With the Nintendo NX hardware due to be revealed in 2016, the web's going into overdrive looking for clues and pointers to the hardware's form. A recent spot highlighted an intriguing 'supplemental computing device' that would use the Cloud for processing; now we see the return of 'free-form' screen technology in a relatively recent patent.
Way back in late 2014 reports emerged of Nintendo and Sharp apparently negotiating terms for the big N to use free-form screen technology on a product that'd start production in early 2016; as we now know that'll likely be the period when Nintendo's new hardware begins manufacturing. These are LCD screens that can be manipulated and shaped courtesy of a 'bendable bezel', which also allows for shapes and gaps within the screen itself. As a potential material for a portable it has obvious potential.
Now a patent published in October this year has been unearthed which names various Nintendo staff and researchers as the 'inventors'. As you can see below, it's an elliptical screen with two holes through which control sticks are utilised.
A non-limiting example information processing apparatus comprises a housing, and a first portion of the housing is formed in an elliptical form when viewing from the front. A display panel and a touch panel constitute one main surface of the first portion. Holes are formed in left and right end portions of the display panel and the touch panel, and two operation sticks are provided through the two holes. When viewing the first portion from the front, an area except key tops of the operation sticks becomes a display area.
As you can see in the image below this design has a card slot in the top, which in the patent is described as applicable for "various kinds of card storage media such as a game cartridge, an SD card, a SIM (Subscriber Identity Module) card, etc".
This design is full of tricks; the key concept is around the screen displaying fully across the full real estate, so there'd therefore be visuals around the sticks themselves, clearly a big change from convention with portables. Two shoulder buttons and the sticks are the only obvious physical inputs, with virtual buttons and touch prompts being utilised in various conceptual ways. The patent also states that motion control such as tilting can be utilised, in addition to stereoscopic 3D screen technology - like that of the 3DS and New 3DS - being usable.
As always patents don't always guarantee something will happen, nor do they always represent the form products can take. The timing of this one, however, is sure to prompt thoughts that this technology and approach could be part of Nintendo's NX hardware. Time will tell on that.
What do you think of this concept? Is it exciting, worrying, or are you unsure what to think? Hit up the comments and let us know.
[source freepatentsonline.com, via neogaf.com]
Comments 152
Looks "interesting"...
Interesting concept. I'd like to see some physical face buttons on this, though.
Yes. Interesting and exciting. I expect people will write it off as a gimmick, but it looks like an enhanced version of iPhone gaming, which is all the rage in the blue ocean.
Called it! This is the new NX controller, I can smell it! I knew they would use the free-form screen technology!
I even had this idea years ago, but it was for a new DS. I hope this turns out to be a real product.
Looks really cool.
Definitely interesting. The main idea behind the patent is the use of the free-form screen, so the lack of physical buttons on the example doesn't mean much. After all, it's a patent, not a blueprint.
They might not even use this at all.
I'm just imagining Metroid on this, seems like it could be pretty cool!
Can't wait to see what we get next year. With all these rumors and patents that are probably not going to used it will be something to see how they can get back after Wii u.
I'm pretty sure we're looking at their idea of a new controller. I'm putting all my chips in for this one. If it was just a patent they weren't going to use, they wouldn't specify all of the additional features it would have, like 3D and tilt-motion. It probably won't be shaped exactly like this, though. It's got a rather ugly "Classic Controller Pro" look to it, I'm sure they'll improve on it.
This is startling like what I first imagined the revolution pad was.
I imagined something like an GameCube pad but fleshed out a bit more and only have the control, c stick and the shoulder buttons. Middle plus face button area would be all touch screen. Every game would have its own custom control layout.
I'm not sure how relyable they've be for platforming or fighting games but it would certainly free devs from typical controller restraints.
I don't know, maybe I just haven't got enough imagination (though I can see the appeal of the "gun" to shoot the dragon - sort of), but I do not like the idea of the control sticks obscuring views of the screen action.
@Savino I'm with you there...
Cool idea, but it wouldn't be conducive to games that really rely on sight
goodbye 3rd party support
Now remember that is an example illustration. If it ends up being something, the final design could include d pad and A/B/X/Y buttons.
http://giant.gfycat.com/InfamousGratefulHowlermonkey.gif Like this.
I can see this being NX. I imagine if they go with this we can forget about a powerhouse device though.
Weird buttons, and the screen doesn't seem practical.
You have your thumbs on the screen at all times, for almost every type of game (except for games using only motion or shoulder button controls), blocking parts of the screen, your sight.
Screens and buttons are usually the first things that break or wear out. Combining these make for a relatively fragile system.
And again, games ported to this, need extra money and time to be made for this weird screen shape.
Is that a desperate move to combine a controller with a tablet?
This is a huge step backwards, coming from the Wii U GamePad.
It could be a nice little niche console/collectible with a few games though, like Pokémon mini.
@Nicolai They always go in detail in their patents, to make sure it covers everything, from controllers with buttons, to controllers without, to handhelds etc.
This is just a concept for a patent. Not necessarily a final design. It could have other things like physical face buttons, or a bigger, less obstructed display. As it is, it's missing the "scroll wheels" that were part of a patent by Nintendo some time ago.
@Octane: You may be right, but mentioning Stereoscopic 3D seems downright irrelevant to me.
@SKTTR: The way I see it, developers can just make sure the action is focused on the middle part of the screen, where you can see everything, and the rest is just extra, like peripheral vision.
Could be cool if it also has physical dpad and face buttons instead of just sticks, two triggers, and touchscreen. In a way, it's almost reminiscent of the Virtual Boy controller.
Would be more okay with this if it was only just ONE of many new gaming consoles from Nintendo as part of their new so-called NX Platform.
Please Nintendo can we have a normal controller to start with. Anything else needs to be an optional extra and by the sounds of what's mentioned in the article I'm guessing that controller would be expensive - but OK if it wasn't mandatory.
This sounds very, very cool. But, my concern is this doesn't seem like a controller that will help control system costs. Nintendo could prove me wrong on that (or only offer one with the system and make me buy the other three separately), but a cutting-edge free-form screen on the controller does not seem like something that can be manufactured cheaply. I also prefer the tactile feeling of physical buttons versus touchscreen controls. I would love to try it out, but this may negatively impact my feelings on buying the NX system.
I’m sure that this is just one option of contollers. It looks like to me to be a touch screen pro contoller. It allows for customized layouts and a screen, but I’d reckon that you will be able to use Pro contollers for those who want buttons, especially when Nintendo stated that the 3ds is here to stay because buttoned contollers allow for things that touch contollers don’t. Plus look at all the options for contollers on the Wii U. Wiimotes, Pro Contollers, Gamepad, Classic contollers, and even smash has the option for Gamecube. I think this is just proof Nintendo thinks about its fans and having options and games for all levels/types of gamers. They are allowing for evolution of gaming while staying true to their fans. Maybe final product will have buttons integrated into the free form screen
Considering it's just a patent makes this all the more fascinating
This is splendid news, I must go out and get one asap. Glad they ain't going hands free route or VR goggles.
@Savino at least the screen won't end before your thumbs
Gamepad 2.0?
I won't even consider a console lacking physical controls. This looks more like a kids toy to be honest. I highly doubt this will be the NX controller. At least I really hope not.
This looks...pretty cool actually. Colour me excited.
I'm still waiting for Ninty to make good on their bicycle controller patent.
@Yorumi What part of patent do you not understand. There are plenty of patents that go unused and the ones that do become real often get refined or changed in the release. Also have you ever considered the fact the technoology in the gamepad has likely gone down significantly in price
So a more traditional sized controller that has the option of a touch screen and viewable images. The potential to play games anywhere on your controller and would allow Wii U games to still be played on newer systems without the gamepad being required? Kind of a gamepad 2.0?
While interesting and full of exciting promise. I really hope Nintendo justvmake a powerful console with a standard controller this time. Imagine a console twice as powerful as ps4 with a gamecube 2.0 controller, or something like that. It would be amazing and would entice all the hardcore gamers that have jumped ship to ps4 or xbox.
If Nintendo makes yet another console with a "revolutionary" concept or mechanic the system will be another 10 million seller, I guarantee it. Im not being a stick in the mud. I really want Nintendo to come back to the forefront of peoples living rooms like I know they can be. I mean, imagine the NX is like I described, a normal console, with launch games featuring a new Mario adventure, a new Metroid (fps controls with an epic storyline), a new F zero in 1080p 60fps with graphics shaming the likes of Forza motorsport in terms of detail and maybe even a port of Zelda Wii U running at 60 fps and ultra high res textures. Exciting isnt it? Now imagine the nx is just a slight increase in power over wii u but has this revelation in gaming like the wii u was hyped to be, with launch games featuring a brand new ip but its a quirky nintendo project that has you using your feet to control a tomato running away from a farmer, or something equally ridiculous and "unique". Not as exciting huh? See, it doesn't matter how incredible that initial game may be, Nintendo need to concentrate on something more traditional. Otherwise in 10 years they WILL go the way of Sega. Another guarantee.
@Yorumi Its clear someone doesn't understand the idea of concept. dual screen rendering will likely not require as much compromises thanks to improvements in the hardware. Why must you have to be so freaking pessimistic all the time you are reminding me of Poketune. If you really think Nintendo makes innovations just for the sake of it then you clearly don't understand how Nintendo functions
I hope it can fit into my pocket lol
Inb4 really long and oval-y phone that has snappable grips.
. . .And what happens if they go XL with this?
@Marshi Well, they could at least make this an optional controller. Unfortunately, that means that not all games will use it, but that may be a good thing, actually. A mandatory Gamepad didn't stop most games on the Wii U to ignore its features.
But even the "Feet controller" idea is way more interesting than a PS4/XB1 clone. I just want a console experience that I can't already get on my PC.
@Yorumi did you miss the part that mentions the card slot? This is the portable not the home console controller. It's most definitely going to be sold separately. Don't worry.
@Yorumi who are most people? Do you have scientific study's on this? I assume you mean gamers in the net. So how many of the 100,000,000 million owners are making videos or writing on websites about it?
I like symmetric controllers. Has anyone thought of putting the two analog sticks in the center of the face buttons and directional buttons?
Wtf... Nintendo, please stop "innovating" it makes your products cost to much..
Didn't some manufacturer say they were making circular screens for Nintendo at some point?
This is an interesting idea. I can't decide if I love it or hate it.
It looks interesting, but I'm not convinced by it. Blurring the boundaries of where the screen ends and the controller begins will get annoying especially with precision games. Plus, part of it will be obscured by fingers. This is also going to make things more expensive, which was one of the issues the Gamepad pad.
On another note, CARTOON PATENT GUY FOR SMASH!!!!!! Come on Sakurai, you know that will be a great idea.
No thanks.
I love how different it looks with no physical buttons, really cool. I'd like to think a production model of this type of technology would be a lot more refined and user friendly. Interesting....
@RCMADIAX I agree with everything you said.
@Yorumi wrote ".....but if it is, goodbye any chance at 3rd party support, goodbye affordable console, goodbye nintendo."
Would that also mean goodbye Yorumi ?
Woohoo, worth the sacrifice 😝
Will almost certainly pass on NX if that is the close to the final product. One of the plethora of reasons most gamers pass on phone based gaming is the lack of physical buttons. There's nothing like the press of an actual button, not for nostalgia mind you, but without physically knowing where the buttons are you can easily press the wrong one or press nothing at all. You just need that tactile feedback, this is also coming from the mindset that NX may be a hybryd system. I'm all for innovation and even have supported Nintendo 'til now but this is a red flag for me. Not the nail in the coffin for NX since, if properly implemented, this can be made into something good, but, in a vacuum this bit of tech is meh at best.
Definitely interesting, I'll give it that, but I'll wait and see if this amounts to anything.
Interesting idea, but a difficult concept to pull off. If it is a portable system, how do you protect the screen and tuck it into a pocket? If it is a controller for a home system, well we have the gamepad 2.0. With either, there is lack physical buttons on that device.
@RCMADIAX seems to me they made a but ton of money on the Wii
@RCMADIAX oh and when you say "fan boys" you look like a jerk
@ULTRA-64 It has physical buttons though.
The flames coming from the thumbsticks blows my mind, and the menu options popping out from the buttons looks super cool as well.
I am not going to hold my breath tho, because I though the wii u was going to be the coolest thing in the world and they didn't even use all of the features they showd us in the demo video...
.... so I've been let down before and kinda lost trust... it's fun to speculate tho!
Lots of useful ideas in this patent.
I don't think Nintendo will get rid of physical buttons. My guess is there is more to this.
Smiling at all the usual doom and gloom people that did their thing here. lol.
I sense a VERY crowded discussion.
This is REALLY exciting
@RCMADIAX that's one way to look at it. Another is Mario kart Wii sold 35 million units. That one game sold more than the first 4 halos combined and cost less to make than any one of them. thats just one game.
I'll reserve judgment until I see the real thing.
It has been named the Nintendo N-Hex ( I'll just get my coat. . . )
While we're all arguing, we are ignoring one very important detail the patent is telling us: Turok NX confirmed!
This looks like it could signify a hybrid console. Its very much like a regular controller but if it also has that free form screen it could be taken portably i guess?
Looks interesting, but if a final product doesn't have all physical controls most gamers would expect (2 analog sticks, 1 D-pad, 8 buttons and triggers -analog please!) I'll pass. It's not only games what I like from dedicated consoles, it's controls too. I mean, come on Nintendo, it took you like 7 hardware variations to finally put all those controls into a portable, the New 3DS, but you finally did. Why go backwards now? Still, I'll wait for a final product, I just hope they don't scree this one. It's just a patent after all.
@Sir_JBizzle haha! I'm so excited.
This is just more Nintendo-covering-their-bases-with-patents stuff. The NX controller might have elements seen here, but I'd put money on the controller looking vastly different and interacting with the games in ways we haven't even considered.
Cool. Now replace the lizard with Mario and sell it to me.
What would be even cooler:
When you bought a game for the console, the game case included 1 disc for the home system, and 1 catrige for the handheld extension, both the same game.
If you decide to play on the handheld, once you're done you can simply take out the carriage and insert it in another slot on the home system, and it saves your game data onto the console/disc.
Of course you could always choose which game's data you want to overwrite too.
Maybe I'm thinking too much and this could be done by plugging both systems in with a wire, or done wirelessly.
@Yorumi Reality check: those big western third parties won't support Nintendo regardless of what they do. The audience simply isn't there, and said third parties won't support Nintendo unless there's an audience. It's an endless cycle that would take years (as in, multiple console generations) to break, if it's even breakable.
Point is, they aren't coming back. That's the harsh reality.
As for the Japanese third parties and indies, those are irrelevant, but they'll support NX simply because they'll need to support the NX handheld as it will be the only handheld on the market. The NX console would gain those by extension.
I hate virtual buttons not precise enough
I like the concept, but it wouldn't be practical at this day in age.
I would like to see them attempt this in some degree.
Gamers hate touchscreens as much as they hate motion controls.
Quite simply, many gamers prefer buttons. I personally don't know if I can live without buttons, but we'll see.
I really this this will be the new handheld that connects to the home system
and the home system will be sold with a normal control
*I really think
I am holding hope that the nx controller will be close to what the bottom part of a new3ds is. Duel shoulder buttons, sliders, built in speakers/mic. Touch screen etc...slimmer. Ability to post at home or on the go. An iPhone with buttons.maybe even a bendable screen now... I actually thought back when that sharp deal was announced, it would have been for a vr headset.
But I know I'm excited for what this patent may or not reveal. Complain about buttons on our screen, then go back to your galaxy s5 to play anything. Hands in your screen. This adds buttons. I do wish playing Mario and jumping never becomes touch only.
Reminds me of this old gif from Neogaf:
It has physical sticks/ buttons on top and the touch screen is surrounding them.
So, basically looks like Nintendo's way to shrink the GamePad for a next-gen version, as well as simplify controllers in general, while still having a big touchscreen on its controller and a way to make up for having less physical inputs overall.
Buttons please.
" Sure, the best thing in the world is to play with your thumbs covering half the screen!! "
That problem is easily solved.
Just put the actual screen above the touch screen controllers and sticks.
Perhaps with 3D technology, the apparent screen depth can be put where the touch screen physically is.
Not really. I never get why everyone thinks Nintendo has to be just like everyone else to get 3rd party support. The Wii had great 3rd party support until they realized the "fans" weren't buying their games.
I've tried to avoid saying this but since NLife has become so negative I can't hold it in anymore. Stop complaining about innovation. Innovation and new input devices keeps the industry on it's toes so traditionalists, for the love of god, GTFO!
They need to put stereoscopic 3d on it to be backward compatible with 3DS.
It will be interesting to see the specification for the screen resolution... hehe.
If the handles can be folded into the unit it will be more relevant for a portable.
Maybe it will have 3d touch sensor like the new iPhone?
I feel like I am in a very small minority that doesn't like this at all......
unsure about the idea. Wouldn't like to have the game on-screen partly obsured by my thumbs. But hey, let's just wait until next E3...
@yuwarite It would work for Mario Kart like shown, but less so a UI-heavy game. Then again, the next portable will likely have two screens so that's a lot of screen to play with.
@The__Goomba they're not virtual, they'd be physical, but portruding from the screen.
Doesn't sound like a good idea, there's not much new that could be done with it and the controls would get in the way of the screen. Hopefully they don't actually use this.
@Nicolai Well it fits in with the home and handheld sharing the same system architecture, "the 2 are brothers" as Nintendo said. The same game media playable on both systems, control the home console with the portable, then just pop the controller in your pocket and carry on playing on the go.
@TheDavyStar A game with a lot of UI, or a menu with lots of options would need to be changed so nothing is hidden underneath a button/ stick.
I think they could solve the issue of dual screen design by flipping it in portrait mode.
You can still make normal games on it....
What the Gamepad should've been in terms of size.
What if Nintendo used this to "Revive" the Gameboy brand? Imagine it! NINTENDO GAMEBOY ADVANCED 3D! Not a good name but still!
I agree with this! The only thing that makes Nintendo, Nintendo is their unique and exciting innovations! WiiU would have sold better if tablets weren't as popular, this is unique and different from what other companies are doing today! If you take the individuality that Nintendo has, then what do they become? Your average run of the mill buisness. I don't want to see them become that.
I actually really like the idea of the prompts around the sticks. It's sort of like a lot of HUDs that have an image of the relevant buttons on screen, and then put prompts to tell you what they do (LoZ has done this a lot). Except, instead of seeing the HUD, translating that to the controller in your hand, and then reacting, the prompt is right there at your fingers.
You can also imagine music or rhythm games that use the screen to highlight certain buttons for timed presses, or have the rings closing around the buttons that help demonstrate timing.
I get the concern people have about obscuring the screen, but good design on something like this can easily resolve that problem. Just don't put anything important where the thumbs would be. As long as the screen is bigger than that of an iPhone, I think it would be pretty easy to work around.
In the end, I don't think we'll see something that looks much like this, but I think the concept has a ton of potential for combining the benefits of physical button gaming with touch screen gaming.
@Squalllionhart Yeah. you don't want innovative technology right. We just want a regular controller that is exactly the same as PS4 and One right?
As for the idea, its interesting but I don't see how you can reform the LCD screens like that. I mean, they have to be like super strong.
What is wrong with you people? You're actually saying that touchscreen controls--you know, the kind on mobile phones--are good or exciting? Have you lost your minds?
If this is Nintendo's next anything, be it handheld or console controller, then for me 30 years--literally 30 years--of devotion and support will come to a close. It will be proof positive that this company is run by delusional idiots who live in this bizarre bubble where Sony isn't kicking their ass, where people want gimmicks in their game systems, and where they are still relevant.
...Why does that first image remind me of the depicted worlds in American Indian Hopi/Pueblo tribe mythology, which resembles Norse mythology?
I'm not sure how to feel about this. I can see it working well as it's not exactly the same as playing a controller game on a smart phone, but all you have is two sticks and shoulder buttons. I don't see how this tech, if indeed is connected to NX, could open up third party games and ports from the other consoles. Guess that means I'll have to buy a PS4 after all for Battlefront and Fallout 4, but I'll still wait and see. By the time NX drops I should be able to get PS4 or Xbone for cheap anyway.
I could see this as a cheap alternative for a handheld console though, but at this point I've been spoiled by protecting my screens by closing the system since my DS Fat. It will be interesting at least to see if this comes to anything, but I really hope it doesn't belong to NX simply for it's limited appeal.
I really hope NX isnät like this. I want physical controls.
Hell to the No! Just NO Nintendo ! This would equal to sticking sticky joysticks on a smartphone.
Something like this:
My hands would take up lot of space from the screen and that's definately not comfortable for playing most of the games either way, unless it has SPECIFIC games catered for the hardware, which only nintendo will put effort on and we're on the Wii U situation again but this time only worse. I don't like this gamepad be it for a portable or a home console. So for me a BIG NO.
This is pretty much what I was expecting when the news broke in that Nintendo is going to use (a) screen(s) that don't have to be rectangular on the NX. I just had hoped there was more face buttons since touch screen controls are still too unreliable and don't give any physical feedback when pushed/pressed.
But then again, this is just a patent for the technology and the actual product might never come out and if it does, it might look very different and have actual physical face buttons too. What's certain is that Nintendo has at least considered using a screen like that on NX.
I'm not convinced, but then I was unsure about the Wii and DS as well.
That's what I was thinking at first but looking at the images, the screen around the sticks/slidepad are for menus/items only that will be activated by sliding on their directions. I think this could work but we'll see.
@Technosphile Someone's clearly unable to read the patent. It's about the free-form screen, which can be used with both virtual (touchscreen) buttons and physical buttons.
Next time, read and comprehend the patent before coming in with the tough guy smug act.
It could have some cool uses, like a HUD around the thumb sticks, but over all I think if it doesn't have physical buttons, it will fail. It can't compete with phones, and having no buttons will lose them the fans of the 3DS. Notice how it has a slot for SIM cards, maybe it is a phone too?
It's, needless to say, going to need to be pretty spectacular for me to upgrade from my New 3DS.
If nintendo throws its weight in it I'm buying. I like the concept.
Good information for gamers who fond of playing Nintendo and Sharp.
barbie games
I don't know why anyone would think that Nintendo is going to make a "me too" console like MS/Sony that is just a jumped-up (or downgraded) PC with a Pro Controller. Nintendo will stop making consoles before that happens. They do their own thing and other people come along for the ride or they may as well chuck it in and go full-mobile and possibly make a custom controller.
This doesn't mean you won't get third party support, but the latest multi-platform games probably won't be automatic ports. Get over it!
I dont know what to think of this. Dont feel negative nor positive. Im just Wondering how they are gonna work this mechanic within thete console without leaving out the traditional buttons. I expect nintendo to know that the more dedicated gamer needs buttons. Touch screen gaming should always be secondair.
Really didn't expect that gun to show up. Looks great, but I wouldn't prefer it over a screen above or in between the controller part. If you have bigger fingers you'll obscure a large part of the screen and miss vital details.
Looks good. Although I'm not too sure with the lack of buttons (although this can be changed before release) I'm not a fan of using screen inputs it my fingers covering the screen as I play.
Like others have said I don't believe Nintendo would go without physical buttons on the face of the controller. My theory is the screen would be used in a similar way to Wii U games (maps, HUD, inventory, touch keyboard etc) and allow some form of backwards compatibility with Wii U but also allow the user to play Nintendo's mobile games which would be available in the e shop. I do hope they integrate a 3ds successor into that controller as well but feel this may not be user friendly and also make the device very costly. I love all these rumours and patents though its very exciting 😊
For all those present, Bluetooth Classic Controller to follow.
This is certainly interesting. However, my first concern is "Would I HAVE to get my screen all grubby and fingerprint-filled?".
Remember this:
Honestly, this looks more like an early concept design from the WiiU gamepad.
Should this be the next thing.. No front-faced fysical buttons seems like a bad choice. As well as a screen that has analog sticks sticking out of it.
But 2016 is around the door, so we'll see what Ninty can suprise us with this time.
So, the general consensus seems to be that the joysticks and your thumbs would get in the way of your viewing experience. And I cant help but remember all of the times we consumers have said "thats a dumb idea Nintendo, no one wants that" only to change our minds drastically when we actually get the chance to experience it for ourselves, at which point ppl are going "okay, yeah I see what you were getting at." My point is that until we actually get to use a controller like this no one has a right to criticize it. We just dont know what it will be like. My guess is that if this is the NX controller, they've already done extensive testing and come to the conclusion that your thumbs being "in the way" is entirely in your mind. Consider the fact that your thumbs cover a portion of your phone whenever you play smartphone games, or surf the web. No one is making the argument that your thumbs are ruining those experiences. I think that is a manufactured excuse and without first hand experience its just a load of crap.
Also, this is totally unrelated but I just want to go on record, I think the codename NX is a visual metaphore. The N is obviously for Nintendo, but I think the X is representative of merging the console and Portable. Its the point where those two seperate experiences cross, forming an X, because although they will be coming together, they will also work seperately. I really want the actual title of the console to be the long dormant Nintendo Fusion. Thats a name that would sell consoles. It just sounds so damn cool.
Hopefully this means the NX will be backwards compatible with the WiiU. I just hope that Nintendo remembers that they will need to factoring in an advertising budget for the NX to be a success, a basic fact they forgot about for the WiiU.
I'd be into this. It looks weird enough to be something Nintendo could do. Some folks are mistaking this as a final design. It's just a patent so the screen, the analog sticks, anything can change.
I've gotten so used to playing on my phone and tablet that I've also taken to using strictly touchscreen controls on the 3DS games I have that allow the option. Sometimes, I even subconsciously use my thumb instead of the stylus. I use physical buttons mainly on fighters and platformers which can hurt my thumbs at times. I'd be pretty interested in a switch to touchscreen buttons if they can make it work.
@DarthKlac I'm fine with them keeping the NX title (putting "X" in anything is the 90's version of "cool" lol), but a name like Fusion or Cross would for sure pique media and general interest. Not just for sounding cool but for the potential that's implied.
Really looking forward to the NX. All of these patents are things that Sony and Microsoft will "invent" in the next 2 years anyways, and then people won't complain anymore.
Question being: how much will it cost?
I think people are confusing this controller with smartphones too much. Smartphones are small and rectangular, and your thumbs do indeed cover up a lot of screen, especially with most HUDs having large buttons to make it easier to press them. But in this elongated design, there is a lot of screen that your thumbs aren't covering. I honestly don't think it would be that obstructive, especially since most games put the action in the center. Even if they do a little bit, then if this isn't a hybrid console, or when you're just playing on your TV, most of the action is going to be on the TV screen anyway. There probably will be small buttons in the final design, but if there's not, they wouldn't have to be as large as they are in a smartphone, since your fingers will be able to use the joystick as a physical frame-of-reference for where the button is.
@ledreppe, I'm not sure which one of my comments you're replying to, but I agree.
This has great potential, but as some stated, it needs at least a couple of physical face buttons!
About the "thumbs covering half the screen" I would say, that it won't be an issue, since all of the essential info would be presented in the middle area, which would be the size of a regular screen.
Wow! Looking at the patent, it seems to be a patent for a complete system and not just the screen tech!
@Technosphile Read the patent before you comment and make yourself look stupid... Well, too late for that...
@IceClimbers and all you ever come in with is a drone contrarian apologist act. If you're going to say I'm wrong then the burden of proof is on you to prove this isn't the NX. If it is, that begs the questions
How is this not more gimmickry?
What 3rd-party developer is going to want to tailor their multiplatform game to suit this sort of control setup?
The DS and Wii were too big of a success, they convinced Nintendo that every product needs a gimmick and that just isn't what people want anymore, unless (maybe) it's an affordable VR headset.
If this is for a handheld forget about 3DS BC.
Interesting looking device for a controller. Kinda looks cool, though wonder if this is something they will keep.
@Technosphile Western third party developers won't support Nintendo regardless of what they do, for reasons listed above in comment #77. Accept it. Nintendo will always be in the niche when it comes to home consoles.
Also, I never said this wasn't NX or had nothing to do with NX. In fact I didn't mention NX at all in my reply to you. Don't put words in my mouth.
It's just another patent. It's a thing of that's a good idea, patent it, we might come back to it in the future. This could be something they'll look into years down the line, they've probably got a pool of inventors coming up with stuff like this all the time, 95% of which will never come to fruition. But it's nice for them to have it sitting there when it becomes economically viable.
@RCMADIAX Why do you want "a normal console without any gimmicks"? Maybe the PS4 is a better choice for you?
Do you always prefer the safe way, avoiding the new and unknown? I'm very happy that Nintendo doesn't follow the others blindly into abyss like a lemming.
It's not like the gimmicks are useless either, they are highly innovative and provide more fun than a boring "normal console" ever could. I don't understand how anyone would want a conservative console instead of something new and innovative.
@shani " I don't understand how anyone would want a conservative console instead of something new and innovative."
People fear change and don't want anything that breaks from the generic norm.
@WiltonRoots: Well put! By the way, I like your avatar. Where is that graffiti taken from? My avatar is a graffiti that I saw in Bristol (my favourite city in England).
@shani Drawn by myself in a friend from NYC's book. It's a big part of my life.
@WiltonRoots Nice
@IceClimbers Having read through all the comments and finding out that you're one of only a handful of people actually understanding what this patent is about. There goes another healthy dose of my last bit of faith in humanity...
I've plowed through the entire patent several times now and after having read all the comments here I just HAD to add this...
At all the people tripping over each other to comment how horrible it would be to have fingers all over the gaming screen, obscuring parts of what you need to see, please calm down and take a breath, it really isn't as bad as the pictures make it seem...
The patent CLEARLY states the following:
I also emboldened the statement on 3D stereoscopic since that seems to be a thing for some of you too. It will apparently be the same as on the 3DS, so glasses-free 3D.
What the rest means in the Queen's English or plain old US American is that the part covered by the sticks and fingers/thumbs, would normally not even be part of the gaming screen, so it's not a part of a screen that you LOSE, it is an EXTRA bit of screen that you actually GAIN and that can be used to map extra custom buttons and so on, which will be context sensitive in certain games.
To be able to picture this in an easy way, just imagine that the casing of your 3DS is completely transparent and then have that whole casing around the controls (so basically the entire lower half of the handheld) also fitted with touch screen technology. You would be able to add stuff to the game and the game screen itself would still be in the middle without any obstructions whatsoever.
Also, the patent seems to hint at analog sticks that are clickable in multiple directions, so not just straight down, giving you multiple options to add functions to each of the two thumb sticks.
What I also understood from the patent is that having a customizable bezel/frame surrounding your normal widescreen sized game screen will allow for more immersion and having a more interactive and personalized feel because you can customize buttons and such. That or text around the buttons to display what those buttons do.
Most importantly however, is that this patent is to explain the purpose and options of the screen surface, NOT the final shape of the controller or the number of physical buttons on it, so the fact that these drawings only show two analog thumb sticks/pads and two shoulder buttons means absolutely nothing.
The very nature of free-form screens is such that (to an extent) you can punch as many holes in them as you want, so no need to cry about the loss of A, B, X and Y just yet...
As long as this is NOT the main controller for NX then i'm ok that this exist but we can't have another Wii U situation (I love my Wii U with all my heart but we don't need another downgrade console with expensive controller) what we want is an up to date console with either an upgrade version of a Gamecube controller, Wii Classic controller or Wii U Pro Controller that's it. Basically innovate later made the hardware + normal controller 1st, release it and if it's succeed the show us the gimmicks.
Personally, I think the design sucks. They're basically taking a 3DS and giving us fewer physical buttons and a more obstructed view. That's a downgrade on both counts in my book.
@Rhansley64 You should know by now that Nintendo doesn't roll that way. Sure, the Wii U is a big disappointment and really could've used specs a little closer to the PS4 and XB1 (or at least better engine compatibility), but the last time they went the completely conventional route (the GameCube) they still finished in 3rd place, while the DS, 3DS, and Wii have all steamrolled over the competition. (I'm ignoring the GBA, as it never had any real competition.)
I get it now, I think I know why Nintendo has patented so many ideas in such a short amount of time. It's a double layered to protect their ideas for NX. First of all they're making use of the patent system to protect what they've conceived but on top of that they've patented several things and as many have already said they can't incorporate all of this into NX, and I'm starting to think that is the point. These days competitors like Sony, M$ and Apple can work around patented ideas once they know what the hook is that appeals or may appeal. Just look at the wii, once M$ and sony were forced to accept that motion controls were a big selling they decided to introduce their own spin on motion controls. However playstation move and kinect used camera based systems to achieve motion sensing game controls because Nintendo had already patented their controller so sony and microsoft couldn't just copy and paste the idea as they have with other controller ideas that NIntendo introduced that have now become standard (shoulder buttons, analogue thumbstick, rumble feedback, diamond layout for face buttons, etc.) It is worth noting that apple have also introduced a new controller for their apple TV platform that bears a striking resemblance to the wii remote in both appearance and function.
So with these patents that have been observed and discussed I reckon it's either a jigsaw puzzle that only Nintendo knows how it will fit together to form a cohesive concept or it is a case of shell game where one or maybe two of these patents is actually representative of what will make NX unique and possibly a hit with the market while the rest are just decoys.
I get it now, I think I know why Nintendo has patented so many ideas in such a short amount of time. It's a double layered to protect their ideas for NX. First of all they're making use of the patent system to protect what they've conceived but on top of that they've patented several things and as many have already said they can't incorporate all of this into NX, and I'm starting to think that is the point. These days competitors like Sony, M$ and Apple can work around patented ideas once they know what the hook is that appeals or may appeal. Just look at the wii, once M$ and sony were forced to accept that motion controls were a big selling they decided to introduce their own spin on motion controls. However playstation move and kinect used camera based systems to achieve motion sensing game controls because Nintendo had already patented their controller so sony and microsoft couldn't just copy and paste the idea as they have with other controller ideas that NIntendo introduced that have now become standard (shoulder buttons, analogue thumbstick, rumble feedback, diamond layout for face buttons, etc.) It is worth noting that apple have also introduced a new controller for their apple TV platform that bears a striking resemblance to the wii remote in both appearance and function.
So with these patents that have been observed and discussed I reckon it's either a jigsaw puzzle that only Nintendo knows how it will fit together to form a cohesive concept or it is a case of shell game where one or maybe two of these patents is actually representative of what will make NX unique and possibly a hit with the market while the rest are just decoys.
@BulbasaurusRex I don't know if you've read the patent itself, but the view for the player isn't obstructed at all. I tried to explain that to people with comment #153. The gist of it is that the entire surface is indeed a screen, but the screen space around the controls is ADDITIONAL screen space, so the ACTUAL gaming screen is still in the middle, totally unobstructed. The additional screen space is used for touch screen buttons, text and context sensitive commands.
According to the patent, a standard widescreen display can be displayed exactly in the center of the device, scaled to fit, which could mean anything in between a screen the size of a normal 3DS or a PS Vita. The rest of what was said in the patent, is in my original comment, if you're interested.
@TheRealThanos Yeah, I get that, but you're still obstructing the view of that bonus screen space thereby rendering it mostly pointless, and nobody likes touchscreen buttons as a primary control system on their dedicated gaming platforms in the first place. It's basically just a more powerful 3DS with only one screen and a weaker control system.
@BulbasaurusRex You'd only obstruct the part where your thumbs come over; have you never played a game on mobile? It's not that big of an issue.
@yuwarite No, not to the gameplay, but it does make the extra real estate nearly pointless when you can't even see a good chuck of it, and since it doesn't affect the gameplay, it's a rather lame extra feature to begin with. Oh, so we get to see some extra background scenery around our thumbs, and the screen is now shaped like a convex oval. Who really cares? Feature-wise, this thing is simply a serious downgrade to what we already have with the 3DS.
@BulbasaurusRex Apparently, from what I read in the patent, it is meant to give a bit more immersion since you will be more "in the game" instead of having the game screen being a separate entity from the controller/handheld casing itself like normally. And obviously your fingers/thumbs will always obstruct some part, since if the extra screen bit wouldn't be there, your fingers would also be on the buttons, obstructing them, as it were.
But there is still a gain in screen space, since the entire frame around the actual game screen will have additional graphics, so yeah, anyway you look at it, it is still more screen space, and knowing Nintendo, they'll probably figure out quite well how to implement this. Provided they'll use anything in this patent, that is...
Guess we'll just have to wait and see.
@BulbasaurusRex Come to think of it, I'd like to compare it a little bit to a small theater in your hands: in a play, the surrounding area is also quite often incorporated into the main stage by decorating it in a relevant way either by lighting or set pieces, and this is somewhat like that, I suppose...
@BulbasaurusRex You didn't answer the part where I asked you if you've played a game on mobile. You're over thinking something that isn't a problem on mobile devices.
Why is this design good? Because it gives you unlimited virtual buttons at your thumb tips to accommodate the already physical ones that are there on top. You don't have to stretch the thumb to reach these virtual buttons like you do on 3DS and the GamePad, they are more naturally laid out for you. More natural and useable than the screenless touch pad on the dual shock 4 as well. Something like an MMO with hotkeys would be a great use of this pad, or something like a flight simulator.
@yuwarite No, I don't play mobile games, but everyone here always says that virtual buttons are vastly inferior to physical buttons for a main control scheme. Touchscreen controls should be reserved for minor parts of the control scheme or the occasional game that's built around stylus control.
Basically, it's a decent design for an actual mobile phone but not a dedicated gaming handheld (plus, it only has the one screen). It's a much inferior design to the one we already have with the 3DS.
@BulbasaurusRex Firstly we don't know where or even if this patent will be used, so most of it is speculation. However the patent is more for a traditional looking game controller with grips, so we can assume this is more for the NX controller than a handheld.
The patent is based on a screen that can be molded to any shape and we see physical sticks/circle pads on top at 18a and 18b. While the patent doesn't show buttons, we can assume if they're able to put sticks on top, they're able to put face buttons on top as well and they definitely would put their trusted D pad on there.
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