Disney has just revealed another play set for the forthcoming Disney Infinity 3.0, and this time around it's based on everyone's favourite Star Wars trilogy - the original one.
The Star Wars Rise Against the Empire Play Set takes key moments from Episodes IV to VII, placing you in the shoes of Luke Skywalker, Princess Leia, Han Solo and Chewbacca. As you might expect, the aim is to give the Galactic Empire a good kick up the backside and take on the evil Darth Vader in the process.
You'll be able to ride a Bantha, battle AT-ATs in a snowspeeder, dash around Endor on a speeder bike and - possibly most exciting of all - pick apart the Death Star in an X-wing. This particular play set is being developed by Studio Gobo in partnership with Avalanche Software, in case you were wondering.
The set will include Luke Skywalker and Princess Leia Organa figures, but Han Solo, Chewbacca and Darth Vader will all be sold separately.
Our friends over at Family Gamer TV have been given early access to the game, so feast your eyes on the footage below:
Comments 25
... I'm gonna have to buy it... it might be in fact the only way to experience Star Wars games on Wii U anyway...
I'll hold out for the day Nintendo announces their own amiibo video game which will be under produced and scalped within minutes.
This is the set I'll buy.
Be George Lucas and put JarJar into the most iconic Star Wars trilogy moments....just like he did in ROTJ Special Edition....
"...Adults will want to try this out to see how deep it can go."
I'm sorry, but I watched my nephew play a very shallow game with 2.0 that hides the fact the few story campaigns are short and limited, with the bulk of the game being a minecraft clone that limits creativity. TBH I think my nephew would prefer to collect the figures and ignore the game.
If it plays as good as Rogue Squadron 2, might have to get this
No doubt this will suck ass like the rest of the Infinity crapchise.
I wish Disney would put some pride into their games for a change. I've no doubt the Wii U version won't come close to looking like the trailer.
Day one purchase for me. Just went back to the first game and replayed the Incredibles story with my daughter and it was as fun as it was originally. My kids and I still enjoy building custom worlds in the Toybox.
@MrGawain No offense, but it's a little ignorant to call Disney Infinity a Minecraft clone. Minecraft in it's two modes is about exploring and finding items to craft with as well as it's creative mode where you are free to build without limitations. Infinity of course has it's playsets that provide between three to eight hours of gameplay (or more) and then it's Toybox mode. Like the trailers to the first game suggest you can create about any type of game genre, shooter, platformer, dungeon crawler, tower defense, etc. You can either play in worlds you create or download fan favorite creations. When you compare these to games like Call of Duty, Mario Bros, Diablo, etc, of course Infinity will come up short, but it's a more child friendly game that adults can still pick up and play. I realize it may not be for everyone and it does have it's flaws, as does Minecraft. But with the studios pitching in on this entry that do specialize in those genres, I think Infinity 3.0 has a much better chance to improve in the areas that it has struggled in.
Disney, you are tempting me more and more with each passing day. But I am still waiting for my Unca $crooge.
I may be entirely helpless against this. I should have just skipped 2.0.
@MrGawain You just don't get it! It really is so sad how many there are out there like you.
My kids, the neighbor kids, nieces and nephews and myself love playing Disney Infinity and we can't wait for 3.0 and Star Wars. It is truly a game for all ages.
But the point is 2.0 came with a single Avengers mission mode which was very limited. There were 2 other story modes you could purchase for £30 each (almost the price of some games). The Disney toys could only be used in the toybox and were really glorified skins. The toybox itself was just the same as the first game, and once again it was about using stock pieces.
If you liked it great, but for sixty quid I felt it was a clone of the first one with less content.
Fortunatly I hate the arteork so Ill be able to resist. Maybe Ishould start posting photos of my wifes collection of yhe original toys from the late 70s and ealy 80s, I think they look better than this. I wonder if Harrison Ford approves of the CG Han Solo look?
Eh they look slightly more exaggerated versions of what we see in clone wars and rebels.
@MrGawain I would agree that 2.0 was more limited in it's included playsets than 1.0 was. In the first game you had Incredibles, Pirates, and Monster's Inc each with at least three, if not more, hours of gameplay. In 2.0 you had Avengers as well as those two Toybox discs that were for a dungeon crawler and tower defense structured games. They were new and unique but didn't have as much content as a playset would. The Toybox I think is often under emphasized as there are options and objects that you can do and create virtually anything from. But as a bundle 2.0 felt a little underwhelming for what you got out of the box. 3.0 looks to be the same in likely having a single playset included but will offer many more playsets, and the Toybox should be very extensive.
@shingi_70 - "clone wars and rebels."
Exactly my point.
This is Han Solo
and this is Han Solo
and even this is Han Solo (even though it isn't, it's Deckard)
This? This Pinochio wanabe? I have no idea what this is.
I'm over 30, what do you want from me?
Looks great, if not soley because this may be the only legit Star Wars game to come to Wii U. I don't like the fact that if you want to play in both SW eras, you'll have to spend twice as much. I might just buy some of the figurines first.
@Angelic_Lapras_King I know I definitely will. "Jar Jar's the key to all of this."
@Angelic_Lapras_King Not all Gungans are Jar Jar...
@rjejr That's the Han Solo Infinity toy? What is wrong with his face?!
Damien did you mean Episode IV-VI?
@rjejr first of all, that is not the Infinity version of Han Solo, it is a fan art. Second, there are many different visual interpretations of Star Wars across many forms of media and entertainment. Variety is nice.
@CosmoXY - I agree "Variety is nice.", but what I spend my money on is based on what I like, and I really don't like the DI aesthetic. Captain Jack Sparrow was OK, but that's about it.
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