Admittedly we only held one for a short while at a preview event, but playing Splatoon 2 with the Nintendo Switch Pro Controller - motion inputs included - was enough to make us somewhat fall in love with the pricey add-on. Considering the lack of a real D-Pad on the Joy-Con controllers, too, it's a bit of a requirement for any 2D platformers or Ultra Street Fighter II: The Final Challengers.
The pad's been readily available for pre-orders in various countries, but has been rather more elusive in the US. Amazon had a tiny number of units for which the pre-orders were claimed quicker than hot buns at a bake sale, and the page is still not offering any more.
Well, it seems that GameStop and Best Buy have a decent amount of stock, as the latter has had them up for nearly a day without the page exploding from orders. Some US links below.
- Nintendo Switch Pro Controller - $69.99
- Nintendo Switch Pro Controller with Sheikah-themed Starter Kit - $99.99
Best Buy
- Nintendo Switch Pro Controller - $69.99
Delivery from both stores is cited as 3rd March, so this is a good chance to get on board with one of these pads.
Are any of you in the US going to put down a pre-order for one of these?
With thanks to 'Bluedogrulez' for the heads up.
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Comments 93
$69.99 for a controller
@Xaessya €79.99 here in Ireland (that's about $84)
Sweet! I got my pro controller pre order locked in. Just got my Sandisk 128 GB microSDXC card in the mail yesterday and have a grey switch with Zelda coming on launch day. I am good to go, just waiting for he 3rd. Oh, and I finally found a Nes Classic on Gamestop's website the other day which will arrive tomorrow - super excited for that.
I know it's "Pro" but man that thing is ugly, like somebody modeled it out of a glob of mud. Couldn't the words and logo be white at least? Maybe use the New 3DS colors on the face buttons? Something to brighten it up a bit, looks like it was dropped in tar and needs to be cleaned off. Even Microsoft has embraced color with their design your own controllers.
Oh well, maybe collectable colors for Christmas.
I might pick it up at some point if I need another controller, but I'm hoping to just stick with the Joy-Cons. Hoping there will be an accessory that I can attack to my left joycon to turn those buttons into a proper D-Pad at some point.
I actually have about $50 in credit from GameStop, and I thought about a pro controller. But it's so expensive, and I don't think I would need it until splatoon. I think I would wait and see if there is a sale on one, and save the credit for horizon dawn
@rjejr have you seen the way the PS4 controller looks? Switch controller looks way better
YES!!!!!! Just gotta sell my kids into slavery and that sucker is MINE.
I noticed from the Amazon listing that the controller comes with a USB A to USB C cable, which may shave $10 off Switch expenses.
I'm really excited for this controller. And LOVE the N64 Smoke color!
Ick. It looks like a third party controller.
@rjejr Nintendo have always been a few generations behind, so they're probably pulling design docs from the N64, GBC and OG Xbox, you know, when that design was "cool"
I had a chance to try out this controller yesterday at the event in Washington, DC and I really liked it. It's better than the Wii U Pro Controller, even if the analogs aren't level anymore. This is much more important to me than how pretty it looks, because who actually looks at their controller while they're using it?
70 dollars is not outrageous considering it has a long battery life, motion controls and the battery is already included. On Xbox One you need to buy a separate battery for 25 bucks but nobody is complaining about that.
Best Buy has had preorders up for nearly a week, not a day - since Feb 7th... (Zelda master edition popped up again on BB on the 7th too but sold out promptly)
Still need to pick one of these babies up. Do they have HD rumble?
Don't like the price, but as a one-time-investment, it's control schema is essential for general, home gaming. I will have one no matter what.
Never felt the need for the Wii U pro controller. Probably will never get this one either :/
@brutalpanda perhaps it's not outrageous on its own and it's in line with other controllers. The issue Nintendo faces is whether their target audience, which is likely different from other consoles to some degree, thinks 70 or 80 US is a fair price when all they want is just another game controller. Will the Switch consumers appreciate all the features in the controllers or will all that tech work against them?
Already preordered one along with my Switch back in January. The only two things I get from Amazon on (please god of all mailmen hopefully) March 3rd. The rest (Zelda, 1-2-Switch, Joy Con Charging Crip, Carrying Case and Amiibo) is all from GameStop who I trust A LOT more than the mailman.
@LvlGam3R Yes they do plus the already mentioned motion control, amiibo support and 40 hours battery life
Very very expensive. I understand it's new but damn... no sale Nintendo!
I'll be waiting on Amazon. Gotta love that two day shipping.
@Vegaphil Thanks! This controller seems awesome. Worth the price considering all the functionality.
What the heck, is it some sort of time travelling controller?
Too expensive for a controller. I will wait till it gets cheaper.
@LvlGam3R No problem. I agree, people are very quick to say it's too expensive without actually thinking about all it's features.
The wii u pro controller was a massive improvement.
This is ugly and uncomfortable
@sdelfin they'll prob just play with the grip like any other normal person, pro controller, it's in the title
@danielman9 Nah. Outside of the way the Options/Share crevices were designed, and putting aside the horrible, useless touchpad, the DS4 is actually EXTREMELY comfortable to use. Symmetrical thumbsticks that are easy to grip, an excellent D-Pad, wonderfully curved triggers... it's the best console controller this gen by far.
This pro controller looks tumurous and ugly like an Xbox controller.
@danielman9 lol. Seriously
@danielman9 What are you talking about? PS4 controller is the most beautifully designed controller in this whole gen! I love it's look and feel + I'm a big fun of D-pad being on the same level as action buttons and analog on the same level as another analog...
@UK-Nintendo he was right. What a lump!
Seems overpriced, but I gave in and ordered one from BB just now. @The-Chosen-one in my experience official Nintendo accessories and games don't really drop in price. A Wii controller still commands $39 in most stores.
@Ralizah I wasn't saying the PS4 controller wasn't good I love it but it just looks ugly to me
@mateq the switch pro controller has 40 hours of battery the PS4 only has 4 don't tell me otherwise bc I have a PS4
I love the new pro controller. I was a fan of the Wii U's but asymmetric sticks just work better (all the way back to the Gamecube)
@danielman9 I really don't care about battery life to be honest, I don't mind having my controller plugged in when I play. I was talking about the overall design - PS4 controller is beautiful and elegant. Maybe Switch controller is cool with HD ramble and all the other bonus features, bur it looks a lot like xbox one controller - both are just ugly.
Honestly, I dont see any problems with the joycon grip included with the system. I'll hold off preordering for now.
The only reason I want a Pro Controller is for that sweet sweet D Pad for the inevitable VC games. I'm ready to go. Switch preordered, Pro Controller preordered, 256GB MicroSD Card purchased. The only thing I might consider adding is the charging grip for the JoyCons, but I'm not sold that I'll need that just yet. Maybe when Splatoon 2 comes out and I'm playing it non stop like I did (still do) the original on Wii U.
Side Note: I'm not sure there's ever been a game in my life that I played near every other day at minimum for almost 2 years (Almost 2 by the time Splatoon 2 is released.. I fully intend to keep splatting hostile squids on Wii U until that day.)
So with the joycons that come standard and a Pro controller, I can have 3 player... in order to get a 4th player, another Pro or an entire set of joycons is necessary? Plus memory card... getting very expensive... no big deal for me, but a lot of families will have problems with this.
Getting close to $500 in order to have 4 controllers and appropriate storage, right?
@holygeez03 People will have their own controllers. . Everyone will own a SWITCH soon
Anybody female dogging about the price needs to remember these facts: It has HD Rumble with multiple independent motors, it has NFC built-in, it has full motion controls built-in and it has a 40 hour battery life.
Also, a PS4 Controller is $59.99 RRP and an Xbox One one is also $59.99. An Xbox Elite controller is $149.99...
What is so "pro" with this thing? No nooks for the control stick, no analog shoulder buttons and no new design?
I wish me back in GameCube times: When holding a controller, the hands and controller merged into a glorified coalescence.
@Vegaphil thanks
Wow. The Controller costs only $10.00 less than a 2DS and costs $10.00 more than the NES Classic Mini (Not counting Scalper's prices)
@UK-Nintendo The WaveBird is still the best cordless controller to this day. Just a rumble is missing
Yeah... should be called the Switch "regular controller".
@Chandlero my best controller. I love it so much it's my profile pic
@alasdair91 Maybe the HD-rumble is a good thing in a cordless controller. I missed the good rumble feature of my GameCube controllers the last two generations. However, the interior is indeed impressive but why looks it so generic? It is so boring to look at this thing. All gaming controllers looks the same now...
Maybe the design and two control sticks and so on have to be standard now, but even then you can put in some colors, some clever design. This is just lame.
@danielman9 Gotcha. I actually think they're very attractive. Very sleek and futuristic looking (like the PS4 itself, actually, which looks like something you might scavenge out of an alien ship).
Not with those prices... At least I was able to talk alot of my friends into a WiiU because they already had several Wii-motes and Wii games would play on it... doubt I will be able to sell them this time around.
@Exy This is good to hear - the Wii U Pro Controller is my favorite gaming input mechanism (enough that I even have a program set up so I can use it on my PC!). I like the look of that one better than the new one, but I'm glad to hear that the build is not a step down.
I would argue that spending $60+ on another Call of Duty or Battlefield game or $120+ for the full version of Destiny is foolish. $70 for a controller that will last the entire lifespan of the console and will essentially make every game better seems infinitely more reasonable to me.
@alasdair91 no need to be logical. You're just going to anger the masses with your sensibility. Hurry! Give everyone a participation trophy to distract them!
Nice, I've been thinking of getting this as the "coffee table controller" for my Switch. Leave the joycons nice and charged up for on-the-go.
@UK-Nintendo Too much useless crap on it true, but the PS4 controller is the most comfortable sony branded controller I've ever used.
I don't have an opinion on the Pro controller aside from the fact that I think it is cool that it has the nfc reader in it (and I am thankful for the return of the asymmetrical sticks). I'll wait until I have it in hand. I don't care about the appearance as long as it is ergonomically sound.
@Ryu_Niiyama Same. I'll probably miss it there, unfortunately, but I'm avoiding placing any additional orders at GS to NOT have them accidentally mess with my Switch preorder. Waiting for Amazon as well.
Fingers crossed they get the preorders up. Though I'm tempted to just get a second Joycon set instead. The idea of holding it wiimote/nunchuk style seems very ergonomic. D-Pad aside.
Amazon's Switch rollout has been weirdly slow. They haven't had a Switch page on the games subsite, grouped stuff under WiiU, etc. Now they do finally have a Switch page, but some things like Disgaea 5 still say WiiU right in the product title, despite having the Switch images.
-Dual Shock 4 / 4-6h battery life $60 (Not a single hater conplaining).
-NS Pro Controller with more tech than Xone/PS4 Controllers probably 20-25h+ battery life(Wii U pro controller had 80h). And everyone loses their minds.
I don't like the price but I do like the design alot I think it looks pretty cool I like how it looks semi see through on the face and it looks really really comfortable to hold and use actually I like it alot .
To anyone cmplaining about the price: PS4 and Xbox One controllers officially cost 60$.
This controller here is 70$ but has motion controlls, HD rumble and probably longer battery life.
When you factor the additional tech in, this controller is not more expensive than the Xbox and PS4 controllers.
I'd even say it's cheaper, actually.
@NEStalgia ''The idea of holding it wiimote/nunchuk style seems very ergonomic"
That's the way I'll be gaming. Especially when Mario odyssey comes out. I can stretch my hands but this time without the wire in the middle
@mateq Yes, the Dualshock 4 is the most comfortable controller I've ever held personally.
Thank you, Nintendo Life! I just pre-ordered one at Best Buy!
Had mine preordered a couple of weeks ago. Way I see it, the difference in price over a DS4 is worth it just for the difference in battery life. As a PS4 owner, I need multiple DS4s just so one can always be charging, because the battery life is abysmal.
18 more days....
@Claytonbob @The-Chosen-one Yeah, the Wii U pro controller still has never had a price drop
@mateq @Sonic200012 The Dual Shock 4 is great, but I feel like the analog sticks are a little too low and close together. I can understand the love for it though
@Thermoclorn I have bigger than average hands so the DS4 analog position feels very comfortable. That's one of my main concerns regarding the Switch's Joy-Con when holding them sideways: will it be comfortable enough for people with larger hands? Most people who have played it seem to say yes, so I'm excited to try it out myself on March 3rd.
I've never owned a pro controller of any type. What are the benefits of having this one? You know, besides it looking sexy as hell.
I am kind of disappointed with this controller I really enjoyed the placement of the analog sticks on the Wii U Pro controller however it did not have analog triggers and I am guessing this one does not have analog triggers either?
@rjejr It IS ugly, but you know what? I am completely fascinated by the ugliness. It reminds me of the PC controllers you could buy from RadioShack in the 90's.
@UK-Nintendo I never cared for the lack of stability when playing like that. I don't know why ny hands are like this, but my hands respond better when i have a solid controller to push off of. Could be laziness i guess.
@rennandovale Weird isn't it? The price of these things hasn't changed since they were announced a month ago, and people are acting like they've never seen it before or knew the price? Maybe the Men in Black erased everyone's memory.
Personally I prefer the Xbox One controller over the DS4. There were 1 or 2 small annoyances at first but they got taken care of in the 1st revision. Let alone I have an elite controller now but even excluding that. The DS4 feels very cheap (panels and the hard rubber on the stick). WiiU pro was nice. The stick placement took a few mins to adjust to because I only ever had a reason to play my WiiU every 6 months so I adapted back to DS4/X1.
As far as battery life goes, the DS4 is terrible. Like most say, 3-6 hours. My xbox one pads give me great battery life (3x-4x a sony pad) using the official launch day battery pack. Having said all that, none of them come close to the WiiU pro controller for battery life. I can't remember the specific game but I put 36 hours into something without recharging it and the battery icon dropped 1 bar. It was a champ. A far cry from the dire gamepad, hard to get the expanded capacity battery over here...
I just don't understand all the hate on the price. The PS4 and XB1 controllers are both $64.99 unless they are on sale and the XB1 controller doesn't even come with a rechargeable battery. The PS4 controller has terrible battery life too. This controller lasts way longer and has more functionality. I'm sure it will be available for cheaper in a few months just like the others.
Looks exactly like an Xbone controller, which isn't bad in my eyes since Microsoft has the best controller design this gen (by default, Sony fumbled with obsolete touchpad and frustratingly flat option/share buttons). I just wish this was a pack-in over the grips.
Well...looks like I will use Joy Con grip + Joy Cons for alternative Pro Controller. And I am looking for White Pro Controller so I can wait until price cut too.
@UK-Nintendo Exactly! I loved that configuration, but the wire was always in the way. The Joycons might be perfect, but it depends on how they sit in the hands, if the sticks smaller size affects feel, and most importantly, how the gyros work on games that use them. Bow aiming in Zelda, and aiming in Splatoon, I'm not sure if moving one gyro will be enough or if they both need to rotate in sync. If they do, the Pro Controller might be a better bet.
It's a tough call. I was originally excited about the Pro controller, it looks great. But a second Joycon set might be in order instead if it really works nicely with split controls. I'll still preorder this if Amazon actually lists it available though!
I wish they refined the look of the Wii U Pro Controller; Switch version looks like a ripoff of an Xbox controller.
I ordered mine about a week ago. Now all I need is the console.
I preordered one from GameStop a couple weeks ago when they first began offering them. I think it's a good 20$ over priced but I probably will never take the Joy-Cons off my switch (exception being if the game requires it) and just use the pro controller whenever the system is docked. Really looking forward to the 3rd and digging into Zelda from anywhere
@Handsomistic15 Possibly because the 360 controller remains to this day, the best designed controller ever.
I've never even owned an XBox but I have one of them for my PC and never had anything better or want anything else.
So why change what works?
Thanks for the insight. I might look into purchasing one.
Here we go again. People bashing Nintendo by saying is "too expensive". The controller is only $10 more expensive than the basic XBOX One controller. Any special edition controller goes up to $70-$100. And the their new Elite controller is $150!!!
So please people, stop hating and just buy it If you want, or move on if you don't.
@Alshain01 Because I think the Wii U Pro Controller is great and I've never an Xbox.
@Handsomistic15 The Wii U Pro controller is the same as this except the right analog and buttons are swapped. Trust me, you will like this a lot more. The buttons and left analog are more often used so it is best to have them level with one another. The Wii U controller wasn't terrible, but it was backward and ultimately less comfortable than the 360 controller.
This is almost a near duplication of the 360 controller except the 360 has an 8-way D-pad while Nintendo is holding out with the 4 way. EDIT: That is as far as what I can see in the image, the 360 has 2 shoulder buttons and two trigger analogs as well. This may have 4 shoulder buttons instead. Based on what I'm reading it also has a built in NFC reader for Amiibo, which is probably why it is so expensive.
@LvlGam3R Yes! they have HD rumble!
@Dark-Link73 I agree with you - plus it comes with a USB C cable which are certainly not cheap when you buy them separately. .
Plus the controller has extra features such as HD Rumble, NFC reader - gorgeous aesthetic design and advanced motion sensors a la Joycon level. . . IT's worth every penny.
The price seemed nuts until I saw the list of all the things this sucker can do. Still, hoping support comes for Wii U Pro Controllers, don't wanna have to buy more than one of these dudes.
@BigWhoady : The Wii U Pro controller allowed for great precision in Mario Kart 8 and was a superior option to the Gamepad for onscreen play. And it was a huge step up from the Wii Pro Controller, which was too light and no rumble. So for onscreen play, really looking forward to the Switch Pro Controller.
@rjejr I disagree, Pro controller is a thing of beauty...
Actually the new 1.1 PS4 controller is retailing @ $64.99 although you can get them much cheaper on sale (I got a white one off Amazon for $34 @ Xmas).
Still this price is not that bad. First its launch pricing so I expect it will come down by say Xmas2017, second as others have mentioned it has a lot of tech in it as to maintain compatibility with joy-con supported features. I liked the WiiU pro controller, though didn't think it was as great as some. The weight, and battery life are the high points, plus funny story....I was at Walmart, bought a bunch of non-gaming stuff right after launch and the checker somehow forgot to ring up my WiiU pro controller so I got it FREE. I am getting so amped for Switch.......bring it!
Why would you need this controller to have motion controls? Joy cons included in the console already have that.
Remove motion controls and reduce the price.
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