The Nintendo Switch will cost £279.99 in the United Kingdom. This follows the news that the console will retail for $299.99 in North America.
As is the case elsewhere in the world, the base system will come with the Switch console, dock, Joy-Con grip, two Joy-Cons, a power supply and a HDMI cable.
Is this more than you expected, UK readers? Let us know what you think.
Comments 98
same price as wii u, #theydiditagain
Too high for mass market appeal imo.
weak pound
That's pretty harsh; I was hoping for no more than £250 here. Dammit Brexit!
That is...high. It's going to put some people off for sure. Arceus damn you, Nintendo.
I thought Wii U was £330!? I think the system is worth it...Day 1 for me. However they should have been more aggressive with pricing. knock £20/$30 off and more would have been happier. After all the rumours of $250 some will be unhappy.
Because no more Region Locking, I have opportunity to buy any region of Switch. Thank you, Nintendo.
But better Nintendo should cut the price during Christmas 2017. $300 for Region Free = Okay for me. A bit expensive but if the product sturdy enough, I will enjoy Switch every single day.
Will the price change after the Brexit?
Obviously it's gonna cost more in pounds then dollars...
But I'm lucky cause I'm in Italy and pay with Euro! (sarcasm)
Gamestop already setted the price at 330€ which is even higher then a straight pounds2euro conversion -.-;;;
Really hope they are pushing it a bit higher and that the final price will be set at least a little bit lower in the next days.
It is a bit high, but I don't think it's unreasonable. Especially considering how much weaker the pound has gotten.
I'm willing to dish that.
Classic Brexit!
I remember when the £ was strong and this would have retailed for around £230!! God i feel old.....
Awesome. They should show some more about the Switch interface and how it can be used outside of games? Will it be like a tablet?
so anyone else thinking of importing one? would it be cheaper? it is region free afterall
Hopefully more announced tomorrow or soon. I might just stick with the Wii U version of Zelda if not...need to know more launch games and not remasters.
Wait.. who confirmed this price? Normally when a console launches at $299.99 in the US it sells for £299.99 in the UK... tax & overcharge. How the economy works.
What's an extra 20 or 30 quid to be able to play zelda day one. I'm in for sure
Will pick it up, but the paid online has really pi@@ed me off.
Hey, at least this time we don't need to by a home console and handheld. So the higher price is kinda offset by that.
The consequences of Brexit. The fact it's region free means I might get lucky and the shop I'm getting it from will charge closer to the US price. If it's a conversion of the UK price with Thai import tax on top its going to work out real pricey for me. Possibly as much as £350 when converted.
For all that tech on launch day it's fair.
Price has nothing to do with Brexit children. Thank the long standing UK sales tax. £56 of that price goes straight to the government.
US are paying $300!!! Their sales tax is about 13% less than ours
@G0dlike hahaha nothing to do with Brexit
@DanteSolablood Nintendo UK confirmed it on twitter.
@olrodlegacy Awesome, thank you. Makes a change to actually have something without a huge UK markup.
@Mossii i got my wii u for 275 deluxe edition at launch
I think that price is just about in the ballpark for most, just.
The WiiU is like a fisher price low quality piece of plastic and that cost the same price now. That's what is ridiculous about Nintendo.
Brexit gets the blame for everything it seems. Even when it has nothing to do with it.
I think it would be £279 regardless of the value of the pound, based on the cost of the PS2, PS3, PS4, and every other console before Brexit. It is usually about 20 points below the $US.
Everything wrong in the world is to be blamed on Brexit. Dam facists!!
Was hoping for I more than £270 at a push, guess a slight further push. At least not £299.
Can't remember my Wii U cost but I know I bought the Zombie U pack wth NSMBU and that passed £400
Zelda, Mario, Splatoon2 and Xenoblade 2. All this money needed on top of the Switch. sobs
I'm fine with that price but it's all the accessories that'll break me!
Ha! I can remember a time when the Pound was on parity with $2 USD. I looked up conversion on Google. 299 USD = 245 pounds, so you guys aren't paying that much upcharge for tax and import fees. Remember kiddos, United States charges sales tax separate. My town is 9.6% so I'm basically paying $328 on my end, not counting a spare Pro controller and Zelda.
You guys try and import an American Switch and you'll be paying more after shipping + customs.
Cost and poor release line up (Zelda i will get on the Wii U) means I will wait till around summer I think. Unless some more release titles are announced over the next few days. Really feel something like nintendoland should be included at that cost
It will cost 399.99$ in canada seen it on the nintendo canada page same price as xone or ps4 bundle with a game nintendo again launch an overpriced console ...
Way too high. As an enthusiast I'm put off a little by the price - I can't imagine what this would mean for the larger market.
The weak pound probably hasn't helped =/
Well, take off my Game preorder deposit and thats....£260.
Its both a blessing and a pain I get paid on the 7th of each month. Looks like I'm going into bare minimum mode in Feb.....
That's a bad price. £280 converts to roughly €325. Going by other Nintendo products it could easily mark up to €350.
Wait isn't it $300? So that makes £250. Hope the region free is full region free and I can access my UK eshop from an Asian console. At £250 I would bite for definite but that price is just a little north and I think will turn some people off.
Also, I found the presentation (other than the joycon section) fairly uninformative. A sizzle reel could have done most of it in a fraction of the time. No VC, eshop, myNintendo or backwards comparability info at all and these are deciders for me (well, not myNintendo). Did I miss any info on these?
@G0dlike nothing wrong with Brexit at all what exactly is fascist about a democratic decision?
It's all sales tax. If UK paid same sales tax as US then we'd be paying £240-£250 based on current exchange rate. Can't expect Nintendo to take a cut in profit cause our government has theived from
Us for the last 20 years
I hardly learned how to convert $USD to CZK. The only thing about £GBP (and €Euro which sems to be very similiar to Pounds?) I know is that it's always a bit higher than USD, but it does not equal being more expensive. Correct me if I'm wrong, I find all those different currencies very confusing and math was never my thing lol. Our ex-sibling country Slovakia already adapted to €, we on other hand aren't getting it any soon... 2020 maybe? The later the better, I like our current currency XD
I don't think importing will save you much money. The UK price isn't too far off the US price, taking exchange rate and tax into account. The problem is that the exchange rate is poor because of the weak pound.
So how much in Australia/New Zealand?
@DESS-M-8 let's just celebrate our shared love of Nintendo and the fact that we will be playing BoTw in 7 WEEKS and leave our clear political differences to one side ✌️
@Warioware the US doesn't have VAT, we do - so a direct conversion is about £246 - then if you add the 20% VAT you get ~£295 - so we actually get it cheaper than a direct conversion
This is the price on the official Nintendo store could be a little cheaper elsewhere as they always sell at the highest price possible.
Yeah, so something like 330€ in Finland I guess.
An utterly expected price point!
A bit more pricier than expected, now tell me more about the launch games, account system virtual console etc
@japongt $400+ in AU. Economy is pathetic.
@SebCroc If it's $400 then it's not THAT bad, that's actually at a proper exchange rate >.<;
@Turniplord Aha, forgot about the US tax system. Best buy one in Alaska then! Still too expensive all-round in my opinion and it will hurt them a bit.
As a Wii U owner in the UK, I dont feel compelled to even think about Switch until end of 2017. Am surprised how thin the launch lineup seems.
Russia is getting it at 23K Rubles, that's around $375 or £300. I am already fearful of what the Brazilian price will be.
@PsylockeRules I wonder what sort of plug socket it will come with in different regions?
Annnd I'm out.
At least for launch, especially without a game.
I thought Nintendo wanted some kind of mass market appeal? Buy 1 game and that's around £100 more than a PS4 or Xbox with a game. As much as I want this to succeed, I can't help but think that it won't.
Too expensive for me just now. Especially when you factor in the cost of a game our two.
Four hundred Canadian dollars is too much for me. Not pre-ordering, and maybe not buying at all until the price goes down.
Dissapointed, 299€ price is too high with no game included (1-2-Switch not included is to blame at that price).
I think competitive PS4 and XBO prices will hurt sales.
Only Zelda:BotW at launch, available same day at WiiU (at least, if it would have be launched first in NSW it would have been unforgivable).
Mario Kart, Splatoon already in my WiiU, not great exclusive until Mario Odissey.I think WiiU users should delay Switch adquisition until Mario Odissey pack with price reduction.
Skyrim graphics details seems too low, I am not sure now about NSW power. Waiting for treehouse to watch games direct play.
Subcription for online, can understand, but ¿1 NES or SNES game more than 20 years old for free at month, really?
I have more doubts about him now than yesterday.
I'm seeing a PS4 bundle with 1TB storage space and 3 games (Driveclub, Uncharted 4, Rachet and Clank) for 289, or 279 for a Switch with 32GB storage and no game...Pretty weak move from Nintendo so far. Wait, I don't see any Switch game(s) in the UK, um? So just the console for now?
They've lost it. How do they expect it to sell well in the UK with that pricing? Without a game no less. I'm out until a better package arrives.
I wouldn't necessary say 'it's not worth it' as such but with pricing of current gen consoles (albeit older) coupled with the subscription model (1 free game but only for that month?!), weak launch line-up, no pack-in game and ludicrously overpriced accessories, this all seems to have missed the mark.
Makes BOTW on Wii U look very appealing again.
Absolutely ridiculous price! No doubt when it flops at launch people will just say the UK hates Nintendo. 40% more than a PS4 with a game costs. Their focus still seems to be on the casual market, but the casuals won't pay this.
This was one presentation that should have been region specific. I understand why it wasn't, but it left me feeling a little empty. There just wasn't enough to it. I know it is weird since it was an hour.
I'm a little put off by the $300 in the US. Day One, Zelda seems to be the only game right now worth looking at. Mario Kart in April will help, but I have played the heck out of that game on the Wii U.
Mario looks amazing, but it is a holiday release (maybe). I can probably wait until then, but we will see. Splatoon 2 is something my son will just love so we will see.
They had a chance to wow. They just didn't.
@SebCroc Yeah, NS gonna cost around 1400 PLN in Poland... ;_;
More expensive due to the weak pound post Brexit. I expected it to be £300 when I saw the US price. I think Nintendo have gone 50 $/£ too high
@G0dlike much to celebrate today, just seemed a very strange comment.
£280 is more than you can pick up a PS4 or XB1 in the U.K. So in other words the Switch is going to flop here. Also I don't see parents paying this as a handheld for their toddlers. If the 2DS/3DS does eventually go away it looks like mobile will swoop in and take the kids' market from Nintendo.... Great strategy!
I'm still catching up on all the Switch news, but from what I'm seeing the only good news is no region locking and a Wii U game (Zelda). Really not digging it.
EDIT: Make that 2 Wii U games, Zelda and MK8
As someone who is from the US, $300 by itself is okay.
But there is a online service is now no longer free (though the annual cost is still unknown) and literally EVERY SINGLE Switch accessory is significantly overpriced.
I'll be sitting out on the launch, despite Zelda BOTW looking absolutely incredible. When sales inevitably underwhelm after the launch hype dissipates, I hope Nintendo will cut the price of the console (and the accessories), whereupon I will hop on board.
This feels like the 3DS launch.
It's going to be an uphill struggle trying to sell a new console with inferior specs to already well-established consoles at a HIGHER price. They should have marketed this as a portable that you can connect to the TV, it might have stopped people drawing direct comparisons to the competition.
When you reread a lot of the older posts a lot of people initially thought that US$300, €300 and £275 were fair prices. Then that rumour came about that it was $250 and many fell for it.
I can see the price being $279 and £250 soon after launch and poor sales.
@japongt $469.95 in Australia.
£279.99 = $454.63 Australian.
I think that's too high a price too be honest and certainly rules me out of getting one at launch.
If the new Mario game was a launch title I'd have reconsidered or better yet if came bundled with the console for that price I'd of snapped their hand off but £279.99 for the console alone is too much, especially when PS4 / Xbone can be found for less.
I'll definitely be getting one at some point but will wait for Mario before I do.
I really hope not but I do fear we have another Wii U on our hands because of the high price.. other than die hard Nintendo fans I cant see it appealing to many at such a high price
If they'd sold it for £200 it would of been more of an impulse buy so they would of sold like hot cakes
As I write this, one can purchase a basic PS4 console for 217.74 on amazon, and for around the 230 to 240 mark you can get a console bundled with a game. Pretty stiff competition, don't you think?
The sad thing is that the pound will probably go back up soon and Nintendo won't lower the price
That's a poor price. I was unsure whether I wanted to get a Switch or a PS4 Slim. However, I can get a PS4 with games for way cheaper than a Switch, and the PS4 has a much bigger library than the Switch launch games.
The Switch will be a tough sale for me at that price.
@Waninoko I'll cry for you ;_;
@the8thark Ah, sounds about right with the tacked on tax.
Welp... time to start selling organs. Anyone in need of a new liver? or want to take doctor who cosplaying to the next lever with a second heart?
Price is too high for me. But I'll hopefully get one end of 2017 with Mario
Bum. About £100 more than I was hoping for (hoping, it expecting) and doesn't include a pack-in game. Boooooo!
too much.
WOW £279, that's unbelievable, seeing you can buy a PS4 slim or Xbox one S for less than £200 (my wife just bought me a PS4 slim with Uncharted 4 for £180)
I'm a massive Nintendo fan & have owned EVERY Nintendo console (as well as Wii U premium console)
I was hoping the rumours of the basic model costing £199 & a premium package for £250 would be true, but I'm afraid I WONT be paying £279 for a portable Wii U.
Maybe I will pick it up in a year or two for under £200, when more titles are released, but overall I think Nintendo have dropped a major b****ck with the pricing.
Pre-ordered a console and zelda each for my girlfriend and I, RIP wallet. Now to hibernate until 3rd March!
@LeonChamp where the hell did you get one at that price?? cheapest ive seen is 220
@LeonChamp I totally agree on the pricing, games are listed at £60 , like what the Nibelsnarf!!! i wanted to love this and support it but im gonna bow out until its dropped, add to this a completely unclear game lineup and it just feels like confusion. as you say it should of been 200 base 250 premium. the console , a pro controller and zelda is gonna be £400. this is an insane amount to kick off a console with especially coming in late on the heels of the established others. They needed to have a low price point that people would easily jump on, not one that makes you instantly weigh up if its worth it.
I had a feeling my friend that I wouldn't be the only Nintendo fan who would feel this way about the system & its pricing, I won't be pre ordering for the simple fact that if the uk market salesperson slow to start (like the 3ds) then they might be forced to rethink its price (I was a day one purchaser of the 3ds who was then given the ambassador games when the price was dropped)
Another surprise for me is the measly 32GB of storage (yes you can expand, but you shouldn't have to if your paying £280.
@YANDMAN it was a pre Xmas bundle from Very. In fact after my wife bought it, they even had the same bundle that came with Uncharted 4 AND FIFA 2017 ( unbelievable bargain)
I think Nintendo should have gone low even if it meant that they would have sold at a loss to start with because if they dont shift enough in those early days, third party support will start to disapear no matter how easy it would be to port to etc. Look at Warner Bros and Ubisoft with the wiiU. They were the ones who really tried to give it some love in those early days but when it wasnt selling as many systems even they threw the towel in. I love my wiiU and despite having other current gen and last gen systems in the house it is my go to consoe. If it had better third party I wouldn't even have to touch any other system. I digress, If Nintendo had pushed a low £200 basic and a £250 premium package then they would have flown off the shelves and given third parties a large potential customer base. Nintendo would have taken a short term hit but with long term gain and then throw in a reasonable subscription package they could have made up for any shortfall.
I Paid £330 for my WiiU however I would have expected a pack-in title with Switch for that price. However, I know I'll still pay it. Everything is only worth what someone is willing to pay, so we will see over time if it is a mistake or not.
@Hikingguy Nintendo will never learn from there mistakes, they will just make all new ones.
@Hikingguy I could understand the storage issue if they hadn't had those problems with the wiiU. At the end of the day I had a spare external hard drive kicking around but I pretty much burned through 32gig in no time. Nintendo seemed to acknowledge the storage issue by discontinuing the white wiiU and obviously they weren't going to throw money away by releasing a larger storage wiiU... But the Switch is a new console... 32 gig is pretty much full on my 3DS, I'm just surprised that they didn't even start from 64gig to at least be twice that of the wiiU.
Certainly not gonna sway the casuals at that price should've took a loss and sold it at £200.
It's a little cheaper than I was expecting, although no mention of a pack-in game yet. That doesn't matter too much for me, as I imagine if their is a pack-in game will probably not be one that interests me, such as Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild or 1-2-Switch.
Going off of the Japanese launch line-up (don't know UK's yet), I think I'll set aside a good £600 just to be safe. There are a lot of games I'm interested in releasing on Switch, I'm just not sure when exactly most of them will be coming out.
@munstahunta so it a extra 100 is Canada??? 299 here.why complain if it is?region free so it don't matter where I buy it from
Not bad at all Nintendo~! I'm in! 8D
I was hoping for £200, £250 max, with a bundled digital game. This is quite a bit more than I would have liked, and that's without and game, and I think it's more than the masses will be willing pay—particularly with the current launch lineup, which is pretty bad other than Zelda.
The consensus, from Nintendo supporters, seems to be that it is overpriced. Potential buyers with no Nintendo bias are probably also going to think twice at that price, especially given the huge support the cheaper PS4 already gets. It seems to me that Nintendo are gambling everything on the appeal of a console on the go. I hope that is enough to sell their system. Otherwise, I wonder if we may be looking at the last Nintendo console. If they are making mistakes this time, they seem, for the most part, to be the exact same ones they made with the Wii U. Call it hubris. But I would like to be wrong.
I'll be waiting for the inevitable price drop sometime around summer 2018 then... Just like I did for the 3ds. Pity, a little cheaper and I'd have gone for it. I was hoping £250 with a game. Still, I don't get much time to play between work and 2 children, so plenty to keep me entertained with 3ds still.
Has anyone else noticed?
N64 UK release - 1st March 1997 - £250
Switch - 3rd March 2017 - £279
Exactly 20 years.
@Mart1ndo adjusted for inflation 250 in 1997 is like over 400 now.
@Hikingguy doesnt seem that way does it.
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