Rocket League has been one of the smash hits of recent gaming memory, finding a massive audience on PS4, Xbox One and PC thanks to its addictive brand of vehicular, arena-based sports action. It's the kind of title that would do incredibly well on Switch, and while developer Psyonix doesn't have anything to announce at the moment, it's "excited" about the potential of the system.
When asked by a fan about the possibility of a Switch port, a Psyonix representative replied:
We are excited as you are regarding the release of Nintendo Switch however, we don't have enough information at this time if it will happen. For the mean time, let's both keep our fingers crossed that it will.
This interest hasn't come entirely out of the blue - Psyonix's Jeremy Dunham has spoken about supporting Nintendo's new machine in the past, when it was known as NX:
Should we do it? And does the community want us to do it? Those are all things we have to consider, and if the answers are positive, then we would. Now whether or not it would have cross platform multiplayer, our goal for any version of Rocket League going in is to make it cross network, no matter where you are. So really, it would be a matter of understanding our limitations, what they might or might not be in that situation. So in general we would always try to make it work- whether or not we would in this case would depend on whether or not we develop for the platform in the first place, and then whether or not it would be possible.
Do you think Rocket League would be a good fit for Switch? Let us know by posting a comment.
Thanks to SLIGEACH_EIRE for the tip!
[source nintendoeverything.com]
Comments 65
It would be great if it happened so let's see.
I love Rocket League and would love the idea of being able to play a game of 4v4 with local multiplayer. This needs to happen!
Nintendo has to get the deal done. It has millions of players. It makes perfect sense business wise so let's see the Nintendo team get to work
The HD rumble would work wonders with this game
This is the sort of 3rd party game Nintendo fans can get behind. It's sort of Mario Kart meets F-Zero meets Micro Machines in a game of playground football. I'd buy it for the Switch, and they could put Mario hats on the cars.
This would be a pretty nice score for Nintendo since this is a pretty popular game on the other platforms. I haven't played the game myself but if it comes to Switch then I just might give it a try and this sort of tells me that even if the Switch isn't the system that has a ton of third party support the fact that it is easy to develop for ensures we will likely get more indie games than ever, assuming it sells well enough for it to be worth it.
This would be a total hit if it got ported to switch, I can't believe I didn't think about it before. Its got huge mainstream appeal and it would be great for 1v1 portable matches. Alone this game would help move so many consoles
Wow, I'm already hyped for this!
Really hoping it comes to Switch, just thinking about split screen multiplayer is a dream come true!
Lets make a poll Nintendo life! And i hope other nintendo sites will do the same. So they can check the polls
Yes please. I would buy it
I have been dreaming of this game getting a release for the Switch! Rocket League anywhere you go, with local/split screen and online multiplayer is a match made in heaven!
And I also think that it would help push units, the game is so addictive and I bet many people would love it being portable.
Would love to see it on the Switch.
Can you imagine Mario Kart vehicles in game? Sorry for multiple posts, but I can't contain my excitement!
The audience is there, Psyonix. RL is always one of the top requested 3rd party games for Switch. I do think the Nintendo audience will enjoy this game as well, as it is good simple fun with hidden depth; a very Nintendo-like game.
Rocket League, as much as I suck at it, is an absolute blast to play. I play it on Xbox One but having it on Switch would add it so much value, what with it being portable and whatnot.
That would be awesome... i love rocket league on the ps4 with the delorean and batmobile! imagine the nintendo themed car possibilities... mario kart, fzero rocket powered greatness with portability!
I think Rocket League could be a great fit & there would be a decent sized audience for it. Mario Kart lovers could easily pick this up & run with it.
A little disconcerted with how unsure the rep is with his wording. About 90% of the comment is basically "maybe".
This for local play would be awesome. Just to play on go against high level cpu would be fun!
Not gonna happen, but I would finally get the game if it did
Be great on switch
The only possible answer is "Yes"! "Rocket League" at home and on the go, this is a no brainer.
They'd be silly not to put this game on the Switch with all this buzz around it.
Awesome game, this needs to happen!
Please, Nintendo, help make this happen!
I would love a Rocket League port!
I'm all for it being on the switch but I already own it on the PC with many hours invested, so while i'd love it to be on the switch to reach a wider audience I have zero reason to get it again.
I play this literally all the time on my pc. Its one of my favourite games of all time. Make it for the switch and i will buy day one. Imagine all the nintendo exclusive items we can use to customize our cars. Being able to play on the go this would be a dream come true.
Rocket league
Sonic mania
I am setsuna
Thats 3 digital games i would be purchasing and to buy digital games for a console is very rare for me.
Would be good for multiplayer on the go, just thinking of being able to play this during lunch break at work. That would be sweet as
@MrGawain That makes me think of when Tekken Tag Tournament 2 for Wii U arrived. It was virtually the same game as was on other platforms, but the extra skins totally made it the preferable option. They were hilarious imo.
Games like Rocket League go to show just how irrelevant/out of touch Nintendo is anymore. In generations past this was the exact kind of game hitting a Nintendo system, maybe even as an exclusive. Nowadays, just like with Minecraft, Nintendo is the one left out. Or rather, leaving themselves out.
Hell yeah! Do it!
What's irrelevant is your comment. Read the article.
This is the only game that would make me run out and buy a Switch
This would be another game to help justify getting paid online.
@geox30 i read it; you're missing my point. In Generations past this is the kind of game that is hitting a Nintendo system first and foremost, not one that the developer is wondering what if and maybe so and hopefully one day about.
RL is one of the most Nintendo like games I've played in a while, and it didn't need Nintendo's systems or fans to make it a resounding success. Irrelevant, out of touch. Just like the Minecraft situation.
And just like with Minecraft, it doesn't matter if it comes to the system now or not. Too little, too late.
I get the feeling that you are in a need to point out how Nintendo has become a company that it is not important anymore. So much so, that you are giving this and Minecraft as an example of your point. There are many things that point to that Nintendo is not in sync with modern gaming, but neither this nor Minecraft is one of them. Minecraft is now property of Microsoft and yet it was released to the WiiU and will also be released to the Switch. Rocket League developers state that they have just learned what the Switch is and hint to that they are interested in releasing the game for it. How is that relevant to what you are saying?
Considering how insanely popular this game is, it would certainly bring a lot of people to Switch.
I bought it on the Xbox One, but heck, I'd buy it again.
My first thought when I played this on PC: Nintendo should do anything in it's power to make them port the game to the Wii U with some custom Mario Kart Skins and one or two Nintendo themed Arenas.
Hopefully now both parties realize the potential of this port.
You also say that it doesn't matter if this game comes to the Switch or not. It doesn't matter to Psyonix, Nintendo, the gamers, all of them? I won't deny that there is some truth to what you are saying, or better yet I can see where you are coming from, but you seem to think that Nintendo will stay "irrelevant" no matter what they do, cause of what they have become.
I'll say that everything is up for grabs, and it is a case by case scenario. There are many things that they need to do in order to regain trust and ultimately succeed, but it's not like they are finished.
About Rocket League read this
What I get from this story is that nothing is guaranteed, but also anything is possible. And haven't you people learnt that you must never underestimate Nintendo?
That would be nice
Mt fingers are crossed.
Soooo many mario themed boosts! The boost pickups should be mushrooms, listen up psyonix!
That was Tekken Tag 2, Lego City, Minecraft, Bayonetta, and a bunch of other games for the Wii U!
I don't like the game, but... GET ON THIS, NINTENDO! RL is still pretty popular. Portable Rocket League could be an early killer app for a lot of people.
I really want this, I'd probably buy it again solely for the portable aspect. Rocket League is on pretty much everything except the wiiu/switch; Windows, Mac, Linux, PS4, Xbox one. Nintendo really should get this on their platform.
Yes please!
I'd buy it in a heartbeat. Own it on PS4, but I got it through PS+ and I'd love to support Psyonix directly.
Maybe not hopeless, but, without free online, pointless. Apart from that local play thingy, maybe...
Would be nice, but would the "console, other console, and PC players playing one another" online thing be the deal breaker for Nintendo?
I would love to have Rocket League on Switch. I'd play it way more on the go.
I absolutely suck at Rocket League. But hey, why not? Peeps would certainly love it.
@geox30 i used to not understemimate Nintendo, back in the Wii days. But the last 8 yearsor so has shown me that Nintendo simply does not get it anymore.
Have faith my man, things will get better!
This would be awesome. I am coming up on 500 hours in this game on PC, but I would buy on the Switch in a heartbeat. The lack of analogue triggers may make it a little less fluid an experience, but many people, including some pros, mange on keyboard mouse, so who knows?
Now Reggie give us Overwatch on switch with Samus as exclusive character and switch becomes money printing machine.
I was thinking the same thing about analog triggers, but in my 700+ hours of gameplay, I usually just hit the gas all the way down.
@geox30 To be honest, so do I. Maybe that is why I have yet to break challenger...
@MrHero It will be great anyway, I hope it gets to the Switch, I think the chances are good. I can see myself carrying a car battery with me lol!
This game is a perfect match for the Nintendo Switch... in just about every way imaginable. So, yes, bring it and bring it soon.
Why not? It's the perfect kind of 'play for ten minutes or play for two hours' game. Hook up with people to play it on the go too if that's your thing. Alchemy at work; let's make that gold!
Absolutely perfect for the Switch and it's audience, if Nintendo has judged right. While anyone can pick up this game on just about any other console or pc, the Switch makes the most sense
Rocket League really is great, even if you are good at it or not. It should be everywhere for sure.
You know what else makes perfect sense for the system and its DNA? Towerfall Ascension and Overcooked.
This is great news I posted on there forum asking for this game on the 22nd of jan
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