MCV has had confirmation that Disgaea 5 Complete will launch on May 26th.
The game is a port of the PS4 title Disgaea 5: Alliance of Vengeance, and was previously expected to arrive in the Spring. However, NIS America senior associate producer Alan Costa has given MCV this new, more definitive release date.
Costa also reinforced the fact that the PS4 and Switch versions are "the same", but the Nintendo edition will come with all of the available DLC as standard. The DLC includes new characters and scenarios.
Is this on your must-have list? Let us know with a comment.
[source gonintendo.com]
Comments 72
Eh, I guess I'm interested in giving this series a try. Tried a fair bit of the one on PS4 and to me, it felt over the top in gameplay. Not that I had a problem with it, though.
Ugh. The game is already translated and everything. Its also a day 1 release in Japan. Oh well, I guess that gives me time to play Nier and Persona 5
I want this but the way I play games these days I doubt I'll be through with Zelda by then. We will have to wait and see.
Too bad if you don't buy a game these days within like the first month they consider it a failure.
Preorder ahoy!
Day one buy for me, I love the first one on the Nintendo DS so having this fifth one is a welcome addition.
@NinjaWaddleDee Oh! Can I import the Japanese version and it will have English language on the Cartridge?
There's only 1 must have Switch title in the launch period and that's Zelda: Breath Of The Wild. Which is really a Wii U game and where I'll be both buying and enjoying it.
@cfgk24 Not sure. I doubt it though, otherwise they would have put the western release closer to the switch launch most likely. Which is also why I'm kind of annoyed that we have to wait 2 months longer. The game is already complete and translated for PS4. It has been for over a year. I wonder why they are holding it back so far? Surely they'd want it to be a western launch game? A time when consumers are snatching up anything they can get their hands on for their shiny new system.
Yes this is a Must Have Day 1 for me! Can't wait
Please bring the rest of the series over to the switch!!!!
Not my kind of game. Good news for people looking forward to this one, though.
This is some Fire Emblem situation for me: I LOVE the characters, stories and worlds of both series but I just can't stand the gameplay. I've played quite a few games of both series and I even managed to finish Disgaea 4 and FE Fates but I have zero interest of returning to their main line titles.
Maybe, just maybe, I'll get this port because I was quite invested in D5's story and characters but I simply was too stuck in the game to even bother continue at that time.
@GoldenGamer88 I understand completely. SRPGS aren't for everyone. I felt the same way about Valkyria Chronicles. However, I do really enjoy the gameplay of the modern Fire Emblem games.
I've not played any Disgaea games, but just looking at some gameplay footage, I don't think it's for me. Games where you have characters together but then cut away to just 2 individuals on screen in a different environment for cut-scene battle, are completely non-sensical to me and break the immersion of the game setting.
Any RPGs where you are in a party, if you're only showing me part of the party, it doesn't feel like I'm in a party.
I really liked Disgaea 1 on DS, but the OCD-Completionist in me doesn't like jumping from 1 to 5 without having finished 2 - 4, which I cannot play, because I don't own any Playstation.
Does this really stand on its own, or is it tied to the predecessors?
@HefHughner It's an independent experience. Outside of a few references here and there, most Disgaea games are.
Just nab Disgaea 5. You're not really missing anything by skipping 2 - 4.
@NinjaWaddleDee I may be a 'Can't compete with Zelda on Launch day' in the West approach yet Japan 'Will sell like hot cakes' on Launch day. . . .
THAT USA special edition looks rather nice tbh - do we get that in UK?
@NinjaWaddleDee I'll report in March - I'm getting the Japanese retail cart - hopefully it will have an English Language option - if not - My Waifu can play it and I'll wait until May .
I will absolutely be buying this game. Can't wait for May - that'll give me just enough time to complete Breath of the Wild before jumping into another rather in-depth experience.
@Ralizah @HefHughner I second that. The main stories are mostly their own thing. The most references happen during post game stuff (Like reoccurring super bosses and whatnot).
But its nothing that can't be quickly looked up in a wiki ^^
@Topic Meh, i wouldn't consider it a "must have". I really like the series and its certainly a great game for folks without PlayStation systems, but i personally like to keep a series as close to one system as possible. So i wont branch off to get it on switch, since the chances that the rest of the series is coming over is rather slim.
But yeah, for fans of SRPGs that can stomach its whackyness its a definitive recommendation !
Oh boy. Another game to add to my backlog.
Love this series. This is a definite must-have for me. This is more exciting than BotW to me, because it represents a very niche genre with the added caveat that the series itself is unique and quirky (in the best possible way)... and that's refreshing to see so close to launch. And especially awesome to see on a new Nintendo system.
Disgaea 5 on-the-go...awesome! I thought it was going to release on psvita but they skipped that platform.
All DLC included
Great news. Definitely want this one
I'll get it. I just don't know when. I am trying to curb my day one purchases.
Darn, was hoping to have Disgaea 5 at launch. But ah well, since I already have it on PS4, there's no harm in waiting a little longer to get it on Switch.
Really excited to play this one. Skipped it on PS4 (cannot remember why. I think it was a financial decision) and will get to fix that for Switch. I also prefer strategy games on the go so this will fit right at home for me.
Ok I know there are some that will scoff at this, I haven't read the comments, but I think it's great news. I love the series on PS4, being able to have it on he go is great. And perfect release date.
I know some will complain about not having 4 AAA games in the first week. But let's take a step back. I have horizon zero dawn on the look out(still want to see reviews first), mass effect andromeda, P5(that's a no brainer) all before summer. Factor in I'm playing yakuza 0 right now, nioh will get picked up some time, and that I'll be making my first foray into hyrule in a couple weeks....
People only have so much time and so much money to spend. I think spacing games apart is perfect. I'm hoping I can look forward to a good release every 6 weeks-8 weeks.
Only got the first Disgaea on PS2, none of the sequels. Maybe when I eventually get an NS, Holiday 2017 or later, I'll get this one to see what's new...
One thing is for sure, though... A fully fledged Disgaea on a Nintendo console. (The DS versions were watered down from the PS# versions.) This is just the beginning. More and more RPG's will come to the NS... It could very well become the next RPG Mecca, like the PS2 was. The NS will continue to become irresistible to the Japanese market, and I'll eventually want to follow...
@cfgk24 I don't know though. It seems like many hardcore players are buying bomberman as well. Plus zelda doesn't appeal to everyone. I'll probably get it, but I would rather play Disgaea instead because I'm weird I guess.
I've not played anything in this series but for me the exciting part of this article is the game is the same as the PS4 and includes all DLC. I love my Wii U but remember well the badly downgraded games which came to it post launch! This news makes me happy and more excited again about my pre-order
For anyone that's played this game on PS4 already....can you provide any commentary on how it is for novices compared to 4? I tried playing 4 on Vita, got through the tutorials and loved it. Then shortly in the "proper" game it opened up so many odd grindy side activities and the main battles became too difficult and the buying/crafting/fusing/whatever just got obnoxious in short order and I never touched it again.
I see this game and have the bug-toward-the-zapper attraction to it, but will I just be setting myself up for the same disappointment?
@PlywoodStick If that turns out to be true, the Switch has a very solid chance of becoming my absolute most favorite system of all time! Heck 3DS was RPG-fan-heaven, if Switch cranks that to 11 I will be bankrupt, overwhelmed, and very very happy.
Good to know. The gameplay on the Disgaea games is fun and the characters are wacky. Will be buying this as well!
@cfgk24 Awesome. I wish Setsuna had that option.
@NinjaWaddleDee I agree - all games should launch with Special editions ( not necessarily limited - but at least pre-orderable in advance so the Manufacturers know how many units to make)
The Art , music and collectibility of gaming is part of what makes the gaming world so interesting and fun!
I like Disgaea 5, but never picked up any of the DLC on the PS4 version.
Having all the DLC included makes the Switch version an easy sell!
@HefHughner As far as a chronological time line goes, Disgaea 5 seems very much like a prequel to the rest of the series. You don't need any knowledge of past stories to understand 5, it's completely self contained. There are just some plot points that indicate the game takes place first in the series, due to the number of wars, etc.
@NEStalgia I like Disgaea 4 a lot, but I definitely noticed a difficulty spike in the game shortly after the tutorials and chapter 1.
I don't remember there being any difficulty spikes in 5, and due to the nature of 5 relying more on terrain effects rather than geo puzzles, the intended strategy for you to implement for each fight comes across much more clearly. For that reason, I'd say it's the easiest Disgaea ever, not that there isn't a pleasant degree of challenge.
It's a must have for me. Love Disgaea series so excited for this one
@greengecko007 Thanks! You have my preorder finger getting trigger happy with that description.
That difficulty spike was really offputting. Just when I felt I had a handle "hey this game is pretty cool!" there were suddenly 5 stores each selling 300 items, none of which I understood, some side area to go grind in, and the next story mission I was crushed in mere seconds. Granted, I'm terrible at FE too, so it's fair to say I'm not very good at TRPGs (and I'm not sure why not), but that just felt cheap.
And that sounds GREAT if this one relies more on terrain and is more straight forward. The geo puzzles confused the heck out of me.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE I count three on March 3rd alone. It's almost as though people have different opinions...
@NEStalgia Chapter 2 of Disgaea 4 is very punishing for some reason. They throw a lot of geo effects at you in those fights that make it difficult to do anything other than the intended strategy. 5 is very flexible, and the intended strategies are easier to pick up on. Terrain effects like poisoning your unit if you end its turn in poisonous water, or standing on snow for some maps decreasing ice resistance.
So it's looking like March will bring me Zelda, I Am Setsuna, Snake Pass, and now Disgaea 5. Gonna be a busy month! I wish they'd announce the prices with these games though.
So the Amazon placeholder of May 31 was pretty close. I got my preorder in as soon as it showed up online. It still shows up as Disgaea 5 Complete Wii U on Amazon. They didn't fix that yet. lol
Also I love geo puzzles, but if 5 tones it down on those, I'm fine with that.
Well Disgaea is a pretty solid SRPG series with, as others have said, a whacky ass side. I haven't played it since the PSP days but honestly it makes a better portable game then home (IMO). I give them credit as they are constantly tweaking and improving the combat system and it seems quite 'full'.
I will likely get it if there is nothing else more interesting to me by that time, but what I would farrrrrrrr prefer is they give us Fire Emblem with GC VC. If you like JRPG/SRPG and cute little anime hotties then this game might appeal to you.
Definitely getting this. Love Disgaea.
Idk, I'd consider Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, Splatoon 2, Sonic Mania, Yooka Laylee and Arms all must-haves. Maybe Splatoon 2 isn't technically in the launch window but, whatever.
For most though, games don't have to be must-haves to be purchase worthy. Bomberman isn't a must-have, but it looks like a great game that's worth picking up. Same for Disgaea 5, Ultra Street Fighter II, etc.
I don't think there's any other entries on PS4 though. I know it's usually Vita and PS3, but I'm pretty sure PS4 and Switch will each have one Disgaea game... this one. And the systems that do have all the other entries (Vita) will never get this one according to NIS.
May as well grab it for whichever system you want. But this is one of those games where Switch version offers everything the PS4 version offers, even graphical parity, and so much more. I have it on PS4 myself but, I'm still grabbing Switch version
@JaxonH Still, for me, its a PlayStation series. Im a little weird that way ^^
I will be buying every RPG that comes to switch. then struggling to finish any of them cos I cant get off splatoon.
Ya I'm kinda like that sometimes. Like buying Mass Effect Andromeda on X1 because I have the trilogy BC on that console, despite the PS4 version being far superior on the Pro
"Starting planning"...wat?
Not my thing but glad it's making some of you very happy
Now Advance Wars on the other hand....
Gonna get this one!
I might end up getting Disgaea 5 two times now. I still want to get it first for PS4 since the only DLC characters that interest me are NISA (From Hyperdimension Neptunia & HDN mk2) and Prier (La Pucelle). I would personally love to see the La Pucelle IP make a comeback I really enjoyed the original game back on the PS2, La Pucelle pre dates the Disgaea series originally releasing in January 2002.
@DuckDodgers1989 It's still pretty rare today to have a main character who falls from grace being canon. It was really rare back in the early 00's. The first game I can think of to feature that kind of story was Live A Live on the Super Famicom.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE and your welcome to do that. I choose to play it on the Switch because I want the higher resolution and smoother framerate and portability.
But there is many other games worth getting in launch periods. Its just your opinion there is only one.
I sure as hell hope this won't be digital-only.
" but the Nintendo edition will come with all of the available DLC as standard"
Do I need to play any the first 4 to play this?
Damn I was hoping we would get it near launch date. Oh well, I'm interested in trying this game out. I've heard some good things about the story
I started to drop my pre-order for my Switch but I read an article about how much Iwata contributed to the Nintendo Switch and instantly thought this is the last console he will have worked on for Nintendo I have to get it out of respect then I read a couple more articles on the games on the way to the Switch in just the first year ; Splatoon 2, Mario Kart deluxe, Arms, Redout, RIME, Skyrim and its a portable version of The Elder Scrolls which is soooo AWESOME, Bomberman R, Seasons of Heaven looks AMAZING and it's an exclusive to Switch to my knowledge and I've not even mentioned Zelda Breath of Wild which will be incredible or Mario Odyssey which looks sooo freaking fun and incredible can't wait and I have not mentioned Fire Emblem Warriors and well the list goes on and on of the AMAZING titles such a great lineup of titles and sooo much better than the launch window of games that came to Wii U.
Must have for me. The jump between this and the DS game will be insane.
Hopefully it'll be on discount by the time I buy a Switch.
@Damo Apparently this is the European release date. May 23rd in the US.
I've never been a big fan of RPGs outside of the Legend of Zelda - I tried Final Fantasy VII and Final Fantasy X, but didn't like either of them. However I am tempted to give this one a try once I get a Switch for a couple of reasons: 1. You can't beat free DLC (if that's what the Switch version is getting). It was one of the main reasons I got Batman: Arkham City Armored Edition. 2. I really like the art style. It reminds me of the anime Soul Eater.
I might also try Fire Emblem, Dragon Quest, and even though I haven't played Xenoblade Chronicles or XCX, I'll still give XC2 a try.
Cannot wait to play this, I love Disagea on the DS and I am buying 3 & 4 on the Vita in prep for playing number 5.
If any of you like Fire Emblem or FF Tactics then defo look into this you won't be disappointed.
I won't double dip but found this one to be the best in the series gameplay-wise. It's also insanely packed with content and with this edition including all the previous DLC I can imagine folks spending 300-400 hours with the title.
@Manjushri you mean a better version of Final Fantasy tactics.. allowing to level up to 9999 and grinding and with some story. Nuff said
i want this
@cfgk24 @NinjaWaddleDee The Special Edition is now available at the NIS European store: http://store.nisaeurope.com/products/disgaea-5-complete-limited-edition
Regarding language options, the product details state:
Language Audio: Japanese or English.
Language Text: English and French.
@Monkey_Balls Oh! thank you!
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