Comcept's Mighty No. 9 has had a curious development history. It stormed to success on Kickstarter seemingly off the back of Keiji Inafune's reputation and its potential as a spiritual successor to Mega Man, yet as development wore on and more footage emerged opinions cooled. The reaction to the visual style hasn't always been positive, and multiple delays have affected its reputation further.
With Deep Silver publishing it'll now aim to earn back some of the buzz and excitement it enjoyed in its earlier days. Ahead of its February release the publisher has launched a 'Bring It' trailer, which tries to blend a humorous voiceover with plenty of action-packed sequences. It boasts of various modes and online options, too.
Check it out below and let us know whether it's doing the trick for you. Are you excited about this one's arrival on Wii U early next year - 3DS to come later - or is it failing to push your buttons?
Comments 84
All of the videos I've seen on this game is just a dash fest. Kinda bummed.
Never had any hype for this game. Oh well, guess it's because I don't like MegaMan games all that much. Nice trailer, though.
LOLOLOL. Best voice over for a trailer ever! This game looks so awesome and fun.
New Mighty No. 9 Trailer Aims to Bring Back the Hype
Aaand you failed!
Is.. is that Egoraptor narrating?
The hype is already dead.
Dashing is one of my favorite things in Megaman X so I'm sure this game will be fun to me. But the art style just doesn't cut it. Still not hyped.
not sure if im fan of that design otherwise the game looks ok.
Trailer seems just like the rest of the game - trying too hard to appeal to its fanbase. ...This doesn't exactly look like a comedy game, so such a 'wacky' trailer doesn't seem appropriate at all. Just seems like it's trying to emulate "youtuber" humour.
The Hype died long ago and will never be recovered
The more I look at this game the uglier the in-game art style looks...
It's a shame, I really love Mega Man and was hoping this to look pretty cool but the gameplay just looks like a dash-fest as others have mentioned, plus the visuals are... ehh...
Yes, a trailer that tells me 3x in 10secs that the game wants to be fun totally sells me on said game...
...seriously, how can one be worse at this than NoA?
I still don't have any opinion about this game besides not liking the art style. But this is just a bad trailer.
Surprise Poll! What order will these be released in?
A. Mighty No. 9
B. Nintendo NX
C. PS5
D. A Unified Console system that can play Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft sytems.
Personally, my vote is: B, C, D, then A.. but most likely other stuff will be out before A.
There's probably a joke I could have made about them needing 18 more kickstarters before Might No. 9 is released, but that's too easy.
Looks more like Mega Man X than classic Mega Man, really. On the fence about this one...
Early 2016 is the new early 2015!
Hey, remember how fanboys were all excited that this game will their salvation after the mean and evil capcom killed mega man and how M9 will be the biggest comeback ever?
Heh, If Keiji plan to continue his solo adventure as a dev he needs to take some advice on how to do business and managing hype and how to launch stuff before he plans to do more outrageous stunts like that legends reboot. (Bruh I know what you're doing with red ash but that was just the worst possible timing.)
The only thing that No. 9 does from this point onwards is to mend bridges the best it all starts with this trailer.
Sorry, I checked off the hype train about a couple years ago.
The look is finally coming together. For the most part. Shaders are much better now, and the effects pop in a stylish manner.
Good theing they delayed it, as it was looking kinda poopy last time around.
I don't think they realized how difficult it would be to make a 3D game look as fetching as 2D concept art.
The trailer asked what I'm waiting for...I guess the answer would be for the game to come out.
Looks like a PS2 game, one of those 2.5D run n' guns back when 2.5D run n' guns were a new thing; Shin Contra and such.
Further evidence of what a scam Kickstarter video game projects are. People who throw money at promises and concepts deserve the worst anything can possibly turn out.
Looks better. Still wish the graphics were 2D,but the game looks fine. Both the hype and hate for this game have been eye rolling.
@AlexSora89 No.
@Darkthany Truth. Having said that, this trailer is pretty bad. I liked the first one they did, that one was actually pretty exciting. It feels like they're trying too hard to be cool.
Looks good to me. I don't understand the hate. Sure it doesn't look like current-gen graphics but... it's not supposed to. I'm still hyped. Gameplay looks fast and frantic. Love the 60 FPS.
Not keen on the art style but the gameplay seems fast and fun, I'm interested in this one.
I'm not gonna buy this, just borrow it from the local library.
I still really wish it had the 2D art like that one single concept art they showed us so long ago.
I'll still get it, might be surprised by it. But I'm not really fond of the dash mechanic it seems to base the game around.
@Harmonia NoA has absolutely nothing at all to do with either the game or the trailer.
Nice try, bashing blindly there.
I'm just waiting for the reviews. It's on a budget price, so if it scores decently I'll probably get it.
Well, that's an ugly opinion. Sure there are problems, but don't take that annoying "anyone who uses it is an idiot" route. People want games that publishers would dismiss so sending money to them is still far more likely then just hoping it'll release anyway. I'd hate a modern gaming world where Shovel Knight didn't exist.
Also what's wrong with 2.5D run-and-guns?
I like it but I just don't like the art style. It feels like Disney Infinity where everything looks like a toy, which I don't like.
I don't think I need this on my Wii U. Prolly get it on my 3DS as long as it remains relatively the same.
If the 3DS version has all of the content that the home versions have, I'll get it on that.
@KeeperBvK They said that the trailer was worse than an NOA trailer not that it was one.
This trailer stink.
I never had any hype by this game. It looked a dash game. But after this trailer, definitly I'll stay away from this game.
My hype has been diminishing for this game. The thing that puts me off most though is the constant dashing and percentage numbers popping up. Plus the appearance is much uglier than the early Kickstarter concept arts. Still, I Kickstarted the game and I will probably still enjoy it, just not as much as I was or originally expecting.
I think it looks fun day one purchase I like the online options and personally I think the graphics look great alot of people wanna hate just to hate the game looks solid to me .
So they've changed a lot of the art styles. Probably to avoid CapCom lawsuit.
Didn't know Miis are getting a new game?
I regret backing this. Oh well.
Watching the fans do a 180º on this game has been kinda fun, especially because I have no idea what prompted it. For what it's worthy, I much prefer this graphical style to the original picture with huge main character sprite (which never worked well in a Megaman game in the first place). In fact, that picture was what made me decide against backing it.
Either way, it's looking nice to me, and I'll definitely get it.
The word "trainwreck" comes to mind. I'm not sure why...
I'm excited for it. Why not be.
The art style change and the piecemailing of the game into pre-order bonuses are what killed any interest I originally had in this title.
@ricklongo either by the graphical style from the comments, the inafune ego fiasco (oh you'll LOVE that one), the multiple delays or D all of the above.
What hype?
I think it looks pretty boss. Be patient people, let's judge after this drops.
Glad I didn't back this, that's for sure.
@ricklongo Either the art style, the terrible community management or the constant counting before hatching with the planned animated series.
The tipping point was definitely Red Ash.
Wayyyy more excited about Shantae.
@Spike6958 don't you mean BECK this? Ha ha...okay I'm done.
@Captain_Toad No. No. No. He meant to say "fu** th--"...
Okay. Now I'M done.
Well, with this game, I think I learned a very valuable lesson for if I become a game designer: What NOT to do in order to keep people interested in the game I make.
Is it still hype if I've demoed it? I liked what I played and want more.
New rule:
Never back a project that doesn't already have a functional demo.
@Technosphile That is not really fair to judge all of kickstarter off the failures. Sure there are a lot of broken promises, projects failing, etc but at the same time projects like Shovel Knight get funded and show how kickstarter can work.
I was hoping that it would look like the concept art, not what we currently have right now. Seriously, what's wrong with 2D graphics? Just look at this gorgeous concept art!
I dunno what's all the bashing...looks fun & I'm sold!!!
@ElementSponge I know man, I am a bit bummed that the final game looks nowhere near as good as the concept art. I love me some pretty games, and pretty game this is not.
Still looks like a solid game, though. I'll still buy it sooner or later.
@dadajo @brandonbwii
So buy a game when its released, but don't reward developers for something that is little more than an idea. Throwing money at some concept art and "trust us, its gonna be great" is so asinine to me that I wonder how I ostensibly share the same hobbies with such people. There should be a new rule: developers aren't even allowed to have a Kickstarter fund until they produce a playable demo, for free, available to everyone regardless of whether you are pledging or not.
Now before you say, "b-but without the crowdfunding the game wouldn't get made AT ALL", I ask you this: have you seen what Mighty Number Nine looks like? The video is right up there. I am quite certain that something of its, uh..."caliber" could have been produced with the same budgets afforded to many indie and mobile developers, with no crowdfunding, and with the same end result of PS2 graphics and gameplay that looks dull even to people who just wanted something that plays exactly like Rockman 2.
Also stop using Shovel Knight as your one example of Kickstarter gaming gone right. Shovel Knight was produced by competent people with decades of experience making exactly what Shovel Knight is: a 2D platformer with 8 bit graphics. Who exactly works at Comcept? Even Inafune himself is sort of questionable; Rockman was Akira Kitamura's creation and Inafune has pretty much just been a producer for many years.
Lastly there's nothing at all wrong with 2.5D run n' guns on the PS2 other than looking like one, unintentionally, with your brand new game in 2016.
@Technosphile The banner Saga, Faster than Light, Freedom Planet, Armikrog, Pillars of Eternity, Broken Age, Divinity Original Sin and Undertale (currently trending on miiverse) are but another few kick starter success examples. And I could list kickstarter successes besides video games but in conclusion.......
Not saying ya hafta love kickstarter. Funding projects is ALWAYS a risk vs reward that can be either filled with dreams being realized or nightmares to an eventual darkness or light regardless of who's doing.
@Technosphile Someone woke up on the cynical side of the bed. Maybe you are still pretty young, but perhaps when you have a little more financial freedom you may start wanting to help people realize their dreams. You are bound to get burned once in a while doing that, but as long as your investment isn't too great, it isn't really a big deal. The success of certain projects also helps publishers reassess the demand of certain genres that they might have written off, thus increasing the variety of games available.. I think it is nice to have these mid-tier games, which aren't blockbuster and not totally indie.
Welp what little interest I had in this is gone out the window. Hadn't realized it went 2.5d. Sigh I did like the concept art.
Not a huge fan of the character model, but the game looks good in motion. I will probably buy it because Mega Man. (You know, assuming it ever comes out...)
For now, Azure Striker is the new Blue Bomber.
So the pre-order bonus is a Minecraft skin?
I hope they will still make the Wii U&3DS versions cross purchase and an option to get both for the Kickstarter backers.
Otherwise I will keep my original option and take the PS3&Vita cross purchase...
@Technosphile I'm not at all defending Might Number Nine I'm just saying it is not kind to judge all of kickstarter based off this game's shortcomings and the site's past failures. I only mentioned Shovel Knight since it is the popular example and I just wanted to make a quick comment.
All the games Captain_Toad said are good examples. I also agree with what he says where you don't have to like it and really it is a risk to do kickstarter or any other funding projects.
I don't think it is okay for developers to screw over backers but that is part of the risk. I also think like you said a free demo for everybody is nice and should be done but I don't think it should be required.
These funding sites give games that did not have a chance a chance to be made which is awesome. Personally I have not ever donated to any of these but I can admire when it does go well and something extordinary can be made. Like for example there is a game that is almost funded called Indivisable that is made by the people who created Skull Girls (past recent success), a free demo for everybody, and these people actually know how to make a budget. Is it fair for a game that looks to be so great and be so much fun to not ever be made when people are more than willing to help fund it? These funding sites can take something that is a financial risk for a company to make and turn it into a dream project being realized.
This bashing is quite disrespectful. Megaman's dead, and someones trying to remake it in today's culture.
Seriously, it's one of those game that plays better than it looks. But hey, wanna think like that and not buy the game, get out of the way and don't comment. Move on. We wanna hear good things, not toxicity.
Visually it's pretty lacklustre, but the gameplay's where the enjoyment comes from so I'm going to be patient before forming an opinion.
I was originally going to buy this for my wiiU but in the time it got delayed several times I bought a ps4 so I'm probably going to buy it for my ps4 and psvita if I'm going to buy it anyway.
off the topic... what happened to shantae a half genie hero? the kickstarter was around the same time as mighty no. 9 and it was pretty succesfull but I don't hear much about that game anymore...
*looks above
*sees all the negative comments
(; •___•)... (Times like these, the internet is just not for me.)
Meanwhile, in Hideki Kamiya's office:
What you're describing is what people backed, though. It's hardly a scam when you get what you pay for.
Eh, I mean I was never interested in it, even when it was announce, a blatant rip-off of MegaMan eh, but while the weird-while-still-trying-to-be-funny-announcer-guy was annoying, the trailer was better, I do like the online & co-op modes. Still probably won't buy it, may receive it as a gift.
@TimothyTG No kidding! 😂😂
I'll give this a try when released. Not overly excited, but not totally underwhelmed either.
It's really quite impressive how Comcept took a potential money printer and completely turned everyone off of it. It's been a while since I've seen a marketing campaign so completely backwards and Inafune launching Kickstarter after Kickstarter certainly didn't help either.
I don't think this game has shaped to be nearly as bad as some people are suggesting and I really prefer to give it a go myself before I make any conclusions. Graphically I really don't see a problem with the game's art style and if the gameplay is up to what we have come to expect from the Mega Man titles then we may have a winner here, despite all of the hate and vitriol on the internet.
Personally, I've never been excited for MN9, but Red Ash would be like a dream come true for this Mega Man Legends fan. Personally, I think Inafune should have held off on Red Ash until MN9 was finished. Then again, maybe he has multiple teams working on multiple projects, like InXile has done for Wasteland 2 and Torment: Tides of Numenera, and Obsidian has done for Pillars of Eternity and their other projects... Unfortunately, the organization of Comcept has been too out of control to handle that kind of workload.
This was one of Comcept's worst blunders:
MN9's public outreach getting hijacked by that SJW who was hired as community manager for the project, on it's own, was bad enough to kill hype for the project. She was doing things like banning people for supporting Gamergate elsewhere, even though they didn't talk about it on the MN9 forums or social media outlets. She was eventually fired for her misconduct.
Improperly explaining the project's progress, how the team works, and failing to quickly correct crippling problems has also put a lot of people off. With everything put together, it got so bad that thousands of backers have gone directly through their banks to demand a refund. I guess Inafune just didn't have the management chops to deal with these situations promptly without some overhead like Capcom.
It's a total misnomer to completely discount Kickstarter just because one company failed to use it well, though. Those who do are throwing the baby out with the bathwater.
I see the sheep are out in force. The game doesn't like nearly as bad as some are making it out to be, the gameplay itself looks really good with a rock solid 60fps, & its got plenty of game modes. Definitely be buying it come Feb...
I'm sure the game will be fine but that main character design is pretty bland.
Still looks fun. I'm glad I pre-ordered it.
Going to pick up the game, but I'm no Shulk. I'm not really feeling it.
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