2017 is still barely underway but, from a Nintendo fan's perspective, the coming week is surely one of the most anticipated in quite some time. After last year's teaser video, the big N is finally prepared to show off its next generation of hardware in the Nintendo Switch Presentation. It's now less than a week away, and the system itself is due for release in March.
This week Nintendo also confirmed that beyond the live broadcast from Japan there'll be a Nintendo Treehouse stream to show off Switch games, so it should be a bonanza of footage online. Plenty of media and fans (us included) will also be going hands on with the system, so impressions will be all over the internet. After a 2016 in which the system was kept quiet (officially, though leaks undermined that), Nintendo is now gearing up to go big on the hardware.
A reminder, again, of the event times.
Nintendo Switch Presentation
8pm Pacific / 11pm Eastern on 12th January, which is 4am UK / 5am CET / 1pm Tokyo / 3pm AEDT on 13th January
Nintendo Treehouse Live Steam / Game Previews
6:30am Pacific / 9:30am Eastern / 2:30pm UK / 3:30pm CET on 13th January
Of course we're gearing up for all of the events here at Nintendo Life, but with a week to go we want to gauge your hype levels. Our recent New Year's poll showed that plenty of you are optimistic about Nintendo's 2017, with the Switch Presentation and launch being your most anticipated events. Now, with the presentation and Treehouse streams ever closer, are you feeling that new Nintendo hardware buzz?
Let us know in the polls and comments below.
Comments 246
Please sell well. Please sell well. Please sell well.
I have not been this hyped in many console generations. I feel like a kid again! (Well, minus the aches and pains.)
My hype is to infinity and beyond. Don't let me down, Nintendo. Let's see awesome games, a good price, and Zelda at launch in March and I'll be through the roof.
It's gonna be awesome!
I am extremely excited for the presentation. Just think... we've only got another 2 months or so till we will actually be holding our very own Switches!
I'm not hyped, I'm freaking pumped. Hardware reveals are always magical moments, but knowing in advance that we're getting info on whatever Nintendo has been cooking up for the last 2-3 years? Nothing beats that.
The hype is pretty flying high!
My main worries are that Zelda is delayd in Europe, there's too many Wii U remasters and just a few Third Party titles.
Excited to see Zelda, Mario and something new! I expect some kind of a multiplayer to take advantage of the Joy-Cons. I hope for Dark Souls 3 at launch! ;D
I'm only moderately hyped right now but I'm sure that will grow as we get closer to the date.
More than anything I want to see all the games that are on the way but it'll also be nice to finally know more about the system itself so we can finally put an end to all the rumours.
It's hard to believe I'll be holding a Switch in my hands in just 2 months time.
I'm really excited to see it. I mean, obviously all consoles are budget consumer electronics but, this one looks much more modern for a Nintendo console. More recent technology.
The lightbulb wasn't invented by improving the candlestick. These iterative consoles are nice and all, but they are never going to deliver what a console like Switch can deliver. It's about time we saw this kind of innovation. I know I'm not the only one who's been interested in seeing full console games go portable...
Oh man. I finish school at 2.25 on Friday. Treehouse Live starts at 2.30. There is going to be a lot of speed walking going on next week.
I'm keeping calm. Won't allow myself to get overhyped. To be honest I don't think I could anyway. I hope it blows the doors right off the hinges but I remain skeptical.
I really hope Nintendo nails it. Hopefully the hype hits me like the day I opened my snes!
Lol! I wanted to type the exact same words!
My hype train is on fire.
If you'd asked me before Christmas my hype level would be much higher, but now I'm in the 'not hyped but will watch with some interest' camp.
I got bored of waiting an brought myself a new PS4 with two games for £200 and have since been enjoying the likes of Overwatch, Final Fantasy and Battlefront. I don't think Switch is going to give me those experiences and I'm not overly impressed with the software that Nintendo put out on Wii U. Much less compelling titles than Wii/GC and lack of variety.
If Switch can give me those experiences, Nintendo has waited too long to tell me that. I'll wake up at 4am (srsly Nintendo?) for the presentation but I won't be buying one until at least Christmas 2017.
@Clownshoes No BS, just some controllers and some awesome games.
But that's exactly what the Switch is. No BS, some controllers and some awesome games, anywhere you want. If anything, it's why many people (myself included) are more hyped than usual.
Beyond hyped, but trying to separate it from my expectations.
Unfortunately there's supposed to be a big storm in the Sac area starting tomorrow, so there's a possibility I could be without power during the presentation on Thursday.
I voted excited but keeping expectations under control but it's really more like HYPED AS F--- ... yet still keeping my expectations under control.
Just ready to have a solid idea of what the price and launch line up is going to be so I save accordingly. I plan on having whatever bundle there is + 2-3 additional games.
Can't speak for everyone else but I bought a Shield tablet last year that turned out to be a lemon and haven't bothered to replace it since I returned it. I buy Nintendo consoles and handhelds each generation so having that all rolled into one WITH what's essentially a Shield tablet? Could not be more appealing to me. In fact, a better scenario than I could have imagined since I'll now get TONS more mileage out of this device than I would have with the Shield.
Hyped, but keeping my excitement at a calm. All I really want are smashing, AAA games and amazing third-party ports. A good VC wouldn't hurt either
I am way too hyped. I mostly want to know when I can preorder how much money I'll be dishing out for it.
Of course it would also be nice to know what games are launching with it. Right now I'm buying a Switch just because. Also because I already 'bought' Yooka-Laylee for it through the Kickstarter.
"I just don't get how people can get so excited over a rebranded shield tablet"
If the Shield could have played the full brunt of Nintendo's exclusive lineup, and had the Shield launched with Zelda Breath of the Wild, and if it actually had more 3rd party games native to the system than just Portal 2 and some old token PC releases, and had it ditched the goofy looking clamshell design and gone for a larger single HD screen like Switch, and if the Shield had detachable controllers with broad versatility such as IR support, and had the Shield launched with a Virtual Console service and GameCube games, and had it been able to seamlessly dock to play on the TV...
Then people would've been just as excited for it. And so would I
@Clownshoes #9 "a system that can be considered normal"
At that point they should just go full Third Party, eh? (That wouldn't necessarily be a bad thing of course)
"a rebranded shield tablet"
That comment just shows that you're only thinking in terms of hardware power.
Really hyped! Especially now that I was accepted in a university research program - it means I'll have money for Switch if it gets officially released in my country (games are too expensive to import).
Wanting to see a lot of games for this thing, though as of now I'm hyped while keeping expectations in check. I can go full hype on the train to the event the day after.
If Zelda BOTW is a launch title, I'd like to see a console bundle with the new amiibo. I think a Zelda bundle like that would prove the most popular.
I'm most hyped about the line up of games. First and third party. On Virtual Console I hope non Nintendo platforms from the Wii service make a return. Mainly Mega Drive and Turbo grafx PC engine.
@Phin68 please don't be sold out! I'm scared they won't make enough 😁
I wanted to vote "Excited, but keeping my expectations in check," but I can't lie to myself. I'm really, really hyped because for some reason all I want to see is that 3D Mario game. I just picked up a PS4 but if the 3D Mario game blows me away and the line-up is impressive (oh, and if the price is generous), then I might just pick up the Switch in or around March.
Hard to believe the Switch will be coming out in 2 months time, too. This truly is a time to get hyped.
I'd like to say I'm excited/hyped...but hopeful is probably a better word for it.
It's time Nintendo, feed us. Educate us, show us the consumer, fans and audience that you've learned from previous shortfalls and are trending in the right direction of returning to a position of respect, growth but more importantly flat out fun. The entire industry wins when the big N is flourishing and humming along. I want to see improvements and just have that feeling again things are on the rise....features, marketing, price, inventory availability, clear communication, aggressive development/clear grasp of HD development and unique and creative software. We believe its your time to shine Nintendo now go out there and show the world they should pay attention and take you seriously too.
I'm trying to keep expectations low but... The hype train is a runaway!
If it's true that GCN games will be on the virtual console I might just pass out, lol.
Logic dictates that we're going to get all the games that were pinched off of the Wii U in the last 18 months.
And as we know, Nintendo is famous for it's logical thinking!
I'm excited but trying to not get too hyped just in case, but i can't wait to see that new 3D Mario and Pikmin 4 in particular, and that's before any of the games that'll be complete surprises, i would love a Luigi's Mansion 3 please Nintendo !
Bless you.
In a way Nintendo has already succeeded, making many of us feel hopeful and enthusiastic. I for one need only think of all the future beautiful portable Nintendo games on a bad day to feel a lot better!
I'm not hyped at all. Given that it's a live Japanese broadcast we can expect no third party announcements (and no, Japanese games do not count) and we already know the hardware is pitifully weak. What's there to be excited about?
I'd say don't go overboard, but this is all they've been working on for the past year or two so...
@LeRaposa (and no Japanese games do not count)
I won't even bother, I'll just laugh.
Christmas is coming super early this year.
I, for one, welcome our new hybrid overlord.
The presentation is held live in Japan, which means there...won't be any third party software shown...???
How you came to that logic, I will never know.
And somehow, you also think "Japanese games don't count"? Might as well say "Nintendo doesn't count", since, you know, they are Japanese...
I'm not sure whether to laugh or scratch my head at this comment. There is pessimism, which is understandable, and then there is this.
Not sure what Nintendo is going to show so I'm reserving my "hype" for the actual product next Christmas, if it's a good one. We already own a Wii U so don't need any ports, and a PS4, so even if Switch gets FFXV or the FFVII remake, which would be an awesome show of faith on Squenix part, well I'm covered.
I would really like to know about the screen, if it's touch or not, but Nintendo is just so odd they may forget to mention it, again.
And I was up all last night w/ a fever not able to sleep, worrying Ntineod might take this opportunity to say "Zelda:BotW" is a "Switch exclusive", please understand. Then reading all the comments on here of people defending the move b/c Wii U is a dead console. Since Thursday and Friday are all about the Switch I wish they spend Mon, Tues and Wed talking up Zelda on Wii U so we know for sure it's still a thing. Yooka-Laylee was a killer, and I'm still waiting for word on Darksiders Warmastered on Wii U, seems everyone has forgotten about that one. Hopefully it doesn't come to that, but why make Wii U owners wait for a Switch showing to tell us about the last great Wii U game? Show us some love already, we all gave you $300-$350 and were due that game 2 years ago in 2015.
I'm so hyped, I wish there was a way to easily orbit a singularity, just enough so these remaining days pass faster. The wait is hard.
@Clownshoes So we should instead be hyped for rebranded, dumbed-down PCs instead?
This whole "Product X is just Product Y with some modifications A, B, and C" statement is ridiculous. You can literally, and I mean LITERALLY, say that about any product, device, or service as an excuse to ignore said product, device, or service.
Zelda BOTW is coming to the Wii U. Nintendo spent an entire day at E3 playing about the Wii U version of that game, as well as a demo of the Wii U version at the Game Awards, which aired a month ago. A game is not going to get canceled if gameplay of said game was shown less than 4 months prior to is supposedly release date.
Magical prize for anyone that gets the tagline reference*
*There is no magical prize.
@JaxonH "It's hard to believe I'll be holding a Switch in my hands in just 2 months time."
Assuming there are no shortages, like when the Wii launched. I remember paying more than retail back then to be able to get one near launch.
I want it to sell well for Nintendo's sake, but I hope it doesn't sell too well, at launch at least. Btw, I haven't been this hyped since the Wii launch, which is why I fear this (the good ol' "Revolution" days)
I'm very excited. I hope they have a very strong line-up of games for the first year, both first and third party.
Overall, I have high expectations for this system. People always focus on the console side of it, and yes, as a console it won't be cutting edge, but if you look at it as a handheld, there's every reason to expect it to succeed. Nintendo has always slaughtered the handheld market, so why would the Switch, their most powerful handheld with some of the biggest games on a handheld yet, combined with the fact that it functions as a console and perhaps has some other features (most likely involving the special vibration thing that was mentioned in the patents) we don't know about yet, be any different?
No hype or excitement at all, but I'll give it a watch.
I'm more interested in how the existence of the Switch will affect Blanc, Rom, and Ram of the Neptune series from now on.
As a side note, also interested in how Sony's abandonment of their handhelds will affect Uni.
"All I really want are smashing, AAA games and amazing third-party ports."
Please buy a PS4 and let one more Switch available for a fan.
@Clownshoes Clearly you must be at least a little excited for the Switch, despite your incessant posting about how lame it is, if you continue to be so active on this website.
They desperately need a good launch lineup, and they need to give people opportunities to try demos. The 3DS and Wii U both had horrid launch lineups. Didn't have any games that anybody wanted. Nintendogs and Steel Diver don't sell systems. The Wii U had a horrid launch lineup, and they didn't even give players a chance to play it. They had all these demo machines out at stores in the US, and there either were no demos, or the only one was Rayman Legends, which typically confused people and then didn't even wind up being a launch title.
They have Breath of the Wild. It has everybody's attention. It's a Zelda game, and it also looks like it finally remembers that gamers like exploring and fighting monsters so much that we don't need to be told to do so by a talkative helper and 2,000 bossy NPCs. Skyrim got that right. The game lets you wander around and find stuff. Now, Zelda is going to let me do that too. That gets me pretty psyched. Get that game out there quickly, and I'll be buying a Switch, as will my dad, and likely several of my friends. Delay that game until Christmas, and most people will forget about it. That game needs to be out by May, at the latest, or it might just be too late.
What I'm worried that they'll do is delay Zelda a long time and launch with a bunch of Wii U ports. I mean, there are some good games on the Wii U, and a lot of people haven't played them yet, but unfortunately, they didn't move hardware. Use ports of Splatoon and Mario Kart to pad out the launch lineup, sure. But I'm worried they'll use them instead of a launch lineup.
Oh it'll definitely sell out. Even Wii U sold out for a month or more.
But I have every intention of locking in pre-orders with every major retailer I can... by hook or by crook I'll be unboxing me a Switch come launch day!
Here is an interesting list for those unsure if we will have third party titles on Switch:
@LeRaposa "expect no third party announcements (and no Japanese games do not count)" double facepalm lmao
Im somewhat hyped, I just need to see at least 3 games that I would be interested in to start with.
I'm really hyped,much more so than I was for Wii U.So much so I've pre-ordered it and I have never pre-ordered anything in my life.I only buy Nintendo consoles and as much as Nintendo can frustrate me at times,I never have any regrets sticking with them.One of the things I'm most excited about is any future Directs and E3's and even the news on this very site is going to be focused solely on one console.I've never really been much of handheld gamer so DS/3DS news, Directs etc over the years has been of no interest to me,but now everything that comes out Nintendo is aimed at us all.Exciting stuff!
@JaxonH I think (for no real reason, just hope) that some retailers like amazon might open pre-orders just after the event, if not during. I'm preparing myself to have the Switch listing on amazon on auto-refresh, just in case
Lol that avatar is a classic
Much as I'm trying to stay chilled, I'm wanting this as much as my launch day N64: yeah I'm that old!
I know it's going to be worth the hype, I just hope Nintendo has learned from the lessons of old & start catering to their loyal fans.
Calm, measured with a simmering desire to see a lot of games. Let's go Friday morning!
I've said this numerous times but I hope there's a way to hook up an external hard drive. 128G card will not be enough for me anyway. And most importantly, the VC needs to be way more robust!! And I don't wanna buy vc games I already own.....again!
I went from really hyped for this system, to not hyped at all. I do hope Nintendo the best, and I do hope the ppl that still support them get a system that what they are going for, but I just can't do another underpowered Nintendo console that might get third party, but barely get any games. I will be reading articles to find out what they reveal, but I've already moved on to one of the other consoles, and I couldn't be happier.
@westman98 While @LeRaposa is clearly on the negative-nancy side, IMO he does have a point in that since the presentation is held in Japan, it's possible that the games shown do not represent what the other regions will get. So now I think that they may only show first party games like Zelda and Mario, and then on the treehouse event go more in depth with the other games.
Unless, of course, the presentation has some form of segments where they show region specific game lineups, or just an overall sizzle reel.
Take off those clownshoes, youre no fun.
It doesnt make sense that the presentation is getting attention from noa and noe though. They wouldnt direct all eyes to that presentation, complete with english dub if it was all Japan only.
Release date and price.
Confirmed third party games.
Online capabilities/gameplay.
These are all very and equally important to me.
I would have added Nintendo games but those will obviously be in well numbers.
I can say this much, the expectations are at a maximum and could prove to be devastating if they don't deliver the biggest event possibly ever as a company. Here's hoping for the best.
The Switch presentation, much like E3, is a global event. The games shown at the Switch presentation will be available globally (unless specified) despite being a Japanese presentation, much like how the games shown at E3 will be available globally despite being an American presentation.
We also have rumors suggesting games at least a few games from Ubisoft will be shown at the event, so that's another indicator that this presentation won't just be a Japan-only -focused presentation.
To each their own. But I am curious why being slightly underpowered is such a big deal for you. If it can run current games, and look basically just as good, then what does it really matter. Xbox is underpowered to PS4 and definitely to PS4 Pro (in fact, the gap between those two will be far greater than between Switch and Xbox One), but still gets all the games PS4 Pro has. And PS4 Pro is underpowered compared to PC, so all consoles are underpowered, it's just a question of relative to what.
I'm assuming you say that because you make a direct coorelation with power and getting ports. Which is kind of true, but not really. It's a combination of being severely underpowered, architecture that's hard to port to and low sales. If Switch is truly easy to port to, and sells great, and in all honesty isn't that underpowered (if it's running current gen games like Dark Souls 3, then it's close enough), then who cares. So I think if your issue is just not getting games ported (am I correct in that assumption?) then you should just say you can't do another console that doesn't get games ported. But the way you worded it makes it sound like the graphical difference between a game on Switch and elsewhere is just so drastic it's totally undesirable.
You're right though, even if Switch outsells 3DS it's still never going to have the 3rd party selection found elsewhere. And if that's all you're looking for then Nintendo never even should've been on the menu for consideration.
But me? I own one of the other consoles. In fact I own both. PS4 Pro and Xbox One. But never in my wildest dreams would I "move on". It's never been an "either or" proposition, where you have to choose one and ostracize the other. I couldn't be happier as a gamer who gets both, who plays both, who doesn't have to forfeit 3rd party games for Nintendo, and doesn't have to forfeit Nintendo for 3rd party games. I need both, because only choosing one is going to leave you missing a lot of amazing stuff regardless of which side of the fence you're on. And that, to me, is unacceptable.
Well, one thing to keep in mind is just because they say "officially supports" up to 128gb, you should be able to use any size card. Wii U officially supported like 32gb but I have a 512gb in use. And 3DS "officially supported" 32gb but I have a 200gb and know others with 256gb.
So we should be able to use a 256gb, and hopefully once 512gb releases, upgrade to one of those
I'm assuming stuff like a proper account system would come under "Details on its eshop and virtual console" so I voted for that.
I'm super hyped for the Nintendo Switch!... But a strong lineup of games from first parties, third parties, indies, etc. will determine if I purchase the console.
I was there for that as well...and remember being blown away by Mario 64 once I went home. If this has such a launch game that is so impressive, it'll be a dream come true.
@westman98 @MentalFear All good points, and probably you both are right. I'm just saying, it's possible, since we don't really know for sure. Maybe they'll focus more on the console than the games. In any case, I just want the wait for the event to be over, so the wait for the launch begins. The hype is just too much for me
"Nintendo Treehouse Live Steam / Game Previews"
Pretty sure it isn't the gas form of water. Or a video game distribution platform.
@JaxonH that would be good - hope you turn out to be right! But now that I scored a modded Wii on eBay with 6200 classic games, I'm not as in dire need to feed my classic game hunger that I had with Wii U! And that Nintendo for whatever reason, doesn't provide to us at an optimum level. I just can't wait on them any longer. But GameCube and/Or dreamcast vc however, if they should surface on the switch I'll be there with bells on! 😆
The last time I was this hyped for a console reveal/release was the N64 so I hope the big N blows us all away come next Thursday night. Man I remeber reading about the N64 in GamePro and talking about it with all my buddies at school. Good memories. The Wii was very special to me as well but I found out about it a month or two later because I had been out of the gaming scene for awhile when it released. Looking forward to games, console features/specs and online functionality. Cannot wait!!!
the conference being at 5am melted my hype like salt on a frozen sidewalk.
Oh I hear you. I actually think Nintendo provided a fantastic VC lineup on Wii U (even had GBA and Wii and DS, in addition to all the NES, SNES, N64, TG16). It was missing Genesis and GameCube. If it had those 2 it would have been the ultimate VC collection.
But ya, I just modded my Wii U to play GameCube and that sorted that. I could just play my discs but then I'd need to keep my Wii hooked up, and I've got enough consoles (PS4 Pro, PSVR, Xbox One, Wii U, PC). Now I'm using 🐬 though. Mapped instant save states to L3 and instant load to R+R3 so I can play F-Zero GX in 4K and save mid race without taking my thumb off the analog.
I still plan to repurchase all the GameCube games they release on Switch though. That portable play man... that portable GameCube is where it's gonna be at
@The-Chosen-one High five! All about the burning hype train, ha ha!
@MentalFear They are quite good at what they do, even when they do some pretty odd things, ha ha.
I picked the second option. However, if I am gonna be realistic, I'm extremely hyped. I'd say on a scale of 1-10, its probably an 11. And I get that there's a chance it won't be that mind blowing. But I can't wait.
I really hope it's in the £200 price range. i want to see lots of games (Third Party Please) So I can be reassured we won't have a wii u situation.
@Clownshoes We get it, you hate Nintendo. You don't have to drill that point into our skulls every single day. You're nothing but a troll.
Hyped enough to go to sleep after the presentation, and I never lose sleep over anything.
Amen to that. I have always said "If you don't do Nintendo you are missing out. If you only do Nintendo you are missing out".
@JKRiki me too turning 31 soon and still hyped on Nintendo!
Has clownshoes ever said anything on here remotely positive about Nintendo? It's one thing to be constructively critical of them, but its another to just constantly bad mouth them and their fans all the time.
Not super hyped or optimistic for the Switch itself but I really want to learn more about that Mario game. Galaxy and its sequel were great games ofc but I really hope this is in the Mario 64 huge levels lots of stars big hub world vein instead of the many little levels with a couple stars each.
I'm pretty excited. But knowing Nintendo I know I'm better off keeping my expectations in check.
Go away from here, Nintendo Hater !!
Your negative comments will NOT decreased our Hype for Switch !
Your negative comments just only TOXIC from your bad mouth !
Oh, do you know what ? We are immune from your contaminating words to drop our hype !
Shut up your lips !!
@Billsama That's really true at 100% ?? Dragon quest X for westerns regions too ??!! If switch have DQX for Europe, then I'll buy it for sure !! Please, tell me if this info really is 100% trustly xDD
As interested as I am in the price, release date, specs, etc, I am desperately jonesing for some info on games. We've had a serious drought of games with Wii U over the last year or four, and I need a fix.
Sorry for inconvenient here.
We are already know if clownshoes NEVER posted any positive comments about Nintendo.
"im taking off work" to watch this lol.
ill be here watching people and of course eating popcorn to everyones reactions.
youve all been warned.
dont let me down folks
To the point that I have been watching YouTube daily for leaks and thoughts.
@JaxonH well they were missing way more than Genesis and Cube on Wii U bro. They left the Sega Master system behind, turbographx 16, Neo Geo, teased us with Commodore 64, teased me even further with Virtual Console Arcade which could have been unbelievable but was limited to a measly 21 selections while Japan's Wii got 78! I mean they really missed a lot of opportunities with this service. Yes it was nice they added DS and GBA but with the other systems missing it still was painful. Then to pour salt in the wound, almost ALL 4 years of the Wii U's vc service was a drip feed of one game a week ugh! I mean even now with systems like nes and super nes there are games that were on Wii still not on Wii U! lol I could go on! This has been my biggest beef with Wii U.
@Phin68 please be good, more importantly.
But I like Nintendogs +Cats 3DS.
That cute games can't be founded on another machines except NDS / 3DS.
Cute games like that still important for Switch.
I'm very stoaked to see what they've got in store for us. The hype is just too real! Show me a Metroid teaser and I'll be there day 1 Nintendo!
The first poll choice is annoying because I want and dang well expect ALL of those things.
Well I guess I lump Master System with Genesis, and they were both Sega consoles. Which is the same for all the rest. TG16, Neo Geo, etc weren't Nintendo consoles. So I never really expected them in the first place. I expect Nintendo consoles because they have the power to put their own games on there. I don't expect third-party consuls because it's not really in their control.
I know it was drip fed but that's all over now, and my collection is pretty large. I know I have 41 GBA games alone. And at least 20-40 of each of the other consoles. Altogether it's probably 200 games. I know there were some games that Wii had Wii U didn't, but there are also entire platforms of games Wii U has that Wii didn't. Besides, most of the missing games are games I really don't care about.
I'm just looking at it objectively as it stands now, and I see like 200 games across eight platforms, at least 3 of which have never released on Nintendo VC before. So I'm pretty satisfied. It sucked that it took so long to build the collection but... it's built now, and all that's all in the past
I'd say a strong launch lineup of games is the most important thing. I'm definitely excited, but as usual I'm trying to not make my expectations unrealistic.
...Well, not TOO unrealistic. XD
Cautious optimism seems to be my stance at the moment. I think Nintendo has some really nice cards in their hand, but I'm still waiting to see how they play them.
200 GB internal storage for 3DS ?!
How to do it ?
Is that on legal or illegal way ?
Second option on both questions.
I'm hyped, but also very cautious.
I expected the Wii U to be the console to end all consoles, and look how that went down. No no no. If there is the right combination of launch games, power, battery durability and price, the Switch will be the bomb. If not... it will just bomb.
And Nintendo can't really afford the latter option.
I'm ready to see the presentation. It'll be interesting to see what they have in the works for the Switch.
@Ichi-Tan No info about localization but it is coming to Switch
I think the Switch concept is the future...until Microsoft make one twice as powerful and three times bigger!
@JaxonH I have a truckload downloaded on Wii U vc as well. My Wii is loaded as well but now doesn't read discs no more 😱😱 But Now all they have to do is pick up the pace with Switch vc service, add some variety and choice end the drip feed, and for Petes sake let us carry our previous purchases from Wii U (or 3DS for that matter) over to the switch. I just don't know how many times Nintendo expects us to buy the same classic game. Stupid me for caving in most of the time lol. Yea Wii U vc games are discounted from previous Wii vc purchases but they left the 3DS out of the mix. If we bought super MARIO bros vc game on Wii U then We should be able to grab it on 3DS for no extra $$ like Sony cross buy or something similar to that.
I've really tried to keep my hype down, but at this point I realize that it's a lost cause.. Don't let me down, Nintendo.
@JaxonH yea I blame Sega as well for not jumping on Wii U vc. But many other companies have just as much buried treasure that they aren't doing a darn thing with. As a big Sega and Atari fan, I hope Sega jumps on the switch big time and adds dreamcast games in there as well. And yea I'd love to see some Atari classics on Switch. Matter of fact Atari just released 2 volumes of classics on xone and PS4. Good stuff 😊
Well Nintendo have DEFINITELY been through quite a lot in the last four years, with Wii U losing some fans, losing a head coach, but they have certainly been busy training in the off season. The Switch play looks really good out there on the field and they're a strong team. There's no doubt in MY mind THESE boys are gonna come back STRONGER THAN EVER. LETS PLAY BALL!
I saw that, those Atari Collections. I like my modded 3DS for Genesis games and MegaDrive and SegaCD and 32X. They just look really good on the smaller screen
It's not illegal to have a 200gb SD card in a 3DS.
You just buy it, format it to FAT32 and use it.
I'm way more hype for the Switch than I was for the Wii U! Probably because I didn't know what the Wii U was...
My "hype levels" are like the 3DS' updates! Quite stable. Phenomenally STABLE, that is!
Now that everyone has seen my vc comments lol, as far as retail games go they better have a very strong launch lineup and a very active 2017 release schedule all the way till next Xmas. 3rd party very important of course but Nintendo themselves had big wire gaps on Wii U with no releases. They gotta plug those gaps! Here's hoping!!
I'd love WWE 2K17 on the go🙂
I'd love Eternal Darkness on the go🙂
I'd love Metroid Prime on the go🙂
@JaxonH that sounds awesome! I'm not a techie so I don't know how to do that stuff so I'm on eBay now and for the modded Wii with the 6200 games ready to go. Step 2 is I found a very reliable seller who mods the original Xbox and loads em with 43,000 games!! Every console and computer emulator under the sun. I can't wait for him to ship it!! Meanwhile I've been collecting system emulator discs for my dreamcast! So far I have Sega master which has hundreds of games on it - amazing! So now I went bananas and ordered 9 more! Colecovision, intellivision, Atari lynx, 2600, amiga and Atari ST computers, Sega 1000, Atari 7800, and sonic and star wars collections! Can't wait for them to arrive!! 😃
Keeping expectations in check.
With 3rd party abandoning Wii U, Nintendo had to support 2 entirely separate platforms simultaneously, all by themselves.
I think funneling all their games into one system that can do both is not only an incredible value for gamers (how much would a Wii U and 3DS cost combined? $500? Whereas Switch will cost half that amount and every game purchased inherently includes both handheld and console version, which cost us $100 previously with games like Smash Bros or Mario Maker, and even then Wii U games wont match Switch and 3DS games definitely won't, not even close)
But it needed to happen because now, even if 3rd parties don't bring games, Nintendo alone should be able to support Switch all by themselves. In a worst case scenario they'd still be able to keep it alive. And because of that more people will probably buy one, which in return will just make it successful and result in 3rd party games coming to Switch.
I really don't see how it can fail as long as Nintendo pours all their games onto it, on one system.
@JaxonH definitely a good thing that they combined their development teams in preparation for the Switch but keep in mind they're not looking to slam the door on the 3DS just yet...which means development will have to continue on it. So that will offset a bit (for now) on how they realigned their development teams. So it's still not gonna be 110% focus on Switch. At least not until they pull the plug on 3DS and I think the 3DS still has some juice left in the tank yet.
...I'm so stoked...
..hold on everyone, here we go...
@Anti-Matter Oh, of course. Nintendogs j Cats is the best pet simulator on the market. It's important to have a lot of different kinds of experiences. My point was that they tried to launch the 3DS and the Wii U without a game big enough to catch people's attention. There are some games that you look at and think "Man, I have to play that." Those games get you to buy a system. Other games, you try once you already have the system. A good Zelda game tends to be the former, while experimental games like Steel Diver, smaller games like Nintendogs, and minigame collections like Nintendo Land tend to be the latter. That's no knock against any of those games.
The Wii was an interesting exception, as Wii Sports became a game that people got the system for. I think Twilight Princess was supposed to be that game, and it was for some, but Wii Sports was bigger. I don't think most minigame collections get that kind of attention. The unique and (mostly) functional controls, the Mii avatars, and the idea of being able to play something with your kids caught lightning in a bottle, I think.
My hype is in check even though I love the concept and will get one. I would just like to hear more details though.
Maw!!! >.< I'm so excite!... But I am collected and keeping calm lol I'm so hyped for it, but... All I really want is a new............. METROID!
No hype from me, if I expect nothing, then I can't be disappointed.
I'm glad the community has a lot of positivity for it, but I'm having trouble caring. I have no plans to purchase the Switch.
I'm not hyped at all, as I have no plans to get one any time soon regardless of how things turn out. But I am looking forward to finally getting some more information next week. I'm interested in how much detail we will be shown, what kind of games are in development, and how Nintendo plans to revitalize their brand with the Switch.
The last time I was really hype about something game related was the release of Pokemon X/Y.
I want the Switch to be amazing, I really do, but based on Nintendo's decisions the last few years I'm not expecting that much.
One feature I'd love to see would be the ability to hold the pad up and down for some very unwieldy 3DS gameplay in 2D - somehow, I don't see that happening.
The Switch is going to need a killer day 1 library to get a spot in my place... I have too many games on retro Nintendo systems, plus the Wii/WiiU and 3DS to justify a "switchover" early in the cycle.
Thursday cannot come soon enough! I am really hoping for solid titles, affordable pricing, and practical features. Nintendo, please do your fans justice...
I have no hype for Nintendo. Which is sad because ive been with them since 1985. But.....i just cant do this anymore. No one will believe me but i want, i REALLY, want Nintendo to succeed....but i just cant get hyped for them anymore.
I'm super hyped, maybe I'm too loyal for my own good, but can't help it, Ninty for life.
Exactly. See, you know what's up. That's exactly my thoughts too
@Billsama I meant "AAA games" as in great NINTENDO games. I use that term a lot for when I talk about Nintendo games. Sorry if that confused you into thinking I'm a "No COD, no buy" kind of person. Although I am a proud PS4 and Wii U owner, I'm buying a Switch day one no matter what. Also what's wrong with wanting a few third-party games? Isn't that what a lot of fans want on Nintendo systems anyway?
Right this second, I'm just moderately interested. Must be because I've accidentally woken up at 4:30am and I can't go back to sleep.
BUT - throughout the week and prior to it, I've been so excited that the Switch and just owning one have been ALL I can think about. And January 12/13th a date I've been highlighting to coworkers and friends alike.
The games... The games... Just show me the games and I'll be happy. Give me at least three that can at least put a smile on my face (pretty easy task for NIntendo) and I'll become a force of nature that won't stop until a Switch reaches my hands.
Gripping new hardware in your hands for the first time is always a magical experience - one that you never really forget. And I can tell this time will be extra special in any number of ways.
All i want is a smash port with Wolf added and the 3ds stages added.
@Clownshoes "just s rebranded sheild tablet". Yeah, that plays Nintendo! With joy cons. It's going to be portable! Zelda and a proper new Mario are worth the purchase for me.
@KidRad Whether it's exciting is based only on opinion. I couldn't care less about the Gamepad, personally. Portability is much more exciting to me, and it seems to be more exciting to a lot of other people too, considering the Switch is on a lot more people's radar than the Wii U was. Besides, if the rumors about the special vibration technology thing are true, you might be getting the extra bit of innovation you're looking for. Here's a video for more on that topic. I'm pretty sure it was vaguely mentioned in the patents as well, but I could be wrong on that. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1_6rMa9_UvQ&feature=youtu.be
@flapjackashley2 He once said that the Metroid: Zero Mission VC release was good. Other than that, nothing at all.
Frankly, we could probably fit a lot of us users into different roles.
@rjejr I think the patents said something about a touchscreen.
The hype level is high with me. I want to know the line up, VCs, and more. I know I'm going to like it. It doesn't matter. I loved my WiiU. I still waiting for DQ8. So I'm still good.
@KidRad good to see you back, Wave Bro! Im def intrigued by Sony's VR too. This is the year I hope to finally break bad and get a PS4. (hopefully...)
@rjejr I'll be very disappointed if BotW doesn't release on Wii U. It exists, they've been showing that version even recently. To not release it would be a betrayal. I get why people think let's move on to the Switch and make the launch stronger, but honestly, BotW on Wii U isn't going to make anyone buy a Wii U. Only people buying BotW on Wii U are people who don't plan on buying a Switch right away anyway.
Still, there are some maybe who might be swayed to get the switch just for that game if it wasn't on a Wii U they own... but that would be a resentful customer. Nintendo has enough of them.
The thing is - I am hyped for Switch beyond words. It's a new Nintendo console which is enough for me to get it day one. But I am not particularly excited for the presentation. It's just that I have a big presentation next friday myself and still have a lot to do to prepare it. I will probably get more and more excited about the event as preparations get finished. Also I am a bit cautious about the games they reveal there. Not that ports are bugging me but like most other people, I too have my certain wishlist of games I'd love to see. But I am not going expect those for ... well, reasons of not getting disappointed. I'd much rather think they are not coming and when they do come, the surprise is oh so sweeter.
The Switch is going to be amazing. It is all about portability and it has the specs.
Games, PLEASE games. Not having a real killer app - not to mention not even having a real title for most of Nintendo's big IPs - really hurt the wii u.
I just want to know when Zelda is out!
I hope that none of those self-crowned boring 'Leaking' Journalists ruin our Presentation in advance. Honestly! It's like Spoilers for clicks. . .
Not sure if anyone has mentioned this. Being that the Switch is based off the Nvidia Shield concept and technology. What would the chances be that while you have your Switch at home, you can stream games to it from your computer using GameStream. This way all your PC library can be playable on your Switch.
This is a win win for both devs and Nintendo. Once the Switch sells like hotcakes then devs can start porting or making new games from the ground up for Switch. Nintendo wins cause all PC gamers will most likely buy the Switch too.
I don't know, I think it's a good opportunity if implemented well. The tech already works with the Shield.
I am incredibly hyped for the first time since 2005/2006 when the Wii was revealed. I really have confidence that the Switch is going to be amazing and I hope it sells incredibly well.
I hope someone from Nintendo looks at online reactions this time around. They just CAN'T pull another NES Mini fiasco and under supply. They're betting the farm on the Switch and the rumored 2 million launch supply has me worried. I'd say over all the buzz surrounding it is above average and they need to flood the market with it and games. In the first 3 months I shouldI be able to walk into any Walmart, EB Games, Gamestop randomly and walk out with everything I want. No waiting lists or hunting down where might have it. I'm already sold on it but to succeed more than the faithful need to come back Nintendo's way.
Totally with you on that one.
I'm extremely hyped, but I'm going to watch the presentation with realistic expectations, or "hype responsibly". Still wanting to see more of that 3D Mario game preview we saw in the Switch teaser, it's supposed to be a "Breath of the Wild" for Mario.
@Clownshoes It's only a gimmick if it's live Kinect or Move where it's an attempt to cash in on something popular - eg Fonzie jumping a shark to cash in on Jaws popularity.
The Switch isn't a gimmick, it has real gameplay advantages.
Isnt asking Nintendo fans in a Ninetendo Fan site how hype they are about a Nintendo hardware release a little bit pandering
I not that hyped to be honest. I'm more just sick of waiting. Seriously, this information should have been out a looooooong time ago.
@diwdiws Have you read through the comments? Not everyone here is in the same mind about Switch and it's polarised opinions across the internet, never mind the comments sections on this site. Besides, you said it yourself...... It's a fan site.
Anyhooooo...... I'm hyped enough that I have placed my (refundable) preorder, and I'm getting up for the presentation at 4am. My expectations are well in check though, I don't expect it to be a hidden powerhouse and I just want to see some quality games.
@KidRad i loved the Wii U.....at first. But now it sits in a part of my apartment that I don't even keep heated on a regular basis lol. I loved the Gamepad too....at first. But now all I want is just a regular controller with no gimmicks.
I hope Nintendo finds a niche in the market, much like the wii. I suspect they won't do as well because the console market is fairly well served by Xbox and ps and handheld in excess of your phone is hard to justify.
If they truly pump out the first party exclusives of amazing quality and have reasonable 3rd party they should dominate.
They need to move significant early units, so 3rd parties can't afford to bail and have an epic 1st party title every 2 months or so
I'm probably going to wind up buying it regardless, if not early than later, so I just want to know about the damn thing. Some actual concrete information will help me decide whether this is being bought this year.
I'm not particularly hyped, but will watch with some interest
Looking forward to it. After the last few years of struggling this is a huge moment for Nintendo if they're to remain a significant player in the console market and they must know it. Surely they'll come out fighting. I'm tempering my expectations as we get closer because that's just sensible especially as Nintendo's well-behaved shooting-themselves-in-the-foot department may have something to say.
But it's new hardware. New Nintendo hardware that fits perfectly into my lifestyle and has the potential to be playing everything Nintendo put out for the next few years. That's exciting.
The Switch will sell well surely. It has a great idea, and certainly this time the software to support it. And also half the current Nintendo users at least will buy it, plus newcomers. It is going to be big success. By the way, in Greece in stores it is listed for 399 euros.
It's new gaming hardware from one of the industry's major players. If that doesn't excite you maybe video games aren't for you?
"and no, Japanese games do not count".
That's either a really clever gag mocking the shortsightedness of some modern Western gamers or a sentence so ridiculous it's making my eyes burn. Which is it?
I want to see a lot of games and I'm interested,but not hyped.
Wait till next week im sure your hype level will jump way up. 👍
I was hyped beyond belief for the Wii U, and that went terribly. So I'm not particularly hyped for the Switch right now.
I'll watch it because I'm interested, but I expect to be disappointed.
Thankfully a lot of horrible stuff may happen soon in my life so my focus is on that now.
I'm hyped. I'm going to use Switch mostly as a handheld so as long as 3DS developers move onto Switch, I'm already fine since the 3DS is my absolute favorite machine ever released. But the Switch is also going to get home console games as well. I don't see how it could fail. It might be another story if you think of it as a home console though.
OK so what I want is to be able to run around in botw as an inkling and throw ink everywhere. That or just a solid list of new Nintendo quality games and lots of them. New shiny HD goodness.
I wouldn't say that I'm all hyped beyond excitement, the Ocober trailer grabbed my attention and I was all hyped after that because as a concept I think Nintendo may be onto a winner. But since then it has died down a little and also it's not my first rodeo as far as console launches go (SNES has that honour).
For me it's about Friday's reveal and treehouse live, if both of them nail it and there are plenty of new games and not just Wii U remasters, they reveal a proper account system and the VC service is akin to the Wii and add the missing systems then you bet I will mash the pre-order button.
I am not hyped anymore. But will follow the presentation with some interest.
I think i am pretty much done with console gaming. Still have my 3DS and enjoy that but i think it will be my last dedicated console/handheld.
I want games, lots of games! I can't believe that I'll get a free Switch in two months! And I hope it will sell well... otherwise, Nintendo will be doomed.
I'm not too excited for it. I know I'll get one at some point like every other console/handheld, but I don't see a drastic change of direction here. I see a console that is probably what they wanted the Wii U to be, but couldn't pull off back in 2012, and I can just see the same sort of good, but unambitious games we've got through the Wii U's life carrying on with the Switch. It doesn't feel like anything is REALLY changing, or that it's a new generation or anything like that.
I am looking forward with interest to see just how many of the Wii U's problems they rectify, mainly with regards to the account side of things and the digital store, along with how easy it will be for the rest of the industry to bring their games over to it, but I wouldn't really call it excitement.
I also cringe slightly as I can already see this whole thing play out on this community. No matter is shown on the 12th, posters here will declare it the greatest event ever, a console that perfectly suits what they want. The Switch will sell out for launch (like all other Nintendo hardware), and it will be called an outstanding success when Nintendo put out that press release saying they've sold all 2 million consoles on the first weekend, utterly ignoring the fact there's nothing outstanding about such a feat.
Perhaps the closest thing to genuine excitement is finally seeing what Retro has been up to all this time. Maybe a proper look at the new Mario, but that already looks very close to 3D World, which goes back to what I said about the type of game we got on Wii U. They were not bad, but a lot of them were just retreads, and/or quite shallow experiences compared to previous games in the series.
@LeRaposa I think you should know why people are excited for a new console from one of the best-selling video game companies of all time. The gaming world would never have existed if Nintendo hadn't made people forget the video game crash of the early 80's by releasing Super Mario Bros. They have shown that the most important thing about a game isn't the power of the hardware.
@Clownshoes That's a very fitting username you've got there. The Switch is a little bit more than a rebranded Shield tablet, even the people at PushSquare would agree with that, and if you don't agree, you're a clown. Oh, wait...
I'm in the "Cautiously optimistic"-range as far as hype goes.
I have been a Nintendo-fan for 25 or so years now, but i also realize that they have royally messed up the late Wii and entire lifespan of WiiU (Early 3DS wasn't all that hot either, but they made up for that later), losing them a lot of consumer trust in the process, so Switch will have to be something extraordinary (In the "Quality"-sense, no gimmicks for a bit) to glue that reputation back together again...
@Anti-Matter Man, calm down. Please don't feed the trolls. No offense, but why are you so obsessed with that angry Windows 10 emoji?
Nintendo is only releasing the kind of home console I've been needing for years. How hyped can I be, I wonder?
@shaneoh I like to think like that too.
You had create some serious hype Nintendo, now deliver the expectation.
I am moderately excited, but seem to be in the minority in the $ being important. The Switch has to offer enough to justify dropping my money on it.
Some here come across as walking ATMs, lol, but I'm not one of them, especially with winter/heating bills.
Sorry if I was upset.
Btw, I still want to know about Emoticon that can be used for this site. So far, I have discovered a few, still have no idea for another Emoticons
You will get free Switch from Nintendo ?
Congrats !
Man...I want it too.
I have been a Nintendo fan long enough to know to avoid getting hyped. At this point I'm going in expecting little more than a detailed expansion of the knowledge we already have.
But show me Pikmin 4, F- Zero, & Metroid and my hype veins will burst.
@JaxonH Kudos to your response. I never understood the need for people to draw the line between companies. It's not an either or proposition. I understand financial situations may limit what one can own but it doesn't have to skew your perspective. I like you own a PS4 Pro, XBox1 S as well but I wouldn't dream of saying just because I have those and the support they receive I can move on from Nintendo. No, quite the opposite as a gamer I want the best of all worlds (especially Ninty), there are amazing pieces of software on each side of the fence I want to experience not only to mention the strength of the industry needs all the players to be fairly successful from a growth and creative standpoint.
Hopefully lots of Games, a large storage capacity and long battery life.
some sort of PS+-like Nintendo account would be amazing for the virtual console games but honestly, think i may be dreaming a tad.
I cannot afford to own one of every system so i sorta have to draw the line with companies. And so far, ive been total devotion to Nintendo. But there comes a point to when it's just not worth it anymore, for me personally.
Nintendo has to really show me something, besides BotW (because I can already get that on Wii U). And Mother 3 aint gonna cut the mustard cuz that series doesn't do anything for me.
Would be awesome to see Metroid Switch! That would get me excited and def hyped!! But im scared it's going to be Smash, Mario Kart, another 3D Mario game, and Splatoon..... Although im positive there has to be more games than these.
In the past my hype for Nintendo's announcements was thru the roof only to be let down. And i cant afford to do that again, so naturally ive dialed back the hype this time lol.
If the presentation was 10pm UK time, I'd be excited. 4am though is ridiculous and I'm not going to bother with it in any way. Still looking forward to finding out about it afterwards though.
@Iggy-Koopa but look at the results! Its skewed towards being hyped. Its a useless poll considering that its a Nintendo fan site and the fact that people in this site are hyped should have been already been presumed. no need for a poll. Thus...pandering
@Phin68 With a new 3D Zelda game it will sell alot + if the rumors are true that a new Pokemon will come out for the switch im sure it will outsell xbox one in just 9 months.
@PsylockeRules Lets hope that they add an HDD capacity for atleast 6 games.
@JKRiki me too man, i feel like its 1997 and i am about to get an n64
I am very hyped for the actual Switch system reveal.
I am very cautious for the VC system reveal, if it will finally use the account system and let us redownload those VC games with no fee or for a small fee.
@gizmoto...funniest avatar ever, there should be award for that
I'm probably not getting one, but I want it to be successful. I want to see how it will affect the 3ds family (particularly price-wise/support-wise).
This is what makes me such a Nintendo fan, their first party games. Being able to play my 3DS where ever has made me the biggest fan of handhelds (I guess it would have started at GameBoy Color for me).
If there are able to bring even just a fraction of the third party games on the go my mind will be blown. My life revolves around playing on the go. I have opportunities to play at work, waiting in car lines to pick up my kids and other things that require waiting around.
Sometimes, but not often, do I play my console games that I chose at home because I'm playing games with me kiddos.
I will honestly try to get two Switches come launch.
I definitely want to see what goes down, but I usually keep my excitement in check. I'm sure there will be something that will grab my attention though.
@shonenjump86 Agreed, these new power rumors scare me a bit. I don't want to play heavily downgraded versions of games on the portable switch and then normal at home, I want it to be the same both ways.
It may be to much to hope for but a Smash Switch makes perfect sense here. Think, add Wolf, Ice Climbers, and Inkling and put about a $250 bundle with all he current DLC and the Switch will sell like hot cakes. Or even and some more DLC once the game releases
@aaronsullivan I feel 80% certain it will be on Wii U, but it's just sad that after all of these years the Wii Us last big game is basically being ignored so that I have to worry about the other 20%. And let's face it, Nintendo invented "please understand", and I don't think there could be a more fitting use than that, or a more fitting ending for the Wii U.
The game just looked so much better when Fallon was playing it on Switch, I really wonder if they can even get it to work adequately on Wii U. Running at a locked 15fps w/ dips to 5fps isn't going to be fun. Have you seen video comparisons of Hyrule Warriors Legends on the old and New 3DS? It isn't pretty.
So even if Wii U gets the game, it may not really be "playable" as they've made it into a marque title for Switch.
But we'll see. I'll be watching.
I guess I'm the few who's more interested in how it's Eshop & VC will work, assuming it'll have VC.
@beau_skunk you are not alone. That's exactly my main concern.
I'm not worried about the new games, after two mediocre launch line-up (3DS and Wii U), I assume they won't repeat these mistakes.
I'm hoping to see at least an attempt to build up its portfolio of sports games, both third-party and first. Get some non-gimmicky third-party titles (more PES 3D; less PES Wii), and amalgamate their first-party "sports" titles like Pilotwings, 1080, Wave Race, etc. into one game and I'll be pre-ordering.
It's a reliable genre for sales, and the fans tend not to think through their purchases so it's a win-win for Nintendo.
I'm on the fence about the switch as I fear that too many compromises will be made in order to enable the on the go aspect. However, I will be lucky enough to go hands on 24 hours after the event, so I will know more then.
I am excited for what the Switch may bring to me personally, but remain cautious over whether it's enough to grow market share and whether some of the past mistakes will be remedied.
I'm not sure a third console in the same vein as pS4 and Xbox1 has room to survive, so in that sense, the hybrid is a great idea. But it remains to be proven as the right option. I hope it succeeds, but that will depend on what else Nintendo does differently compared to with the WiiU and other forces outside of their control.
We all know the rumours surrounding lack of power. In the consoles vs PC wars, power and specs are all important. I think they are for the Switch too, even with X1 etc. What I need is to see games running. If they run well enough despite comparatively weak hardware, then that is cutting edge tech, albeit in a different direction than the competition. The customisation of the hardware may lend it more power than the raw specs suggest. I'm excited for that. How is that being done?
However, I have been looking around at what the competition offers. There are enough games on PS4 that are not now likely to come to Nintendo platforms that I think I will be getting one. Just holding off long enough to see the reveal. I only have so much time, so need to work out whether I'd actually play it enough to warrant purchase. What is available on Switch will have an impact on that.
I am looking forward to finally seeing some facts about the Switch.
I also think alot of people's expectations are a bit high and there's going to be more than a few disappointed commentators after the show.
While I think it'll have some good Nintendo games and some interesting VC news and a confirmed date of March with BOTW, the idea that this thing is going to be £200 with more than 3 hours battery life and AAA 3rd PS4 Pro ports is LAUGHABLE
@diwdiws You'd probably be much more at home over on IGN. Zero pandering there, they haaaaaate Nintendo.
I'm soooooo ready for the Switch presentation.... My hype level is through the roof!
Your terrible English words are hilarious. I love your comment and I hope you never leave this site. Please do not ever learn fluent English, you are absolutely amazing as-is.
@rjejr It was designed for the Wii U. And granted, redesigned for the Wii U again with a mind towards the Switch. But that Fallon video is the only footage we've even seen of the Switch version. The Wii U version is what has had people excited about it ... for years now, yes, so it's getting old, but the game itself will sell way more with a Wii U version and a Switch version and I don't think it will slow down Switch sales any.
But yeah, it's not impossible for Nintendo to make a decision like that. Me, the optimist, thinks that Nintendo has done way better than most companies up against a wall. Hoping we get over this in a year's time and Nintendo has some decent success to build on without compromising to keep cash flow coming.
@aaronsullivan Should be a good year for Nintendo, but they only had 1 job this holiday, 1, drown the world in a sea of NES Mini, but instead of a flood they gave us a trickle. If they underestimated the ability of NES Mini to sell by at least a magnitude of 5 - they probably made 2 million but they could have sold 10 million - then I worry about their decision making. Switch seems like a good product to me, but this week's live event should have been in early November, let people put money down for a pre-order as a gift for the holuday. And use the early pre-order number as a guide to how many to make. They are showing a $200+ piece of hardware 2 months before launch, that's not enough time. Not enough time to market the device or its games. If there are 3 $50 games at launch for a $250 system, that's $400. People need more than 2 months notice to get that kind of money together. Especially after the holidays. And there still isn't really a good chance to show it until E3, 3 months after launch. All I see is mismanagement of epic proportions. We'll see, Nintendo's 2017 starts this week.
Could care less right now. Not getting it for at least a year or more, if I even get it. That being said I hope it does well and that those of you who want it, enjoy it and are able to get it.
I'm honestly more interested in the specs and features of the system than the games themselves at this point... Mainly because Nintendo has uncharacteristically refused to showcase any games ahead of time... A far cry from showcasing Super Mario 64 And Ocarina of Time (Zelda 64 at the time) during E3 1995, Space World 1995, and E3 1996, in the span of a year and a half before release outside Japan... Not to mention the frequent updates through Nintendo Power. I will never, ever be anywhere near as hyped for a Nintendo system as I was for the N64.
That being said, the S(and)witch itself seems to be looking like a far more robust and versatile system than the Wii U ever was. The 9th console generation will return Nintendo into the spotlight of receiving fully fledged third party support for their home console, after two skipped console generations due to weaker tech. (Although the S(and)witch cheats a bit on that.) There's a lot of potential here, and I suspect we will be seeing a return to form for Nintendo after a long hiatus.
@Peach64 Considering how weak the Wii U was for it's time at release, we're going to see a huge boost in concurrent API compatibility rates with the Tegra X1, or whatever the S(and)witch will use. (The IBM PowerPC Espresso CPU basically uses an updated version of the Wii's chipset, which was an updated version of the Gamecube's chipset, which was based on late 90's tech.) There's all kinds of technical feats that the S(and)witch will be able to perform that would have been impossible on the Wii U. (Like actually being able to handle games made using Unity!)
Combine all the features with true portability, and we're looking at a potential true game changer here for the console market. (Unlike all those false flag "game changers" based on motion controls and other such gimmicks.) No twisted punditry, just straight up concurrent console level gaming, either in place or on the go. (Both the PSP and Vita were claimed to offer that, but weren't powerful enough.)
@Incarta NVIDIA's "low level" update of Gameworks will ensure the S(and)witch even gets PC ports. Considering the PS4Pro doesn't actually perform very well tech-wise in the grand scheme of things, especially not in a few years from now, the S(and)witch is potentially being positioned to perform in a better way for it's purpose. Not to mention we haven't seen multiplatform concurrence shared between Sony and Nintendo consoles since the Gamecube/PS2, in case you've forgotten...
That said, not all is necessarily well in the world: http://wccftech.com/nvidia-responds-witcher-3-gameworks-controversy/
I'm fairly excited but at the same time I'm not getting carried away. I hope they come out with some surprising and exciting games (because that's the most important part imo) and blow us all away but I'm in two minds whether that's likely or not...
@Samwise7 I notice you've tripped our profanity alarms three times in the last 2 days. Please keep posts family friendly otherwise we may have to consider closing your account. Thanks.
@ruinez " it will outsell xbox one in just 9 months."
I think it will do well too but it certainly won't do that well.No console in history as far as I'm aware has sold 30 million+ in 9 months,not even close to.It could well outsell the Wii U by the end of the year though.15 million + is a real possibility.
@Anti-Matter I got it as a Christmas present, actually.
I was very hyped because it looked like Nintendo was going for the core/mature gamer. But over the weeks my excitement has gone to the bottom, because news/rumors that indicate: Tons of ports, Indies yes/Retail no. Exactly the things I didn't want to hear. Its just a Wii u reboot. It won't end well for Nintendo...
As to what I expect to see (I won't watch it live): New Mario, Breath of the wild, tons of ports, tons of indies, price, date, maybe Mario vs Rabbids and Beyond good and evil 2 teaser. That's all!
@gcunit Nintendo Life and Miiverse: the only social networks with moderators that delete people's comments and threaten to delete their accounts just because they swear two times in two days...
BTW, no offense, I know you're just doing your job, but it feels like nobody else cares about the swearing. Comments can be family-friendly even if someone drops the F-bomb. At least in Sweden and every other website on the internet.
@OorWullie Im sure it will outsell xbox one at some point. Maybe in 2 years, thats more real...
@Mogster We've been shown glimpses of great 3rd party titles and it has been confirmed that the Switch is designed with PS4/Xbox One ports in mind. I mean, you can't exactly blame them for your low expectations when they have done nothing to contribute to them this time around.
@PlywoodStick And what do you think of the game carts? Are developers going to bother if they have to cut their games down to fit on a switch cart? And when they do, why should we play cut down versions? Gamers won't. They're going to play the proper versions.
Switch is not going to sell millions because it has poor quality ports of games people have already played and we should not be hoping for them.
And the s(and)witch joke got old quickly
Those UK times.... Ouch
I'm so excited but let's not make our expectations unrealistic.
Here we go again ! ... Fingers crossed it won't have a crappy 128gb storage max. Harddrive issues all over again deleting games to make room for updates on normal games i hope they sort it.
So far mario kart 8, zelda & mabe splatoon ... games that are already on wii u.
Hope its "THE" JRPG system. Like a whole new 1994/95 type of era. Break us free.
I just realised its at 5 am... yeah not gonna watch this ^^
@Incarta That issue is one of the reasons I'm more interested in the hardware than the games at the moment. We don't know what capacity the cards will have. It wouldn't be difficult or expensive to utilize 32GB cards- most games still fit within that space. For larger games, 64GB cards can handle them just fine. Most games don't use more space than that. Even 128GB cards could potentially be used for the largest games.
I wouldn't anticipate constraints due to data limitations at all. Keep in mind that read only cards would be significantly less expensive to mass produce than the read/write storage cards we're familiar with. Also, take into account that they're using a flash/solid state medium, and we're looking at a superior media format for reading game files compared to Blu-Ray discs or HDD's.
It's downright sinful that the PS4Pro and XBScorpio would still be stock packaged with HDD's, circa 2017. Meanwhile, PC's now have M.2 SSD's, which even blow SATA SSD's out of the water. The PS4Pro and XBScorpio storage standards are both going to be extremely anemic by 2020. In fact, they're both already anemic, to an extent- they don't even utilize SATA SSD's as well as PC's do, when you replace their stock HDD:
And yes, I'm going to keep using the S(and)witch term to lampoon the name. In my eyes, a "Switch" is a name of a part, not a whole system.
@yomanation Nintendo was also freshly being ridiculed by many third parties as being tyrannical, particularly in their past. Besides the self-aggrandizement behind the decision to use and own the facilities that manufactured their N64 cartridges, giving only Nintendo the wholesale benefits, instead of using CD-ROM's like everyone else was moving onto, Nintendo's business history in the NES/SNES era (especially the NES era) soured many people on continuing with them. Many of those third parties instead opted to jump ship over to Sony, and in some cases Sega. (Although Bernie Stolar astoundingly ruined any potential good will by releasing the Saturn immediately after E3 1995.) The Iwata era definitely represented a kinder Nintendo, as it were, compared to the Yamauchi era.
@G-Boy "Comments can be family-friendly even if someone drops the F-bomb."
Um... that's part of the definition of not being family friendly...
Personally, I think it's a tough, but classy policy. With the near-demise of print media, the language used for public expression has begun to deteriorate. It's nice to know there's at least a few websites out there who aren't afraid to clean out the gunk...
@PlywoodStick In which country do you live? America?
Thank you @G-Boy and while I didn't realise that I wasn't allowed to swear, I do find the threat from @gcunit of deleting my account as slightly draconian. I do use profanity for emphasis, in my writing (I'm a journalist/author) and in spoken word, so am just a little surprised when I was simply expressing my excitement for the Switch. I wouldn't use swears on Miiverse but in most of the British media it is permissible so I assumed it would be the case in the comments section of Nintendo Life. Apologies for any offence caused.
I'm Samwise7, I love Nintendo, and I love to swear.
3 days left! I'm one excited @*%$!!
Im very hyped and will be moving from 3ds to the Switch and playing both for the next few years hopefully. Im a huge fan of RPG's and dont want to be let down like I was with gamecube, Wii and Wii-U. Looks like we will finally get to experience Dragon Quest x in North America. I will be dropping my backlog to play that along with Zelda. Things look good out of the gate.
@G-Boy Hmm, you may have a point there. Different cultural perspective here in the US compared to Sweden and the Scandinavian countries...
I'm still obessed with playing 2 player beat em ups on this thing. Fighting games was a cornerstone of my relationship with my brother and this keeps triggering those thoughts.
Watch nothing but smash come to it (though 2v2 via 2 switches will probably happen frequently)
@PlywoodStick There's a different cultural perspective in the UK compared to the US too. For example, there was a British movie (The King's Speech) that Americans rated R because the protagonist said "₣###" and other swear words in like, ten seconds. But it was rated 12A in the UK. I think people should be allowed to swear if they don't use the words to insult people.
@Samwise7 @G-Boy @PlywoodStick All fabulously eloquently made points. I probably swear more than the three of you combined, but I accept that this is not the place to do it. Rules is rules. But the contact form will gladly transmit your opinions on the matter to the people that matter. I thank you kindly
Thanks @gcunit I guess I didn't know which is why I was so liberal with my swears. @Plywoodstick @g-boy don't even get me started on the different cultural perspectives between the US and the UK. I love a comedy or emphatic curse as you say but not a violent one. When it comes to ratings, the differences between nudity and violence between our two ratings cultures is just shocking. A boob being more shocking than a murder apparently but then lets not get started on gun culture or we'll be here all day!
5pm on the 13th New Zealand time
@Samwise7 I agree!
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