Keiji Inafune is the man who created Mega Man, and for that reason alone people tend to sit up and take notice when he teases a new project.
He's attending the LA Anime Expo and has hinted at a special announcement that - in his own words - "may interest Mega Man fans." Turns out that announcement is Red Ash, a new title being produced by Inafune's Comcept alongside animation house Studio 4°C.
There's little more than a trailer and some concept art at the moment, but Red Ash clearly seems to be aiming for that Mega Man Legends vibe. Even the title is a cheeky reference to the series that Inafune created. Mega Man Legends is called Rockman Dash in Japan. Red Ash = ReDash.
The name Mega Man Legends will open up a sore wound for Nintendo fans in particular - the third Legends game was supposed to come out on the 3DS, but was cancelled by Capcom. In June this year, Inafune said that he would be prepared to work on the title again, but perhaps he's now doing the next best thing by making a spiritual successor?
There's no word on what formats this title is coming to - or even if it's a video game at all, in fact - but we'll keep you updated.
[source destructoid.com]
Comments 25
Oh my gosh, the Mega Man Legends vibes that trailer gives off are so obvious that it hurts...Take all my money, Inafune.
As much as I liked the teaser, music and all, I wish it'll be something completely different from MM, a new universe. How can I put it, a new...COMCEPT, perhaps?
Mr Inafune seems to have more fun announcing games than making them, it seems.
Facepalm.. That fraud Inafune didn't create Rockman.. Seriously, it's 2015 and western people *still have that misconception, even big websites like this.. Why..?
Sorry, but nope. Its as much "MegaMan" as Mighty No.9
And you know, its not the game itself why people want Legends 3 so desperately, its because the story endet on a cliffhanger.
How are you supposed to close that storyline, if youre not aloowed to use the original characters ?
@GMB-001 Uhm....yes he did. He created the character art and design we know today and was lead concept designer on pretty much every MegaMan series.
Its weird how MegaMan has gone dormant but now we have Mighty No.9 and now this. Hopefully this is a game and we see it on Nintendo's systems. Maybe with all of these MegaMan clones (that's a good thing btw) coming out, Capcom might finally give the blue bomber a new game.
Umm.. No, he didn't.. The real creator was Inafune's mentor, Akira Kitamura.. Inafune himself said that:
''You told me that I am the father of Mega Man, but in fact it was already created when I joined the team at Capcom. My mentor, Akira Kitamura, had already created the character and knew what he wanted to make the game. Therefore, I only participate in its development. When Rockman arrived on the Super Famicon, I asked what if he was given a new look? But the design wasn't accepted and it became the character Zero". -Infafune TGS 2007
''I only did half of the job in creating him. I didn't get to completely design a Mega Man [protagonist] from scratch until Zero (Mega Man X)''..
''Akira Kitamura (A.K.) was the one who came up with the concept and did all the gameplay design on MM1 and 2''
But please, continue to worship that fraud while the real geniuses like Mr. Kitamura get completely forgotten by the blind masses.
@GMB-001 So you quote him saying that Kiramura-san came up with MM and yet he's a fraud? Seems like he is pretty open and honest about it.
At this point, I'm really starting to wonder if Comcept can do anything other than callback titles and spiritual successors to MegaMan. This is the fourth spiritual successor, and they only released one full game so far, which is Azure Striker: Gunvolt (two if you count Mighty Gunvolt).
Next thing we know, Comcept announces a game centered around internet battles with virtual avatars...
@Kaze_Memaryu I'm starting to think the same way. He must still have that Mega Man itch in him I guess. It makes me wonder if he will ever try to branch beyond Mega Man. I also remember him working on Kaio: King of Pirates too, but that was cancelled for reasons unknown to me. Surely he will try something new eventually, especially with all the success he has had with Kickstarter.
@GMB-001 makes sense, I know it's been quoted to death but Hideki Kamiya said it best: "[Inafune] is a businessman, not a creator."
People should support real developers that have an artistic vision like Yu Suzuki instead, because his KS seems to have stalled.
If this goes to KS, I wonder how many millions he will need this time.
Happy birthday #3!
If its on Wii U or 3DS, I'm ma buy it just because I can.
Also, love the little blue robot (or whatever it is).
As many have said, Inafune co-created Mega-Man. The Mega Man sprite was already done when Inafune joined the team. He is only responsible for consolidating Mega Man's visual design by making all the official artwork for that game.
@Kaze_Memaryu lol so much of this is wrong. Comcept and Inafune had little to do with Azure Striker. Inti Creates made that. They were the studio that made Mega Man Zero along side Inafune and Capcom.
Red Ash, which if it's even a game because it may not be, would be his second successor series.
You conveniently forgot the fact that Comcept and Armature are making a AAA game to be published by Microsoft: ReCore.
There's also the reality that Comcept has been contracted to work on multiple games, supplementary: Sweet Fuse: At Your Side, Soul Sacrifice, Soul Sacrifice Delta, Guild02, and Yaiba Ninja Gaiden Z.
That dude in the middle is basically Teisel Bonne with two revolvers.
@GMB-001 Wow, you've got a pretty heavy chip on your shoulder, haven't you?
The guy in the green looks cool, but the other two are a little bland.
"It's too late to apologize"
I think that sums up my feelings on all these spiritual successors and kickstarter games.
"And some Legends herald greatness, only to lose their way..."
Sooo, Capcom and Konami in general then?
@KillScottKill Inafune was part of the dev team for Gunvolt, and he already founded Comcept at that point, so that's more nitpicking than anything. Also, we have Mighty No.9 (MegaMan/MegaMan X), Azure Stricker Gunvolt (MegaMan Zero/ZX), Mighty Gunvolt (classic MegaMan/Megaman 9 & 10), and now Red Ash (MegaMan Legends). I'm counting four spiritual successors all related to MegaMan alone. And Azure Striker: Gunvolt 2 is already well underway, though that's a sequel, so Gunvolt seems to be a case of serial successor.
But yes, I did forget about ReCore. So that goes on my bill.
@adzix I'm calling him a fraud because of other issues, not this one..
He's a fraud because before he left Capcom, he was running his mouth and trash talking the Japanese game industry, saying things like: ''Japan is over. We’re done. Our game industry is finished.” and '' Japan is at least five years behind'' and how they ''have to learn more from western games and create games that'll sell more in the western market. ''
Ok, Cool.. So they need to make western games, right? They need to appeal to the western market, right?
Umm.. When he finally left Capcom, what was the very first game he made as an independent developer?
Hyperdimension Neptunia, A turn-based JRPG with cute anime girls..
Fraud Confirmed..
He also said: ''The ideas, gameplay, design — there’s no diversity, no originality.” when talked about the Japanese industry..
Ok, Cool.. So no more sequels, right? No more rehashes, right?
But what game is he currently working on right now? That's right, Mighty No.9, A Rockman clone..
Fraud Confirmed..
And even if you try to justify that by mentioning how this game came after long years of no Rockman games, He was already rehashing and making sequels after sequels even back when Capcom was still making Rockman games..
And this is without even mentioning his recent BS with Mighty No.9 because I'm sure most of you already knows it..
The guy is a fraud, There's no denying or damage controlling that..
The only people who actually likes him are you westerners, and that's mostly because you don't know half the stuff we know about this fraud..
He's a Westaboo, He talked mean things about Japan just because they weren't making the typical western games like the dudebro shooters or the buggy open world games.. Half of his recent projects are all western games made with western studios just because he loves the American culture..
Like I have said, Fraud..
Please, language.-Morpheel
So it seems MegaMan will never ever get off the Moon then, instead so other random generic kid is going on a adventure, forever leaving MegaMan Legends 2 ending with a cliffhanger. Also, I wouldn't trust the same person that developing Mighty No. 9 with anything anymore.
@WaveBoy @bigbabypeach Exactly
Look at all that nice concept art! Too bad that knowing Inafune this game is either gonna be a massive disappointment or it'll get cancelled in about 7 years of development :3 after and only after he goes on KS begging for millions though
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