There are plenty of new development studios that have chosen the Wii U eShop for their début release, and Rainy Night Creations is another with FreezeME, a 3D platformer that's still planned for the system despite a failed Kickstarter campaign earlier in the year.
A couple of years in the works (a mix of part- and full-time development), it looks like a solid effort for a small studio. It has the standard aspects of a 3D platformer, with the gimmick that the main character can freeze enemies and objects by zapping them with her camera.
When watching the trailer, however, your humble writer can't escape the feeling that Super Mario Galaxy and its sequel have, at the very least, provided key features. They seem like original levels and twists to the formula, but quite a lot of the animation - running, getting fired out of a catapult, the standard double jump mechanic and the flow of adjusting and drawing towards new gravitational areas - seems rather similar. Check it out below and see if you get the same sense.
Speaking to Nintendo Nuggets, Galaxy isn't mentioned at all, but various other games are cited as sources of inspiration.
There is a bit all of my childhood in there, mainly Super Mario 64, but there is a bit of Zelda OOT, Spyro, Banjo, Final Fantasy and even Metal Gear.
In any case the game has also been Greenlit on Steam, so will be heading to PC with a range of keen fans ready and waiting, based on the comments on its page.
Whether it's drawn 'inspiration' from Super Mario Galaxy code and that of its predecessors - development videos on Steam convince us further - or not, it could be a fun title. What do you think?
Comments 34
I might pick it up if it comes to Europe.
It looks more like Super Mario 64... these headlines are simply the worst.
Nice idea. Shame it didn't complete its kickstarter goal, but I give it a thumbs up, and would like to see how it turns out.
Wait, does that character have two different voices? The jumping grunt sounds like a higher pitched Mario grunt, and her flight shout sounds like it was taken from Pascal from Tales of Graces, with slight alterings yet again.
The game itself looks pretty lifeless, and seems to be littered with things to the point where it was difficult for me to determine what was at what distance.
@BlatantlyHeroic I'd say it's equalish.
Either way, it just looks like some ripoff. The character moves and the landscapes just seem really familiar.
Looks like a worse version of all those games the developer mentioned.
Nice to see that this is still coming despite the failed Kickstarter.
It just doesn't seem right, if that makes sense.
I'll give it a shoot since the system lacks 3d platformers. Odd there's far more 2d then 3d ones. (yes I know 2d is easier to produce)
it's totally taking tons from Galaxy(and other 3d mario titles), but come on the least the studio can do is acknowledge that OBVIOUS fact.
@BlatantlyHeroic But there are 3D planets that play exactly like Galaxy. I totally see why people think this looks more like Galaxy than 64, for sure.
Hmm, I'll keep an eye out on this one.
Even the camera work looks like Mario 64/ Mario Galaxy.
Their freeze-mechanism looks interesting though, but they really should try to distinguish the looks of their game from Mario 3D titles, otherwise everyone will call it a rip-off.
Sheesh, harsh much, people?
From one of the chars quotes, it's obvious that this is an homage to beloved franchises. She is called HERMANA, for crying out loud. I say if the controls are spot on, I'm all for it.
@BLPs Compared to literally everyone else Nintendo Life comment section is the most negative about everything, I would go ahead and make a spiritual success. There will always be some people that are extremely nitpicky, no matter what your game is. Take that from a person that currently a sprite artist for a fangame that has received tons of those people. Anyway the fame itself really does look enjoyable, it look like a mix of Mario Galaxy and Banjo and Kazooie, too games that are some of my favorite games of all time. Glad to see the WII I getting some more 3 platformer as well.
I supported the Kickstarter for this. A shame it failed, but the developer has been keeping us backers up to date with the development. It looks great and I can't wait to give it a whirl.
Hm...let's see where this goes. I think it could be good, but it doesn't look like something I'd buy just yet...
@ricklongo I was also sad to see the Kickstarter fail, but I was glad to read in the referenced interview that the campaign wasn't run for the money and the dev didn't really need it (although I'm sure it would have helped). And you're right, at least we get updates on the project, which nobody else gets. My opinion of what the game might be hasn't changed with the updates, so I'll be getting this when it is released; I figure with my pledge I already attempted to buy it, and if I go back on that I make a liar out of myself.
Definitely hugely influenced by Galaxy, but how is that a bad thing? Looks like it could be good. Also, these comments on the whole aren't very negative. Compared to cesspools like IGN or youtube comments, Nintendolife is a blessing
Why not, looks fun. I like these kinds of games though
It doesn't just look like it's inspired by Galaxy, it looks downright like a rom hack of the game. There's so much of this game that looks like it was ripped from Galaxy, from the level design to the aesthetics to the gameplay mechanics and even the voice acting sounds like Mario.
inb4 cease and desist from Nintendo
Even if it is copying from Galaxy, it just doesn't look like it'd end up being very good. That, and the sounds incredibly low quality.
Cool, I supported it on kickstarter and was disappointed that it didn't reach its goal. I just hope they release it at $10! Seems like there wasn't a whole lot of interest in the game at $15, judging by the failed KS campaign.
Looks way too much like Galaxy... Not just gameplay-wise but even visually in some areas.
A bit more originally wouldn't hurt.
Remind's me a bit of Super Mario Sunshine, actually.
I like fun games. And this game looks fun.
The end.
Looks interesting
Looks like something I'd buy into. Bring it to EU, guys!
Looks a bit too cloney.
yup reallylooks more like mario 64^^ But thats not a bad thing and it still adds some own things. It still looks interesting. I just dislike te char design xD But im glad it comes to wii u and i think i will buy it <:
Wiimote & Nunchuk controls were one important feature which made the Mario Galaxy games better than their predecessors. This probably won't feature controls like in the Galaxy games, so how it looks is irrelevant.
Awesome, this was the rare kickstarter I supported and would be pretty bummed if nothing came out of it. This is excellent news.
@Spoony_Tech Thank you
I thought I was on my own.
2D platformers have almost always been easier for many player to get into. But I do miss a good 3D platformer. It's almost as if they were banned this gen.
So I'll be getting this purely because no-one else has bothered to make a decent 3D platformer.
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