Can't wait to hear more about what Nintendo has planned for this year's E3? Well you don't have to wait too much longer, as Nintendo of America has confirmed that it will be revealing a some additional info tomorrow. Last year the company used a similar approach to outline its plans, and even produced an amusing promo video featuring a cyborg Reggie.
The reveal will happen at 9AM PT - which is around 5PM UK time, if you're interested. There's little else to go on, but the tweet which announced the news did show someone dressed as Little Mac:
Who could that be? Reggie himself, perhaps? Does that mean we're getting a new Punch Out!! game? Will Nintendo choose to broadcast a digital event at this year's E3 instead of the traditional press conference? What does this all mean? As ever, you can let rip with your expectations in the comments section below.
Comments 102
I love announcements about teasers for announcements!
That said.. I will have the popcorn ready tomorrow at 9... haha.
I'm really excited! Idk why, but I just ready!
Nintendo, always looking for ways to surprise us.
People will be talking about a hype train and their bodies being ready below me.Its gonna be hard for Nintendo to top last year.
ugh right in the middle of my workday lol.
My heart has skipped several beats.
After I have come home for a particularly intense Krav Maga lesson.
Not cool, guys!
@DarthNocturnal haha, yes subtle. Let's see if it's just a red herring or not.
Reggie is dressed up as Little Mac to tease Punch Out for Wii U!
I highly doubt they can top Fils-a-Mech
@DarthNocturnal i give up jk
New Wave Race...new Wave Race...new Wave Race... Dark Samus reveal...Dark Samus reveal...Dark Samus reveal... Super Mario Sunshine 2...Super Mario Sunshine 2...Super Mario Sunshine 2...crosses fingers
Oh what a tease....
Reggie as Little Mac?
More like Large Mac!
(Big Mac might cause copyright issues!)
I suspect we'll get a live show next year for the NX but this year will be another direct
So does that mean Nintendo will announce new titles in development tomorrow?
@Dolphin64 You do realize they're not revealing games tomorrow, right?
Why are people guessing game reveals? Unless they have a ridiculous number of reveals the only thing coming tomorrow is when the reveals are coming during E3, not what.
I think this pic only hints that someone's body is ready...
punch out featuring reggie confirmed
Is it a new punch out? Oh my god i'm fanboying so hard right now.
Please don't disappoint! I have two hopes and I'm sure E3 will likely be great if these happen:
12pm ET, I'll make sure to tune in four that I personally love the Nintendo Direct approach and thought Nintendo was the obvious winner of e3 last year (despite what alot of ppl said...) I'm excited about anything they announce, but if they have a Metroid game, that would make me extremely happy!
@WaveBoy me too, alot of us would, but that one is, unfortunately, a long shot Even if they did a remake of the first on 3ds I would be excited just to see the franchise again.
Doshin the giant U!
Reggie's going to challenge the boss of Square Enix to a boxing match to decide who gets the 9AM E3 time slot Nintendo usually has.
I'm sure it'll be another "Digital Event". Last year's was great, but I do miss a real Press Conference presentation...
That being said, I also hope for all day streams with the Threehouse Live like last year. That was pretty fantastic.
I wonder whose body is ready in this picture...
MY predictions for tomorrow
1.E3 2015 community on miiverse starts
2.there will be a e3 direct that is 2 hours or more
3.that a mii will come on streetpass mii plaza to tell about it
My body is Reggie! Er... I mean ready!
They knocked it out of the park last year, I hope they do something similar this time around.
Let's see what up.
Will be interesting to see the video. Based on this tease, it's clear they are going for the same "having fun with it" approach they did last year, which is great. It works for them.
I imagine they'll be doing another Digital Event as well as the Treehouse Live stream. They'll probably team up with Best Buy again too. Can't forget the E3 2015 Miiverse community.
Will they do a second Smash Invitational? Or perhaps a Splatoon Invitational? Both? What would be really cool is if they release the E3 demos on the eShop for a limited time.
@Don "So does that mean Nintendo will announce new titles in development tomorrow?"
Nah, I don't think so. They'll probably announce the timetable for the show itself, not specific show pieces.
Punch U Out ?
Also, whats up with all these Sunshine 2 wishes ? O.o
Ill probably never understand why someone would like that mess of a game...
What im pretty sure about is, that they will constinue they digital event thing.
That certainly dropped some jaws how something so "non-traditional" can get so much hype
But i highly doubt that we will get anything beyond vague teasers.
Then again, we are at the point, where small badges on the presenters jacket can hint a new Zelda release
Ill try to keep my expectations low and just hope that i will be surprised
If Next Level Games is making another Punch-Out!!, it'll be hard to make it better than the Wii game. Here's hoping it's a new game for Wii U, not a remake for New 3DS.
@Einherjar A lot of people hate Zelda: Skyward Sword, but it isn't a bad game. Same goes for Mario Sunshine.
Punch Out with Reggie in place of Mike Tyson
I doubt it's going to be Punch-Out!! for Wii U because that's what I want it to be. I'm the center of the universe, and we all know it, so what I want to happen will not. Lol
That is all...
@allav866 Well, let me give you some keywords:
Sandbird, Pachinko, Boo Casino, Floodless courses, the general physics system...and i could go on...
Sunshine was a bad game, at least in my book. The setting was awesome, the Idea of Flood and all its enhancements was great, it looked fantastic, heck, even its "story" was a nice change of pace.
But it simply didnt play very well. The physics system is severely broken and Mario is suffering from extreme buttery shoes syndrome, even more then his brother does.
Im not against a sequel, but it should play vastly different, at least mechanics wise.
As for skyward sword, it just showed how important the tried and true "one overworld, +/- 8 Temples" routine actually was.
Many people i know (me included) game up on it due to it almost feeling like a MegaMan game, with the flight sections acting as a level select screen.
It just felt disconnected, repetetive and uninspired.
But i have to say, i cant understand most peoples complaints about the non functioning controls, as both the swordplay and gimmicks like bomb rolling worked absolutely perfect and flawless for me.
My hopes for E3:
1. Release Dates and More Details for previously announced games
2. More awesome DLC for Mario Kart 8, Splatoon, and Smash Bros
3. Metroid(Please Retro)
4.Paper Mario Wii U(Please Intelligent)
5. Punch Out Wii U(Please Next Level)
6. A Super Mario Sunshine/Luigi's Mansion HD Remake Double Pack(Highly Unlikely)
7. Some Mario Sports games such as Strikers, Sluggers, and Mario Sports Mix 2
8. A new Pokemon game
9. Pokken Tournament Wii U Localization
(Yes I know I have high hopes, but a man can dream)
It will be really hard to beat their last E3 which was the best of anyone's.
I am on my own here but something, anything NEW would be good.
The fact that everyone wants the same old tired games over and over again means I must return my Nintendo Fanboy badge as I no longer fit the script.
@Einherjar Sunshine is an great example of why 30fps platformers are bad.
(They could fix it and it would be far more worthwhile than Windwaker HD).
@Einherjar your assessment of SS is pretty spot on, the controls gave me some issues though especially diagonal slashes and horizontal ones. Plus the three imprisoned fights got old and the silent realms were awful.
The only thing that got me excited is that NoA's twitter has Splatoon as the profile pic. WOOT!
@Einherjar It's the only 3D Mario game to get a control gimmick done well, but that's probably not why people want a sequel. So yeah, I dunno why either, but I'd love to see one, as well.
Punch Out: Old Grumpy Grannies Special Edition
I called it!!!
I'd prefer a press conference but I won't be extremely disappointed if it's not. As long as Nintendo delivers an informative presentation with a few funny moments, I'm fine with it.
I'm probably the only one who can't really get excited for an announcement like this. Maybe that'll change once they revealed their plans. Punch-Out isn't something that excites me in the least though. It's fun, but I think it's kind of overrated.
We'll see what they'll come up with.
@Yosher Wait until you see the Old Grumpy Grannies SE. It'll be amazing!
I'm so freakin' hyped!
@unrandomsam Its FPS are really its least problem. A fixed physics engine would have been more then enough to be honest.
You really cant defend Mario glitching all over the place just because the platform hes standing on is slightly tilted.
Its "Ice Level - The Game"
@Tazcat2011 Well, like i said, the controlls never gave me any trouble what so ever. Maybe im just a little bit more "enthusiastic" when it comes to pretending wielding a sword
But its overall design really bugged me personally. It just showed that "tried and true" isnt always a bad thing and that "lets reinvent stuff" can very well lead to a worse game.
It wasnt all that bad, far from it, but its frenchise competitors were just so much better.
@Kaze_Memaryu Fair enough, if Flood worked, it worked fine. And granted, it was pretty fun how creative you could get while using it.
But the overall game, especially where flood wasnt around, is just a pain in the bum mechanics wise.
Again, im not against a sequel, not at all, but not with a similar engine.
If Mario can stand on elevated platforms withough going on a fritz and slipping all ove rthe place then yes, give me a sequel.
And honestly, like @unrandomsam mentioned, a complete makeover of Sunshine would have been quite a lot more interesting then WindWaker.
Then again, didnt Nintendo say that future remakes arent completely out of the question and act as some "in between projects" thing ?
Maybe if a sequel is in production, the engine could be used to remake the first game. It shouldnt need more then a texture upgrade, as its models are still very pretty to look at. Its just that it plays like a mess....
Come to think of it....Mario Sunshine X Splatoon....
What time is that for Est people can find out?
@Hotfusion I'm sure people would love to see a new IP (so long as it's announced the way Splatoon was and not how Code Name STEAM was), but it's usually better not to expect that. Granted, I could say the same for classic IPs coming back.
We can be hopeful though. Of course, there are the closed-minded ones that only want the same few franchises over and over.. To be frank, I'd rather have that than the people who complain about Nintendo rehashing and not releasing new IP, and then when they do release new IP, they complain and say "Where's my Zelda!?".
@Einherjar It's spelled F.L.U.D.D. not Flood, and I have never come to a segment where Mario is on a platform and he's glitching, you must have a broken copy. Also, I too, agree a new engine and 60 fps would very much benefit the game. And now that you mention it, I'm now 98% sure they're going to announce a Mario Sunshine themed DLC pack for Splatoon, it makes too much sense.
@IceClimbers A person can dream IceClimbers. Sunshine was awesome.
@Dolphin64 Nope, its spelled "Dreckweg 08/17"
You know, we have different names for different things, sorry for getting that one thing wrong.
And you are the one person not slipping on the Sandbird ? Not slipping from the rotating platforms in the fluddless stages ?
Congrats man, you must have one of the few working copys
Seriously though, play it again and tell me that its platforming isnt highly flawed.
Now I'll be even more disappointed than usual if there's no new Punch-Out!! announced at E3.
║▌║█║▌│║▌║▌METROID Wii U
All I know is that when this video releases, I'll be scouring it for ANYTHING that could hint a new Kirby Air Ride. In fact... Reggie is wearing pink... Kirby is pink!.. KAR2 CONFIRMED!
More Mega64 like last year, please.
Maybe a combo of a direct with a stage show.......probably not this year though.
I hope they continue with the breaking into Nintendo to steal E3 plans like last year. That was f7n and entertaining
I got the SNES and Nes punch out. I liked them but I got bored of them. He is not all that in Smash either. I know they are not going to announce any games tomorrow just their schedule for E3. I just want them to give me a game that I can be proud of. I want a game that has fanboy bragging rights. I want them to deliver. Punch out won't do it for me. Metriod would, Earthbound U would, a real Pokemon U would, Kidicarus would, Dragon Quest localization would, and fried chicken would. Darn, I'm getting hungry.
@Einherjar Alright, I will literally play it again right now, just to prove a point, but tell me something; does Mario actually move and glitch around unintentionally when on a moving platform or on the Sandbird? You go and play it, and I will too. Report the results.
@The__Goomba That's for sure. I honestly feel like this year's E3 (for Nintendo at least) will dissapointing, or at least average. I just feel a sense of "What can they annouce?" for some reason.
I don't know, my hype is actually really low this year.
I'd kill for more ZeldaU details though.
It getting pushed back to 2016? That's alright. But Nintendo not talking about it AT ALL at this year's E3? No. That is NOT alright.
We've had maybe a total of 2 minutes of video for this game (1 min. and a half of which was viewed from a far away TV) and barely any details.
Give us something.
I hope they confirmed a U.S release of Mother 3 and 1.
Darn. I was hoping for a Reggie Fils-a-Mech sequel. I don't want a gym/workout themed video.
I hope the standard sized New 3DS will come to North America. Probably won't be anything tomorrow, but hopefully at E3.
I would love another punch out
@Einherjar I just played the Sandbird level and a couple FLUDD-less levels aswell. I had no problems at all, it almost felt like it was 60fps. Besides, it's a game from 2002, it CAN'T be perfect. So the result is that I'm either good at it, or you actually do have a glitched copy. The point is: stop saying it's a mess, it's not. Also, don't mean to brag but, I have 108 shines and never cheated. Let's end this on a mature and civilized manner shall we?
I predict something mindblowing.
I will hope for something awesome, like Civ U and Minecraft U.
-Tomorrow's my birthday
Thanks Nintendo!
Punch out featuring Reggie Fils-a-Mac and nintendo buys sonic
Punch out featuring Reggie Fils-a-Mac and nintendo buys sonic
Punch out featuring Reggie Fils-a-Mac and hopefully Nintendo buys the Sonic franchise
Punch out featuring Reggie Fils-a-Mac and hopefully Nintendo buys the Sonic franchise
Punch out featuring Reggie Fils-a-Mac and hopefully Nintendo buys the Sonic franchise
Punch out featuring Reggie Fils-a-Mac and hopefully Nintendo buys the Sonic franchise
Why would they have an event? (That;s s eriosu question, they have nothingworth renting an auditorium for a show.)
I wouldn't mind seeing a 4x4 Splatoon event on a big screen w/ all 8 players on stage.
Noon tomorrow. see ya
Awwww right during my school day! Well guess I'll have to watch it later:(
║▌║█║▌│║▌║▌Bare Knuckle/Streets of Rage 4 3DS
@Einherjar To be completely honest, I enjoyed the FLUDDless stages more than the regular game. They generally had a more Mario feel to them. But that was just my personal taste.
Yay I'm so happy!! This is good news. But a Punch Out!! game for Wii U? would be kinda dumb. Don't think anyone really wants that.
@TSB Those are cool ideas.
Damn, I hadn't seen this until now. Hopefully that picture won't be a red herring because suddenly I am pretty excited.
Last years e3 was awesome, so I hope they skip the boring stand on stage, half applause corporate talk and just go ballistic on games. I like games.
@FLUX_CAPACITOR He's having some well-deserved days off
@WaveBoy that Would be brilliant the tropical islands in hd would look great and it's the type of game nintendo aren't really known for now here's hoping.
@Dolphin64 Ok, ill end it in a civilized matter and say its a mess, it has several design choices and i still dont know why people treat it like the second comming
Completely civilized of course
And for some popular reactions to the game, why dont you watch people who also really like it ?
Youtubers like Scykoh and Johnny love the game and it drove them nuts, or watch Brentalflosses reaction to "Sunshine is like, the best one" after he played it again, or the Grumps and see how it can break the already mentally unstable Arin
@mjc0961 And leave all their top notch IPs in the dust ? No way !
With Capcom, IPs like Monster Hunter, Devil May Cry and several of their fantastic arcade IPs would go to waste,
Even Sega has plenty of treasures under their belt, like Shining Force, Panzer Dragoon, Burning Rangers and also plenty of old acrade IPs.
It would be a waste to let these die for no reason.
But yeah, IF they can only net a couple of franchises, those would the the top priority ones, as they fit right into Nintendos portfolio.
I was one of the doubters of the digital event last year, but that ended up being pretty good. So, I'm staying relatively positive about this.
If they make a punch out online then that would be awesome. People boxing each other. Then that would make it less about memorization and more about tactics.
My body is ready. Now hit me Reggie!..I mean us!..hit us...with the announcements...
If this is teasing a Punch Out U reveal for E3, once again utilising motion controls and the balance board, I'm going to be ecstatic. Punch Out U has been amongst my top 5 most wanted Nintendo E3 reveals for a long while, and ever since Next Level Games have been working on this unknown game, I've been hoping and hoping for it to be my wished for Punch Out U.
It could ultimately just be a reference rather than a hint to it, but still, I can hope. In any case, I look forward to this announcement about their announcements at E3, last years video was quite enjoyable.
If NX is what next year E3 is all about then this E3 needs to carry mega news as it will be wii u's last showcase.
This needs to be:
Eternal darkness
New mario
Star Fox fully playable.
If none of these are shown or mentioned THESE need to be launch titles showcased NX next year.
@SanderEvers @mjc0961
And Crazy Taxi, Resident Evil, Virtua Fighter, Devil May Cry, Shenmue, Dead Rising, Phantasy Star, Ghosts 'n Goblins, Panzer Dragoon, Okami, Jet Set Radio, Viewtiful Joe, ChuChu Rocket... oh, so many great franchises!!!!! drools
Metroid 3ds
@Einherjar I'd say Monster Hunter would be top priority as well. They'd be dumb not to pick that up with how big it is in Japan and a growing fanbase in the west.
Super Monkey Ball also fits Nintendo, but that's definitely not top priority.
There got to be a new Pokemon game
Little Mac, give us a new Punch Out Game
@TSB they must
Just over an hour away! Looking on Twitter, though, its surprising how many people seem to think that this video is going to be like a Direct with lots of game announcements. It's just a video to detail their plans for E3 as far as when a presentation or Digital Event occurs and other activities during the week. I hope no one is expecting any more than that.
@IceClimbers Sure, absolutely right. But you have to consider this:
Does Nintendo have the right team to work with the IP ?
Monster Hunter is an extremely technical game, where pretty much every little detail is thouroughly planned and calculated (pretty much like every old capcom game), so it needs the right team to continue the series just like the original devs have done it.
This is actually harder then it sounds.
Think of it: Take any Capcom made Devil May Cry and pit it against the Ninja Theory one...it will rip it a new one, even though on the surface, their mechanics are rather similar.
My point of not prioritizing Monster Hunter all that much was based on the fact that, with the wrong team, there is no point in having that IP in the first place.
Nintendo has plenty studios and sub divisions who are more then familiar with platformers, heck, they could just hire IntiCreates to work on it.
Also, classic MegaMan blends very well into the whole Nintendo family.
And since quite a lot of first party Nintendo games have been made by Capcom already (the portable Zelda games for instance), it would be a "family reunion" rather then a hostile aquisition if Nintendo bought Capcom, kicked out their CEOs and keeps IPs and workers.
Because lets face it, Capcom spawned some of the most talented dev teams in gaming history. And with Platinum under their hood (for the moment), Nintendo already works together with quite a lot of ex-Capcom staff.
It would be beneficial to all of them.
Well, no games just yet, but the 2015 Nintendo World Championships announcement is pretty darn cool!
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