Xenoblade Chronicles X

Xenoblade Chronicles X is arriving in the West this December, but Japanese gamers have now been enjoying the RPG since 29th April. Some may only just be finishing it, too, as the adventure is said to clock in at 100 hours+ even with minimal messing around on side quests - we anticipate many Western gamers will be battling through this one well beyond the festive season.

It had a solid critical reception in Japan, with plenty of praise for the sheer scale of the adventure it offers. Interestingly, though, Famitsu Weekly has run a survey gauging the opinion of its readers, with the feedback of 1,257 making it into its reports. In the following graphs, via Kotaku, we see how these gamers have responded to the Wii U exclusive - the only area with a negative overall reaction is the somewhat passive online component, while we get a sense of how long the game takes to beat and some of the popular aspects of its design.


There are some interesting details there, though naturally we're looking forward to giving our own view of it later in the year.

[source kotaku.com]