Not to be outdone by Nintendo of America's recent additions to the Nintendo Selects range, Nintendo of Europe has today revealed that Europe will be getting bargain priced Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker, Pikmin 3, Super Mario 3D World, and Mario Party 10 in stores as of 30th September - you'll just need to live with the garish box-art, unfortunately.
These games have sold a combined total of over 2 million units across Europe to date. We can highly recommend Captain Toad, Super Mario 3D World and Pikmin 3 - these are all excellent. If you are in the market for a party game then Mario Party 10 isn't too bad, either - you can always try out some of your amiibo in the game.
Did you miss out of one or more of these Wii U classics when they originally came out? Let us know if you plan to rectify this at the end of September.
Comments 73
Pikmin 3 is probably the best.
I'll probably grab Captain Toad at some point.
Captain Toad and Pikmin 3 for me,I've been meaning to get both of them for ages so this is great news.
There's not really that many 1st party titles left that aren't selects now.Starfox,Yoshi,Twilight Princess,Kirby,Splatoon,Hyrule Warrriors,Xenoblade,Mario Tennis and amiibo Festival.There's probably 1 or 2 I'm missing.
Only missing Mario Party 10, which I'm still on the fence about whether I want it or not. I've never enjoyed the concept of being forced into a vehicle and travelling the exact same path as everyone else. The only thing that it looks like it has going for it is the mini-games.
Maybe I'll finally play pikmin 3
FINALLY! Captain Toad here I come! (What game drought???)
I'm glad I got rid of Captain Toad and 3D World when they were worth quite a Bob. Now I can dive back in for cheap if I want to.
I'm waiting on news of NX's backwards compatibility before deciding on picking some of these up though.
Pikmin 3 and Super Mario 3D World for me! Already played Captain Toad and loved it.
I'm keen on trying Captain Toad if the same titles come to North America. The game looks absolutely charming, but hasn't hit a price lower than $40 (used) in Canada and that's more than I'm willing to pay for that particular title.
Anyone who hasn't tried Pikmin 3, it's very good and (in my opinion) definitely worth grabbing at a reduced price!
@MasterS7000 That's why I didn't enjoy Mario Party 9, and Mario Party 10 is even messier. It's difficult to recommend any of the two. The old Mario Party games were much more fun but the last two are... meh.
Nice!!! I hope NA gets treasure tracker soon. I wonder how much this increases sales ?
I've been replaying SM3DW on and off for the last few weeks and I'm enjoying it far more than I did the first time.I was really disappointed in it the first time and had it ranked as the worst of his 3D adventures but now I can appreciate it a lot more.Still way behind 64 and the Galaxies but much better than Sunshine.
My nephew has Treasure Tracker, a great little game, and I absolutely love SM3DW and Pikmin 3, delighted for anyone who has yet to play these games!
Maybe the time has finally come to grab Captain Toad, though I would've preferred to see Yoshi WW discounted first.
On a side note, what is the price point for these games?
@VanillaLake It is sort of sad that Mario Party probably won't return to its earlier format. On the bright side, Star Rush doesn't look too bad, but it is too early to judge if it will be good or not. I did think about the possibility of them bringing back one of the older games, perhaps with one or two extra boards and more mini-games, but I doubt it would ever happen.
@clvr Nintendo Selects are €25 in Europe.
@OorWullie The best 3D Mario games are Super Mario 64 and Sunshine. The tiny planets of Galaxy and Galaxy 2 are not that fun to explore. Super Mario 3D World is too linear. Super Mario Sunshine is a bit too hard, I admit that. Super Mario 64/Sunshine should inspire the next 3D Mario game.
@MasterS7000 Yes, I don't know what to think about Star Rush yet. Let's wait and see. Hopefully it returns to the old formula which was much better.
I'm curious about Paper Mario Colour Splash which coincidentally launches the same day in Europe. Will new Mario Party and Paper Mario games be great or once again disappointing? We'll see.
Already own them all bar rubbish MP10. And I still wouldn't pick it up unless it was less than €10. Pikmin 3 is easily the best of the lot. Captain Turd is way overrated, haven't finished it and I'm in no rush to do so either. I'm on the 3rd book, the game is too simplistic in terms of gameplay and lacks any sort of challenge.
MP10 and Captain Turd are already cheap enough. They should have picked something better like Yoshi's Woolly World and Xenoblade Chronicles X.
I seriously was about to pay $40 for captain toad here in the states. I think I'll wait a few weeks now.
Pikmin 3 and Captain toad is the best.
I own all 4.
@clvr Price should be €24,99 or £19.99 to download. Correct me if im wrong.
@VanillaLake For me 64 and the Galaxies are out in a league of their own,with 64 and Galaxy 1 even more so as they were the originals.Only a handful of games have ever genuinly blew me away,64 and Galaxy are 2 of them.I'd rate them in this order,revised since my recent time with SM3DW.
Galaxy 1
SM 64
Galaxy 2
Sunshine was just really unmemorable for me,other than the fantastic music.Delfino Plaza and Ricco Harbour being 2 of the finest tracks in gaming.
@OorWullie I usually rate them for how good they were/are in terms of gameplay, levels, exploration, etc.
Sunshine (even though getting all blue coins is a nightmare)
SM 64 (although I consider Banjo-Kazooie and Banjo-Tooie to be better, but we're talking about Mario games)
Galaxy 2 (better levels than Galaxy 1)
Galaxy 1 (too many tiny planets)
SM3DW (too linear, no exploration, no flying...)
Now that you mentioned it, the music of SM 64 is not very good and the soundtrack of Sunshine is also my favourite.
EDIT: Correction.
@OorWullie Super Mario Sunshine has many memorable moments: aiming F.L.U.D.D. at Petey Piranha in the sky in the first level with water going upwards to the sun; the dusk level with the manta ray flying in the sky, the roller-coaster race against Bowser Jr...
So basically (almost) every 1st party Nintendo game is now a Nintendo Select.
I guess that's a good strategy to phase out inventory / get a last minute bump in sales before the console close-out.
@VanillaLake @hypermouse thank you for the info! I think the article should be updated to show the price as well.
@clvr You're welcome. Yes it should.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE same boat. Too little too late or very. These are already dirt cheap. Own all of them bar mp10
@VanillaLake I think if I had been a few years younger or older I may have enjoyed Sunshine more.I was 24 at the time and had a bit of a hectic life.There's quite a few highly rated games from this period that I never really enjoyed at the time.Double Dash and Windwaker being 2 of them.Windwaker I went back to though and loved it.Maybe an HD remaster of Sunshine will have the same effect.
Too bad I already own 3 of the 4 and have no interest in Mario Party even at a discounted price, I hope when(if) we get the next batch Project Zero is amongst them as that game is near impossible to find.
@jswhitfield8 Yep,I should have remembered Smash at least.So it's about half and half then.I'm not even sure why I mentioned it now to be honest haha
Anyone know if the Nintendo Selects branding appears on the eshop versions of the games, as in with the menu icons, start up screens, etc. Just curious
@DrJoson No, that's only on the physical package, I know because I downloaded Star Fox 64 3D when it was Selects.
@The__Goomba Project Zero / Fatal Frame: Maiden of Black Water is a very underrated game, probably because it was not played properly by some reviewers (like that Eurogamer girl who doesn't have a clue about survival horror games). It also makes the best use of the GamePad (Super Mario Maker aside).
I had a lot of trouble getting the Limited Edition. I pre-ordered the game and they never called me and then I found that my copy was sold to somebody else but since I had not paid there's nothing I could do. Then I managed to find it online elsewhere but they didn't sent it. I almost had to sue them because they had already charged my credit card and after two months of calls and emails I eventually got my copy. Maiden of Black Water was extremely difficult to find and some stores realised that they didn't have enough copies.
Nintendo Selects are usually games that have been successful but how can a game be successful when they print out just a few copies? And why so few copies when Nintendo published and co-developed the game? Why not an ordinary edition for Europe and no physical release at all in America? It's so daft. Yes, there's always the digital download, but the game takes half of the Wii U stock memory. Anyone could see that a normal edition would make sense if you spend money in bringing the game to Europe and America. Nintendo invested in localisation but didn't care about distribution. It doesn't make much sense.
So after this and the US update are they closer now? Seems like each side just added what the other already had. Which is fine, I have LCU and Luigis Mansion Dark Moon pre-ordered on Amazon. Thanks to Nintendo repackaging these I'm getting them $16 each with Prime instead of $20.
Nice. There's great games in this list
Like many others I own them all too. I'd say Captain Toad is the best of the bunch, but Pikmin 3 and Mario 3D World are excellent too. Mario Party 10 is a good laugh with friends, but a third of the game is locked out if you don't have one of the compatible amiibo. Saying that, Amiibo party isn't the best mode anyway, so you're not missing much if you don't have the amiibo. Bowser Party's great fun though.
I will finally buy SM 3D World.
@VanillaLake Those bonus levels (not sure how to describe em) in Sunshine were better than the main games levels I thought. I am hoping the 100+ temples in the new Zelda game are that challenging
3D world is fantastic! Once you get through the boring opening levels it really gets going. Plus it's the first 3D game that you can actually play multiplayer, which is a right laugh whatever ability the other player has. Also the very end secret level is ridiculously hard and almost impossible to do with every character. Almost... Possibly harder than Sunshine 100% completion
Mario 3d world is brilliant, for all you people who might not have it - it's a nice hybrid of oldschool and 3d Mario. A bit easy at first but you get a lot of levels for your money.
Already own both Mario Party 10 and Super Mario 3D World. I was always interested in Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker, but I never did get it, and I want to get into Pikmin, so I figured why not start with 3? So, I'll be getting both of those.
Please... Wii Party U Nintendo Selects USA version...
The price on Ebay (Normal version) are totally nuts. (Start from US$ 60 and above)
Captain toad for me😀
@beazlen1 I completed Super Mario 3D World 100%, every level every character! I was very proud of that lol. I absolutely loved the opening level though I think it's great!
I'm glad I didn't buy Super Mario 3D World. Almost pulled the trigger 2 times last month, and once this month. Still on the fence with Captain Toad....wish it was two player
@MJInnocent Yep,the opening level is great.I often replay it when I put it on.I'm quite a bit off 100% but I'll get there.Might play it just now in fact haha
Good I'd been looking out for Captain toad.
So when is the Wii U going to join the Nintendo selects range?
@GrailUK The pachinko machine level!
I wish NoA had gone this route with Captain Toad instead of adding an Amiibo. The game looks great, but my understanding is that it's very short, and not really worth $40.
For anyone who doesn't have them, I'll add my recommendation for Pikmin 3 and 3D World. Both are excellent games, more than worth the Nintendo Select price.
@GrailUK Yeah some of those Super Mario Sunshine extra levels are a real challenge!
@TrueWiiMaster What I don't like about Captain Toad is that the GamePad is used as a gimmick, the game itself is fine, probably more suitable as a cheap eShop download, anyway.
I have been putting off SM3DW since i got my Wii U for no reason really. I am huge Mario fan, but clearly not huge enough. For £20 though its a sone deal. It would never lower in price any other way not even pre-owned
@OorWullie I think it's a joy to play! I'm just home from work, did you stick it on? Make any progress?! Lol
@MJInnocent nice! I just need to do the last level with short ass Toad then that's the lot. This has reminded me, I better get back on it tonight!
@KevTastic84 I'm jealous you now get to try it out for the first time. There's a huge amount of bonus levels. The game keeps giving. I rank it up there with the galaxies obviously behind the seminal SM64
I have played it before round a friends, and oddly enough own Captain Toad. But yes looking forward to diving in to it properly for the first time. Its just finding that time. I need a week off work lol.
Current selects titles are only £16.99 from Argos. So worth shopping around for the best price in the UK guys.
Will Europe be getting Tomodachi Life on 3ds as a select? Like in NA?
@MJInnocent I didn't,i dozed off to sleep haha.I'll put it on in an hour or so.
So basically half of the Wii U's retail library is now a "Selects" title. =P
@MJInnocent Haven't got that far either, but even at full price you get so much game for your money with it. Even when you think it's done, theres MORE. And when you think you've done all that there's MORE. A game that made me glad to get a Wii U.
I only missed out ob mario party, eh sorry, took a wide berth
@beazlen1 Good luck pal!
@WiltonRoots I bought my Wii U the day Super Mario 3D World released! I felt I just couldn't miss out on the game, and I absolutely adore it... and my Wii U!
Will get SM3DW. It was only a matter of time that we'd get a selcts version of these games, so I was happy to wait it out.
Haha, it feels like they're putting every First Party game in the Selects range...
because the Wii U has so few games!! xD
I've already got 3 of them and Mario Party 10 i'm not interested in.
@Moshugan lol. True
I'll certainly pick up a copy of Pikmin 3 to replace my copy that got banjaxed.
I might pick Pikmin 3. The demo was fun.
If it's £15 like the last lot were then I'll probably buy Mario Party 10. Invite my friend over. I am lucky enough to own the other games. Still a shame America got a Super Mario All Stars again this year....
Can we get it for VC please Nintendo?
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