All white, mate?

Nintendo launches its Badge Arcade app on the 3DS in Europe later this week, which is interesting in itself - but eagle-eyed viewers have spotted something else noteworthy in the accompanying trailer.

At the trailer's conclusion, two New 3DS consoles are shown side-by-side. On the left is the white New 3DS, but on the right we have an all-white New 3DS XL - a model which is yet to see the light of day in Europe.

And before you say, it's not the Animal Crossing New 3DS XL model - that has a green lower section, and the one shown in the photo is clearly white.

Could this mean that we'll be seeing this particular model in Europe soon? Or is this merely a case of Nintendo accidentally using the wrong image? Let us know what you think by posting a comment below.

Thanks to jpduckett95 for the tip!
