Dot Arcade was one of the most intriguing Wii U eShop releases of 2015. It was unique in that it offered three stylistic 'light dot' games, where a coloured dot matrix game was lovingly created on screen. It was quirky, clever, and we absolutely loved it.

Developer JAMES MONTAGNA is returning to Wii U this week (on 14th April) in North America with Dodge Club Party - you move a pixel shape around on screen to avoid other deadly pixels of various kinds. As the artwork below shows it'll have multiplayer, as per the 'Party' bit of the name.

Dodge Club Party.png

If it maintains the form of Dot Arcade this could be a lovely experience on the home console, and as reported by Tiny Cartridge it should cost just $2. The mobile spin-off, Dodge Club Pocket is also widely available for free, and this writer has downloaded it on Android in Europe.

Montagna was asked on Twitter about European releases, as Dot Arcade is still only out in North America, with Dodge Club Party coming this week. He's stated that it's being explored with Nintendo of Europe with Dot Arcade first on the agenda.

Are you tempted by this one? Don't forget you can try out the Pocket version as a warm-up.
