Bandai Namco is working on a free-to-play, 4-player co-operative action title for the Wii U eShop.
The news came as part of a special segment during the recent Nintendo Direct broadcast where Bandai Namco's Katsuhiro Harada explained the core mechanics of the new game, which has the current working title of Project Treasure.
Described as an action game where four players work together to navigate a variety of stages, the objective is to clear traps, fight enemies and obtain treasure.
Perhaps most surprising element is that the game will be entirely free to download from the Wii U eShop, which hints at micro-transactions being involved. Bandai Namco has already experimented a lot in this area, having produced free-to-play editions of Ridge Racer, Ace Combat and Soul Calibur on other systems.
No solid release date is available at present, but news that the Wii U is getting an exclusive, third-party release should get chins wagging. Are you excited by this title, or does the "free-to-play" aspect bother you? Let us know by posting a comment.
Comments 48
SInce it's NamcoBandai, I'm confident it's nothing worth caring for.
By free to play I hope they use the Steel Divers model wherein I can just pay for the whole thing.
SInce it's free-to-play, I'm confident it's nothing worth caring for.
Also, NamcoBandai, I want Pokken Fighters!
Hardly much info given to really get excited over. Might be great might be horrid. Wait and see i guess?
Well, since I am a fan of their last offering, Tank! Tank! Tank!, I will be giving it a try no matter what it is. I am really hoping that the music that played during the Project Treasure that sounded like it was ripped from .hack is a teaser clue to the game. Because if it is a .hack inspired MMO/dungeon crawler I think I may be very happy.
I've heard nothing but bad things of Bamco's F2P titles. Fingers crossed this will be good. Hopefully it has plenty of Nintendo input/support like other Bamco/Capcom games.
I would kill to have a "Ace Combat" on Wii U... even "Ridge Racer"... definitely a "Soul Calibur". But not those free-to-play, pay for fuel like "Ace Combat Infinity", proper, real, boxed, complete experiences. I still have a lot of fun playing "Teeken Tag Team Tournament 2" even 2 years from it's release. I will look into this when it's released.
If it is online and local co op i will bite...otherwise ill pass. i play alone too much for this to impact me.
Bamco's games are always chock-full of DLC. Can't even begin to imagine how they'd manage a free-to-play game.
I can bet it's nothing special.
Well if you are looking to get depressed, the comments here are a great start!
Maybe Bandai should be given a chance, seeing as not many others are supporting nintendo anymore
F2P aka FREEMIUM. I am withholding any anticipation of this title until it comes out.
Jesus, give it a chance, guys. It's made by the Tekken man.
A free to play is always worth trying before passing judgement in my opinion.
I'll give it the benefit of the doubt for now, but I'd much rather just be able to buy the game and have everything rather than the nickel and dime routine. On the other hand, it won't include a whining cartoon dog trying to haggle with me, so that's a plus.
They probably should have showed something about it. The Wii U is in need of more online games, but some details will be nice. The small shots made me think it's Tekken-themed.
Way to tease with that trailer...
This sounds very interesting to me! But I did get my hopes up when I heard bandai and namco... was hoping for a tales game!
@Kaze_Memaryu Since it's Bandai Namco*, I'm certain it's something I should care about.
When I first saw Harada in the Direct I thought he would show the home version of Pokken.
I hate online but I like co op so I may give it a chance if the f2p is worth it.
I actually mean this as a sincere question: Are there any F2P games from Bandai Namco that are worth playing? TANK! TANK! TANK!? Ridge Racer? Ace Combat? Anything? I'm not completely familiar with their recent products, but I've heard some pretty nasty things. especially with Soul Calibur.
@Flopsy86 shh, quit being rational. It's very un-gamerlike of you.
@Mus1cLov3r Can't be bothered to remember the name correctly, that doesn't make them any less terrible.
Cool! I'll try free.
I'm thinking 4 player co-op gaunlet with voice chat! Fingers crossed
@Kaze_Memaryu I've never played a Bandai Namco game that I haven't enjoyed...
I'm not really interested but I don't understand why people have to s*** all over F2P games when they can get them... FOR FREE... and play them and never pay a cent and some of them are pretty good.
Oh no, wah, wah, I got free entertainment instead of spending $60, poor me!
I say give it a chance, guys. And exercise some impulse control maybe if that's what your problem is.
What I thought was funny is how they are naming it so far... "Project Treasure." Before I thought Project Guard and Project Giant Robot maybe had something to do with each other but I guess not, I guess that's just how they're codenaming things right now over at Nintendo!
@conman2012 Exactly,some Nintendo fans really are an ungrateful bunch.No wonder 3rd parties steer clear.We're getting an exclusive 3rd party game,that could turn out to be great and even if it's not it's FREE so why complain?Maybe it needs to be played online and the only way to build up a decent user base is by offering the base game for free?If it was released as an online only game at full retail price hardly anyone would buy it and the whole game would be pointless.So just wait and see folks,if Nintendo are also helping them with it,it could turn out to be amazing!
If it's like SW: The Old Republic where you can play everything for free then I would be happy.
It could be a fun multiplayer title that fills in a Diablo shaped hole on the system.
@kensredemption If I get hundreds of hours of fun I'd be tempted to drop $5 on it.
Too little to say but I can say this; It's free so why complain?
Hit us! Could be good.
Free to play? Ultimately that is very debatable.
@Mus1cLov3r Congrats, you're part of the fanbase that hasn't been screwed up by their idiocy yet.
@Kaze_Memaryu Or perhaps you're a person who automatically hates anything with the Bandai Namco name. Bad childhood memory, is my guess...
@Mus1cLov3r Nope, it's mostly about how they ruin the Tales of series ever since Graces f, which is all I cared for about them, though there was the occasional other game that got me (like Project X Zone).
@Ryno Sir, if I could I would have upvoted your comment for taking from me many laughs!! Thanks! lol
@Kaze_Memaryu Well, see? You enjoy some of their games, so why are you just automatically assuming that this game will be bad?
the object is to clear traps CLEAR TRAPS
collect treasure COLLECT TREASURE
@Mus1cLov3r 6 years and 15 games (that interested me at all) of disappointment, and they're even proud of their own mess. No matter what they do lately, they gloriously fail by screwing up anything that has potential.
They're not giving me any reason to trust them.
Bandai Namco make some good games, like Tekken, Soulcaliber and Dark Souls. So who knows, maybe this will be decent.
I wonder what the gimmick to get into our wallets will be though. Obviously they're still looking to make money off of it... Free-to-play doesn't mean EVERYTHING is free.
@Kaze_Memaryu But their games are good; the fact that you're not interested in them doesn't make them bad...
@Mus1cLov3r I don't have a problem with you liking their stuff, but I'm not one to let the lack in quality slide. Tales of games suffer from increasingly terrible writing and unoriginal characters, their animé games are so plain that a sandbox (the actual kind you see on playgrounds) is more fun, and their "fighters" all fail at the balancing of all things.
That said, this is just my opinion (except for the balancing, that has a clear definition), so what you make of this is entirely up to you.
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