In this latest entry of 'the internet does the strangest things', we have the entrepreneurial activities around the Club Nintendo Majora's Mask Light, pictured above. Listed earlier today on Club Nintendo in PAL territories, the cool but rather modest light - measuring just 12cm by 12cm - is already popping up on that ever-present auction site - eBay.
It's an interesting example, as while numbers on the marketplace are still modest - no doubt partly due to most PAL gamers having sadly burnt through their Stars before this neat ornament was added - there are some hefty prices being set. This listing has had 23 bids (at the time of writing) and has passed £100, while other listings have set 'buy it now' prices of between £100 and £150. Now, this light is neat, but it's not worth that in a typical sense - nostalgia plays its part though, naturally.
As the numbers are low and stock is still available - again, we salute anyone that has a spare 6000 Stars still sitting around in Europe - this is less a case of scalpers depriving fans, but rather provides an interesting pointer to just how popular this kind of merchandise can potentially be. As a thought it certainly makes us think that Nintendo could really do with selling a lot more of these products.
The big N does do this to an extent through various retailers around the world, in the UK the official store's 'Cool Stuff' category is full of assorted bits and bobs, and worldwide there are often decent pre-order pack-ins that are charming. This Majora's Mask light is a little further proof, though, that Nintendo can probably sell a lot more merchandise to its fans if it delivers the stock and availability to draw us in.
As for these eBay listings, perhaps they're over-valuing these cute little lights a smidge.
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Comments 43
Anything with Majora's Mask in it is bound to sell at astronomical prices these days. The hype before and after the announcement/release has given this game quite the lasting renaissance. And since I love it, I'm very fine with that.
Also I managed to get my lamp from the CN in the end, although I'm not sure it's pretty enough to warrant not selling it for half a wii U's worth. I'll see what I do.
Bad news the bids gone up.
I don't trust ebay, also they changed there rules now making it harder to get money back I read, no longer being with paypal. I may of read it wrong. That person may never get the item. And take there money.
It would be good if Nintendo makes more. So less or no ones buys from them,
I have to admit I find the price being high a bit of a shock, in the star catalogue.
guess I probably should not of blown my stars on VC games huh....
This sound crazy, that's surely a neat prize to get in exchange for stars, but pay it directly it's not worthy ^_^;
Then again I have no right for judge I guess, I'm one of the few that waited for use the stars, ordered this lamp and still have some stars around in case something cool like this or more will show up in the next months.
So are we going to have an "Item X is going for high prices on eBay" article every few weeks now?
As much as I love Majora's Mask, there's no way I'd pay $100 for a lamp.
wow, i ordered one and will sell it on ebay. if people are buying at these kind of prices, i'm selling! no-brainer...
@LinkSword Yeah, the hype was so much that it murdered a great new IP (Codename STEAM)
To get that many stars you'd need to register a Wii U, a 3DS... and 15 games.
A fool and his money are easily parted.
Articles like this don't even surprise me anymore.
If the demand is there people will come and buy it.
Oh look another limited edition Nintendo-related item is being scalped to high heaven. What else is new.
@WingedSnagret it's not scalping 'this is less a case of scalpers depriving fans, but rather provides an interesting pointer to just how popular this kind of merchandise can potentially be.' people are just willing to pay that much for it and they're still available @ CN...
Oh look, another limited edition thing in Europe Club Nintendo.... but remember guys, NoA had it better because we got the games we already bought.
@ikki5 We got some stuff that we didn't have to pay coins for. We also got physical items as well.
I just used all my remaining stars for this. Definatley a keeper
Phew had enough stars, so decision to hoard til the end justified. But I bet something more shimmering and awesome is yet to come for the true masters of brinkmanship
Here's something to put things in perspective- for all the nintendo products I have bought totalling 4 figures easily in cash terms I have got two folders + bookmarks, a yoshi plush toy and a tiny lamp from Club Nintendo. Wow.... we're suckers.
@TeeJay No one makes you click on the article so does it really matter? Very easy to just skip articles that don't appeal.
@Jazzer94 I don't have to click an article to know what it is, so no I can't skip them. Everything is revealed in the headline the NL home page. I do have to click it to leave a comment expressing my annoyance at the same article being repeated over and over in different forms though.
What I'm saying is this is beyond old news and not article-worthy anymore. It should be a given by now that any Nintendo limited edition item is going to go up on eBay for ludicrous prices.
I'm pretty sure it cost a bit more than £100 to get 6000 stars in Club Nintendo.
@nacho_chicken that maybe. But I'll have a lot more fun with the things I have purchased to get those points than I will by flicking a light switch on and off.
I feel sorry for the people who thought nothing good was going to come and spent their last stars on downloadable games (unless you would rather have the games over this).
I wish Club Nintendo could just tell us everything that will be available on the site, so that people can decide what they want to spend their final stars on.
Nintendo says this item is planned for delivery in July though, so it will be interesting to see what happens between now and then.
@Iggly That's 100 pounds, not dollars. More like $150ish USD.
Somehow, hearing how much preorders and hard to get Nintendo items go for on eBay still slightly surprises me.
I've got 10000 points still, but nothinh has convinced me to part with them yet. I'm hanging on until August and if nothing comes along I'll use them for the eshop games.
@DarthNocturnal Possibly because NA's deadline is sooner and the deadline for registering any games has already past (March 31st I think?), EU can still receive stars from physical games released before October 2014 until September.
@TeeJay How can you even get annoyed by it just don't click on the article and scroll past it, honestly confused why this is a problem given how harmless the article is.
@Jazzer94 It's a minor annoyance at most. I came in and left my comment of annoyance and you called me out on it, prompting me to have to go into further detail into exactly why it annoys me, so that's why this seems bigger than it is.
@TeeJay Well OK then but you would make more of a difference not clicking on the article therefore giving it less traffic then posting sarcastic comments that most will just ignore.
@Shane904 That's even worse, who'd buy a lamp for $150?
I spend my last coins on a pouch to hold my new3DS in it. now i can keep it neat.
I spent all my Stars on Virtual Console games just before this was announced. 4000 stars was to much for it anyway. I'm happy I got a few games for that price.
I have the points for it , but I will wait and see wat else is added on in the coming weeks .....
Does anyone remember how many stars the diorama type statues cost when they were available? Holding out hope that something like this will become available before the end of club Nintendo.
Not keen on this lamp. Looks like a Happy Meal toy, plasticky, bright colours, ick..
Happy meal toy, LOL! Just Like Amiibo...
good thing i bought this on the club nintendo website!
Annoyingly 5 of my Club Nintendo codes for WiiU games have come up as 'expired', leaving me short of being able to use up my points with this lamp. Here's hoping they offer something for 5,000 points!
Nice (but scary) light!
I sell it on ebay now. auction stile)
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