The 3DS has had a few horror experiences, though it's not a game style that's been particularly common on the portable. With Dementium Remastered by Renegade Kid now being in the closing stages of development, it'll help to change that. A remake of the DS retail title that's heading for the eShop, it could certainly scratch an itch for those seeking a little more tension and intensity in their portable gaming.
Today the studio's co-founder Jools Watsham has tweeted a neat new 3D title screen, which you can view by scanning the QR code below with your 3DS camera.
We got in touch to see if any more snippets of information were ready to be revealed, and were given some information on new difficulty settings and other refinements coming to the game. Below are the exact details from Jools Watsham.
New gameplay difficulty options include Normal, Hard, and Demented. We've added a manual save system (adopted from Dementium II). Enemies no longer respawn; a dead zombie stays dead! A lot of time and attention has been spent on increasing texture resolution, adding specular, detail, and normal maps to enemies and environments. Cut-scenes have all been re-rendered using new remastered enemy/environment art (not autostereoscopic 3D, though, to save on ROM size)
Both this title and Mutant Mudds Super Challenge are in the final stages of development; are you looking forward to some remastered horror on 3DS with Dementium Remastered?
Comments 38
I don't know, I have this for ds. Why didn't they make a new game instead of a remake? Would have to look pretty awesome for me to purchase again.
Oh nice, I like it when developers make QRs for 3D images.
Good news indead, I just hope they make a survival mode for this game as well, Dementium 2 had one but sadly Moon didn't have one, does had replay value to it.
i played dementium 1 and 2 and moon for the ds. the remake of moon for 3ds was fun and im now looking forward to this.
I foolishly sold my DS copy ages ago. Now I can finally get the full experience, whoop whoop.
This was on my "meant to play that DS game" list, so consider me stoked.
Never got the original so SWEET!
@rob955 They were making a new game but couldn't get the crowd funding goal, remaking a title like this is easier as you already have the maps, designs and assets. I guess they are using those resources to spruce their old game up in hopes of selling enough to maybe finish their newer project. dame thing happened with Outcast on the pc.
Loved the original, can't wait for the remake!
@yoshinatsu My impression from the quote was the the cutscenes aren't 3D, but the gameplay is.
I will definitely pick this up!
@yoshinatsu No 3d just on the CUT SCENES. . .
Yet another game Europe will miss out on...
Oh, that 3d image is not great did quite the number on my eyes, i can see why the games not in 3d.
Maybe a Wii U port next?
Obligatory Europe comment.
Never even heard of this game.
I've always wanted to try this game. This sounds like the best version to get
@Robotron2084 Resident Evil Mercenaries (if that could be considered horror), Spirit Camera: The Cursed Memoir, The Starship Damrey, and... That's all I can think of.
I cant wait to get this in about 2 years since I'm European.
Way excited for this! Always wanted to get the DS one, so this is perfect.
Ever since I got wind this was coming out about 3-4 months ago it's been on my close-watch list. I'm beyond excited for this and it will absolutely be a day one buy for me. Hopefully it hits right around October too so it can be enjoyed during the full unabashed crunchy-leaf weather.
@A01 agreed. That's the way I read it too and it totally makes sense if you read into it. Why make only cutscenes in 3D unless it was a heavily-story driven game like metal gear solid where cutscenes are almost front and center.
Can't wait for this.
I'm too frickin' scared to play my discounted Resident Evil: Revelations but I might get this and not play it, too.
What ever happened to Moon Chronicles? Is that coming to Europe or are Renegade Kid gonna do a Mutant Mudds Deluxe (Wii U) on us?
Cool! I loved this game on its original release. Glad to hear the downsides have been fixed. Ill probably pick it up!
I enjoyed what I played of the ds version before my son broke my shoulder button. I've repladed that 3ds with the "new" one and forgot to go back to play the ds game. Being for 3ds now, the texture improvement should be massive so I'll try to wait to play the new version. It's really too bad it's digital only. Being a collector, physical is important, but renegade Kidd needs the support, so I'll let it slide for this developer. Hopefully with their existing games they make enough money to continue working on the failed kickstarter, Cult County as I was excited for that.
Whoo-hoo! D1 wasn't without its flaws, but Jools clearly addresses them in this article. Can't wait!
@rob955 RK will be making Dementium 3 at some point. He didn't officially say this, but I imagine he remade D1 first to increase revenue and help fund the eventual D3. Remember, Renegade Kid isn't swimming in money like Nintendo; they're a very small third party who have sometimes struggled to stay afloat.
is it being released in europe though?
Im still waiting for moon to come to europe
Fixing the respawning enemies issue is the best change.
It made the original such a slog to play. I'd argue it might even be a bit better than the D2 with this change.
@Robotron2084 It's an eShop release.
Haha, this made me laugh. You can do it! You just have to believe in yourself! Seriously though, the game is great. Has very unsettling sounds at certain points. Easily one of my favs on the 3DS.
3D tittle screen ?? Day one buy! always wanted to see that tittle in 3D...
these games were great on the DS really amazing how they looked and played on the DS, always kept an eye on the studio ever since, and hoped for a 3DS new entry to the franchise, either that or a new Moon, and 3DS been around for a while now, and they sell moon by chapters and now want to resell this,
Do we have moon available in the UK ?
Well as I live in Europe I likely won't be able to play this just like Moon and The Binding Of Isaac...
Cannot wait. I skipped 1 originally because of the respawn and other issues but I got 2 and LOVED it. I hope they still release Moon chronicles and maybe even dementium 2 remastered someday.
I was such a fan of Renegade Kid during their DS era. Europe release pleas?
Really looking forward to this!!! I enjoyed the original on DS but missed the second one.
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