Earlier this year Bandai Namco's Katsuhiro Harada appeared in a Nintendo Direct broadcast to announce free-to-play Wii U title Project Treasure. It was described as a four-player co-op action title, as you battle through stages and tackle dangerous foes; there was no footage, however.
In today's Japanese Nintendo Direct that changed, with a short trailer showing the game in action. It looks pretty decent, and we see plenty of fast-paced melee combat among the four characters on display. It's a relatively brief look, but we're promised more details in the Summer.
It'll be interesting to see how this shapes up, and Bandai Namco is certainly an old hand with the free-to-play model - there'll likely be plenty of micro-transactions.
You can check it out below - are you intrigued by this?
Comments 55
Looks alright actually. Not keen on free to play though.
I'm intrigued by it. Looking forwards to seeing more about it. I think some of the things we saw today will be in the Treehouse Live streams, and this is one of the titles I expect to see.
Looks pretty decent. I'm intrigued.....
I think it looks boring.
Looks pretty good as long as it is not completely poisoned by micro transactions.
Looks like mercenaries mode from any RE game. I bet it's randomly generated and riddled with micro-transactions. Looks heartless and empty.
I'd be more excited if it wasn't F2P. A good co-op dungeon crawler could be a bunch of fun.
Intrigued, will look out for more info on it in the future but I can 100% say that I will not play any free to play game with microtransactions. Release a full version of the game and then you'd have more of my interest cause I'll never play a free to play game on a console.
Free to play, I'll surely give it a try. But only pay anything if it's truly convincing. And this isn't the case at the moment.
This looks like it'll be fun, being F2P makes it even more interesting. That is, if they dont ruin it with tons of microtransactions.
It is kind of sad that Bandai + Namco are making an game called "Project treasure". It makes me think about "Treasure" the game company which does make treasure games.
Looks like Tomb Raider MP, not bad. Don't like FTP for this kind of games, though.
"Come on guys it is not free to play it is free to start, there is a difference."
*Says in a sarcastic tone
"Come on guys it is not free to play it is free to start, there is a difference."
*Says in a sarcastic tone
just to see how these guys handle FTP, I downloaded tank tank tank. Not happy to find out single player was completely locked behind a pay wall. Even with the game seeming to be online only multiplayer, I don't have high hopes.
It's a new game and that's all I care about. I'll give it a try Just for that reason.
I'll try it out, but I don't know how much money I'll spend on it. Not that I'll spend a lot on it, mind you.
I'll try it for free after all and I'll keep playing until I feel out classed. I suspect being coop you'll be able to buy unique items with better stats as it won't upset the balance. Unless the go the MOBA route an all purchases are characters
Right on. Yet again I notice a negative response to a new game that comes to the system...
The game looks good, that can't be denied. It's got a free to play model- which isn't my favorite means of paying for a game- but its still a win-win situation. If it's not your cup of tea don't pay anything. If it is, knock yourself out. Hopefully they'll have a master price tag where you can unlock everything for a set price.
I'd definitely take this for a spin with a few Nintendo life members though.
Its got my attention trailer didn't show enough for me to form a proper opinion yet but I'll try it regardless because it is free.
Looks cool. Makes me want to play Wii U again
Hmm, looks pretty decent but the fact that it's free-to-play is a no for me. The game should be a paid title.
I wish Project Treasure was somehow something to do with amazing Japenese studio behind titles like Mischief Makers on N64
I mean, it's something. Will await further information before making any claims or assumptions.
I like the look of the trailer; the gameplay looks pretty fun and I like the setting. As it's free-to-play, I'll be able to try it out, and if I enjoy it and they do their free-to-play module right, then I may spend more time with it, and if I ever wish to, spend some money on it.
Hopefully the next trailer will be a little more in-depth, but all in all, I look forward to getting the chance to try this out.
Looks interesting, but I'm very hesitant about the free-to-play model.
If it follows the same free to play mode as Tank Tank Tank, then im in. Limited number of free turns a day with different levels and DLC modes available to buy , but once you buy one piece of the DLC it gets rid of the limited number of turns each day. Tank, Tank Tank was fun and shallow, but was easy worth paying a couple of pounds to unlock what I wanted.
Looks interesting
I wonder if these characters are pre-set or if you can create your own custom character, like Saints Row 3
Also, how is the gunplay?.I wonder how the 2 types of combat are going to balance out. This trailer focuses mostly on melee combat
I hope it's released before the end of the year, or maybe around E3
Hm...I'll have to see more.
I'll give it a go. I mean if it's free to download why wouldn't I? If it's a money grabbing mess I'll just delete it again, nothing lost. But if it's done well I'll have a new game to enjoy
I wonder if it's just online co-op or also offline.
The female character design has Harada san written all over them.
A quick look on how NamcoBandai handles microtransactions and additional content pricing, and it's very likely that this'll be an overpriced pay-to-win game more than anything else...
Wondering if this is going to follow the smart phone formula of in-game purchases (£60 for a chest of 1000 in game credits) with game or character progress hindered unless you spend credits and 1000 credit go in two purchase. Or if this will follow formula of MMO's that are free to play where you can subscribe and unlock all access.
I'm interested if it's the latter MMO style.
Looks good though from the very brief trailer.
Ok that looked awesome. Hope thet tell more about it in E3
Just got done playing Resident Evil Revalations (which is an awsome game BTW), but this reminded me of its online 2 player mode.
Just got done playing Resident Evil Revalations (which is an awsome game BTW), but this reminded me of its online 2 player mode.
Are any of the other 3 going to tell that one that she forgot to put her pants on? Seems rude to just let her run around in public and not even tell her. Not very good friends.
4 player co-op interesting setting with more to do than just fight it looks like. Very promising. The graphics of the enemies and characters just don't do anything for me, though. Just incredibly generic feeling. No charm or interest or anything. Oh, well.
Mm, looks interesting.
So I'm guessing a Tomb Raider-inspired, online-only, 4-player co-op, with microtransactions to upgrade weapons, outfits, gear, etc.
I'll withhold judgment until after its full reveal, but I have to say it is encouraging to see ANY third-party exclusive being developed for Wii U.
Wow! Such intrigue! Very surprise!
Looks a bit like Left 4 Dead X Diablo.
Please, let there be gyro aiming option!
I am looking forward to this actually.
So Nintendo is already won e3. If they teasing us now with this, what are they going to show at e3? I am exciting for this game. Just make sure it's has vice chat.
Yeah, it looks alright. It's got me interested.
People stop complaining about it being free-to-play. Seriously? It's free. Also, stop complaining about micro transactions. At most it would be for new outfits and gear. maybe new levels. Either way you would pay far less than a full price game so stop crying about it.
This looks fun if the FTP part is done right. It's kind of funny though, you've got these Japanese girls (cute of course) with Japanese looking gameplay with swords, and then you've got these Western looking guys with tatoos and guns (tough looking of course) with FPS gunplay. I honestly wonder how all that is going to work.
Hmm, not bad!
Actually looks pretty interesting. Wasn't expecting this from Namco. Definitely wanna see some more at E3!
Looks fun actually. However the F2P methods Bandai used with Tekken Revolution and especially Ace Combat Infinity were really nauseating, so I'll need to watch from afar on this one until we hear more.
Interested though, love that it's U exclusive as well.
The premise is somewhat interesting, but there's not really any of the visual design on display that tickles my fancy.
@pherret022 : Yes, Free 2 Start. Pay 2 Win..Pay 2 Grind.
Most of these games is only based on grinding. Its the same repetitive gameplay again and again and again, and you can barely advance even if you pay 200$.
I will atleast try this game, and i hope its not a rip-off. Its hard to tell if its fun or not. It can look boring on video, but be fun playing.
Well my internet isn't junk now so I'm more interested in this than I was previously.
Looks pretty cool like a dungeon crawler. But, what happened to her pants?
I know they are all pretty much the same, I was just making a joke. Hence the fact that I said, "says in a sarcastic tone."
@pherret022 : I know, but i replied anyway.
Microtransactions usually only speeds up time. The gameplay is usually exact the same no matter if you pay or not.
I played Forge of Empires PC 100% for free. A friend of mine spent 1200$ in that game, and only got 3 weeks ahead of me.
Such a waste of money as loads of money don't take you far in the game.
Can agree that free to play games are pretty irritating. Game look good although. Actually hates playstation because when you buy a game you also need to buy like 700 dlc to or something to get the feel you have a complete game.
Dlc is good as long as it's not to many packages and you get alot from buying them. But games you actually have to pay for each month just sucks as.
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