With just days to go until Nintendo's Switch Presentation, anticipation is building for the first substantial official look at the system and - presumably - a number of games and launch details. Putting aside rumours and leaks, relatively little has been said since the initial preview trailer, beyond a small number of third-party game confirmations and an appearance on the Jimmy Fallon show. Nintendo has been good to its word that it would stay relatively quiet on the system until early 2017, and now the scene is set for two months of heavy promotion up to launch.
When is the Nintendo Switch Presentation?
The full presentation, live from Tokyo, will take place at the following times.
8pm Pacific / 11pm Eastern on 12th January, which is 4am UK / 5am CET / 1pm Tokyo / 3pm AEDT on 13th January.
2017, as we've written before, is one of the most important years Nintendo has had in some time - the 3DS is heading towards retirement with some grace, while the Wii U has seen its time come too soon due to its struggles. The company's had mixed fortunes in mobile, with Super Mario Run both breaking records and underachieving at once, and it needs to make a big return on the dedicated gaming market.
Challenges, tackled with optimism, can be opportunities. Let's consider some key opportunities ahead of the Switch presentation.

A Live Presentation can Make a Big Splash
We've argued already that Nintendo's timing of the presentation isn't ideal; it's a pretty good time slot in Japan, not bad in Australia, but disappointing in plenty of other places. In the US it's perhaps at late-night TV time, so it could be worse, but in Europe it's during those hours that many of us haven't seen since our disgraceful student days. This writer, in the UK, isn't looking forward to live-blogging at 4am, no siree.
Let's put that aside, though, and focus on the broader picture. The fact it's live out of Tokyo, and set to include some presentation duties from company President Tatsumi Kimishima, suggests it's very much an 'event' in the typical sense. It's interesting that from 2014 onwards Nintendo ditched live press conferences at E3, albeit still hosting a couple of eSports showcases. Yet it is typically the way to unveil hardware, when you're planning to get into detail and show off a lot of games and features. The 3DS had its major unveiling live at E3, likewise Wii U; initial announcements often come less formally, but the big reveal, the grand information drop, often comes in a live presentation.
It also matches up with approaches that other technology and entertainment companies use, not just Sony and Microsoft but also the likes of Apple, Google, Samsung and so on. The company President and his most trusted Lieutenants on a stage, introducing ideas and giving cues for sizzle reels and trailers. It's an old playbook, but a potentially successful one.

Getting the Key Message Right
The exact format Nintendo utilises will be interesting to see, but it can certainly look at other examples and learn lessons. It's had its own positives and negatives in live presentations in the the past, but it can also see what Sony and Microsoft did with their PS4 and Xbox One pre-launch reveals. Microsoft got its presentation rather wrong, with messaging that focused a huge amount on TV - the strategy was to appeal to a wide base of eager TV viewers in the US, but left many that were actually watching the presentation cold; it also prompted plenty of mockery online.
Sony, by contrast, made it all about games, immediately winning over a decent percentage of viewers and seizing that narrative. While Microsoft fumbled trying to sell Kinect and gimmicky TV features to a half-interested audience, Sony enlivened a hefty base of eager gamers and got itself off to a great start leading up to launch. It remembered that it was selling a games console, and that the audience for that very product is bigger than ever.
Moving on to Nintendo, it'll no doubt have put a lot of work and planning into its big Switch pitch. The teaser trailer, as a starting point, seemed to succeed last year. It generated a lot of views, plenty of positive vibes online, and we've certainly seen more conversation around the company than for a few years. High profile headlines in 2016 like those around Pokémon GO also helped with initial awareness, but the Switch concept of a console that's also playable on the go, along with Nintendo-like control quirks, set the scene well.
For Nintendo, it needs to be very clear on who it's targeting and how. The Wii U, both in its initial E3 2011 reveal and then more detailed events in 2012, had muddled messaging. The brand confused some, and on one hand Nintendo tried to pitch it as a hardcore gaming machine, and also as an accessible family device. It was rather messy.
Inclusivity will no doubt be key to the message, but that shouldn't be at the expense of clarity. We've argued in the past that Nintendo now exists in its own 'bubble' in the market; that brings potential issues, but it's also an incredible opportunity for the big N to create its own distinct and sizeable audience, as was the case with the 'Touch Generation' of DS and the motion controls of Wii.

Avoiding Corporate Waffle, Giving Plenty of Footage and Pre-Prepared Trailers
Further up this article we highlighted previous efforts at live presentations from Sony and Microsoft in this generation, and though we'd suggest Sony had the better of that duel it's also susceptible to the sort of dull segments better suited for investors and press. If indeed Nintendo does opt to give a significant part of its presentation live and in real time - with the official site worryingly emphasizing 'press and business people' - it can still avoid the pitfalls of dry, uninspired corporate speak.
Nintendo's past E3 efforts weren't always the worst for this, but there's certainly scope for large parts of the presentation from Tokyo Big Sight to be pre-recorded. A 'concept' trailer showcasing the system's form factor and features, third-party testimonials and, of course, game trailers and extended demonstrations. Though Nintendo's event in Japan may be catered more towards leading into a public hands-on bonanza over the weekend, there's surely an awareness that there'll be a significant global audience tuning in to watch.
It's inevitable that the big N will have a lot of assets, videos and trailers lined up for shortly after the presentation, so the hope is that these will be prominent in the presentation. The online audience watching live will want to see games and features more than anything else, and likewise those checking in the following morning may want to watch the full presentation regardless of the various trailers to be found elsewhere. The key is that the event is really a vital pitch to millions of prospective Switch owners, not just the business people and press sitting in the Tokyo venue.

Finally, It's About Finding the Right Tone
Wrapping up, there's an opportunity for Nintendo to demonstrate that it's still unique within the video game and entertainment industry. Many people, whether fans or casual observers, have a sense of what Nintendo is all about - creativity, fun, colourful design, whimsy. The company's style and range of IPs is still thoroughly enticing, from the fantasy and adventure we'll surely see in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild to the broad offerings in franchises like Super Mario, Splatoon, Metroid and more. It'll be interesting to see just how much, even beyond revealed games, Nintendo emphasizes its brands and range. Heck, if there is a Smash Bros. 4 port / director's cut as some longstanding rumours have suggested, that'd be a great way to highlight this point.
Beyond the sheer range of IPs, humour and charm will hopefully be abundant in the presentation. Nintendo's top executives from various parts of the world and in various positions have continually shown how they're in the business of making people smile. It was an ethos embodied by former President Satoru Iwata, and undoubtedly lives on in the company.
Nintendo has the chance to show all those watching that its essence is still in place, that distinct vibe all of its own. If the company combines those qualities with a winning concept and exciting announcements, it could give the Switch the perfect start in the build-up to release.
Here's hoping for a great presentation.
Comments 79
Games games games. Games will sell the console more than anything. They need to show games, and focus on them. Release stats or whatever after in boring text format.
I just hope people remember that because the presentation is being held in Japan, it doesn't mean the presentation will exclude the US/European audience. There will be games all territories can recognise and likely a cameo from some US Ninty faces.
But like @JKRiki said, we need to see games. We need to see lots of them & almost as important as that, we need to see them running on the hardware! Nintendo need to shut up as many doubters as it can & then carry the buzz through to March.
As much as people think releasing all this information so late is a bad thing... Nintendo FINALLY may have got the recipe for a great launch right. This presentation is crucial. You can do it Nintendo. believe in the heart of the que-cards!
If they announce SMT5 for the Switch, my heart and my wallet will cry
@Piersen Any decent Gundam game & no region lock would be a big plus for me!
Please, Nintendo. Make it FREE REGION !
A decent metroid and doing away with their outdated censorship.
@Anti-Matter Haha, remove the word "region" and your comment is 100% improved.
Disclaimer: I don't actually think the console should be free, this is a joke. This disclaimer was brought to you by "cynacism".
They will have a big audience. Really hope they go all out and have a heap of games to show off. Australia time would have been good but that's exactly when I have to head off too work 😢
If I had to guess, I'd expect a lot of quick trailers for games, maybe a sizzle reel or two. I think the more 'in depth' look at your soon-to-be favorite titles will happen in the Treehouse demonstration the day after. This gives them time to just hammer out a hopefully impressive line of games, with some fairly deep details on the machine itself.
@SanderEvers Obvious joke is obvious?
Edit: I think I was in a comment section discussing people not understanding context earlier...
I think Nintendo nailed the message in the initial trailer last year. If they continue down that path, pushing the portable fun modern console that works at home theme, it will work. I'm just excited to learn more details, and to see all the games.
All it takes for me to get a Switch is a good pricepoint and fun games. I've been itching to make a new console purchase lately, I'd like that itch to be scratched with a Switch
@SanderEvers Lol, fair enough... I think I just have a little of my faith in humanity left. I was merely joking about the use of "free region" instead of "region free" in the post I was replying too.
I'm not someone who condones piracy or believes companies owe us anything for free. However, there are practices like region locking that seem a little archaic in the era of global economics and probably hinder more than they help.
@DanteSolablood Very archaic! Nothing hurt me more to realise that my 3DS couldn't play games purchased from the North America region. Had I not brought Animal Crossing with me my handheld would have been absolutely useless!
I assume Nintendo Life will be streaming the event on the website so we can all watch it together right?
They need Show off the console and show off the games more. Everything that is going to launch and whats going to come out in the next two years(just say coming soon). Drive home the portability and Plug the Pokemon Star to H E double toothpicks. Then a few weeks before launch have commercials on AMC, Comedy Central, Sci-fi, Nic, their mobil apps, Youtube, and FX.
Just give me a Kirby, Mario, Zelda, and Pokémon and I will be good.
despite being dubbed, Tatsumi Kimishima doesnt strike me as the person to put on a cheery charming show, and instead will opt for more of a functional show case.
I am SO excited for the event! They just need to look at their Wii U reveal and do the opposite. The presentation should consist of these segments:
1. Full features of the system, controllers, OS
2. Live demos of at least 3 big tentpole games (Zelda, Mario, surprise reveal of another big franchise or a new franchise)
3. Sizzle reel of developer interviews and other new games from 1st, 2nd and 3rd parties
4. Virtual Console relaunch, push the concept of N64 and GameCube games on the go
5. eShop, sharing on social media and Miiverse, streaming options on Netflix, Amazon Prime, Hulu, Spotify
6. Release date, bundles, price
Drop the mic, BYE!
At 10pm EST I'm gonna sit down with a cold beer and find my nearest electronic device, and tune into Nintendo Life's coverage of the Switch presentation. By 12 I plan on being slightly inebriated and giddy with Nintendo hype. Friday I can be realistic, but Thursday night is for the kid in me.
All we need are some next gen memes!
I think the same thing as the past dozen times NL's reposted this post slighty altered.
No region locking!! No region locking!!!
(--_-- )/
Which 3DS franchises or sequels to 3DS games should come to the Switch now that their development teams have fused together and work on one system? Besides Pokémon, of course haha!
How is 1pm a good timeslot in Japan? Most people have to be at work or school. The west coast of the US has it best, I think, because it is at 8pm.
"those checking in the following morning may want to watch the full presentation".
Yep. This. Yes. I want to be able to just watch it as if it was live without spoilers. I finish work at 8.30pm Thursday and start again at 8.30am Friday so I will not be watching live (I work in Air Traffic Control. I need my sleep and I really don't want to have to explain a major incident as 'I watched a video games presentation in the middle of the night).
um, yeah, it was pretty obvious.
Those aren't the reasons Microsoft pushed players to the PS4. Try always online, no used games would work on it, and one more important thing I'm forgetting. Practically gave Sony their huge lead even after they pulled all that and changed their tune.
Thanks NL for 2 Switch articles in a row, neither of which had a pic of Zelda BotW, b/c I'm an idiot, and every time I see a pic of Link, Zelda or Hyrule from BotW I think the article is about the game. The game that was due out 2 years ago. And 1 year ago. And maybe someday soon will get a release date, hopefully on multiple systems. That game. The one we've been following for years but still know hardly anything about. If Nintendo had any sense of humor at all BotW would end with Zelda in bed and Link in the shower. Wii U was just a bad dream, Switch is the reality.
@Spoony_Tech Don't know who your talking too but I recall the always on always recording Big Brother Kinect was an issue. Not as big as the ones you mentioned though. The whole message was a textbook case of how not to sell a console.
@GameOtaku YEAH! Let Kana marry other kids!
Wait, what?
Well Reggie doesn't make me smile at all!
Seeing that top screen makes me clamour for a Golden Sun 4.
Silence! Let me have my dreams!
@Spoony_Tech Was there not also something along the lines of a cap on the amount of people that can be in the same room at one time?So if you're playing some local multiplayer with a few of your mates,or watching a movie on Netflix and a few more come over later that take you over the allowed limit,it'll then lock you out until you pay more or you kick a few of your mates out.Pretty sure it was something like that.
@GameOtaku In FE Fates, boy Kana can't marry anyone in the English version. His S-rank conversations led to friendship (and rejection) instead
Which is odd since to get Rhajat, one of the parents is a kid.
Friday lunchtime here - ready to stay in the office with some takeaway food. Gosh THE hype.
The most important thing is to not schedule the presentation on the day news of the president-elect's fetishes dominates Twitter so that the message isn't lost.
can't wait gonna watch it friday
@PanurgeJr You do know he's just a (very effective) puppet of those who are rushing through the revolving door into the now revolving cabinet, right?
Watching Nintendo's presentation will make a nice break from seeing the latest top empire in human history collapse upon itself.
@OorWullie Yeah that was is. I think the cap was one. Any more then that the systems red rings started activating. 😉
@Niinbendo Well I am just a bit jealous... Here it will be 10pm, I'll be stuck at work, and the forecast has us at -11f (-23c) with a -22f (-30c) windchill. Wanna trade?
I'm just hoping third parties are actually on board. Claiming to be on board isn't enough for me, there was optimism for the Wii U and we all saw what happened there. Nintendo cannot be the sole provider of games for yet another gen as less and less people are willing to buy a console just for first party stuff. Multiplats matter.
I'm hoping the system is decently speced (at or around xbox one is the bare minimum), priced decently (250-300 if the specs are xbox one level, any less and 250 is the absolute max), has online on par with live or psn with voice chat in ALL games and has a good launch library with at least one solid exclusive. If they got all this I'll be content.
Also hoping the system memory can be expanded as 16 gb per the rumors is still way too low given how big games are getting and if they want that all-important third party support they'll need to make sure you can buy digital versions of their games.
Ooh... I like that Golden cover for Switch.
Hopefully there will be White or Blue color.
I just want to see Samus Aran in full HD kicking ass, and taking names. That's the only thing that could convince me of buying a Switch.
All i want is good price, good games and that i dont need to wait 5 month until i can get a switch like the nes mini.
The fact alone that this is a Japanese event shows that Nintendo is focusing AGAIN primarly on Japan, so that's not a good sign!
Price, power, battery life.

Coupled with the right hero...
... a good combination of the three can be Legen--
... what he said.
Come on, this is the modern Nintendo we're talking about. They'll have an amazing presentation bar one negative point that will shoot them in the foot (NES Stock, Mario Run net connection etc)
Well, i'm sure Switch presentation not just aimed for Japanese people only. I caught a sign of being Region Free for Switch ...
But better wait for tommorow.
I just want the presentation to change my life. That's all.
You know, I'm starting to worry it's going to be near impossible to play the likes of Virtual Console versions of many Wii, Wii U, DS, and 2DS/3DS games on this thing without major hassle (specifically the ones that use features unique to those systems), if at all. That is not a good thing. I want a Nintendo system that actually allows me to virtually play pretty all the games from basically all of Nintendo's past consoles (certainly all the first party stuff at the very least), both home and handheld, and I'm starting to think the Switch is once again going to fall short of the true/full potential that the likes of Virtual Console has been capable of since originally being announced for Wii back in 2005. I hope Nintendo can somehow prove me wrong during the Switch presentation but the very design of the hardware itself and what we know about it thus far seems to suggest otherwise in many ways—potentially dropping the ball in a rather huge way imo.
Dang it! I just want to play all the great games from all the great systems of Nintendo's past on its latest system (both home console and handheld, and certainly all the first party stuff at least); is that REALLY too much to ask? And I know it's possible to come up with a system design that would let me do this relatively easily for the most part (at least in terms of the general hardware design and function): http://www.inceptional.com/2015/06/26/heres-the-gist-of-my-idea-for-nintendos-nx/
I'd honestly give up all of the Switch's current gimmicks (like the detachable Joy-Cons for example*) for my general design idea above—a design that properly allows for playing Virtual Console versions of games from basically ALL of Nintendo's past systems, both home console and handheld with relative ease—which also works as both a home console and proper handheld too, by the way, so already has one of Switch's biggest USPs.
*Although this does make it far cheaper to do local multiplayer than my idea, which is a positive in Switch's favour.
@impurekind What exactly are you talking about? Obviously no system is perfect when balancing all that you want it to do (battery life, price, power, backwards compatibility, innovation, portability, etc etc)....but this seems pretty damn close to perfect for the mix of it all. And directly to your qualm of it not being a great virtual console system, again, I think exactly the opposite. It supposedly has analog triggers for Gamecube experience, motion control/IR remote-like support in Right JoyCon for Wii control, and moreover: swappable JoyCons where you could basically swap in custom SNES, NES, N64, GC controllers so the experience is almost identical to each of those past controllers. How exactly is this NOT almost the perfect console suited for a great retro Virtual Console experience?
@NintendodoBird I personally think the Virtual Console is potentially one of Nintendo's biggest USPs or biggest blunders on Switch depending on how it's handled—the VC really could be mind-bogglingly good in the right hands, imo, and a total system seller—and I look at Switch and currently see a lot of potential issues with doing it right on the system.
I guess it all comes down to what Nintendo has left to reveal but it's going to need a pretty high resolution screen with touch capability, ideally stylus support too, proper motion and pointer control in the Joy-Cons, and in a perfect world the ability to use both the TV screen and system screen at the same time to do it all right. I'm worried most of those things simply aren't going to happen to be honest, and I don't see the VC being anything but another HUGE missed opportunity otherwise.
@impurekind I agree that execution is the key (and something I'm also a bit worried about), but you were basically making the claim that the system itself wasn't really built for great retro-console support. You're basically talking about 3DS/DS support it sounds like. While that may be a bit of a task (if they don't include stylus support e.g.), I think it's pretty well suited for playing almost every other console. They don't need 1080p, that's FAR from a requirement for successful VC support...the rumored 720p screen is more than enough on that size screen for games from 5-10 years ago. 1080p when docked. Touch screen is in the patents, so I'm sure that'll probably be taken care of. And I think them conquering the WiiU virtual console support matter is dealt with by just re-releasing upgraded ports of the games that were great on that system. But there's nothing that I can see preventing this system, as it's rumored/expected to be, from providing a pretty awesome VC experience going from NES all the way through Wii, exclusing again, maybe DS. That's pretty far from being a disaster of a VC experience though.
@NintendodoBird Yes, but my entire point is that if it's going to do BC via VC I want it to support ALL of Nintendo's past systems, both home console and handheld (even including the likes of Game & Watch and Virtual Boy), otherwise it's once again a HUGE missed opportunity to finally do the VC stuff right, live up to its true potential, and basically be a system defining and system selling feature. So, it has to be done right, and I'm just worried that what we know of Switch thus far is already suggesting that simply isn't going to be possible—which would be a HUGE dropped ball moment imo.
I say they need 1080p only because if you can't use both the TV screen and system screen together on Switch, which absolutely seems to be the case (and Nintendo has basically officially said as much), then having a high enough resolution system screen to comfortably display both the DS/2DS/3DS screens on top of each other on the single display is really the only way to do VC games from those systems on Switch (as far as I'm aware). So, given that we probably can't use the TV screen and system screen together, the other stuff I mentioned does in fact become important, if I'm talking about doing VC on a Nintendo system truly right for once—finally. I think 720p might work fine, but surely it would be best to make the screen as high-res as possible if it's going to be displaying both of the DS/2DS/3DS screens at once and at a size that would presumably be slightly smaller than on even the regular DS/2DS/3DS systems (if they're going to fit on the Switch screen).
@impurekind Yeh...maybe it should also take your clothes to the laundry and massage your feet too? I mean I'm being facetious a bit, but let's be honest here...nobody...literally not one potential buyer (except maybe you) is going to see it and go "OMG it doesn't support Game & Watch or Virtual Boy?? I'M GONNA PASS!"...which is exactly what you're saying is going to happen. That is not a selling feature. Gamecube/N64/SNES/NES/Wii...those are the selling features, and yes I agree that with as immensely popular as the DS and 3DS were, it would be nice to have those as well...but you can't just sprinkle magic-dust on something and make it exactly what you want. This is technology and compromises have to be made. I think that's a relatively tiny compromise. This isn't a retro-only-machine...that's merely one aspect of it (and I agree, an important one). I mean you're saying they need 3d screen support, VR support (which in the patents is actually an option, though I presume it means for ACTUAL VR, not Virtual Boy garbage) , dual screen support, etc etc...obviously that would get super convoluted and add to the cost even more. Be very very happy if they execute a really good VC platform with tons of games from those systems and customized JoyCons avail for each system. That alone would be an amazing experience. It's not going to be perfect. This isn't Nirvana.
@NintendodoBird Nothing I have said was asking for anything outrageous at all; It's just doing the Virtual Console on the system PROPERLY, FOR ONCE (after 11 ******* years and three systems-- four if you include the 3DS too—of totally wasted potential). Acting like me expecting that to maybe be done right for once is being unreasonable is just . . .
If you're going to be facetious about it, and be slightly insulting too, then this conversation is done.
And, a proper VC would absolutely be a system selling and defining feature if it were done right (DONE RIGHT) but maybe, just like Nintendo, you struggle to see what it could be like if it were truly done right for once—and I guess that's the whole problem and part of the reason why it's never been done proper justice to date.
@impurekind Yes, actually some of what you have asked for is a bit outrageous imo. Or maybe it isn't...I would honestly love to hear your ideas of how to give support to every single console (including 3DS and Virtual Boy), without adding more and more costs and features that would basically only be used for those purposes. Also, remember that Nintendo is trying NOT to have mixed messaging this go around, which hurt it big time with the WiiU. That's exactly why they didn't even show touch-screen capability in the trailer. Imagine if they showed off a unit that had 3D screen, touch screen, two screens, virtual boy pop-up feature, swappable controllers, etc etc etc...people would be extremely confused and just feel like it was complete overload and probably pass. So they're focusing on it being a home console that get also be used on the go...and I think the customizable control scheme is the added bonus that can create a really cool nostalgic experience (like with swapping in Gamecube-themed-Joycons when playing Virtual Console). So again, I'm not being a "tool"...I'm genuinely curious as to your engineering feat of adding in 3DS and Virtual Boy support without it being more expensive, more cumbersome, and more confusing.
@NintendodoBird "I would honestly love to hear your ideas of how to give support to every single console (including 3DS and Virtual Boy), without adding more and more costs and features that would basically only be used for those purposes."
Presuming you already read that post before making your last comment, the assumption that no one would use the likes of the stereoscopic display, stylus, touchscreen or whatever for anything other than BC/VC titles is a little blinkered imo. All aspects of the system could, would, and should be used in new games too. And, the only clunky bit of my idea is having to use/buy extra Wiimotes for certain Wii games, but the real problem here is Nintendo's total convolution of controls and controllers over the last few generations and not my solution; my solution is pretty much the very neatest and more universally compatible with ALL of Nintendo's previous consoles and games that I have ever seen.
Other than the additional Wiimotes (which are hard to avoid and/or do properly in any solution), the pic in my link shows you how simple and clean my idea would be as a single piece of hardware—and it's certainly far less convoluted than Nintendo's own Switch solution that has a large docking station, "Grip" attachments, detachable Joy-Cons (that detached look like they will be finicky as hell), separate gamepads, etc. (even though the Switch does have some cool features of its own).
Note: I'm actually predicting the Joy-Cons will not be suitable as proper controllers for Wii games, especially those that use precise pointer controls, so that is something I am taking into consideration when making my points too, as it means you either won't get those very specific Wii motion/pointer games on Switch or you'll still need to buy additional controllers to play/control them properly anyway.
Note 2: The "Virtual Boy support" would simply mean using the stereoscopic display (as seen on 3DS), which would also be used for emulating 3DS games, to show those games on my version of the NX (just in red on black for that authentic feel). It doesn't require anything additional beyond the stereoscopic display in terms of the hardware or whatever.
Note 3: If it's possible to display both the DS/2DS/3DS screens on top of each other on the Switch display at 720p without any issues, I would be perfectly happy with 720p on the system screen. I just said 1080p just to be sure, and because obviously it would just be nice to have the higher resolution.
Haven't people been paying attention? Games, games, games is all well and good - and certainly I would be happy, naturally - but that is not what sells consoles, as some people believe.
Both Gamecube and Dreamcast (for example) had some strong launch games and many more followed, yet these consoles and games (as a result) both sold poorly. The PS2 and Wii (again, for example) launched with fairly unspectacular games, both consoles went on to sell incredibly well, both for different reasons.
All I can say is I'm glad the armchair pundit we hear in these comments section from time to time do not run and/or have any influence at Nintendo HQ.
I wish the presentation wold happen already so I can be awfully let down and move on.
Kimishima most likely will just welcome and be there for the official unveiling of the Switch, and then dump the rest of the show on someone else - Shibata, maybe with Bill Trinen translating to english? With a banking background, he doesn't strike me as a guy who can do a "fun" presentation.
Anyway, I'm excited. It seems Nintendo is finally coming back!
Regarding region locked or not. What's the fun in playing a j-rpg in the japanese language? Pointless.
There's two main points they need to get across clearly (the games and what the system itself can do) but getting the balance between the two right could be tricky... they can't focus too heavily on one thing... that was one of the main problems with the Wii U when they focused too heavily on the gamepad.
I think one of the most important things to do would be to actually show the hosts switching between docked and portable modes as they're introducing the features and games... draw people's attention to it early on, but don't spend too much time on it... it seems like the sort of feature that needs to be shown more than it needs to be explained, and it would leave more time for them to spend on the games.
The Dreamcast not only had a strong lineup, but an incredibly strong list of quality games in it's entire lifespan. Those which was multiplatform even looked better on the Dreamcast compared to the PS2, which took quite some time to deliver in the graphics department. Resident Evil: Code Veronica being a great example.
The problem with the Dreamcast however was solely because of poor marketing from Sega outside of Japan. It's a different task Nintendo faces, because the Dreamcast was actually quite powerful and even had features like the VMU, which made games like NFL2K and Madden far better suited as your opponent couldn't see your tactics on the fly. It also had online gaming. I remember spending 100's of hours playing Unreal Tournament online.
@Niinbendo Well I hope you make it over here sometime. Despite the cold it is really rather nice. In the meantime, I am glad someone gets a day at the beach, cold beer, and Nintendo news!
"the 3DS is heading towards retirement" you trying to make me cry or something? I know I know it's inevitable and bound to happen one day, but still don't crush my hopes like this ;_;
Great article though. You summarized it rather nicely
Now when complaints and compliments are done back to the topic and my constant blabbing. What I'm personally most curious about is the price. Let's be honest price is always important unless you have enough to spend on anything you desire, which is not my case lol (and probably not the case of most people on the Earth). I'm thinking of range between $250-$400, hoping for $250 (but not too much, because... disappointment). If It's more than $400 then it's a no no, well definitely this year. If it's $250 then it's a day 1 buy (not literally but close), if it's something between then maybe... birthday? There are other important factors as if game or anything will be included, how much the tax will be here and if it won't be better to order it from overseas store since local stores tend to be overpriced (literally).
I of course don't want Nintendo to sell a cheap device that will be laggy and lack any good specs, but I also don't want to pay too high price for something that might be less powerfull than much older consoles
All else I'm curious about like everyone else are the games. I don't need a strong launch line of titles straight away, that would blow my mind over, since I probably wouldn't buy more than 1-2 games for the Switch (for the time being), since I'm also saving for the upcoming 3DS games (and there are at least 7 I care about). But we will all know soon.
I was thinking more about interesting game ideas. I tried to imagine what would it be like to go back in time and play "The Sims" on the Switch. We seen Nintendo port sims games to their consoles/handhelds and it were honestly really bad ports (mabe not as bad as the mobile ones). But I always had fun playing the Sims and I think it's nearly a perfect game to play on the go (though don't kill your Sims standing too close to police officers, they may arrest you XD). Of course there are hundred of games that I would prefer over Sims on the Switch (Pokemon, Mario, Zelda, Story Of Seasons, Puyo Puyo, Donkey Kong, SMT, etc.) I just thought it would be interesting.
btw: I hope the Switch will sell well, not just for Nintendo itself, nor the fans and possible newcomers, but mainly for the honor of deceased Satoru Iwata who was everything Nintendo is now (in a good terms).
@SanderEvers Sometimes when you are in the wrong, it's better to just say simple and humble sorry (for the misunderstanding) rather than react like your feelings were deeply hurt and as if you speak for all. I don't know if it was edited later after your comment, but what @DanteSolablood said sounded kinda obviously as a joke, it was even under the comment that it's a joke (which maybe was edited later on) and I doubt DanteSolablood as active NL user ould advertise piracy and free Switch. You know the saying "don't judge a book, based on its cover"? Try not to jump to conclusion so quickly, because i don't see anyone posting "I so hate people who don't get a simple joke!"
@impurekind @NintendodoBird Wasn't it already confirmed that Switch is not going to have backward compatibility with Wii U and 3DS/DS games? I don't know how about the other systems compatibility, but Switch has only one screen while 3DS/DS has two so wouldn't that require the games to be completely redone for the Switch to be even playable in the first place? I'm not very tech person so I may be mistaken.
only 36hrs from right now and I will be LOSING MY MIND!!! im seriously excited to see what this presentation has to offer. so many unanswered questions displayed in glorious Nintendo fashion im probably most excited about what launch titles they will have because I need to prepare my wallet...
Games. Games. Games. Operating system, lots of games and the on the go option working like a treat. Did I also mention games?
Need more details on hardware but I just want to see a launch lineup that inspires confidence.
And VC details, too.
Wii U games shouldn't be that hard to port, most of the time the gamepad doesn't do anything. 3ds on the other hand...
Nintendo corporate is not capable of change so don't expect online multiplayer gaming but more like local co-op, don't expect region free, don't expect first party voice chat, don't expect mature titles, don't expect £199.
Please no region lock.
@cheonsacz I don't recall, but if so then it's already put a major downer on my expectations and hopes for the system. The true potential of the Virtual Console is an ace Nintendo has that the competition simply doesn't, and if done right it could be true system selling feature imo. Also, it was Iwata himself that set the expectations for such an awesome idea back at E3 2005, and we still haven't seen that vision be fully/properly realised yet—but now that I've been told about it I absolutely want it.
I want a lot of games, trailers and teasers everything quick and fast paced! The extended gameplay should be reserved to the treehouse on the next day.
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