At the recent Nintendo Switch premiere, which we attended at Hammersmith Apollo in London, our very own Alex Olney got to sit down for a few moments to be grilled on his first impressions of Nintendo's new hardware by Nintendo UK's (and former Editor-in-chief of Official Nintendo Magazine) Chandra Nair.

While we work to bring you more of our written impressions from the London and New York events, this is well worth a watch. We really loved how Alex attempted to describe the sensation of the HD Rumble feature of the Joy-Con rolling a couple of balls around in his hand, in particular.
Comments 211
Were you honest, I ask before I watch the video? You probably can't be harsh in your position and given your responsibilities but I know what I'd be saying to him and Nintendo in general. I wouldn't get another invite, put it that way.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE So you have played the switch?
@SLIGEACH_EIRE Most companies (like Nintendo life) won't send a person who complains all the time to represent them.
OMG. That Zelda gameplay looks fantastic.
Super Mario looks to be the true sequel I've wated 14 years for.
1 2 Switch seems cute, might be a purchase for me if it's aroun $40.
Charming as ever, Alex!
@faint I'm talking about the price, hardware specs, poor storage, poor battery life, expensive accessories, paltry launch day lineup, lack of third party games, terrible online arrangement. Charging full price for 1, 2 Switch when it should be a pack in.
Mark my words, frame this. Switch will fail. I called it with the Wii U before it launched and unfortunately I was right. I bought the Wii U day 1 and own nearly everything there is to own. Bought all the major games on launch day too. There is so much wrong with this. Nintendo haven't learned.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE We'll hold ya to that prediction too, mate!
It's Chandra and his famous ONM hair!
@SLIGEACH_EIRE hardware specs? This thing is the most powerful portable system widely released on the market. Lack of third parties? So you think this is a complete list then. I'm not so sure about that. I do the 1 2 switch should be a pack in. On that we agree.
Im just waiting for Dakt to show up and remind us how cute Alex is XD
Its become part of my comment reading experience, as has Silgeach's incessant need to criticize Nintendo's obvious weak points.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE I'm with you ! I agree with everything you said ! Thank you
1 2 Switch will be $40 ?!
@Maxz I know right, I got so excited when I realised it was him! If only ONM was still around to report on all this...
@Anti-Matter Nope. It will be US $50!
It's too early to justify Switch's fate. Keep your eyes on Nintendo Switch. There are some unveiled secrets about Switch.
Nice to know I'm reading an unbiased website that is concerned for its readers and would never consider compromising its integrity by cozying up to the subject......
Wow, it's surprising to me, even now, just how many people are calling doom on Switch. Alright, the announced software line-up isn't as stellar as some had hoped, but this is mainly down to the overblown expectations set by the likes of Laura Kate Dale. Her constant bleating over rumoured titles and features were taken as fact, and while it may be so (there's still the odd direct and E3 to take into account), they're still not going to blow their load (so too speak) and spill all of their beans just because that's what's expected of them. People, especially gamers, live in this fantasy world where all of their wants and desires are fulfilled without question. Nintendo are a business, they owe you nothing, and if they decide that the time isn't right for something then it just isn't going to show.
There are more titles in development, there will be more games on Switch, and this is just the beginning. But of course, self-entitlement rules supreme.
Oh how I miss ONM! Love ya Chandra! And Alex always makes me smile haha... Switch will rock!
Are you being sarcasm on me about 1 2 Switch price ?
Calm down.
zelda moves consoles, people. there will be 10 million people rushing to get that gorgeous game, and then 3rd parties will be excited. and that's all still before anybody's confirmed or denied juggernauts like animal crossing, monster hunter and pokemon.
@norwichred how has he done this? The subject is the controller. Explain the compromise.
@Anti-Matter Unfortunately, I'm serious.
@LegendOfPokemon this is the one complaint I'm completely behind. 1 2 switch should be a pack in.
Yeah. I agree with you. Some peoples here want to get so many great games quickly and forget if some great games still being developed. They are demanding for AAA games every month for first launching. Seriously ?
@Manjushri He also seems to forget Japan is primarily a had held country. It's going to sell gang busters over there once the rpg's and musu games start rolling out. Can you imagine a train in Japan full of people playing MARIO Kart 8 together on switch's?
@SLIGEACH_EIRE I'll fall on that sword with you dude, this has all the hallmarks of a massive fail.
Don't know if you've seen the video yet but it IS a suck up clip rather than honest stance but this is a pr stunt not journalism I'm afraid. Which is understandable I guess in the current pre-release phase. I can buy a ps4 second hand for £100 so at this rate I'll maybe never buy a switch unless they give me a good reason to buy one soon. As a Nintendo fan boy I'm as baffled at my own feelings as Nintendo's actions.....🤔
@faint imagine that a political journalist appeared in a promotional video on the Conservative party website for example.
@Anti-Matter Yes, seriously. I didn't pick up a PS4 in its first year for that very reason (considering I still had my PS3 and a huge amount of titles were ports). Sadly, gamers are all too quick to forget just how sludgy launches can be.
@norwichred they are talking about the controller. That's the subject. Alex likes it. What is your point?
My strategy is like this. Buy the games and some accesories first, wait for great games in the future and better bundles (Color variation, limited edition, etc)
@faint "This thing is the most powerful portable system widely released on the market." - no it isn't! It might be the most powerful DEDICATED GAMING hardware available for a couple of months but as publicised the new Maxwell chip will come out very soon and push it down from there. It IS new, it IS powerful but it's nothing special except for the portability which will at best have only limited market apeal as a feature.
@Anti-Matter I did the same thing with the wiiu. I had 8 titles by the time I snatched the Zelda Windwaker edition.
Good lord. Every launch cycle, we go through this drama. "Oh no, [insert company here] made some questionable decisions at launch. [Insert handheld/console here] is doooooooooomed!"
No. Xbox One had a horrendous launch, and it wasn't doomed. 3DS had a bad launch, and it wasn't doomed. PS Vita had a pretty good launch, and... well...
A good launch can definitely help, but continued software support and marketing are what really matter.
@ULTRA-64 so Japan doesn't exist?
Yay Chandra and his hair! I miss ONM.
As much as I love Nintendo, I don't think the Switch is going to do particularly well... Well, it's hard to say, but... here are a few of my concerns/thoughts:
People aren't going to pay for online, so online will be dead,
People are going to laugh at/make fun of Nintendo fans only getting a NES/SNES rental... when they're getting full retail games to keep on their platform.
People will not pay £60 for most games. Zelda yes, but Bomberman? No, that should be a lot cheaper. The pricing is just way off, even on peripherals like the Pro Controller.
Not very many games. While I know it's early days, it already kinda feels like Wii U levels of game releases.
I don't see/feel the buzz with the Switch yet. I think they needed something big to get people invested in it. Like Pokemon. We'll see what happens, but I think, at least here in the UK, the Switch will not turn people away from their Xbox or PlayStations, unfortunately.
I'll be day one of course.
@faint I'll say again, limited market appeal - japan account for around 10% of consoles sold worldwide. We all know that this will do better there than elsewhere. The Wii u didn't do awfully there and that did nothing to stop that being a flop. It could be that they will LOVE the switch but if it flops in Europe and particularly American markets then the console will fail. I'm sorry to seem negative but other than the handheld features and the usual games. What will people buy a switch for?
@ULTRA-64 what are the figures for portable only dedicated hand held devices? I bet the are way higher. Don't skew the numbers by adding home consoles. It will also be the only place for Pokémon etc. Don't believe Reggie when he tells you the 3ds is sticking around. It's on it's way out to.
Noooooooooooo! I'd hate for Switch to be a flop! it can't be Nintendo, it can't be. I would hate to play Mario on a Sony console....
I haven't seen the video yet, is Alex still knackered? poor guy I watched that presentation, reaction video and he quite clearly needed sleep.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE Actually - the price is great for such fantastic unique - yes, unique technology. Hardware specs? The game is a slim tablet that runs 1080p games at 60 fps! Interconnectivity is incredible! The Joycons are incredible ! USB c - Updateable UI - , Smooth fast, quality usability. The screen looks gorgeous! Some fantastic games are coming and we haven't even had all the software announcements yet - there is still al to more to come!. 12Switch is not your decision make as to whether or not it is a pack in. It's Nintendo's choice - remember , they re a business. If you don't like it or don't want it or think it's too expensive then don't buy it.
In addition to those things - paying for an online service is fantastic - it gives Nintendo opportunity to further support servers and provide a premium experience that will only make all our gaming lives better - I support it - it isn't expensive and you get further perks.
The Switch won't fail - there is an awful lot of positivity about it on the Internet this weekend - and. finally... DID YOU REALLY SUGGEST THAT @AlexOlney WASN'T BEING AN HONEST JOURNALIST BEFORE YOU WATCHED THE VIDEO ? SERIOUSLY? Seriously. I would rather go through life looking for and enjoying the positives and enjoying myself than spending all day looking at possible negatives and being miserable all the time ....
@Anti-Matter Indeed. Some people want the moon on a stick, others want to tether it and pull it crashing to the ground.
@cfgk24 🍻
@ULTRA-64 Good luck putting that PS4 on your backpack and playing Zelda on the go. Oh wait!
In my opinion, Nintendo should have been more open about the Switch. At the moment, the upcoming games aren't worth it to buy the system. Mario Kart 8 and Splatoon 2 don't seem to have enough to changes to make me buy the system plus having to pay for online just makes me want it even less. The Zelda game I can get on Wii U. The extra controllers are way too expensive. The only thing that I really would want the Switch for is Super Mario, but even that doesn't look that fantastic and definitely isn't enough to buy the experience system. They needed to reveal more for the people that don't just buy the Switch just because it is from Nintendo.
@Moon I give you some games are a bit overpriced. But remember Pokemon is still to come, aswell as other popular RPG like Fire Emblem, Xenoblade, Shin Megami. The fact that this games are not lauch titles doesn't mean they won't be coming and potencially be system sellers. This console is replacing wii u and 3ds so all the popular franchises that were on thoses systems are coming to Switch. That alone give it a huge advantage over wii u. I would not let the negativity of some people here worry me. Switch is already on a good path.
@Billsama I don't play portable games. I collect retro handhelds so I play game boys and game gears on the go. The portable features are undeniably golden to some. I'm just not one of them. I don't WANT to resort to ps4, it's just the last of us 2 if more exciting to me than the entire launch line up of the switch. I'll calm down about it when they announce more I guess 😉
How does it feel to have the balls there 😂
@Ralizah The difference is that you knew basically ALL the biggest AAA third party games were coming to the likes of Xbox One and PS4 at some point in the future, which hasn't been true of Nintendo's systems in generations. That's HUGE deal to many, many gamers out there—and I think the pretty abysmal sales of the Wii U are testament to this.
Do I really need to say anything else?
@SLIGEACH_EIRE No, I lied in an interview I knew would be made public and promoted on the company site because I have no idea how the internet works.
@faint the numbers ARE impossible to compare, you're right. I felt cheap sticking a 10% label on the Japan market in fairness. We will see in time but my point stands that even a raging success in Japan will not make up for a massive flop in the West. Well see but right now I've got the fear😉
@SLIGEACH_EIRE I'll dispute the things you said one by one:
1) Price: £280 is not even a bad price. I find it strange how people nowadays aren't willing to pay for something good!
2) Poor storage: Buy a micro sd card. You have to understand that flash storage is still expensive. Think about it, how expensive is it to get a phone with 64gb compared to 32gb? Exactly. If they put more storage, it would have increased the price significantly. At least you don't need to install your physical games.
3) Specs: It's a portable console, hence you can't expect the best specs! Yh I know there's gaming laptops that has good specs, but they cost a lot of money, much more than £280!
4) Terrible online arrangement: We hardly know any details about the online. And what what you rather, have free online that isn't good or paid online that's actually good? Exactly.
5) 1,2 switch not bundled: Just buy it when it gets cheaper, yh it would have been better if it was bundled, but it isn't.
6) Lack of third party games: There's still more to be confirmed.
7) Expensive accessories: You don't necessarily need to buy more joy cons. Yh I get the pro controller is expensive, but at least you have the joy cons and the joy con holder.
@faint Yeah! I'll buy you a beer at ONE OF MY SWITCH PARTIES!
@AlexOlney The Internet Works?
@Iggy-Koopa Keep that stick away from me!
@Billsama Yeah, it'll [hopefully] pick up a bit when those games get announced. We need more confirmed system-sellers to make the Switch seem like a worthwhile investment. I mean, I'm already on board... I just think some more announcements would have helped get other people on board. So far it seems a bit dry.
I'm getting a Switch later on purely because Mario Odyssey looks god tier. Nintendo consoles have been secondary to my PC and PS system for a while now, so long as the first party titles are great, I'll be more or less satisfied.
Also off topic but I'm glad I'm not the only one who misses ONM. Great mag.
I love all the positive comments.
However I really can't see the switch selling well in the uk. Yes the hardcore Nintendo fans will buy it and I will too eventually with Mario oddysse but it's just too expensive for the casual market. It's expensive as a handheld and expensive really expensive as a home console. The must have accessories is priced far too high.
The systems looks great. Plays great. I played Mario kart 8 Delux yesterday and honestly it played exactly the same on Wii u. The launch games other than zelda would not really persuade anyone.
Arms is good and snipperclips gameplay is good and I hope it can be played and released for Wii u
I love the usual salty comments by the equally salty people. LOL
@123akis Right with you on this. I'll add a couple of extra points:
1. Every other company charges for online services. Why are people complaining about Nintendo doing so?
2. This is the first time in a while that we get 2 controllers bundle with the console. Right from the start two person can play together without needing aditional hardware. The extra Joy-cons and pro controller are optionals. I don't see how people are complaining about this.
@Billsama the only places I have heard about the Switch are on Nintendo sites. I haven't heard anyone talking about it and that is completely different compared to people actually talking about the PS4 and XBox One. At the moment, I think this will fail
As if Chandra Nair now works for Nintendo UK!? Dude!
@lighteningbolt79 You might want to use google a bit more
@ULTRA-64 I happened to look for the "best-selling consoles ever" chart just the other day, and believe me, Japan accounts for way more than 10% of the world.
The first two places, for example, belong to PS2 and NDS respectively, and if you conpare the numbers, you'll see that in both cases EU and US have 50-60 million consoles each, while Japan stays at 30+. Which, in perspective, is huge.
Of course I can't remember the exact numbers but I suggest you to take a look yourself to see how far off I am.
Also, I chose the first two as they are respectively a home and a handheld console, so they have different markets to face.
P.S.: I also found out an interesting fact: PS2 wins by a very small margin (less than a million), but its real strength lies outside of the big 3 territories, since they shipped 25 millions alone in the rest of the world, while the runner-up in this special chart reaches half that number.
@cfgk24 the tablet runs games at 1080p at 60fps? Seriously? No. It really really doesn't and if you believe it does then you have zero credibility.
@Billsama compared to PS4 and XBox One, the Switch is barely being talked about which really isn't a good sign. Yes, big Nintendo fans will buy it, but casual gamers who likely have an Xbox or PlayStation likely won't buy it.
@Moon I'll bring you crashing down to earth, you lunar tart.
@UK-Nintendo I do agree that this is a little steep for the UK (mainly thanks to a bunch of bumbling old men who think that know what's best for the country). I do, however, fully believe that Switch will be sold without the dock eventually. Knocking that off of the retail price would work wonders for our market, then they would be able to tout the dock separately. They are fully aware that the economy here is shot to ribbons.
@lighteningbolt79 Not being talked about?! Jesus, what rock have you been living under??
@norwichred it does when it's docked at home. This has been confirmed.
@Iggy-Koopa No one that I know has mentioned anything about it and the only place I have read about it is on Nintendo sites, BBC News and MSN suggestions on Edge
@lighteningbolt79 IGN, Gamespot, Polygon, every other gaming site, Metro, Guardian, lots of other news sites, all of my gaming circle know about it, it's plastered all over GAME stores, Twitter..... Jesus dude.
@Iggy-Koopa but without the dock you can't play it home.
@faint He can't say bad things about the Switch on a Nintendo channel. You can't trust the good things about the Switch that Alex says in the video whether he genuinely believes them or not.
@Iggy-Koopa Jesus dude, why can't you except that what I am saying is what I have seen? The Switch won't be enough to to move people from PS4 and XBox One.
@lighteningbolt79 tons of sites have written about it. Cnet and Wired just to name a few. Not sure where you are from but here in Louisiana USA lots of people are taking about and not just in my circle. I have literally herd people talking on the street about it. My partner is a teacher and the kids know she plays games. They have all been asking her about it.
@UK-Nintendo I wouldn't care much. I use the Wii U mostly on off TV play
@TheDavyStar he and other journalists here have been critical of Nintendo many times. Go through and read all the soapbox articles.
So you can feel balls in your hand? Sold!!
@faint at the price of the games, accessories, the system itself and having to pay for online, most people won't want to buy this when they already have an Xbox or PlayStation especially with the small amount of good games
@clvr I wouldn't disagree with your comment, see my later post.
What I am going to say is this: The selling point of the Switch is neither the hardware specs, nor online features. But rather, it's the concept of playing home gaming software anywhere and anytime. No console like the Switch has this perk, and if you are worrying about the battery life, you can use a portable battery bank or the nearest power outlet to keep gaming on the go.
Now as far as the games go, Nintendo said that there will be more game announcements before the console launch, so keep your "doom and gloom" with you until next year. If it fails, you can say whatever you want. But if it becomes a massive success, you will admit that you are wrong about what you said about the system.
@UK-Nintendo which is why playing at home would be optional to the consumer (even though the dock doesn't stop playing at home, just on the big screen).
@lighteningbolt79 Because it's hyperbole.
@Syrek24 he is allowed to say his opinion.
Don't care about all the negativity. I like it and will play it March not a tech guy, I'm not a business man, journalist. Analyst,...whatever. I'm just a gamer and I'm loving it. Everybody thinks he's an expert these days. It's sad.
@impurekind The Wii U had a lot of things working against it. Chief among them the fact that it took awhile before it even got decent first-party support. Switch has a thin line up so far for the first year, but a lot of heavy hitters in that line up. I think those games and smart bundle pricing can push the Switch early on, just like Super Mario 3D Land and Mario Kart 7 pushed the 3DS.
I'm not saying Nintendo won't drop the ball with the Switch. I'm just saying it's silly to talk about how the Switch is doomed because of a less than stellar launch.
IDK how much it will cost but $40 would secure a purchase from me. I'm going to get the Switch at launch, hopefully with the Special Edition of Zelda.
A nice casual experience like 1 2 Switch! would offset the depth of BOTW nicely.
How much do you think it should cost?
@faint - Thank you @norwichred Splatoon runs at 1080 60fps. . I'm sorry? I have no credibility? If you thought I was wrong - you could simply have corrected me with your fresh fact instead of deriding me.
@ULTRA-64 oh i see. If your point was "even if it sells like gangbusters in Japan but zero in the West, it'll still be a disaster", well, yes, I agree.
And I guess we also agree that it's way more likely to sell well in Japan, but I think it's really inaccurate to consider the Japanese market as only 10% of the global market, as the numbers show it's a bigger slice of the cake.
@cfgk24 Learn how to READ. I asked him. CAPS CAPS CAPS.
Oh! Everyone! by the way.. I WILL BE HOLDING A GAMING PARTY in Macdonalds -just like they do in Japan.. . PLEASE CAN YOU BRING YOUR PS4s AND A TV so we can play Multiplayer .... oh! er... wait a minute! . . . . . .
@faint It doesn't matter whether he was critical before, what matters is that he cannot voice any criticisms on the video because it's on Nintendo's own channel. It's advertising, not real journalism Why do you think Alex doesn't point out the negatives off the Switch?
@lighteningbolt79 Wait.... I thought new PS4 games and New Xbox one games are typically 60 bucks.
@Syrek24 You want to know why individuals such as him play Nintendo? Because he likes Nintendo and isn't to blind to criticise a company he likes. The Switch has revived Nintendo fanboy culture.
@TheDavyStar I think he actually likes the controller. Is that so hard to believe?
@SLIGEACH_EIRE No - you 'ASK' him - you hadn't 'ASKED' him. Different Tenses. Maybe a simple overlooked grammar error. Also - was the question mark in the wrong place? However - your underlying suggestion is that @AlexOlney wasn't being or going to be honest with his answers.
And, maybe if you had been there - they may have interviewed you as you are a lead member of a major Nintendo gaming site?
And Alex definitely needed sleep lol
@TheDavyStar Actually the truth is he, you and others are jumping the gun about lots of things we know nothing or very little about. Just like you did before we even saw the darn thing.
@cfgk24 yea that's fun because everyone gets their gaming consoles out with them.
This is me not everyone.
When I go out with friends I don't game with my friends outside.
When I'm home or have free time after work I sometimes game
@AlexOlney Like I said I appreciate your position and probably at the time of the interview you weren't in possession of the full facts, they're still emerging and a lot of it is negative.
Like the last thing I've read is that MK8 Deluxe has no new tracks. It'll likely be full price. They've added a few new characters and karts. And fixed the Battle Mode which should have and could have been done on Wii U via DLC. Online multiplayer is now charged for on Switch but free on Wii U. What's the bet those servers shut down soon?
@faint I'm not talking about whether the Switch will fail. Ask I'm saying is that this video is not a credible way of judging the quality of the Switch. Marketing had the intent of glamourising products, not presenting then in an objective manner.
@cfgk24 It's a fact that you have to play nice with Nintendo or you won't get talking to them again. IGN and other major sites have said this in the past. Very often you're only allowed ask certain questions.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE the topic was the controller. THE TOPIC WAS THE CONTROLER. Jesus.
@faint yes, that's why they are unlikely to buy all the things for the switch and continue to use their other system. It is likely the one that they have been using the longest and has games they prefer which will likely be on the other systems (not the switch) that they will want to use rather than buying a whole new system
@faint Like I said, he can believe all the positive things you want, but what matters is that he left out the negatives. And as IGN had proven, it can be hard to believe that someone believes the latest COD is worthy of a 9
@TheDavyStar the topic is the controller only. He likes the controller. He mentioned playing it on the toilet. Doesn't sound very glamorous.
@lighteningbolt79 then why does anyone ever buy a new system?
@faint What is wrong with you? Did you not read my first comment?
"Were you honest, I ask before I watch the video?"
My comments promote debate which is good both for us and this site.
@TheDavyStar the negatives about the controller? Which ones do you the he would have experienced in and hour?
@faint because support for their current gaming system is ending, but for the PS4 and XBox One it isn't
@SLIGEACH_EIRE in your comment to Alex you brought up mk 8 and a bunch or other junk saying he wasn't in possession of the facts when the interview is about the controller only. This makes the other things irrelevant in your post. Maybe they should have interviewed him about paid online so you could be happy.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE I usually don't agree with you on many issues, especially wen you are a bit too harsh on games.
Still, I agree like 90% with you this time. The Switch is gonna bomb! It will definitely sell more than the Wii U if its truly s powerful as a PS4 (for the price it should be) and Nintendo truly advertise it as a complete game solution of console and handheld (damned be the 3DS).
The accessories are crazy expensive (to play ARMS, a game that I'll enjoy, you need two sets of joycons, so you have to spend 140 to play it with a friend), 1 2 Switch should come free with the console, not a 50 dollar game by any chance (in retrospective does less than Smooth Moves which launched at 40 and can be bought at 20 on the VC) .
Still, whatever we say, whatever we feel, whatever we considered is meaningless (we, all the NL community). Why? Because we are the ones who bought a Wii U, and Nintendo should and it is targeting a larger audience. But it is doingly wrong: the Switch is priced not to sell. Period.
@lighteningbolt79 so they will buy a new system then.
@faint glamourising as on, saying positive things about the Switch. Playing games on the toilet is a positive talking point, so it is glamourising. Note the difference between "glamorous" and "glamourising". As regards to negatives surrounding the controller, I don't know, because I haven't touched, but it isn't hard to imagine some because no controller is perfect. Ones I can think of of the top of my head are the fact that they are tiny, and that the analogue stick makes games like Ultra Street Fighter 2 awkward to pay using a single JoyCon
@faint maybe we should all be Nintendo fanboys so you would be happy. We are saying our opinions about the Switch and all you are doing is saying they are wrong
@TheDavyStar so you think he hates the controller. @AlexOlney do you like the controller or are you actively tricking us li @TheDavyStar is suggesting?
@faint but why would they? The extra controllers are expensive so can't play games multiple players if they require two controllers each. The games are rubbish and all this system seems to be is a way for Nintendo to make up the money lost from the Wii U
@faint Christ I don't think he hates the controller, I'm saying he didn't talk about the negatives. I know @AlexOlney gets this and I don't think that you are a liar, but its important to be sceptical of media. I don't think Alex is trying to trick you, but Nintendo, being a corporate orginisation tat wants to make money, are tricking you into think that his thoughts are 100% praise by listing only the positive things he has to say. It's how advertising works.
@maceng Since you brought up hardware power point, it's a good thing that Nintendo didn't make a PlayStation-like console because that would harm the video game industry more than you think. I'm just glad that Nintendo made a console that's easy to develop game for rather than a PC-esque machine.
As for the accessories, yeah I agree that they are a bit expensive, but that because technology advancement does cost lots of money, so they need to make profit from selling the accessories, and you're not forced to buy them.
@lighteningbolt79 I'm not though. I'm being rational and you guys are flying all over the place. I will not be buying arms because it's not appealing to me. I think 1 2 switch is a waste of time not being a pack in. I think it's a stupid idea to down port 1st party titles to the 3ds. I think the new 3ds should have gba games. I think Nintendos advertising sucks. I think you should get to own the vc games you get with the online subscription.
You guys however are jumping all over the place blindly without thinking thing through and refusing to believe this journalist likes the controller or that you don't have all the info. Heck there is another direct in a week. I bet they do this all the way to e3.
@cfgk24 WHEN DOCKED! Which means it is not in tablet mode but In home console mode. Running as a home console. With the extra power the dock provides. The tablet, natively, cannot do 1080p @ 60fps as you claim.
It is a gorgeous screen, I've played it. But it cannot do what you claim.
@lighteningbolt79 the thing comes with to joy cons. That equals two controllers. Does the PS4 or Xbox one come with two controllers?
@UK-Nintendo Of course! not everyone goes out social gaming with friends.. . that's fine! But now , there is a choice to play home console games socially out and about - which is great I think!
( tonight I am staying in playing a lonely game of Hyrule Warriors trying to get Link to lvl 255 )
@TheDavyStar they are only talking about his experience with the controller which probably lasted about an hour or two over the course of a day. What negatives did you expect him to experience in that amount of time. I think he enjoyed his time with it.
@faint you are not listening to me so why should I listen to you. I am saying very valid points, but you, as a Nintendo fan boy , can't accept that someone is criticizing the console with points that you don't agree with.
@Rontanamo_Bay I ask myself, should I even bother to refute your nonsense? The answer is I...can'
@SLIGEACH_EIRE I'm totally with you on this, I wrote pretty much the same thing in another article.
Nintendo need to pull their thumbs out and make some huge announcements for the switch or this will be worst failure than the WiiU.
I have lost faith in them.
@faint Conversation loops back to comment 115
An hour's time with a game is enough to get an idea of the hardware's controllers. And if it wasn't, then it would be Nintendo trying to dilute Alex's judgement regarding the controller. Also see: Konami's MGSV review bootcamps. But, like I said, I think an hour is time enough.
@lighteningbolt79 did you not read my criticism above? I'm definitely not a fan boy. The problem here is you guys are fighting about a lot of things we still know very little about and not thinking this through. What's really irritating is the fact that this video is about controllers and Alex experience with them. Not all this other crap.
Nice one Alex. I saw you pop up in my YouTube subscription list. I'm afraid I haven't watched the video though. They seem to have done a thousand of these with various journalists and they're all extremely sanitised. "So would you say the Switch is awesome or amazing?" "If you could describe the Switch using the most sycophantic terms, how would you describe it?" etc.
@TheDavyStar I agree and I think he actually likes it.
@faint "I think"
@Splatmaster hey let's make a friendly bet. I will bet you the switch sales at least double the wiius first week in its first week. Winner gets one month avatar control.
@TheDavyStar we he likes it or it's a lie. Do you think he has lied about enjoying it?
@faint Comment loops back to comment 107.
Everything you wish to know has been answered in previous comments.
@cfgk24 I agree it's a good thing but it's better if more and more people buy it.
I'll be buying a switch when that new mario game comes and honestly I think that's when most people will buy eventually with a holiday price drop
@TheDavyStar yes it does by design. You have two options. You can believe he likes it or believe he actively lied. Until you do the conversation will keep looping.
@faint Glad we can agree on something
The joy cons are a very nice bit of kit, they feel robust, various levels of rumble and really add a new dimension to games like Arms. There is suprising depth to that game incidentally, it could be a sleeper hit, given a chance.
I tried a pro controller and I don't think it's a must have. Joy cons with standard connector seem fine.
Of course everyone was paid to be super happy and enthusiastic at the launch event, but the great unwashed (including me) seemed genuinely impressed with the Switch.
Yes we all want gazillion games day one, but they will come. Personally I am really positive about the potential of Switch.
@Mii_duck hey everyone look! Another guy who used the controller and enjoyed it. Are you guys going to try and call him out too?
@faint lol very funny.
To be honest I do wish for it to be a huge success however looking at the launch line up it doesn't look good.
Was very hyped up for this as it's right up my street with the portability factor............ but the funtamental thing is that Nintendo has not learnt from their mistakes and haven't listened to what the gamers want............ it's the gamers who feed them not the other way round.
Poor line up.
Not Anough memory.
No mention of VC.
No mention on how much online is going to be.
Over priced accessories.
Over priced console.
Timid 3rd party support.
Oh and yeah shoulder buttons are not analog , a massive let down on racing junkies, I mean this day and age and there is no analog L2 and R2, c'mon get real.
This is the truth at the moment FACT
I really do hope Nintendo pulls out all the stops and make things better and LISTENS to what people are saying.
I'll dispute the things you said one by one:
1) Price: £280 is not a good price. It is not competitive enough. 300 in the US can't compete with the PS4 at 250 or the Xbox, both bundled with games.
2) "Poor storage: Flash storage is still expensive"... for us, the customers. Big companies buying in bulk can get 64GB for very cheap.. it was 27 bucks three years ago, while the 32Gb was 13.
3) Specs:Don't care much about specs, but even Regis said that this is mainly a home console, not a handheld. So your statement is just not accurate, according to Nintendo itself.
4) "Terrible online arrangement: We hardly know any details about the online". I'll give you that. We shouldn't jump the gun.
5) "1,2 switch not bundled: Just buy it when it gets cheaper, it would have been better if it was bundled, but it isn't." Nintendo needs to bundle something with the Switch, just like any major gaming company is doing nowadays, specially with a new console that has real innovative controls.
6) Lack of third party games: There's still more to be confirmed. Nintendo better do that quickly. many online websites are pointing out that the lineup is worst than the Wii U, with no backwards compatibility. Only 2 games have been announced to launch at March 3rd.
7) "Expensive accessories: You don't necessarily need to buy more joy cons". Unless you want to play ARMS, Nintendo's own game, with a friend. You need 80 bucks for the additional joycons plus 60 bucks for the game. Its nuts.
@Splatmaster I agree with you about the shoulder buttons. I disagree about the price. I am used to buying two consoles every gen from Nintendo (and Sony for that matter) to play the games from them I want too. Now I only have to buy one. It's like I saved 250 bucks. I think the pro controller is to high but the separate joy cons are just right seeing as how you get 2 controllers when you buy them. I expect more info on vc and online before march. All launch lineups suck and have ports. Look up launch lineups for the first two months of every console in the last 20 years. The memory is not a big deal unless your digital only. The onboard memory on the vita and 3ds is way worse. At least micro sd memory is way cheaper then the vita memory sticks 😩 Gosh those things are expensive.
"People are going to laugh at/make fun of Nintendo fans only getting a NES/SNES rental... when they're getting full retail games to keep on their platform"
Anyone mocking another gamer is either an insecure adolescent or internet fanboy. Neither of which are consequential in the larger scheme of things
People will not pay £60 for most games. Zelda yes, but Bomberman? No, that should be a lot cheaper. The pricing is just way off, even on peripherals like the Pro Controller
Can't speak for U.K., but in the US that's only $5-10 more than Xbox One and PS4 controllers. Admittedly high but it also packs a lot more technology so it feels like you're getting more for that extra $10. I don't think that extra 10 bucks is going to make or break console sales.
Not very many games. While I know it's early days, it already kinda feels like Wii U levels of game releases
If Wii U had gotten a Zelda, Mario, Splatoon, Xenoblade, MarioKart, Hyrule Warriors and new IP like Arms within the first 9 months of its launch, people would have been raving. Not sure why the bar has suddenly been moved higher. The launch is thin, but having Zelda is worth 20 Knacks and Killzones and PS3 ports. One system seller is better than two dozen forgettable releases.
Poor line-up: Zelda, Mario kart (deluxe), Arms (be open minded), an RPG, Street Fighter etc all in launch window. Games are too expensive but you all want more?
Not enough memory: it's expandable.
No mention of how much on-line is going to be: could be 99p a month then? Or the same as other consoles. Wait and see.
Over priced: can't argue on accessories but they aren't essential. The console? Yeah, maybe top end on what I expected.
Third party support: wait and see I guess, if the promises come true.
Analogue buttons: yeah, a shame but how many games would utilise them?
@maceng the only reason they are calling it primarily a home console is the 3ds. When that thing dies it will end. Did you notice how much focus the switch reveal had on playing out side or in cars?
@faint You are right. Japan is gonna buy these in troves. I think that the Switch will easily outpaced every other console in a matter of 2 years in Japan, even the PS4. Japan is still a big player, accounting for roughly 20% of all consoles sold.
My gripe is that Regis said that first and foremost the Switch is a home console, not a portable one. For the US makes sense, and we are the ones listening to what he says, but sends a wrong message to everyone else. I hope that Nintendo's CEO really markets it is as both a home console and a handheld, even at the expense of the 3DS.
@Ralizah Actually, I think the $79/40% price drop in panicked response to a less than stellar initial sales performance in the first four months really helped the 3DS along: (and this link is followed by a perfectly appropriate article right below the main one)
Hopefully you get what I'm getting at.
@Rontanamo_Bay. It matters. You are talking about Nintendo and its policy of really fixed prices on everything. Look for a Wii U: 300 bucks. The only place where you can buy it for less than that, is on Nintendo's own online store, refurb, for 200.
You can't be serious about the 3DS: it received a major cut around 6 months after it launched, because of the backlash of the community. And of course I know that it has sold more than 60 million (I've bought 34 to this date for me, about 20 for friends and son's friends).
I think that the price is OK if Nintendo wants to sell 20-25 million. It would have been a major player again if it would has been 250, same as current offerings from Sony and Microsoft.
"the Switch is priced not to sell. Period"
I don't think $300 is that much for a launch of a new console. PlayStation 4 and Xbox One came out and were $100-200 more than Wii U, and $150-250 more than PS3 and 360. Didn't stop them from selling though.
If Switch was strictly a home console, I would probably agree. Because strictly speaking on console terms it would offer less compared to the competition. But it's not just a console. It's a hybrid. And offers something the competition simply can't and doesn't offer.
The 3DS has sold 60+ million at the $250 launch price with a drop to $200. If that dinky little machine can sell that much at that price, what makes you think a machine with 20X more appeal, that actually plays console games on an HD screen, actually functions as a console more powerful than Wii U and can run current gen games... what makes you think it's going to fail so horribly for just $50 more than 3DS launched at? You know it's going to do well in Japan as a portable device which means it's going to get all the same support 3DS got... which means even if western third parties don't support it it's still going to have games. Who in their right mind would buy 3DS for $200 when they could get a Switch for $100 more? And once the inevitable $50 price drop arrives, how much more so then?
@maceng the wiiu did get a fifty dollar price cut on the deluxe model then they added a second game that everyone wanted. That's like 2 price cuts.
Gotta love the comments of people who seem to have the clairvoyance to know the Switch will fail. Sure it has the potential to fail, but so does almost every other product. The 3DS could have failed but thankfully Nintendo turned it around with a price drop and some faster major releases.
But no, whining, moaning, telling everyone bad news seems a hell of a lot more fun.
<Quite pathetic actually>
Obviously there are issues people have, we can only hope that Nintendo will listen but frankly we will know by around September. If sales after launch remain low, Nintendo actually has the chance to change stuff.
So enough with this "defo will fail"! Cos I'm starting to wonder which way is up. It may fail, it may not, it may go through a rocky start and break out. Let's wait and see, then look at the results.
(Also just note, most people won't give a damn if you turn out to be correct; it's hardly a worthwhile achievement in life).
@maceng I think they will when they kill the 3ds in a year.
@Rontanamo_Bay Really? Let's just start with this quote:
"Battery life and internal storage are not valid complaints."
A battery life of 3 to 6 hours isn't a valid complaint? You know 6 hours is with settings at their minimum, like lighting at the dimmest level. Zelda lasts 3 hours.
32GB is again a valid complaint. It wasn't enough for Wii U and it's definitely not enough for Switch. It's Nintendo being stingy and passing another expense to us.
So, I'm not going to bother anymore picking apart your poor statements.
Aw Alex is a lucky guy to be able to play on a Switch and actually get a feel of what it's all about. I'm really excited to be able to play these new games. Super Mario Odyssey is stuff of dreams, for me. (I hope we can play as Luigi!)
@Mr_Zurkon I find they somewhat dampen my mood, given the amount of positive news we've heard lately. But, I'm gonna keep my head high for Nintendo!
@SLIGEACH_EIRE Not really. The switch is going to be too cool to fail. Mark my words!
@MadameSpuki Same here, I am pretty excited for the Switch. Granted the launch lineup is not stellar, but most systems have "meh" titles. Zelda seems like a 50-100 hour game so at least that is out day 1.
I just updated my profile pic to show that I'm serious about been a Nintendo fan: part of my 3DS collection (the ones out of the box, used for Streetpassing for Pokemon Shuffle).
@SLIGEACH_EIRE 3-6 hours battery is inline with the 3DS and PSVITA. What on earth are you even expecting?
You're just being unreasonable. If it had a better battery it would be even more expensive and you'd probably Complain about that too.
I can only play Zelda for three hours non-stop in bed?
If only I had the energy to reach for the power lead on the bedside cabinet.
Seriously, when do you ever play on a handheld for three hours away from a plug, or portable power bank?
I keep coming back to Arms; I think it's a game you have to take time to learn rather than being a button masher - or punch thrower - but a controller in each fist blocking, grabbing, jumping and moving all seemed natural. It felt physically involved.
I couldn't help think "it's all here already, apart from the VR headset".
The Switch is amazing. It feels great, the Joy Cons fit my hands just right and are very comfortable to use, almost like an extension of my own hands. Especially for ARMS, which was great, great fun to play, MUCH more fun than it maybe looks on a video. The HD Rumble is fantastic, the feedback it gives you can vary from barely-there to full on jack hammer. And yes, you really can tell how many marbles there are. Pro controller won't be necessary for most, possibly all games, the Joy Cons in the grip are great for pretty much everything.
The whole package feels and looks like a quality bit of kit, it's solid without being heavy and the finish is really tactile. The screen is lovely, good depth of colour and nice and bright (at least in low-light environments, I wasn't able to see it in sunlight).
I'm a little sad that 1 2 Switch isn't a pack-in, because it's such an obvious choice for that. And some of the mini games (at least the ones I tried) are again a heck of a lot more fun than they seemed from the Treehouse presentation.
3-6 hours of battery life may seem a little low - but honestly, how much battery life do you get from a tablet doing anything at all graphics intensive? And a bigger battery = more weight and more cost. I'm quite happy with 3-6 hours and I'll use my £7 power pack to recharge it if I'm on the go for longer than that.
Memory again seems a little low, and perhaps they could (and should) have doubled the onboard memory for the same package price. But a 64 GB micro SD costs about £15 if you don't shop around, and I've seen 256 GB for less than £50, so that's not a deal breaker either. If I'm buying extra memory, at least I get to choose how much I spend. And Nintendo use standard micro SD cards, they don't gouge their customers with stupidly expensive proprietary cards. It might even be possible to get a cheap 32 GB card or even smaller, fill that up over time, get another one and fill that up, and swap them out depending on what game I want to play. Less convenient, maybe, but carrying two or three micro SD cards around isn't going to be difficult.
I think if they'd beefed up the battery life (more expensive + heavier kit) and the memory (more expensive) it might cost them less per console than it would cost me to get an SD card and a power pack, but it would still make the console more expensive and would maybe have tipped it over to "can't afford" for more people. As it is, I will be getting one at launch, even though it will almost certainly be £30-£50 cheaper in 2 years or so, because I want it NOW and I think it's worth it.
ETA - Launch games. There are two launch games I want right out of the blocks. Then there will be Lego City (no Wii U for me, so I missed it first time round). RiME. I am Setsuna. Disgaea 5. Project Octopath. Mario. Maybe Rayman. Dragon Quest. Notice how many of those are 3rd party? Yes, many are ports. But 3rd parties make games for other people's consoles, that's the point. You want 3rd party AAA exclusives? Won't happen, or at least won't happen often. That's not how this business works. But 3rd party multi-platform, I do believe that is coming. I do really believe that 3rd parties are going to add a Switch release to most, if not every, Xbone/PS4 game they make now. They won't use the amazing tech the Switch has, because none of the other consoles has that tech. But the games are coming, and will continue to come.
@maceng Long story short, the Switch is too expensive. Points 1, 2, 5 and 7 all comes under costs. I do feel that Nintendo can sometimes be stingy when it comes to pricing things. I just hope that by the end of this year, we'll get better for value bundles and the accessories go down in price.
And about third party games, I definitely agree with you on that, so basically we can't complain about that yet because there's no announcements but they really should get a move on.
On a side note... it's funny how the Nintendolife community is always arguing in the comments!
@Azooooz Agree with you. We don't need Nintendo to make a PC-like console. But we need it powerful enough to make developers more committed to develop for it.
I really hope that it is easier to develop for than the Wii U. I think that Nintendo hasn't come out clearly and say it but I think that there is some parity with the Android OS and that we will see many games from the tablet market flooding to the Switch.
@123akis At least we don't have a bunch of PS4 and Xbox One fans trolling around!
I think I'm gonna disconnect from NL and everything on the news regarding the Switch till at least the end of February. Zero disappointments if there no new games coming but happily impressed if there is something new for the Switch.
ducks under the flailing arms & unattached joy-cons
Whoa! Y'all take a chill!! You got to cool that $heez off! And that's the double-truth, Ruth.
I would never regard myself as a fanboy but I have owned nearly all the Nintendo consoles/handhelds made and my feelings are:
The Switch is a true Nintendo machine, forged from all the great & good that's gone before (maybe that's why VR Boy wasn't in the DNA?), however we all know it's not as perfect as it could (should) be.
Getting at each other is NOT going to make Nintendo recall it before the launch, improve aspects of it then re-launch it!
We have what we have, I'm not impressed with some areas but if I was as unhappy with it as some people are, I would show it with my wallet - by either buying a 'rival' system or not buying a console at all!
I've never owned anything PlayStation or Xbox so I don't know all the flaws of their systems/launches etc .. but I've never heard of Nintendo having Red Rings or disc failures from systems being 'used incorrectly'. Quality costs & new tech always costs more to start, with Nintendo their products usually stand the test of time - even after years in a cupboard/loft, hence why they don't drop their prices often & old stocks of accessories sell for silly money.
I get being passionate about your feelings but for each negative comment about the Switch, do you not think it could put another person of purchasing it at launch or even at all?
On Topic finally not yet seen the video but as regular peeps as well as Alex have said the controller is comfortable, that's good enough for me. Never did get the GB micro but tried it out for an hr with no problems so I'm guessing similar size? You get 'free' joy-straps in the box & for MK8D the Switch wheels aren't expensive for 2.
Now shake hands, say your sorries or no more play dates for any of you!
bottom line for me is i wont be getting a Switch. i was quite tempted but after watching that laughable and embarrassing presentation i wont get it, ill stick with the 3DS. I think nintendo has a potentially massive failure on it's hands here.
Look, I don't want to sound all "you weren't there, man", but what I took away from the launch event is that Switch is a very good thingie indeed.
It seriously is.
Bottom line is it's a nice object. It's a lovely new shiny thing.
Yes, price, yes not enough games for you yet, but I would defy any gamer to come away from the Launch event having played the variety of games from Zelda serious to giggling milking a cow (gawd knows how many smutty comments the girl on the stand had to endure) to not think Nintendo have done good here.
There is so much potential.
It needs the games, it needs hitting with games hard, I won't dispute that. But as hardware, seeing the potential, the depth of options it can offer, I think Nintendo have nailed it - wait until you get your hands on one. It's a good thing.
@DizziParadise it's nice to hear from a unbiased recent user, I wasn't fortunate enough to get a Golden Ticket but glad to hear you believe it's worth it - and your negative thoughts about aspects of the system have very valid reasoning & solutions too.
I wonder if phone users raged about their soon-to-own phones on other sites like this? Contracted or full-priced, they cost a lot more & are people genuinely happy with every aspect of them too? Yeah I'm looking at you 👁📱
I was seriously thinking of skipping out on a day one purchase due to the negatives - but why should I miss out on being able to play Zelda in public & hopefully convince the eye-ballers around me that this machine is worth it? Isn't that a better way to make sure it doesn't fail, let people see what they're missing.
@AlexOlney is ARMS the punch out successor we've been waiting for? All the gameplay I've seen looks really robust and responsive. Also thoughts on Street Fighter?
I really feel like Nintendo has a gem on their hands with Switch.
@Riff-the-Don "And that's the double-truth, Ruth."
Always good to see a Do The Right Thing reference. Probably went over most of their heads...
All that anyone needs to know about Alex's impressions is that he pretended to jerk off a virtual imaginary cow. Frankly, as an advocate for imaginary cow rights, I'm offended. Horrified, even. Maybe devastated? But yeah, Alex looked a little guilty, yet he did it anyways. Scoundrel.
@PlywoodStick - you milk the imaginary cow while sitting opposite, and looking into the eyes of an attractive Nintendo girl.
Yeah, now you're interested.
Or in my case you play against your wife. And lose.
"Sorry, I usually last longer".
@Riff-the-Don - the negatives expressed are just Internet opinion.
What matters is "Will I enjoy the games?" and "can I justify the cost?"
All the rest, memory, controllers etc is just flapping gums over flimflammery.
It's a games console, not the second coming. But from what I've seen, it's a good console.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE I see harsh reviewers at Nintendo press events all the time.
is that a switch he snuck in his pocket or is he just really happy to be interviewed?
@Syrek24 he has a right to express his opinion, as do you, since the alternative you espouse is fanaticism/fascism.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE The only negativity is on your own bubble mate. Look outside. I see a lot of positive feedback about the Switch in major sites. Now if you only look for the negative comments that is all you're going to find.
@Mizar Everybody has the right to express their opinion and everybody has the right to be annoyed by constant, unfounded and inflammatory negativity.
@impurekind I agree the price drop helped, but it's not what sold a lot of people on the system. The quality software did. The price drop just made the investment easier to justify.
I think we can both agree that it would be good if Nintendo pushes the Switch as aggressively as it pushed the 3DS. It felt like they just sent the Wii U out to die.
"Hello, all you UNhappy people!"
@PlywoodStick Best comment here.
@Billsama fascism started when people blindly followed an idea that they thought was perfect, and any criticism was silenced. I'm not saying you or that other guy are fascists, but you cross a line when you take logical criticsm of a upcoming console like someone has dissed your family - believe me Nintendo does not give a flying mushroom about such fanaticm, all they care about are making tons of $$$$$$$ from fanatics, and it is fair to say with this system (pricing, specs, accessibility), they are going to rinse you dry, and if that is the quality of loyalty, appreciation, honour, patronising behaviour some expect and swallow from Ninty, then no wonder the system may fail!
@Ninja44X "bottom line for me is i wont be getting a Switch. i was quite tempted but after watching that laughable and embarrassing presentation i wont get it, ill stick with the 3DS. I think nintendo has a potentially massive failure on it's hands here."
Dude, no one cares if you're not getting one. You think that's going to stop the rest of the world from enjoying the console? No one expected the console to be everyone's cup of tea. And you can miss out on the Switch for that stupid reason if that brings you pleasure, meanwhile I preordered mine yesterday.
Then again, maybe I should look at this from another perspective and imagine that your attention was misdirected. I see that you are a Nintendo gamer, a proud owner of a 3DS. So, perhaps I can guide you into making a proper decision by presenting to you the highlights of the conference, which can culminate to reveal a reality where the pros far outweigh the cons.
Powerful Nvidia mobile tech
Sleek and fast portability
Scalable CPU/GPU
Effective stationary performance
3 modes of play styles
Advanced & Intuitive Joy-Con
Yay, cartridges!
Vivid & Crisp 720p screen
Clutter-free OS and UI
No region locking
Upgradable storage (2 TB!)
Zelda at launch🤗
Fifa will be big in the UK😉
Over 80 games in launch window
Tons of developer's onboard early
Finally, Bethesda!😎
Premium online service (in the fall)
Peripherals are a bit pricey
Day one launch lineup is sparse
32 gigs of onboard storage (trivial)
Perhaps one of the cons I've listed would be a deal breaker for you, I don't know. As for the price of the console, I'd say it's a sweet spot between $399 and $199. You have to realize that Nintendo is delivering a premium device, and premium technology usually comes at a premium cost, hince why the PS4 is back at $399 with the release of the Pro. The good side of all that is you get more longevity out of the product. I think that Nintendo, learning from the past two generations, wants to deliver something modern enough to have effective staying power. In 18 months when prices start to go down, you'll be glad that Nintendo went the premium route. That's all the knowledge I have to give you on this subject, and If you still feel compelled to skip the Switch, that's cool with me, to each his own.
But, know that there are going to be a lot of forces out there that want to blind you, and keep you angry at Nintendo. They'll want to convince you that it's all over, and to not put your trust in the Switch. They'll want to cram their opinions down your throat and tell you how to feel about the Switch. They'll stir negative feelings in you or fear. They'll do it for clicks and likes. Avoid these biased creeps if you want to be where you belong.😉
@faint You're a very sensible guy. That's good to see these days. But, I disagree about the price of the Pro controller. I think the $69 price tag is fair, considering what's going into it. There will be motion sensors, HD rumble, and NFC functionality included with the standard stuff. It will basically be like a Wiiu gamepad without the camera and screen. And I'm pretty sure it's put together with high grade materials. Anyway, that's just my two cents.
@Manjushri You make a good point there. I keep looking at it as a Wii U successor. I know it's both but I keep forgetting that. They shouldn't have called it a console first, did they?
I'm a Wii U only owner and I'm less than impressed by what I see. It's hard to describe. I'd love to come up with a good analogy. I'm tired, maybe tomorrow. There's a tonne of scrambled thoughts. Wii U 1.3? It's barely a step up. It's like Gamecube to Wii.
DF Videocast #7: Hands-On with Nintendo Switch
"Familiarity breeds contempt!"
@Ralizah "I think we can both agree that it would be good if Nintendo pushes the Switch as aggressively as it pushed the 3DS. It felt like they just sent the Wii U out to die."
I can absolutely agree with that.
It just worries me that Nintendo doesn't seem to realise from the get-go that the current price is a bit too high, at least in my opinion, or that the lack of even one new AAA first party title at launch—Zelda is a last-gen game ported to Switch—is not exactly calming my fears, especially when there's no new AAA third party titles to coming to the system at launch or in the near future either. And I actually think any reasonable person should find this similarly worrying, especially given the whole Wii U debacle.
The system has a load of potential, as did both the Wii and Wii U, but my fear right now is that once again Nintendo is going to fail to even come close to realising that potential fully, just like it did with both the Wii and Wii U as far as I'm concerned.
@Billsama I only visit Nintendo sites on a daily basis. You name them, I'm there. Yes I visit the wider web too to check on the latest news. I made a conscious point of checking how the wider web was perceiving the presentation because we're the hardcore and Nintendo can't rely or survive on us alone. I'm telling you, it hasn't gone down well. I know overall, I come across as negative but that's because that's how it is...overall. Yes Zelda is beyond amazing, goosebump territory, Super Mario Odyssey, has he ever let us down? And Snipperclips? ? I watched that on the Japanese Live feed the night before last and it looks like a mountain of fun. That's what it is all about. It took me by surprise. It's definitely the sleeper hit.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE 1, 2, Switch (Fail) shouldn't be a pack-in. I'm glad that it's going to be a standalone "game." That way, it will be more likely to be quickly forgotten, so that way the scandals will stop at Alex's Joy-Toy fondling.
And yes, Snipperclips stole the show. I predict it's going to get a 10/10 on NL, while BotW and SMO get a 9/10.
(Oh, who am I kidding, BotW and SMO will both get 10/10, because they're the Nintendo games NL has been waiting for after 5+ years of their last fully fledged entries. Meanwhile, Snipperclips will get jipped with a measly 9/10 rating. It's heresy against genius, I tell you!)
@SLIGEACH_EIRE I have a good idea, if NS succeeds why don't erase your acc here and stop female dogging like you do 95% of the time? It would be nice!
@Mizar I have always found it curious how people dismiss as blind fanatism opinions that are different from their. This is about opinions mate, you have your and I have mine. You sound blinded by your own by the way, at the point that you are talking about fascism in a gaming board. Learn to respect others opinions, even if they are different from what you think.
I know that Nintendo is a company in the business of making money. I'm not defending their interest, I'm not a blind fanatics. I just happen to think different from you. I see a system with a lot of potencial, a system I will like to play and games I'm excited about. Why can negative people like you understand that is a perfectly valid opinion without thinking we must be fool sheep blindly following an evil corporation?
@Mii_duck No... NO... STOP IT! You're going to ignite the meme spread talking like that!
(Please keep going)
@Riff-the-Don - the negatives expressed are just Internet opinion.
What matters is "Will I enjoy the games?" and "can I justify the cost?"
You are very right about it. The thing is we also need a third question: "will people buy it (in large quantities)?"
I hope they do. I'll buy it myself, but later on as I don't see that many games that tickle my fancy now (ARMS, Bomberman, Street Fighter II do hold my interests as well as any rpg). Can Nintendo afford that? I don't know. Can Nintendo afford another WiiU-level fail? Don't think so!
@Mizar Dude, you are putting way too much weight into your opinion, considering that you are yet to really experience the device. It just seems suspect. And makes you seem a little pompous. That's why people got upset about your negative comment. It wasn't justified. At least not yet. and it's way too early to make any final judgements on how the Switch will perform. I mean, the thing hasn't even launched yet. It literally hasn't spent a day on the market.
I'd say it's best to keep your negative assumptions to yourself and maybe do a review after you've tried it, and maybe make a prediction after it's been on the market a while.😉
@Splatmaster I disagree with you, and I don't know where to start in my explanation of why. Sounds like you're nitpicking a little though. That's okay though, that's common amongst Nintendo's usual critics.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE Want to bet $100 that you're wrong? I'm ready to bet when you are.
@faint Don't give the haters any of your attention, their not worth it. They lack dignity and respect. I mean, calling Alex a liar and challenging what he said because it was positive? They're just messing with you, bro. They get a kick out of that.
@TossedLlama lol well it was a funny questions.
@TheDavyStar Umm... Are you new? Alex criticizes Nintendo all the time. You guys are awful and you don't even know it, or maybe you do and you enjoy being pricks. I say that with respect.
Zelda is going to be epic and makes the switch day one purchase for me, I have a wii u but want the version that will be able to hold a frame rate. the switch will have good games throughout its life. im not buying the switch for the launch games, im buying it for all the cool games that will come over the next few years. while I wait I will be playing Zelda.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE The accessory prices are criminal! I thought I'd be buying a few extra dock sets just so I could comfortably move the Switch around the house to play on various tellys. But at that price I call 'rubbish!'
@CircuitWrangler3 at the time I made that post I had no idea they had built in an NFC reader etc. it's pretty crazy and pretty awesome.
@Zadaris why not just unplug the dock and move it? It probably weighs less than the switch.
@Azooooz, yes you can play these games everywhere but the question is still whether or not the specific home console software on offer here will be something a lot of people want to play ANYWHERE. As in AT ALL. Of course fans like me will want to play Zelda and Mario, but what about the more crucial and wider market? You reiterate Nintendo's claim that this is home console gaming on the go but by what standards will it be jugdged as real home console gaming?
Elsewhere folks are encouraging skeptics to cut this thing some slack because it's more of a seriously powerful portable rather than an underpowered home console. Which it is and which it will be perceived to be is a very open question. There will no doubt be a great many games that the Switch will inherit from development teams formerly devoted to the 3DS, but the hardware of Nintendo's portable lines was the inspiration for many of those games. Is the Switch unique enough to inspire the development of breakout titles like Etrian Odyssey or to be the home of successful remakes like Dragon Quest VII or of massively successful niche titles that boast modest graphics but still push systems (i.e. Pokémon).
It really boils down to whether the power disparity and resultant lack of third party support was really the main reason people remained uninterested in the Wii U and whether or not 3DS owners view it as a worthy successor.
I think it may not matter if you can play Mario in the park if you can't play Red Dead Redemption at all.
@Syrek24 I'm a happy bunny. I'll be playing Zelda on my switch come march 3rd.
@Zadaris I agree with you. You should change that last words before the mods see it.
@CircuitWrangler3 I have been on Nintendolife for 2 years now. I know Alex does good video content and has criticised Nintendo in the past. But would you not say that Alex is unable to say wat he fels about the joycons in their entirety? I'm not calling anyone a liar, but you can take everything that journalists in these Switch promotion videos are saying with a pinch of salt purely becuse they are in videos that are primarily for marketing purposes rather than objective review purposes.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE with a global launch, you can only assume Nintendo will sell out regardless. In fact they should be fine until Xmas... At which time they can unlease some bundles along with Mario.
Totally agree on 1 2, it looks and smells like a pack in title.
I think the console itself looks fantastic and is packed with features, but, like the Wii U, these will be under-utilised, leading to an overall feeling of unfulfilled potential.
I remember Chandra from the old CUBE magazine, probably my fave gaming magazine ever, it was so good !
Everyone else is tagging @AlexOlney so I may as well do so myself.
Hi Alex. Glad you like balls. I know your integrity is second to none, other than when we're playing Smash, you cheating goit. Journalistic integrity though, 100%.
I do think the Switch will be a success after a price cut - on internet people whine about the cost of accesories, but they don't think about the average gamer. They don't need the pro controller, they already have a second included control for multiplayer and they have a normal control for games like Zelda.
It has 50/50 chance - it can be a failure, it can be a success. I just hope two things - that the doomsayers can accept that it still has a chance (and eat crow if it is successful!). We can't forget the 3DS had a bad launch and fast forward 5 years, it spelt the doom of the Vita and Sony's handheld division.
@CircuitWrangler3 you can disagree with me as much as you like and disagree to the truth FACT
@faint Obviously I can but many of my cabinets are tucked against walls and not easy to plug things in or out of. It would have been more convenient to have multiple docks but as a savvy consumer I can't support them at those prices.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE Thanks for the heads up mate.
"I said the Wii U would fail, the Switch will fail too" oh did ya aye? What did you say when the Wii launched then? Because I'm telling you, there were plenty expecting it to fail too in case you forgot. From the moment it was unveiled it was a joke, especially the name. In fact the name alone. I'm glad social media wasn't as brutal as it is now because it would have been memed within an inch of it's life, my friend. So unless you called Wii as being the massive success it was (and the DS) I'm not gonna go with your apparent one correct prediction.
But most of all, I'm going to enjoy my console whether it succeeds or not, because I'll love every game I buy. And I'll love them because Nintendo make them like no one else can.
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