At launch, it could certainly be argued that Splatoon had just enough stages to get by, but this was assuaged over the coming months as Nintendo introduced new stages to the rotation; in addition to new gear and other goodies. While the post release DLC for Splatoon has been exceedingly generous, one must wonder what's been left on the cutting room floor. We mentioned a few weeks back a scrapped form of warping via toilets and it now appears that art for a cut stage appears later on in the official Splatoon Art Book.
The stage in question appears to be a somewhat foreboding coal mine. There are likely numerous reasons for why it never showed up in the final version of the game, but perhaps it has something to do with the rather bland presentation of the stage. Any given stage is already made infinitely more colorful by the battles that take place, but all of the existent stages are colorful in their own right before any inking takes place. Nonetheless, perhaps this'll surface again in a future update.
What do you think? Would you have liked to have seen this stage appear in the game? Do you think we'll see it again in an update? Share your thoughts in the comments below.
[source nintendoeverything.com]
Comments 16
Neither here nor there, I'll bet most of the stages look bland at that stage of development. The idea of a coal mine allows for some cool environmental differences like lift shafts,mine carts, piles of coals and conveyor belts etc.....
Personally I feel they could still offer more to make splatoon complete. The local multiplayer is still abysmal, embarrassing really considering the quality of the gameplay online. Some more offline options would be cool but I accept its an online game for the most part so maybe that's just me.
I'd love to see a REALLY different mode as well, something like a boss fight mode or individual 'deathmatch'. Just a mode that you can play to have a break from the pace of the other modes....
Fallout 4 Splatoon DLC?
It's always great to see new info about Splatoon brought to light!
Here's a group i'm setting up for avid Splatooners to join and create private and squad battles!
Please join up and share with friends, I'd love to see an active and bustling community!
I want a co-op mode, players vs AI
3 Colors? 3 teams of 4? That is my dream.
@ULTRA-64 The idea of a deathmatch would be interesting, and I would like it, but the question is, how to implement it? Firstly, it would have to be between teams, because of the inking. Also, how would you stop campers? Splatoon's stages and modes are designed to force players into the centre, but with a deathmatch, many players may just stay in their spawn. It'd be interesting to see if, and how, Nintendo implement this
Based on the image, the stage looks like it might've been a bit too mature or Call-of-Duty-esque to make it into the game. Personally, I would like to have seen it, but I don't think that will happen unless they dramatically re-vamp it.
@whodatninja Unless they really max out the AI, I could live without it. It's really a difference playing against a human than an AI. Especially one that is as stupid as the Octoling's was in singleplayer.
Now Ive see. This. Ai need it!
Maybe because of all the negative connotations with coal mining? I wouldn't be surprised if that actually was the reason, but it would be more something NoA would take issue with.
@stinky_t as the levels are designed against snipers in most cases(no clear line of sight) it would be a case of filtering out levels incompatible and/or making some smaller levels. Multiple tiers would be a good way of dealing with camping. If you don't venture out enough to coat more ground you'll lose anyway
@mjc0961 agreed, the game was rushed out through desperation! It's missing so much still now. It's funny how they managed to get all the amiibo stuff finished in time still though eh!?! ( $_$ )
I want to see a haunted level maybe similar to Luigi's mansion
Where does the picture show a coalmine? I just see elements that look very familiar from other stages. Most likely this isn't a new stage, but just some art design that led to the stages we already know.
@shani on the left it says Negitoro Coal Mine, from the looks of it and the name it appears to be what Bluefin Depot looked like during development.
The Japanese name of Bluefin Depot is Negitoro Tankou or Negitoro Coal Mine. (Negitoro is a type of sushi topping)
@yokokazuo Ah that makes sense, it does look a bit like Bluefin Depot (and the name seems to be fitting). Thanks for clearing that up!
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