If this writer is pressed on his favourite game from the Nintendo Switch preview event, it isn't one of the big-hitters. Some of them were grand, for sure, but tucked away in a corner - somewhat unloved in the shadow of the section for The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild - was Snipperclips - Cut it out, together!. The last game of the session due to time demands, we were told we simply had to try it - that was a great recommendation.
Developed - it seems - in-house by Nintendo [Update: despite simply saying copyright Nintendo on the home page, this appears to be incorrect], it feels like an evolution from the wacky style seen in the Freakyforms releases on 3DS, though the gameplay concept itself is entirely different. Playing with a buddy you each inhabit chunky and cutely animated paper characters, and you can overlap and 'snip' each other. You do this to adjust each other's shapes and capabilities, for example rotating and snipping to create a spade-like shape. All the while the characters make daft faces, scuttle around chaotically on spindly legs, and do everything possible to make you smile.
Your scribe was playing with NL Managing Director Anthony Dickens, and there's a track history of complete failure - as a duo - in co-op games. When trying out Super Mario 3D World in the past, for example, we had more fun throwing each other off stages and fighting over the crown than doing something silly like co-operating. Yet that dynamic worked in Snipperclips, to a degree; in fact, it's a game that can work for anyone.
The demo was presented in the 'tabletop' mode, with both players sitting closely with a Joy-Con apiece, and if one game showcased the simple pleasure of this particular Switch configuration it was this one. The blend of the controllers, console and outrageously quirky characters on screen was a genuinely giddy delight - it was the most 'Nintendo' moment we had in our particular session, arguably.
The puzzles themselves, in what was a demo of around 10 minutes, assigned different tasks. Initially it was all about snipping each other into specific shapes, then standing our characters over outlines for a 'perfect' match. If you mess up, or the wrong snip is made, you can reform with a press of a button, with the character pulling a face as its body pops back out to full mass. After a simple initial stage it taught us to rotate the character's bodies and then snip; next were physics puzzles.
As a duo we had to flip, lift and coax a basketball through a hoop, and then direct a pencil towards a sharpener. By now we'd been shown how to make our characters jump, too, so we naturally started figuring out shapes for lifting objects, and then trying to direct them to their goal. For the basketball one acted as a carrier, taking the ball towards the basket, with the other then jumping to try and flip it to the goal. With the pencil one picked it up after being cut into a makeshift wedge, while the other tried to lift and flip it onto a platform.
Oh, and between rounds we had snip-fights, running into each other and trying to cut away our bodies, like the great teammates we are.
We'll have some impressions on 1-2-Switch with you soon, which has positives and negatives. That game showcases the Joy-Cons, demonstrating all their clever tricks. Yet it's Snipperclips that, for this writer, best communicated the true selling point of Nintendo Switch - the way its play-anywhere setup can enable quick and ridiculously fun play sessions with friends. Sitting within elbowing distance, looking onto the console's screen and co-operating in a somewhat dysfunctional way was true gaming fun - simple, clever, and enjoyable. It's a silly and charming game, demanding teamwork while also utilising its core snip mechanic and physics to allow teams to solve puzzles the 'wrong' way. Our rep seemed both baffled and slightly impressed at our peculiar methods for clearing the stages.
(Cut to 3 hours 42 minutes in the video below if it doesn't do so automatically)
Snipperclips is a game that can work on any console with two controllers, that's undeniable. Yet as a representation of the delights that Nintendo and its hardware can bring, it is a true shining light. There were far higher profile games on show, but it was the download-only Snipperclips that made a real impression on this writer.
Ultimately, it made two 30-somethings giggle like children; it's an absolute hoot.
Comments 50
Looking forward to this one! Bomberman for smash??????
Awwww, is Snipperclips Download only?
Not sure if I'd be willing to pay the full price for it, but it looks fun. Maybe if there's a deal on it I'll buy it. I'd rather save for the bigger games like Splatoon 2 and Mario Kart, especially with all the overpriced accessories.
I got about 5 Min on this at the end of my session on Saturday. I'll be downloading it day 1. Great little title.
@ThomasBW84 We all loved this game during the Treehouse presentation, so many positive comments during the stream.
This game could just as well be released on the Wii U too. Why force us to buy new hardware.
Yeah definately wish it was physical. I want to get everything in physical form due to the storage problems.
@KirbyTheVampire The accessories aren't overpriced (maybe the dock is), they're just a bit fancy for people who expected cheaper tech. What Nintendo has done is like Microsoft launching the Xbox one with the Elite controller.
I like the price of the console as well. It's a sweet spot between $399 and $199. It puzzled me that people were anticipating a price tag of $249 as if they'd forgotten what the specs were like for the last two gaming units Nintendo launched at $250.
Anyway, I preordered mine yesterday and was almost too late. I missed the colored ones though, which is a bummer, but I'm good, the grey is pretty slick too.🙂
I loved the demo of this game, this was great and I'm sure it surprised a lot of people who played it. Would be nice if they got this for the Wii u
@Grawlog Yeah, I've been meaning to get an Elite controller.
This is a mad looking lil game...looks like a good laugh.
This game looks like another good Nintendo puzzle-platformer like Pushmo and Boxboy. Love its art style as well.
By the way, it's $19.99 on the eShop starting in March.
There's actually a funny story behind this game. It first appeared back in 2015 as an indie tech demo. Nintendo bought them out and now turned that game into a new IP, Snipperclips.
@polarbear Because the Wii U's dead.
I'll wait for the Limited edition.
Snipperclips: Papercuts Edition.
@Thomas Whitehead
In the article you said: "Developed - it seems - in-house by Nintendo," but that doesn't seem likely, because it actually started in 2015 as an indie game called FriendShapes.
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WJGooKIoy1Q
This game looks like a gem!
Is it possible to play alone controlling both sides? I think the game looks fun but I don't have a player 2.
@Mega_Yarn_Poochy regarding comment 15. Please be true
How can you not love this. It's great.
This looks so much fun! Will be downloading day1!
@polarbear probably something to do with the fact they are releasing new hardware and they want people to have reason to buy it.
Definitely the most fun most of us seemed to have watching the TreeHouse stream, and almost certainly the most fun the presenters had playing. A brilliant little concept and delightfully illustrated. I'm a physical-luddite, but really, these game does seem very appropriate to be download only. It means it's always with you, and being able to play with two players on one device makes its charms ridiculously accessible.
@UK-Nintendo Which part?
@ThomasBW84 As mentioned by others, there is actually a story wating to be told about this game, and since the original developers are from Great Britain, maybe you could dig a little furhter into that?
@Mega_Yarn_Poochy the part it's coming out on Wii u eshop
@UK-Nintendo It's a Switch exclusive. It's coming to the Switch eShop.
Like it or not, the first party brand is a saving grace for games like this. Picture for a moment if this game (or say, ARMS) were being promoted by a big third party like Ubi Soft or Capcom as their respective Switch exclusives...at best they would get som indifference and expectation, but most likely they would be a prime target of complains about how the games would surely bomb because they are not AAA material.
@RenanKJ It's funny how most of us went "Uh..." during the unveil of this "New IP" during the Live Comments, and after halfway through it and until the end of the presentation for "Has Been Heroes" people were like "-This is great! It's so weird and funny it's awesome! I need Snipperclips"
Loved it so much. Definitely getting it to play with my girlfriend when I take the Switch to hers.
Just want to know how much it'll be. As it's an indie game on the eshop, I'm assuming no more than £15-20max
@ThomasBW84 I'm glad you got around to this. It's brilliant and the coverage from the Japanese feed has been hilarious. Even early on when you don't understand what's happening, it's still funny and intriguing. No doubt, this game will do well.
I was also reading impressions that said the cutting mechanic was replicated in the HD rumble. It reminded them of those chunky child safe scissors we all played with as a kid.
This game does look cool.
This was genuinely my surprise of the presentation, in the best possible way.
PS. Here's a link for people who don't want to have to find the right spot in the video above:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Phs1pDpCYL8 (Note: It's from the exact same Treehouse segment)
Yes, this game looks like a blast! I really wish it was getting a physical release!
@UK-Nintendo Uh, its not.
I missed the Treehouse stuffs, so I've not seen a lot of this game yet. I wonder why they didn't make a big deal of it in the main Switch Presentation.
@Bobb Exactly!! I believe someone said "Forget about Zelda, we want Snipperclips!". =D
Best game in show. Easily. And it just completely came out of nowhere. Snipperclips will be the first 10/10 game on Metacritic, mark my words. Anyone who doesn't give it a 10 is committing heresy against genius!
@CircuitWrangler3 Technically, the NS is launching for about US$250... in Japan.
@TossedLlama You forgot Game of the Multiverses and the Extraverses.
The Wife says it looks fun, so that's a buy from me.
This is the type of game I want: something colorful, clever and fun, for everyone, with amazing music too. I really look forward to playing this with my daughters.
This looks awesome and reminds me of Banzai Barber on WiiWare!! Was it Zonnami that made that though? Ex rare staffers I think.
@Bobb That's the result of the raw, sheer genius of Snipperclips. It creeps up on you, with a very innocent and unassuming appearance... THEN BAM! It carves out a home in your heart and your mind with uncanny deftness! Even those with hearts of stone and minds of fog will be inexplicably captivated by the simple yet deep premise of Snipperclips!
I feel like this game would be awesome co-op, but would have a disappointing single player, like Tri-Force Heroes.
Besides the hardware itself, and maybe Splatoon 2, this was my favorite announcement of the whole event
Looks hilariously fun
I love how even now everyone is just bonkers for this.
Even the nintendoomed pessimists and people thoroughly disappointed in the launch lineup (latter is me) are absolutely loving it.
Well done those two indie developers who sold their IP to Ninty. Hopefully they negotiated royalties
@PlywoodStick I must admit I kept skipping videos or feeds to this game but when I caught a couple playing it I was sold. More people need to see this game in action.
@polarbear Most of the indie games for Ps4 could also ve release on ps3. The new Hardware is not really important at all when it comes to Small productions.
Looks like awful game for casual players
When I first heard of this, it seemed like a throwaway tech demo showing what the Switch can do rather than a legit game. But after watching some gameplay, it actually looks like much more than that.
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