Animal Crossing amiibo Festival

It won't be long now before Animal Crossing: amiibo Festival launches in both North America and Europe. The polarizing party game was met with fairly lukewarm reception at its E3 reveal, so it will certainly be interesting to see how it's received once it's finally in gamers' hands. If nothing else, it'll likely be yet another excellent couch multiplayer game to add to the Wii U's diverse library. However, many will likely be disappointed with the news that its multiplayer will be exclusively local.

GameXplain recently got to try out the game at a press event and they received confirmation that Animal Crossing: amiibo Festival will feature absolutely no online multiplayer. If this is to be believed, it's admittedly a rather questionable decision on Nintendo's part. After its E3 reveal, this game was already going to be fighting uphill to appease fans that were expecting a more conventional Animal Crossing, and one would think that Nintendo wouldn't want to continue feeding the fire. Here's the tweet from GameXplain:

What do you think? Is this a deal breaker for you? What do you think of Animal Crossing: amiibo Festival? Drop us a comment in the section below.
