Pokémon Bank has had the update Pokéfans have been anticipating for months, and finally we're able to transfer our beloved Pokémon from the Virtual Console versions of Red, Blue, and Yellow to the shiny new Pokémon Sun and Moon.

But how do you go about this? Well if you'd divert your attention just a few lines upwards you can watch a video that explains all the ins and outs of getting those Charmanders, Bulbasaurs and endless Pidgeys over to the latest entry in the series.
Comments 45
It's a pain but worth it for the GB icons in the corner alone.
The guaranteed perfect IVs and chances at Hidden Abilities are also nice.
Ohhhh snappp. Too bad something didn't get updated in the Sun/Moon games themselves.
Cool. Hope my two Mews make it across...
What really sucks is they have to be in Box 1 to transfer. With the box system in those games... let's just say it's gonna be a pain.
@cmk8 Glitched Mew is not transferable.
The bank gives you a Mewnium Z for free then doesn't let you transfer glitched Mews from gen 1 games. I feel bad for people who didn't get last years Mews.
I've been out of the loop the past few days. Is Fissure No Guard Machamp actually legal?
Do they have a shiny chance too?
can i transfer dem from ma gameboyz?
Great, now I just need to download those games through VC.
No sadly all Pokémon that transfer get only Hidden Abilities and you can't use an Ability capsule on it. I wouldn't be surprised if this was done to not allow this. Also no glitched Mew.
@Kidakairis I am one of those people unfortunately i was waiting til Black Friday for a deal before buying another 3DS. On top of that i forgot about my Pokebank from before lost so many gift Pokemon and Legendaries i had the first 2 gens on the Pokedex.
@Kidakairis That's a shame. NG Fissure Machamp being legal would be so ridiculously funny.
Misleading headline, made me think they knew some new way to get you Pokemon from gb or gba into sun and moon.
I just wish it was easier. The bank system in Gen 1 is awful.
@firstnesfan have you been living under a rock for the past year? R/B/Y are all on the Virtual Console
I'm quite lucky that I've been playing Pokémon for years and got all the RBY pokémon from FRLG. Just in the progress of moving my living Pokédex from ORAS to Sun/Moon. Still have to do a little evolving... but maybe a few hours away from a 100% living National Pokédex. Joy.
I must admit I was interested to find out about the 3 perfect IVs from transferring from the VC RBY though, that's something you could more or less get with Friend Safari in XY... you can also get better than 3 perfect IVs if you know how to SOS battle the right way. I think 5 minutes breeding with my two 4 IV dittos beats that.
I haven't actually been playing Pokemon consistently all that long (Gen 5), but Gen 6 made it super easy to complete your Pokedex with the trading system on there. All I'm missing is a handful of Legendaries and I was able to get several of those with the anniversary events last year!
I found out that any Pokémon (besides glitches Mew) transferred from R/B/Y has a chance of being a shiny.
@FiveDigitLP Well done! I must admit that if I didn't have the first fe gens from FRLG onwards I would have found it tough. We'll have to do some trades sometime. I don't really need anything but I do have spare legendaries.
Truth be told, if you had a special tool to dump save games from original Game Boy cartridges, and then a way to inject said save to a Virtual Console version of the game, yes you could.
This is absolute BS. It won't let me transfer my legit Pay Day Mewtwo...
I mean, COME ON, it's not as if giving Mewtwo Pay Day makes him OP in the new games... grrrr......
Crazy cat person anyone?
@firstnesfan : You can transfer Pokémon from the GBA games to Sun/Moon, however, you will need to transfer the GBA Pokémon to a Gen IV game on DS first, then to a Gen V game before finally being able to transfer it to Sun/Moon. You will need at least one original model Nintendo DS or Nintendo DS Lite as well as any 3DS console to make the transition.
Whats the cost for the bank anyway?
That would be awesome! I need to look to see what I have left. I can't remember at this point, but I know it was like legendaries from gen 3 or 4 since they were so much harder to get. I have everything from 5 and 6. Haven't completed the Sun yet, though.
@Arnold-Kage Not sure about everywhere else, but it's only $5 per year in the US.
Really only $5 a year. Was expecting it to be more expensive.
Not from the USA but i doubt it be much more expensive in the Netherlands
@Arnold-Kage Yeah, it's really not that bad at all. I just wish there was a way to set it to auto-renew. I believe you have to manually renew every time and I'm always afraid I'm going to forget and then lose everything.
@FiveDigitLP : You don't lose anything if you do not renew your subscription. If you no longer have a valid pass, you will still have access to your Pokémon in the Bank, and you are free to withdraw them, but you can no longer deposit new Pokémon into the Bank, nor can you withdraw and then redeposit it into the Bank.
I only ever renew when I need to. Like today, to transfer my Gen I Pokés to Sun/Moon. Frankly, it's not worth renewing your pass until the day that you decide to use the app again as it'll only prove to be more costly in the long term.
@sillygostly Actually you do lose stuff if you don't renew your sub not sure where you're getting your information from
I just wonder traded 3 boxes of fissure machops because they couldn't get no guard LOL
Some things to keep in mind:
1) All mons will get their Hidden Ability if they have one.
2) All mons will get 3 perfect IV guaranteed. Mew gets 5.
3) Glitched Mew and Missingno can't be transferred. Other mons obtained with glitches may be transferrable.
4) If Missingno is in Box 1, the names of all mons after it will get switched around on transfer.
5) Nature is chosen based on EXP. Here's a table that includes this information: http://serebii.net/games/natures.shtml
@canucksfan989 : What "stuff" do you lose exactly? I've explained myself while you've debased my claims without providing any evidence whatsoever to corroborate your assertion.
@sillygostly Kinda like how you made claims you don't lose anything with the only evidence being your own personal experience
It's pretty simple you stop paying for a service eventually you lose access to said service and those Pokemon will eventually disappear. You want evidence just google Pokebank Pokemon Disappearing and you can see all the people that lost their Pokemon. So no you can't simply just renew whenever you feel like and still have those Pokemon on their server.
@canucksfan989 : Those reporting on Pokémon disappearing from the Bank appear to have nothing to do with whether or not their annual pass is active or inactive (in fact, all of the complainants seem to have active accounts) and this problem is probably attributable to a technical glitch, an error on part of the developers or some other unknown issue. An ID is assigned to every account, so I'm sure that the developers are able to trace and provide support to those experiencing issues. There have been no recent reports of Pokémon disappearing (nor are these problems widespread), so these are likely to be isolated issues that have been resolved since.
The in-game manual specifically states "Q. What will happen to the Pokémon I deposited if my pass expires? A. You can withdraw your deposited Pokémon, but you will not be able to deposit more Pokémon." There is nothing, anywhere, from The Pokémon Company themselves (either in the manual, or on their official website) that states that accounts will be suspended due to an expired pass or inactivity, so I am not pulling information out of thin air as you have repeatedly implied, and I do not appreciate your conceited hostility when I am merely stating facts as they have been presented from the developers themselves in the interests of my fellow users.
@canucksfan989 everything you said was wrong.
@sillygostly @russellohh
Guess I'm just unlucky then I lost everything and Nintendo and the Pokémon company said nothing could be done. Not sure how long I didn't pay for but it was the first thing looked at when I got Omega Ruby. I forget what their reasoning was maybe I should try again probably impossible. Finally yup you're right some of that was wrong in my previous post but not everything you can go Google it for yourself people explaining the exact same situation as me losing everything due to not paying.
Really well thanks for telling me the price in Europa.
Well doubted everything would be perfect but it will be a lot of fun to have starters from all of the other games in sun and moon
When was Mew distributed for RBY?
Seems to have passed me by completely. 😕
@Fandabidozi : To my knowledge, Mew was only ever distributed in Japan (and at launch no less!).
Gur lum. At least we all missed out that makes me feel a bit better. 😄
@PotatoTheG Nope. All transfers get their hidden ability by default.
@Fandabidozi There was an event in London. It was a super limited release.
Almost worth travelling from Australia for 🙃
Thankfully we got the 20th anniversary Mew and I gots a glitch Mew in Yellow anyways.
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