It was in late 2015 that Freedom Planet 2 was confirmed, and at the time it was stated that a 'Nintendo' platform was planned after PC / Linux / Mac, which may well mean Nintendo Switch. We'll see in time, but there has been a bit of news around the title over the past couple of weeks.
First up, a demo - called a 'Sample Version' - is heading to PC by late January, with all playable characters included; it's also going to be shown at PAX South between 27th-29th January. As a further sign of progress some videos have also been published - so far they provide looks at Lilac and Carol in action.
Lilac has received the least changes from the first Freedom Planet, but she still has some new tricks up her sleeve! Her Boost Breaker lets her jump out of her boosts while leaving behind a damaging explosion. She also benefits greatly from the new Guarding mechanic - which allows you to block/parry enemy attacks with proper timing - as well as Reviving, which lets you spend an extra life on the spot to get back up. (Careful though - you'll still go down in one hit!) Finally, Lilac can gain access to a set of Wing Gliders later in the game that enhance her Dragon Boost.
Carol's back, and she's got some new tricks up her feline sleeves! Her Jump Disc lets her slice up enemies from a distance, and she can home in on its location for extra damage. She can also throw the disc upwards to reach new heights. Combined with her wall jumping, she has the most vertical mobility of any character in the game. She's also been training in Bike Fu and has a number of new, hard-hitting attacks while riding her motorcycle. She can even throw it just like her disc!
The third confirmed character, Milla, will no doubt be shown off soon.
It's looking hugely promising, especially for those that are fans of the original. Do you hope to see Freedom Planet 2 on Switch?
[source freedomplanet2.com]
Comments 42
It looks good. Still need to get the first one.
The first one was pretty good. Enjoyed a lot of it. That being said, some bosses were super frustrating, and the voices were pretty terrible, along with the story not being that good, and that's coming from someone who enjoyed the Sonic Adventure games.
WII U ???
Would love to play it on the Switch, the first game was great!
Sonic has some competition this year...
I just got around to playing the first level of the first game. I got the game from Humble Bundle. I really enjoyed what I've played so far. It's very classic Sonic.
Holy f---
My heart is still racing from that footage. This is Classic Sonic mixed with the least terribad aspects of Modern Sonic with an all female cast. This is basically what my dreams are made of. How has this series not been on my radar?!
The original was my runner-up game of 2015 and one of the best gaming surprises ever for me.
So of course stoked for the sequel's release.
Only wish a physical double pack release for the Switch was possible.
its a pixel game ! why not port it t 3ds ? or new 3ds ? i would buy it on 3DS only
I need to finish the first game.
@Ryu_Niiyama it's worth it the game is great. i started and couldn't put it down it really hooked me. i can't wait for fp2.
The first is truly enjoyable. At least an 8/10 in my book (long time Sonic fan).
Still, I haven't finished it since I usually don't play anymore on the house's Wii U. Had it been on the 3DS, I'd wager that I had could finished it by now.
@peeks Isaac Rebirth was also a pixel game and it ran like poo on New 3DS or even Wii U.
If this comes to a console I actually own, I'm in. I don't game on PC because I only have my work computer and I know my productivity would dry up completely if I did that.
Well i loved the first Freedom planet and this looks great so i will defiantly pick it up when it comes out
Very nice, I like the shift in character design too
@Morshu-San I own both games, and Isaac Rebirth plays vey well on the New Nintendo 3DS, except an small hiccup when you go to a new room (every room is generated on the fly), so it doesn't definitely run like $hit.
Also, Freedom Planet could be ported easily to the 3DS. While Isaac is pixel-based, the count is definitely much higher and the effects are way more complicated, than those on FP. Is SOnic 2 can run on a plain vanilla 3DS, FP can definitely run on a New 3DS.
Day -1
@Gizmoguy92 please please please.
I LOVED the first one. I CANNOT wait for the second.
Can't wait to play this at PAX!
@Gizmoguy92 I hope this comes to both Wii U and Switch too.
Loved first one (it was in European Humble Bundle in April if I remember correctly). Never was a big fan of Sonic series, but Freedom Planet was great and I'm hoping for Switch version of sequel.
Please come to the wii u and switch
How is this - or the first one - not on 3DS again?
Especially considering everyone seems to be ditching the 3D aspect as of late?
This is why I can't wait for the Switch to make all games portable.
Still waiting for the first game's DLC:
The first Game was really good in my opinion, but the Stages were a bit to long for my taste.
I hope the Sequel offers more short Stages.
Too furry for me.
Probably going to get it at some point, maybe on a sale or something. I played the first one and it wasn't bad for a platformer.
I'm still working through the original from the Humble Bundle. Still, the sequel looks interesting.
@LoveSugoi because this is the first sequel so it's just started becoming a series.
Looks good
Looks great. I just got the first game during the Steam Winter Sale, and so far it's great when you do the mode without cutscenes. The story....isn't so good.
Without a doubt freedom planet is fighting sonic 3 and knuckles for my tenth spot of favorite games of all time. I think it's that good
If the Switch is the only console system that I can play it on then you can bet that is where I am getting it. The first game is one of the best games on the E-Shop and there is no way I am missing the sequel!
Still playing through the first game, which I think is awesome. So, yeah, bring on part 2!
People poopin' their pants over a screenshot of Beedle lol. But THIS game is what gets me excited!! Insta-purchase - Day One!!!
@Gizmoguy92 Wii U is out of the door soon, most likely Switch.
Nice looks more like an early 32-bit Saturn 2D game, or something. I kinda miss the more cuter/chibi looks they had, but I guess these more anime-ish/humanized forms are meant to differentiate them from the Sonic series more.
Shame it looks like the WiiU version is getting cancelled... As I don't really want to get a Switch yet. I've only had WiiU a year, so I feel a bit cheated everyone's happily abandoning it now. Not everyone has $250/$300 to spend.
Yep, this will be showing up on the Sandwitch sooner or later. Definitely looking forward to it! I got the first one on PC, and got it again on the Humble Nindie Bundle, just because it's so good!
@Gizmoguy92 Lolno.
@Whopper744 The first Sonic Adventure had the epitome of a terrible, incohesive story with God-awful voice acting in a high profile flagship title. (Those faults were forgiven at the time, because it was the first new Sonic game in several years, after a skipped console generation.) The second one's was better, but it wasn't really much different from the Mega Drive/Genesis game storylines. (That is to say, it was all in the gameplay.) At least Freedom Planet is cohesive along all 3 paths... I think you're projecting SA1 onto FP in your description of it.
The bosses (especially the final boss) were tough, but any frustration was borne from forgetting the 3rd and 4th console generation's level of difficulty in many games. Freedom Planet wasn't any more difficult than a lot of Mega Drive/Genesis action platformers. A lot of gamers have become too pampered and softened by all the easy modes out there nowadays.
@maceng I wouldn't compare Sonic 2 to FP. Sonic 2 is a very old game now, and running it on emulator on hardware today is no problem. Freedom Planet 2 on the other hand is a much superior game technically.
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