We see major publisher discounts fairly regularly on the eShop stores, with Capcom often joining in. It's now running a series of discounts once again in North America, covering major titles on both Wii U and 3DS.
The following discounts are live until 8:59am Pacific on 31st August.
Wii U eShop
- DuckTales: Remastered - $5.99, normally $14.99
- Resident Evil Revelations - $13.59, normally $39.99
- Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate - $13.59, normally $39.99
- Dungeons & Dragons: Chronicles of Mystara - $4.99, normally $14.99
3DS eShop
- Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate - $29.99, normally $39.99
- Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy - $22.49, normally $29.99
- Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Dual Destinies - $16.79, normally $29.99
- Resident Evil Revelations - $7.99, normally $19.99
- Resident Evil: The Mercenaries 3D - $6.79, normally $19.99
- Super Street Fighter IV 3D Edition - $6.79, normally $19.99
- Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate - $13.59, normally $39.99
We've seen a number of these discounts in the past, but it's always welcome to have them available again. Are you tempted by any of these?
[source nintendo.com]
Comments 73
I have most of those physically, but that Ace Attorney Trilogy might tempt me.
Buy all the Monster Hunters and Phoenix Wrightses.
The two Phoenix Wright games never tried the series. So i guess it's a good time to try them.
Oh man, MH3U is tempting, but I play too much MH4U as it is
Once again, an amazing sale for Resident Evil Mercenaries mocks me, because I'm too young to purchase it on the eShop...
Maybe it's time to give Revelations a go. On 3DS, as nature intended.
Sales are good. Normal. Expected even.
Thank you Capcom.
@ekreig I've played the crossover one with Level-5 and the Phoenix ones were booorrrring.......so much of dialog with little to no gameplay input.
Oh my, it would appear that I'll be downloading the newest instalment of the Ace Attorney series. It certainly has been ages since I completed the WiiWare trilogy and Professor Layton crossover.
DuckTales: Remastered, and maybe Revelations on the Wii U. Already have most of the others.
Yep, definitely time to pick up Chronicles of Mystara!
As a first timer should I try the NES DuckTales or Remastered?
@MetaSmasher Definitely the remastered version.
@Mus1cLov3r I know how you feel, I got money in reserve for Isaac Rebirth. Good thing I have decent self control, or else i'd buy MH3U instead
D&D is a great game for anyone feeling a good blade brawler!
Monster hunter 4 sounds great at that price...how long is the sale for?
OK nvm I saw it...aug31 doesn't leave me much time to decide. Decisions.
@ekreig You obviously never heard of odaxelagnia ... ^^ Anyways, I agree on the underlying sentiment, get those games, esp. at that price! Get them now!
I'm very tempted to get Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Dual Destinies since i have played the demo & since its under $20 this time (I'm counting the taxes here too.)
I really am tempted by the Monster Hunter games but after the demos I played I just don't know.
Why does Dual Destinies always go on sale when I have no extra money? -__-'
I really want a good sale for the Ace Attorney Trilogy here in Europe... I really need to go back to the glorious start of the franchise.
Dang I was hoping some of the Mega Man games were going to be apart of the sale.
@Fiyaball Since you have some reserved, I assume you're almost 18? I have 3 years to go... Ah well, at least one of us is almost there.
I always get fooled by these because these are not the canadian prices. I should learn to keep my hopes down.
@MetaSmasher Doesn't matter. Just play both eventually.
Why haven't Mega Man 9 and 10 been ported to Wii U?
Maybe I'm crazy, but I swear these same games were also all on sale together about a month or two ago. I believe for around the same prices too. That was when I picked up the two AA games.
Already have Ducktales on my PS3. MAYBE MH3U...
Both Monster Hunter games are more than worth it. And the demos are not totally indicative of how the game actually plays. Get them and be grateful.
@ekreig Are you a boy or a girl? Oh , checked your profile. As far as you're concerned I already bought it.
Already own everything of value there... I bought it last time it was on sale.
Not the same ones but most of them. However this is at least the 3rd or 4th times these have all been on sale. Some even more.
I was thinking the same thing...PW Trilogy...Ive only played all the way through Duel Destinies but not much of the others. Think it's worth it for me to get having not played them?
I thought they just recently dropped Phoenix price.
Capcom, now I bought your trilogy, dual destinies, I dig online to purchase Miles Edgeworth investigation and Apollo justice. Now, you can start localizing The great ace attorney for me already.
you gotta be kidding me! I got RE:R on Wii U for 25 dollars a month ago!
@OneBagTravel Maybe because any Wii U owner can just buy them from the Wii Shop Channel. Capcom isn't going to bother to port them just to give you HD graphics that hardly matter with the graphical style and the abilities to launch them from the Wii U menu and play them on the GamePad.
I traded in my street fighter game a longtime ago but kind of miss it. I might download it this week. Always good fun.
Not entirely true, since they did exactly that for all the other Mega Man and Mega Man X games. If they are willing to bring all the others to Wii U VC, there's no reason to not bring those 2 games as well.
And the sad fact is nobody likes playing Wii shop games because you have to play with a Classic Controller Pro linked to a Wiimote with an umbilical cord. And everyone likes playing VC games on the gamepad anyways. I'm fairly confident the near-nonexistent current WiiShop sales say that loud and clear to Capcom.
You're kidding me! I just bought RE Mercenaries for $15 on eBay two hours ago! I hope the seller sees my message to please cancel my order.
Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate for THAT price?!?
Very tempting... wish I wasn't trying to not spend more money (spent a lot of money this summer, 30$ on a gameboy advance, 10$ on a controller, 60$ on Splatoon, and 20$ on pokemon blue).
Oh well, I guess I'll hunt plesioths some other time...
Got both of those phoenix wright things when they launched...
Got MH4U on the sale before, have had MH3U forever
Don't much care for the rest... have to look up and remind myself what that D&D game is about...
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy or Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Dual Destinies for a newbie?
Hmm... I'm tempted by 3U on the Wii U. I have it on 3DS and never really got into it because of the underwater controls but I heard it handled better on the Wii U. I have 4U and I've played the heck out of that one.
Recently got MH3 on the Wii U. It is great, a game that I will be playing for a long time. Highly recommended!
There's some great games in there. If I didn't have Monster Hunter and Ace Attorney and I lived in a the US, I'd pick them up instantly, and perhaps try other games.
Time to grap Ducktales
Except Dungeons & Dragons: Chronicles of Mystara which I haven't tried, ALL others are recommended purchases. Mercenaries is a bit too simple but for that price is definitely worth it.
Capcom has supported 3DS and Wii U more than any other developer.
@Whopper744 Convince some friends to buy MH4U and play together! I didn't really like the MH3U demo when I first played it. Then the MH4U demo came out which has online. I played with my cousin which was very fun and convinced me to buy it. The first couple of hours suck (just gathering stuff and hunting annoying small monsters) but the amount of satisfaction that you get from taking down your first Gore Magala, etc. is amazing. So much content and customization. Go for it!
I have all of the 3DS one except Resident Evil: Mercenaries 3D. Is that recommended? I have Revelation already from their last discount and I haven't played it yet.
As for everyone else, Ace Attorney and Monster Hunter is definitely worth your purchase. Take it guys if you haven't!
@MasterWario I would say Dual Destinies first, the Trilogy, while have an updated graphics, it still feels dated. The story is not directly connected, so you can play the DD first without problem. That said, the Trilogy is still a must have, considering it's a 3-in-1 game, the amount of content is enormous. Have both if you can, you'll regret nothing.
@MisterMan its real hard to play 3 after any real time on 4.
@ShockeyRai Don't even hesitate. I'm playing it at the moment, and it's amazing.
@rayquaza_master that sounds really cool. I don't have the money for 4 right now though. Still look in at 3 with the but if eshop credit I have, but if us do, is the 3ds version the same as Wii U?
Will arrive in Europe too?
If only AA Trilogy had a deeper discount...
Mystara at that price is a steal! What about Europe, Capcom? We need sales too!
I think I will get DuckTales this time around...
Not sure if I should SFIV or SF2 for my first street fighter game
@andrea987 @spantonio
Good question, probably not. But not impossible.
But one or even more weeks later because i have empty wallet .
Also if this come to Europe i have to buy larger sd card (32 GB is almost full )(i mean my 3ds card). Is it a good idea to buy 128GB memory card?
@Whopper744 Both the Wii U and 3DS versions of Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate have the exact same amount of content except, of course, one is in High Definition and the other is in Stereoscopic 3D.
no ones getting dungeons and dragons?
what the hell is wrong with people on here?
Better gather firends and play offline version... (you know, that version without pc/console)
Good times. I have played only 2 times but really enjoyed it.
Yay now i can-
Until August 31, 2015
(nope saving my money on happy home designer)
Buy Monster HUnter 4 Ultimate if you have not people.
I still would like to get RE Revelations for WiiU, but that disc is becoming hard to find for cheap.
@ogo79 Good point. I have it already but if I could I would buy it again it's that good. Some people.
Woah. I almost bought Resident Evil Revelations 2 days ago, but decided to wait a bit. Glad I did.
@Wouwter 😅
Seriously??? Wheres the Europe love guys??? I would instantly get both Phoenix Wright games if I could get both for around £25. Especially since Dual Destinies is a Eshop only game. I feel left out...
Is it worth playing Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate now that Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate is a thing?
@invictus4000 Oh totally! And the enhanced visuals only add to it.
@ekreig ok ok I'll download it! Just no more biting please.
Getting Dual Destinies for such a great price (it's getting ridiculous on Amazon now) was enough to convince me to pick up the DLC chapter. It's honestly one of the best in the series, as the conclusion is so wonderfully written. I never thought that Capcom could produce anything so emotionally affecting in their Ace Attorney series and yet, I was wrong.
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