was trying to say though, is if you're going to get one by Christmas anyways, what's the logic in waiting. Won't save you any money (well, it's possible it could have a game bundled then), and you'll just be getting 1 year less with the system for your money than if you got now. And since you said you were hyped, why deprive yourself. Spend $300 now and enjoy throughout 2017 or spend $300 later and forfeit that entire year of enjoyment you could have had for the same money you end up spending anyways.
Idk, that's my logic, and that's why I never wait. Even if waiting a year or two saw a $50 price drop, I weigh it and say ok, what would I rather have... 1-2 extra years with a system I want, or 50 bucks. And it's the same answer every time...
My body and soul is ready!
...if I can manage to find one at launch day.
@Alshain01 I'd say it would be fair to say that games sold the 3DS, even though it was failing pretty hard in its early days. The lack of software at launch and for a while thereafter was a weak point, but when the games came along so did the sales.
I was hyped for the NX, then as details about the switch came out and the lack of must have games for me, I'm just left as meh. I hope it does sell well and gets a decent audience because I still plan on picking one up later down the line. If I didn't have a wiiU it would have been a different story and for anyone who skipped the wiiU should definitely pick up the Switch. But as for me it will be more of a Christmas purchase rather than a launch.
Hype for the Switch - Not enough money sadly, I'd love to get one at launch but I can wait
Hype for Zelda - Absolutely and wholeheartedly through the roof
@Yasume here is some tissues
Although I'm not getting it at launch, I'd love to see what leads up in a few months after launch, like new hardware or game announcements in future Directs or E3, the Switch so far seems to have a lot of potential, although the launch line-up is a bit soft, in time there will be enough to please everyone.
Everyone has their own valid point in why they will or will not purchase it now/later. I'm personally grabbing it at launch. I love the idea of console games on the go and plan on buying most 3rd party releases on it because of that. For those that aren't interested right away that's just fine. What they are looking for in the console just isn't there yet. Each to their own! Have a great week, all!
Got it pre-ordered, taking the day off from work to pick it up and get started, and am hoping Zelda and I Am Setsuna will keep me occupied until the games I REALLY want are released later this year. Meanwhile, the kids will have to sit tight for LEGO City Undercover and Mario Kart 8 Deluxe.
A very stupid person that may or may not be me didn't pre-order the Switch so they will be trying their luck at launch.
@RainbowGazelle Mario Kart 8 is undoubtedly an excellent game. Both critically and commercially, despite Wii U's tiny install base. I like your avatar by the way
Woah now, I voted for Imaginators, but it still says 0%. I guess it must round down.
But that won't be at launch. Just Zelda, Bomberman, and 1-2 Switch there.
Just to throw in a little anecdote on the topic up above about whether a game can be a system seller or not, I have experience with that. Back in 2000, I didn't have any plans or desire to buy a Dreamcast. Marvel vs Capcom 2 was released for the system. IMO, it was and has continued to be one of th finest 2D fighters ever. I spent nearly my whole paycheck (I was in between my junior and senior year of high school working a summer job) on a Dreamcast and that game, it was worth it. In the end, I know it didn't matter much to the grand scheme of things for the console. But I guess it's a situation that would be different to an individual gamer. And honestly, there aren't many genre defining games released today that command that kind of desire. From the early impressions , it sounds like BotW could be that game.
As for the Switch, I'm beyond excited. But then, I get excited for every new console launch, whether or not I plan to buy it. I do have an extra special place in my heart for Nintendo. You can maybe call me a fanboy. But I've just about every home and handheld console they've released (excluding the Virtual Boy) and I'll be getting the Switch (either close to launch if I can find one or in a month for my birthday).
I'm set. Pre order from Nintendo NY. They said during the preorder there would be enough games and accessories on the day.
I've cleared my whole day and even Jedi mind tricked my family to be elsewhere....
So: early rise and get home with new hardware and games. Didn't do the Wii U so I'm even looking forward to the ports.
Saturday will be Just Dance with the nipper and snipperclips and maybe 12S.
Only draw back for me: no Bluetooth headphone support. Talk about first world problems.
Somehow, in my country Indonesia, there is a seller put very insane price for Switch price. It cost 6,700,000 IDR or US$ 500 for machine + 2 free games.
That's insane !
I wasn't hyped for Wii U either.
Ended up trading a Zelda 3ds for it straight up so I basically got mine for $150. Might have to wait for something similar where Switch deal is too good not to get.
That said, I ended up loving my wii U because of the Year of Luigi games, DKC:TF, MK8, Mario Maker, offscreen play while wife has movie going, etc. Hopeful for Switch at some point too.
The closer it gets to launch the less I like the system!
To many casual games in the line up.
The line up is rubbish.
Half the features aren't available on launch.
Instead of a direct we get a crappy indies thing.
The joys cons have issues.
The headphones have to be cable.
And so it goes on!
@Senpai_Bruh you ever think about "oh what if I got into a brutal car accident and crushed all my fingers?" You probably don't. But the point is just get it before you die
I'm hella stoked! Zelda FTW!!!! (the curse way)
@youkoaoshi I really love your sentiment, I'm very attached to my 3DS for my on the go and love my wiiU for home console (plus I buy crossbuy eShop games) so I'm really happy at moment. But I REALLY hope it sells well because when I'm done with one or the other system I plan on picking up the Switch.
The wait is torture! I finally managed to preorder both the Switch and Breath of the Wild so I am really looking forward to the next weekend~
TBH, I booked the whole day off work to be there for when my Switch is delivered. But I still haven't been able to decide on a game just yet. None of them interest me at all. But Bomberman R and Shovel Knight are looking to be last resorts that I don't particularly feel good about.
That being said, I know things will only get better, and when I get my hands on Splatoon 2 & Dragon Quest X, things will be looking up. A few others besides, but you get my meaning.
Also, for the people in the poll who never plan on getting a Switch... Why even take the poll at all? It baffles me. It really does.
@Raptor78 I'm right there with you! I hope it does well for Nintendo and for the fans!
@timson72 I'm not familiar with Xbox, but here are 10 for PS4 (for me at least):
Uncharted 4
Gravity Rush 2
The Last Guardian
Until Dawn
Horizon: Zero Dawn
Resident Evil 7
The Last of Us: Part Two
Crash Bandicoot N Sane Trilogy
Final Fantasy VII Remake
Detroit: Become Human
I don''t own a PS4, but will probably buy it in 2018. Well, unless the Switch gets some amazing announcements this year, but I honestly doubt that.
@Yasume 10....lol
@EJzelda He asked me to name 10, so I did. What's your point?
@Yasume street fighter 5
@Yasume Don't forget Bloodborne, that game was amazing
I was planning on getting one around launch but then I found out that my truck licensing tags have increased nearly $300 this year due to a transit tax that was passed by the voters last year. So, goodbye new Switch at launch. Maybe later in the year.
Still undecided... can't justify the purchase, but on Friday I will be so tempted! I know I should just get BotW on Wii U really though...
I had considered canceling my pre-order. Was bummed about no bluetooth headset support, the Joy Con issue, and Nintendo just continuing to answer questions with "we can't answer that right now." That one is the most frustrating. I am going to stick it out and get it though. The more I see about Zelda the more excited I get. The Switch has potential IMO to be great. I am excited about it.
@Biffclaven ugh!
@cloud36426 switch supports afterglow headsets and i saw them on the switch wall at gamestop.
@Yasume that's a good list in general, except for a couple of things: a) 4 of these games are not even out yet (well, 5, but Horizon is coming out next week so that's fine), b) and 3 out of those 4 have no release dates either. Do keep in mind that the Crash trilogy is definitely not exclusive, and all we know about the FF remake is that it will come to Playstation first, but we don't know whether it will be exclusive or not. It's completely up to SE
@Camilla Bluetooth? I read where Nintendo stated there was no support for Bluetooth headsets. I hope I am wrong.
@cloud36426 im talking about afterglow headsets which switch does support and blue tooth maybe down the road.
Ready. To. Rock. Let's launch this thing.
Yeah, despite a handful of annoying niggles, I think the launch is going to a pretty big success. Hopefully Nintendo can quickly iron out all the wrinkles and turn this system into something truly special.
@Yasume Like most consoles, the exclusive line up is thin. PS4 didn't have all those exclusives for years, some not even out yet. Nintendo has time. You can complain in a few years if they don't have many sure.
I can't really afford a Switch at launch, and it is sold out anyways here in the US. I'd like to see what else Nintendo has up their sleeves with the Switch at E3, so I'll probably buy one during the 2nd half of this year. Either that, or I''l buy one when the price comes down.
I thought I was done with home consoles. Wii being my last Nintendo home console but the switch has dragged me in (helps that it's a hybrid). The hype is real!
i'm getting zelda on wii u... so i'm not interested in any of those games, fast looks good but just another rehash of what i already have
Zelda's hitting Wii U and so I just don't feel the need for Switch right now.
I bought Twilight Princess for GameCube and am still happy with that decision.
It's a very different feeling this time around as opposed to the Wii U's release. I enjoyed and continue to enjoy that system, but the hype level is much stronger this time around. Rather than it being simply the next Nintendo, folks seem genuinely excited to see what it can do.
I'm sure many of those will come down the line. I think Nintendo needs to ensure that the Switch is a success with a sizeable install base before investing in developing accessories. We saw a ton of unique Wii accessories thanks to its immense success, from both Nintendo and 3rd parties, but very few Wii U accessories thanks to its failure in the market.
@DBPirate where there's a will, there's a way. Get to a major seller as early as possible . Good luck !
@cloud36426 @DBPirate where there's a will, there's a way. Get to a major seller as early as possible . Good luck !
I'm liking some of what I hear. Switch is looking better to me today then 30 days ago.
Couldn't secure a preorder, but I'll try my luck at the midnight release!
@RainbowGazelle this has me bothered as well... All the games can be played elsewhere. But my sister's theory is that lots of people want to play mk8 and Splatoon, but few ( hell only 10 million) decided to buy in to Wii u.
She thinks switch will be successful.
The disparity between NL polls and NL comments threads are hysterical. When you follow the comments it's "Switch is doomed, Nintendo can't do it right" and "I'll get one eventually for Metroid, but not interest now" and "I'm waiting for a price drop!"
Then you read the polls and get 90% "I NEED IT NOW!!" and "Buying all the games!!1"
Also, we need a moment of silence for poor Skylanders. 0% after the poll's been up all day. Even Just Dance got 1%. I kinda feel sorry for it.
@Yasume What console are you/were you excited for? It seems like some of your comments recently on the Switch have been a little negative, and has me wondering why you are commenting on here? Still I get not everyone will be interested in the Switch.
@Spoony_Tech Bomberman has been a huge Family affair in this house. There has been many 5 player battles at BBQ's and Birthday parties we hosted over the years. Our favorite Version of Bomberman is Bomberman 94 from the PCEngine. When it came out on Wii Virtual Console we were overjoyed. These new versions just dont have a cool and colorful look to them. Im buying the new Bomberman but i will wait and see if the Virtual console has any old versions first. I also will wait for a price drop on the new version. We also enjoyed the DS version when we could get 5 DS systems in the house for head to head local wifi. Some people would say Saturn Bomberman was the best version ever. It had some cool options like tons of avatars but we always go back to Bomberman 94.
Im chomping at the bit to see what RPG's the Switch gets. If it goes anything like we got on 3DS the Switch will be very successful. I think finally Nintendo is targeting the older 30 somethings and 40 somethings who grew up with Nintendo. The commercials have had all older players in them. Its important too for kids to love the system and with the ip's nintendo has there will be a good balance there for older and younger gamers.
As of now, I plan on buying the games that I feel like getting first and I'll check next door on my lunch breaks for the system. If the store has them, I might as well grab it, but I'll probably leave it in box until there's a must play game.
65% preorders in the poll (at the time of writing) come on people what's with you?!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2rIJmGj4g-s<---- -RELEVANT-
I say im 70% down for a day 1 purchase. Basically depending on the game prices (Our local story usually differs from the suggested retail price).
Plus, we've been hit by a pickpocket, so the wholesale spending plan went down the drain :/
Day 1 if our retailer doesn't overshoot the pricing on Shovelknight and Zelda. Bomberman sadly fell from the consideration list due to the money loss :/
Oh well, i can always get it later
@Alshain01 Fair point on the price versus power, but factoring in that there really isn't anything like the Switch sets it's value differently for me. Comparing it to other similar mobile consoles like the Vita at $199 new, this is $100 more and has a better screen and a LOT more power. The Vita struggles on most games to keep even 30 fps when the Switch holds 60 fps at 720p (Vita is only 544p).
Comparing it other home consoles, the Switch is underpowered but it features processing power somewhat on par with Xbox One outputting 1080p 60 fps in many games or on demanding games like Zelda 900p 30 fps. Granted Zelda is a game developed originally for the Wii U and given another year or two could have possibly been a lot more optimized for the Switch.
For me Nintendo will guaranteed throw down some of it's best games on the Switch, with E3 likely being more telling on what more we can expect. The eShop could open up mobile possibilities for Gamecube or just other new and classic games. Nintendo so far seems to be showing a lot of support from third party developers though I would like to see them more actively show off their work. For decades many Nintendo fans typically buy Nintendo games for Nintendo consoles, but even the Wii has shown that when Nintendo has an idea that catches on with the public, third parties will follow.
Time will tell how well the Switch will do, though personally I am pretty excited, probably even more so than when the Wii U launched. And I have typically bought most recent consoles when they release with the Switch being one that I am more excited for than most other console releases in the past few years.
@Nico07 Well, I understand that perfectly. Each person is going to be different. The comes back to advertising. Nintendo seems insistent it isn't a mobile, it's a console. So you can't compare it to the Vita by that standard, you have to compare it to the XBox One and PS4. The PS4 is cheaper and more powerful. So for users like me, that are not interested in a gimmick of being able to go mobile, what reason is there to buy this instead of a PS4? Of course in my case I don't want a PS4 either, but you know if I did want a console that had nothing unique from my PC, what reason would I have to purchase this one at that price? The answer is, in that case I would be buying a PS4. I don't know why you say this is on par with XBox One, I'm pretty sure it's weaker there too.
Perhaps it is mis-marketing, perhaps they should be advertising this as the replacement to the 3DS.... but mis-marketing is one of the top 5 reasons people claim the Wii U failed. Nintendo doesn't seem to have learned a thing from their mistakes.
I cannot wait for friday i have booked the day off for it.
Switch is so damn powerful for its size. It is truly impressive. Hype confirmed.
I Pre-Ordered my Switch last month with GameStop, and it will for sure be here on the third!! Very excited. I am gonna get Fast RMX digitally and I have a copy of BoTW coming from Amazon. I am a bit nervous that it will not be here launch day because of Amazon's iffy past, but this is my first time pre-ordering with them. (Angry Joe's Titanfall 2 experiance has me worried, but I am hopeful that it will make it in time.). I am hyped out of my mind and will be able to test out all of its features right away as two days after launch I am heading on vacation so I will be testing out the single Joy Con multiplayer in Fast RMX with my sister. It seems like my Wii U and PS4 won't be seeing much play time for a while!!
@thesilverbrick Perhaps, I'm not really up into mobile sales. That is a different market. So, I couldn't say in that case, but here I am talking about consoles.
Is it just me or anyone else not much hyped about the Switch release? I mean I am getting the Switch day one, had it Pre-ordered the second it was put up for order. But if I'm completely honest I'm only buying it because I know down the line there's definitely going to be great games for the Switch. Atleast they're pushing the Switch marketing properly this time around but the Switch announcement wasn't anything special and the launch is lacklustre. I don't see switch is going to attract non-Nintendo gamers. They could still make their own market but as a ps4 owner, i don't see why i should buy switch. People who never played Nintendo console wouldn't care or bother because they're not gonna consider buying switch thinking down the line it's going to have great games and funny I could play Zelda on a Wii U which i bought initially to play Zelda and years later I'm gonna play that very Zelda game on a switch. I'm still getting it day one and I was gonna get it anyway whether it was hyped or not but I'm intrested to see how it fares among other gamers. I'm excited for the future but not hyped for the launch
I probably cant afford to buy the switch this week but im buying it anyway. Its going to be instant coffee and beans for the next 2 weeks lol
@Kuhang It's just you.
@Kalmaro could be, i won't deny
@Kuhang I couldn't be more excited. My only hope is that we get a discounted full version of Pokkén tournament.
@Yasume Stop commenting here.
I'm not gonna drop the cash at launch. I just don't have the money to. I'm hoping to wait until the prices for things go down just a tad so I can afford it.
@RainbowGazelle Oh really? The comment section on a site made specifically for Nintendo fans is there for people who dislike Nintendo to incessantly besiege those Nintendo fans with comment after comment about how much they hate Nintendo? That's surprising.
@BLD You seem to be missing the entire purpose of this site.
@Kalmaro I'm excited thinking about the possibilities of games that the Switch will get in the following years but for launch there is nothing that caught me off guard in the announcement and surprised me to get my hype up. I knew exactly what to expect from it and got something close to that. Ofcourse I'm excited to play Zelda, but it's Snipperclips that has the rest of my interest and I'll finally be playing a Bomberman game in a decade so all's good just not Super hyped.
I'll be buying mine at smyths purely so can pick it up at midnight and play it slightly earlier
@SLIGEACH_EIRE The Wii U may have been a "disaster" in terms of its lifetime sales, but it wasn't a disaster by a long shot for most of the people who owned one. The system has been home to some great games, between Nintendo's first-party effort and that of numerous indies that brought some very interesting games to it.
@Megas Hey, just wanted to say I can relate to your comment. I have some issues with social anxiety and have had a few panic attacks in my life. I'm planning on going to a midnight launch, and one of the things that helps me in situations like that is to remind myself that everyone there (mostly) shares my love for Nintendo, and are probably excited and eager to be friendly to a fellow fan. It's a rare opportunity to be surrounded by Nintendo diehards, and remembering that while I'm standing in line adds a layer of fun that sets it apart from the typical crowd scenario, which helps me get through it with a relatively normal heart rate.
Pre-ordered back in January but several things have come up since, financial wise. Not sure if I can afford it now looks like I'll have to cancel my pre-order, unless a fellow gamer has a spare few dollars they can loan me
Happy gaming for those who get it.
Honestly I think the negative comments are doing it the right way, lol, I worry because I am so enthusiastic/excited that I am setting myself up for disappointment. Honestly I will be pretty happy even with a few quality games like zelda, splatoon etc. but if the Switch does end up doing poorly and goes the way of the Vita, it will hurt way more than if I had been more realistic (pessimistic?) about the launch.
That being said, I am still super excited, there are already so many games I am looking forward to, 10 games I want to play on switch is an easy number for me, in particular because I have always been more of a handheld fan so I count some games as "handheld exclusives".
Whee, midnight launch.
@Yasume You get a pass, somewhat because I love Cammy Meele (your avatar)!
@cfgk24 That's a great idea!
Very hyped. I'm in my forties and I plan to be lining up Thursday night, hoping to get a Switch, and Zelda since I wasn't able to preorder.
Also, I was at the Nintendo store in New York today and the hype was real. Great to see the Switch up close. I bought a BOTW T-shirt, and I'm just sad I couldn't already get a Switch.
@Megas I have a lot of social anxiety, too. I do much better in groups of Nintendo fans, though. The fact that almost everybody will be there to play Zelda makes it a lot less stressful. I'm not a super Zelda player but you can always bond with people who love the franchise.
@PanurgeJr They wouldn't be best buds. They'd moan about each other constantly to anyone who would listen. They'd make condescending lists of what the other person would have to do to be a "good friend". They'd talk about how the other person used to be great when they were a child, but unfortunately will suffer a very bleak future unless they follow their carefully written advice.
It'd be the most disfunctional relationship ever.
@Aslanmagic lol I'm 50 and will be doing the midnight! 😆
@Maxz My bad.
@RainbowGazelle people til this day don't even know Wii U exist. Switch is getting the message out way better. Wii u was hardly (half hearted attempt) advertised. Remember this is March and its generating a lot of buzz .. this holiday season it could be even bigger with Super Mario Odyssey (at the time of holiday season Switch will have a larger existing lineup)
@Yasume So you only have a PC then? Aside from that the only thing on the market that has that is the Wii U
@Coderie this ain't a launch with half hearted games.. this is a launch with a masterpiece (zelda) which has already received high scores so far. and some great indies.
@gcunit why thank you, everything should be fine.
@Megas Can you get someone to pick it up for you? That way yu can still get it straight away and also be nice and rested and relaxed when you plug it in and start playing.
I've had a preorder for a very long time, at least a year ago when my local EB had an entry for the 'NX'. My 7 year old son also has a preorder, he has been immensely excited since the October teaser.
I'd get one, but I can't afford it now. Well, at least I have a PS4 Pro to enjoy!
@BAN agreed (wii u being great for those who owned it) ... what made wii u bad was bad messaging, small effort in advertising, poor name choice, customer confusion, an expensive gamepad (which prevented Nintendo from having price cuts).. Switch however was made in such a way to be profitable day one and could receive price drops as needed. The gamepad was so limited it kind of killed its potential.. however with Switch you can connect to multiple units (8) and that experience becomes way better for co-op. Wii u has some great games and i do not plan on getting rid of mine.
Got to play switch in Toronto Canada and I am really looking forward to getting it (pre ordered @ Eb games). My only complaint right now is I wish I could have pre ordered the colour version. Seeing those blue and red joy cons in person I have to say they look awesome!
@sazcube Agrees, I don't like the actual colours but in reality they really do pop... Made me grab the neon one.
Had the Switch pre-ordered for ages, bought "every" main Nintendo console since the NES, but, for once I've decided to let my head rule my heart when it comes to a Nintendo console and I decided to do the most sensible thing "for me" and cancel my pre-order just a few days ago.
Really want the Switch to do well and I hope Nintendo gives me a good reason to pick one up in the future, but, right now I just think the system is to much of a gamble, so I've gone for Breath of the Wild on my Wii U.
At the end of the day there's just nothing exciting enough to give me a good reason to buy a Switch on or near launch, I agree with others that say the most exciting game announced is Mario Odyssey and right now that seems an age away and that's if it even comes out on time which with Nintendo is always doubtful.
Just for the record anyone who is getting one on launch good luck with it hope it turns out to be a good purchase for you!
I'm getting excited. Pre-ordered from Best Buy back in January and will be getting Zelda, 1-2 Switch, and Snipperclips. Will buy accessories like the pro controller and maybe extra joy-cons if they are in stock anywhere on Friday.
Ill get one in a few months time once the options are better. Ill play Zelda on the wiiu just as i had always intended.
@EJzelda No, PS4 has a lot more great exclusives. I just named the 10 that I'm most excited for. There's also Bloodborne, Infamous, Nioh, Ni no Kuni II, God of War and Days Gone, just to name a few.
@ThomasBW84 @Damo
Does anyone know if the digital version of BotW on Wii U will require that 3GB patch required for the retail version? Or if it'll be available for pre-purchase/pre-download on Wii U? I've been trying to find this information and can't. So I'm either dumb and just overlooking it, or nothing's really been posted about it.
Also, I'm not really sure where else to post this, so I'm sorry if it's off topic.
@MadAdam81 I've got multiple systems. The most recent ones I've got are a Vita, 3DS and a Wii U.
@BAN lol why? You think this site is exclusive to Nintendo fanboys? I also happen to like some of the games they produce, so I've got plenty of reasons to be here. Just don't respond to me if you don't like my posts.
@Nico07 I'm not particularly excited for any console right now. I'll probably get a PS4 next year, because of its solid library, but I'm more interested in handhelds. That's why the Switch is such a letdown to me as it offers a barebones amount of good games, has outdated hardware and has all the signs of a Wii U 2.0.
@BAN "The Wii U may have been a "disaster" in terms of its lifetime sales, but it wasn't a disaster by a long shot for most of the people who owned one. The system has been home to some great games, between Nintendo's first-party effort and that of numerous indies that brought some very interesting games to it. It's too bad you didn't enjoy yours."
Are you simple? Learn how to read. "I liked the Wii U." (#185) This is what I'm up against. Window lickers and blind fanboys.
lol me to. it has splatoon so that means i'm there, no questions asked. then you remember all the other cool stuff that's going to be on it too. dam its good to be a gamer.
ps4 has been worth getting for a long time now. how come you waited on that one?
@retribution I'm more into handhelds. Also, I've only got 30mins -1 hour a day to play video games, so I get through my backlog with a very slow pace.
Got my neon Switch, Zelda, Bomberman, a pro controller and the official case all paid off. Getting 1-2 Switch and Fast RMX in a couple of weeks and Sonic Mania and Puyo Puyo Tetris when they come out in April. Arms will be my May game and Splatoon 2 will probably be out shortly after. So pumped for Thursday night!
sorry to hear you don't have much time to game. i'm 35 with 3 kids, I know how life can take over. have you thought about restructuring so you get more gaming time?. its good for you
(combined with a good diet and exercise. lol)
A) Not going to get it for a few years. Reasons being too crazy high European launch price and too many older game still to be played on various devices
B) If I had a Switch I would get FAST RMX and Snipperclips since Zelda will be a Wii U purchase
C) Not really excited, Nintendo has not said really anything about the console, the OS, the Virtual Console etc.
Too many open questions and four days to launch.
@retribution Sounds hectic. How much game time can you squeeze in?
I literally can't. I started studying law in 2016, because I wanted something different with my life which takes up around 30 hours a week. I also have to work 25 hours next to it to maintain a decent living. I also excercise roughly 8 - 10 hours a week, because I'm an amateur bodybuilder. My other free time goes to my friends. Only got that 1 hour before bed time lol
Me and my brother will try to get one on friday evening, since we have to work (me) and to go to university (him) during the day, but we are both pretty excited.
For those that have missed it the closing paragraph from the EDGE review due out on Thursday but already available to subscribers:
"A game that evokes feelings we haven't felt for 20 years. Not since Ocarina of Time have we set foot in a world that feels so mind bogglingly vast and unerringly magical...... 19 years on Ocarina is still held up as the high water mark of gamings best loved and greatest series. Now it may have to settle for second place."
It scored a 10.
In the years to come Breath of the Wild is going to be topping all those 'best game ever' lists. Ask yourself one question: where were you?
I'll get one, but likely in 2018. Just like every other console launch in the last 5 years, I've not even considered for a moment buying it day 1. I'm getting Breath of the Wild on Wii U (VERY excited for the game) and the rest of the launch looks like shovel ware.
I eventually buy all the consoles, so
I'm never short of games to play. It makes sense to wait for there to be 10+ games I'd want and can't get anywhere else. Did this with the Wii U and PS4 and saved a lot of money too.
I manage to get 3-5 hours a day. but I made scarifies to get it. sounds like you live a pretty well rounded life which is a really positive thing.
I wasn't originally intending to pre-order a Switch but the big reveal/showcase livestream from Tokyo changed my mind. I'm primarily a PS4 player (I do have a Wii U though), but like so many I find myself struggling for game time in the evenings these days, with work and other commitments. So for me, the possibility of taking home console-quality to work in my bag, on the plane for work trips and in the hotel while I'm away is just amazing. The town I travel to for work is also pretty quiet so there's nothing really to do on lunch breaks - so having Mario Kart 8 and 1-2 Switch available to play a quick multiplayer session at any time is another huge plus. Very excited for Friday!
I am hyped and ready for next weekend. Got Friday's launch all cleared from work and will be picking up about 3 or 4 games. Will be party gaming on Saturday
@tjhiphop "So therefore, no Nintendo console for the rest of time can ever be successful, because Wii U wasn't."
I'm not sure I'm following the logic there.
@HappyMaskedGuy Thank you very much.
@3MonthBeef So just ignore it. You don't have to answer Yasume.
@BAN Sometimes the most passionate fans can be the most critical.
@jaymacx I remember the Wii U generating buzz at launch. I'm not sure if this feels like more or not.
I feel like we are on the cusp of one of those 'greatest game ever made' moments. They don't come around very often.
@NintySnesMan @RainbowGazelle
I think MK8 will do well. It was very well received and prominent but by the time it came out the Wii U was already a flop. Those people who steered clear because of the machines other problems (concept, name, other games) now have that carrot dangled in front of them on a new, superior, entirely portable machine.
Speaking from a UK POV, I'd say MK is, with Pokémon, Nintendo's biggest franchise. Certainly much bigger than 12 Switch or Snipperclips. Having it there within weeks of launch is entirely sensible.
I'm excited, but I'm also stressed because I have to buy a new TV before the Switch launches.
@G-Boy Wow, the world's first gcunit gif/meme/whatever - thank you so much.
But the asterisks are just there for dramatic effect. Any censorship you see is your own projection
@Yasume I know, I have a PS4. Just saying Nintendo is just starting with their exclusives from their well known franchises. If you don't like Nintendo that is fine. Enjoy arguing with everyone. Good day.
@Yasume whys resi 7 on there,not exclusive.
Where is the "i got it pre-ordered but don't know if the store will send it to me at launch day" option?
Before I read any comments I'm just gonna say; 381 comments in 20hrs?
There be drama in these comments.
Wonder who was the negative instigator this time.
I'm a little annoyed that retailers are going crazy in their adds and in store signage. Sure Best Buy, I'll come out at midnight if you're going to guarantee me a system.....oh you can't, then don't shove your signage in my face! The Sunday flyers have the Switch release in them too. I get it, but I don't like it. I just feel that these companies have no clue how many units they're getting. If my local Target is going to only receive 10 units, then there is no reason to advertising it.
@Alshain01 the hardware enabled the game and ultimately people wanted to play the game (only made possible by the hardware of course). Anyhow the two could not have existed without eachother so are therefore equally important. A question here is though if systems sell themselves how many Wiis would have sold without WiiSports? The answer is undoubtably significantly less than what did sell. Therefore WiiSportshad the effect of being of a system seller. Games must be system sellers, for example I'm buying Switch day 1 to play ZBotW. Another system seller. Having said all this your counterargument is very valid. Games cannot be system sellers without the system itself being attractive. The whole package needs to tips the potential customer over the edge.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE I'm up against people who believe it's acceptable to compare Wii U's library with being a victim of domestic abuse.
I'm not picking up a Switch at launch. But I'm sold on the concept. If they have a significant user base by the end of the year, I might consider it. And the games really matter this time. A gamecube vc is a big priority for me. And I hope they get consistent third party support. Right now, I'm thinking Christmas 2017 might be the time.
My answer is that I'm gonna try to buy a Switch on launch day (not at midnight) at Nintendo NY since they said they'd have a comfortable supply... maybe I'm naive but a boy can dream. And I'll get Bomberman if the reviews are good, but I already got Zelda and 1-2 Switch preordered.
Awesome! I'm 40 but mine was preordered immediately! And I took the day off of work, as did my wife who's mid 30s.
@RainbowGazelle That's a cute saying, and you're free to believe it if you want to, but it's absolutely not true, and it's completely antithetical to the entire purpose of sites like this.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE Wow. Someone needs a nap! Jk, you're clearly proud of the fact that you're an obstinate brat, and no nap can clear that up.
So, first- there are like 400 comments on this story. Do you really think I've read every single one? My comment wasn't a reply to the one where you supposedly claim to like Wii U. This is just obvious if you read my comment.
Second- that makes no difference anyway. Your feelings on Wii U don't negate what I said to you, because my comment wasn't dependent on your opinion. You called Wii U a "disaster", and I very clearly addressed that as the basis for my reply. So it actually seems like you're the one in need of some comprehension exercises.
And third- do you just enjoy being awful to people? I'm really curious. I feel like it must be kind of sad to be you. Being so miserable all the time seems truly burdensome.
Edit: I absolutely LOVE how you complain about having to deal with the "fanboys" on this site lmao. Bro, READ THE NAME OF THIS SITE. What do you expect to encounter on a site like this? People come here specifically because they want a Nintendo-positive experience. If you really can't handle that, then you don't have to be here. Your presence here is 100% voluntary.
To the first question, "Are you buying a Switch at launch?", I can't find the answer "No, because I live in Brazil and Nintendo don't give a poop about us" in the pool. Maybe you guys forgot to put it, right? 😕
@beazlen1 There were other games on the Wii that contributed to its success. No one game sold that system, it took the entire library of games to do it. Wii Sports contributed, it did not make it a success. There is no such thing as a "system seller" game. Zelda Breath of the Wild is even worse of than Wii Sports (in that supposed "system seller" context), I will be playing it without buying a new system!
@MarcelRguez But you know if won't be just Zelda and Snipper Clips you'll want to play. Those are just the only 2 you want to play today, but you know Mario Odessey and Xenoblade 2 are coming along with Splatoon 2 and a whole bunch of other games for at least the next 4 year. If you know they're coming there's no need to wait. Snag it now and enjoy them as they come. If you wait you end up like me. I bought a Wii 3 years in (I waited until there was a price drop and a 2 game bundle wii Sports + Wii Sports Resort) and there were some many awesome games that not only was I never able to catch up and play them all some of them were out of print and EXTREMELY expensive second hand (lookin at you Metroid Prime Trilogy) I was wishing I had bought early so that I didn't have that problem. I didn't make the same mistake with Wii U, I bought it day 1 and never regretted it and I'll be buying Switch this week and I'm confident I won't regret my decision.
@BAN Could I suggest you dial down the confrontation a bit - the aim is for us all to get along. Thanks.
@AcesHigh worldwide I have no idea, but for me and my family the Switch has WAY MORE HYPE. I bought a Wii U at launch and I was very exicted to do so, but getting a console Zelda game that I can take on trips especially long work trips man this is my dream. I used to take my 3DS and wish I could take Xenoblade X or Skyward Sword or Wonderful 101, but I never could.
@BAN It can be true. No one cares more about Nintendo than their passionate fans, but having that passion can lead to greater negative feelings, compared to a casual observer, when something goes wrong. This is true in other areas of life, too. Take any sports team; no one will complain more about their negatives than their own fans.
Does Zelda with 36% mean that 1/3-1/2 of people are getting Zelda? or does it mean that most launch day purchasers are getting 2 or 3 games?
It's hard for me to image less that 80% of people getting Zelda.
1, 2, Switch!!
@gcunit Yes, you have my permission to suggest that. However, perhaps you should start by suggesting it to the people/person who started the confrontation, since that description doesn't fit me.
@RainbowGazelle I've been a Nintendo fan for almost thirty years. I have all kinds of criticisms to level against the company in an unapologetic but constructive way. And yet, you will never see me on a Nintendo fan site bellowing on in every single article's comments about how Nintendo sucks, Nintendo's doomed, their hardware sucks, their games suck, and oh yeah Nintendo's doomed. Because then I would cease to be a Nintendo fan, and would instead be rightly classified as a troll.
@iGen What happened is he apparently only cares about it when it's someone else doing it.
Makes sense to me!
@Yasume https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2GH5M3fN23I
@ThatNyteDaez Haha, nailed it.
@BAN Just as you haven't read every comment here, neither have I, and I'm not going to just on the basis of a "...but they started it!" situation. A third party reported one of your comments, so I was just responding to that, and a couple of your other recent comments.
Let's just concentrate on the good stuff coming our way.
@gcunit No worries, pal. I just feel as though it's well within the realm of acceptability for me to defend myself when I'm called a "window-licking blind fanboy" and basically told I'm an illiterate idiot as a response to my clearly respectful and constructive initial comment. But you're right, there should be no time for troll fighting in a week such as this one.
@BAN Avoid the temptation to defend yourself, it only drags you down to the same level. Just ignore their comments - it's quite empowering. Thanks for your understanding.
@gcunit Defending yourself from insult is not the same as being insulting in the first place. Nor is it lowering yourself.
@BAN I suspect that the third party who reported you is the same third party that was once told by a cancer survivor that he was more unpleasant than chemotherapy. He probably reported that comment too.
@PanurgeJr As soon as you try to defend against the insult, you empower the insult. Insults are never worth addressing. By defending yourself you show that you felt under threat. By ignoring the insult, you portray a stronger persona that can't be threatened.
@gcunit At best one of those four statements is true.
@gcunit Thanks, but I will never not defend myself when I am directly insulted/called names. I didn't swear or violate the rules by doing so. I was trying to have a rational discussion and the response was a spiteful attack on me, followed by a chastisement from you. Moreover, I wouldn't even have to defend myself if moderators (which you supposedly are) would take umbrance with the people putting me on the defensive in the first place instead of joining their ranks and lecturing me but not them. Do you really not see the moral implications and dichotomy in going after the victim of "flaming" (which actually IS in direct violation of the community rules) instead of the person who's actually done the flaming? This just seems very counter-logical to me.
@PanurgeJr Thank you. I genuinely appreciate that at least one other person here is in possession of some actual common sense. Eesh.
@BAN We have a report button, try using it cos it makes it easier for us to spot the source of the problem. Don't expect us to protect you from 'flaming' if you've not even reported it, and instead given some back yourself. Police don't necessarily nick the instigator of the fight - they nick whoever they see throwing the punches.
We've had users here in the past ending up getting banned because they could not stop 'defending' themselves in petty back-and-forths.
We all have choices to make when participating in online discussion: allow ourselves to get upset by something an anonymous internet user says about us, or show the flamers that their words are worthless.
@gcunit I don't expect you to defend me, nor do I need you to. I'm simply making the point that it is offensive to go after me when I'm simply defending myself, while the person I'm defending myself against is seemingly never confronted or issued tongue-lashings by mods such as yourself. It's quite backwards.
And even if you didn't see this "sligeach" person's comment, you can very easily tell that my comment was in defense, so I find it incredibly odd that you wouldn't look into the source of my defending myself before deciding to aim your heavy hand in my direction.
And really? You ban people for defending themselves but not the trolls that go out of their way to antagonize Nintendo fans on a site that exists solely to cater to Nintendo fans? This site is messed up if that's true.
@BAN IIRC they both got banned.
@gcunit Sad.
@BAN Maybe. We've had a lot less of the petty stuff since though, or so it feels, so it probably worked out better for everyone, including them.
Trolls we can live with, so long as nobody feeds them.
@gcunit Well that makes for such a lovely experience. I totally choose to come to a site called "Nintendo life" to be ridiculed for my enthusiasm for Nintendo and then be disciplined by a moderator for defending myself against such people.
@BAN @gcunit I appreciate this site precisely because anyone can come and post anything positive or negative about Nintendo, but personal attacks and vulgarity aren't tolerated. It creates a better space for discussion.
I've been coming here off and on for several years but I've noticed a lot more hostility in the comments section lately. A lot of hostility towards anyone being critical of Nintendo. Not sure why that's happening so much more now. It's too bad.
@tedko Because people can smell the difference between legitimate criticism and whatever you call the products of obvious haters and trolls, probably? If you really do detest the bitterness and fighting, then you can't support this type of behavior, which is clearly just toxicity for toxicity's sake and does so much more to start fights than does your average comment aimed at constructive criticism.
And I welcome those kinds of well thought-out comments. I have personally been critical of Nintendo numerous times on this site. But when every single comment you ever post on a site consists of hyperbolic condemnations and doomsaying-Nintendo-troll catchphrases, and then you immediately jump to ad hominem and petty insults anytime someone counters your vague claims or calls your logic into question, then no, I don't think you should be danced around and catered to.
If that's why you come here, then that's your prerogative. I personally find it very offputting and inconsiderate for people to go out of their way to antagonize fans of a given subject on a site that's designed specifically for fans of that subject, and then deride them as idiots and fanboys because of that fandom. I simply don't understand that type of person. I have a wealth of negative things to say about PlayStation, but I would never go to pushsquare and hit up every single article with comments about how everything Sony does is trash and they're doomed.
@Yasume Basically the only systems that do have 10 or more good exclusives.
Personally I think it won't be long before the Switch is in the same boat, with Snipperclips and Super Bomberman R on launch alone. If you haven't played Skyrim I'd recommend that on Switch and Xenoblade 2 if you like a good RPG. Some like I Am Setsuna, which I don't think is on Vita (but I could be wrong - Sony doesn't even know what is on Vita).
As you said, it's best to wait, especially for a good sale later on.
@Yasume If your friends are gamers and have a Switch, you may never need to buy your own anyway.
Im not excited about the switch but im already excited für Xenoblade 2 O The reason i would even buy a cdi if i had to xD So i will have to buy the switch when Xenoblade 2 releases and i hope it will be the same situation as with my wii u which i first disliked and dont wanted to buy until the special zelda wii u came out and got me + a few games and when i had it and started playing on it i totally fell in love with my wii u <3 xD So who knows how it will be when ive got my switch next year (Or end of this year^^)
I've got mine already! Gotta love small town toy shops where the employees don't understand launch dates. Joy!
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