Xenoblade Chronicles X arrives very soon in Japan, at the end of April, so there's a continued increase in hype and anticipation for Monolith Soft's RPG. The official website, for its part, continues to post regular updates to show a little more of what this huge adventure will have to offer.
A range of new updates have been posted recently, providing varied goodies for us to enjoy in the forms of videos, screenshots and concept art. Naturally we want to share them with you too.
Check out the latest offerings from the development team, below.
Videos - Featuring Battles / Arts

Concept Art - Yanase-san

Let us know what you think of these images, and don't forget that there's another special broadcast out of Japan for this game on 10th April at 6am Pacific / 9am Eastern / 2pm UK / 3pm CET / 10pm Japanese time. As usual we'll be live streaming and blogging as it happens right here on Nintendo Life.
[source xenobladex.jp, via neogaf.com]
Comments 31
You can still change that. Do Chronicles now!
I know everyone will be talking about FFXV, but does FFXV have flying transforming mechs? No.
Does XCX have flying transforming mechs? Yes.
Points go to Xenoblade!
Time for XCX Mechs Amiibo Collection!
You should try to pick up chronicles if you can. It is not directly connected so it is not required but it is a terrific game.
This game looks every bit as good as chronicles but better! Needs to release this summer!
These mechs look amazing! I hope we can customize them.
Don't forget about the Direct tomorrow!
Wait what? There's a direct tomorrow?
@Ninty4thewin Probably because it is not advertising for us. The website these are from itself is Japanese.
@Tsurii897 Ah I see. Thanks for the heads up!
the videos make this game seem really easy! the monsters aren't even bothering to fight back.
mind you everything's going to look easy after bloodborne
The more I see of this game, the more I can't stand that it's not out yet!
This game will be GOTY for sure
@Links_Face Not the 'official' GOTY, Nintendo just isn't even considered anymore...
Does anyone know when the stream is? EST time please.
@PvtOttobot Yeah... The game probably won't even sell that well, but it looks like the coolest thing game I have ever seen
I am totally ready to get lost in this huge world.
Re-started Xenoblade last night - I was 6 hours in a year ago when I stopped - and I havr to say for a Wii game it looks pretty good on a 52" 1080P tv. I stood for awhile and watched a vang - the bat possum - fly about. And the draw distant when you approach the city wss really good, and I was surprised how far back out of and into the city I was able to run.
Which made me think - wow, XCX is going to be awesome. 😃
All of the gameplay makes this look like Monster Hunter Sci-Fi.
I NEEDS THIS NOWS! I hope this more November than December for the West.
I wasn't majorly interested in this when it was announced. But after smash bros came out I wanted to try Xenoblade chronicles because I liked Shulk (yeah pretty sad reason I know) so I got it on 3DS. I am about... a quarter of the way through it? (I'm level 27 so I'm guessing I'm around a quarter through it) and I am suprised how much of a game can fit on that tiny cartridge. Not only is the gameplay absolutely awesome, but the story is great, the graphics are lovely and the game is freaking huge XD. I highly recommend anyone who likes rpgs or just a damn good exploration/story game to pick it up. So if thats anything to go by then I am definately preordering this! The thought of online co-op is one of the things I really love. In chronicles your ai team mates are generally very good, but playing with a friend could be so much better to be able to coordinate your attacks. So yeah... I can't wait to see more of it!
@starman292 A quarter of the way through? It's hard to say...
What area are you on? There is soooo much more game to see then what you've seen at level 27.
As for the artwork, I love the look of these mechs. They don't do anything radical in their design, but they're all designed extremely well.
I think it's called satori Marsh? I've just been doing some exploring around the bionis leg, cause I'm trying to level up so it doesn't get too difficult lol.
Looks amazing. Can't wait to play the game. The environment, the scenery and the Mechs drool
They look amazing. Obviously not the best mech designs I have seen (that prize goes to Evangelion), but the gameplay and exploration options these things will bring will be absolutely amazing!
Plus we can get to see huge monsters like the one in the first trailer!
Oh just release the damn game already.
@LasermasterA Best mechs design goes to evangelios? Dawg foh realz? Naw mate, Macross and Gundam are the top dogs.
I know, right? Xenoblade Chronicles can't merely be "skipped" like an iteration of Assasin's Creed, or Call of Duty. it's one of those timeless games you can always go back and play even if you missed it before.
That art looks amazing BTW. The mechs look like a perfect fusion of Xenosaga and Xenogears machines...which is awesome O_O.
Yea foh realz. My award anyway They were most human shaped, sleek and bare bones. Certain charm to the design. They can't really fly though.
Not that I don't love the fully kitted out mechs like these. With huge guns, multiple rockets, sometimes huge mech swords and thrusters and what not. Plus they get extra points for the added Transformers like feature of turning into motor vehicles! These designs also have more variety in features.
@LordofMentos 10th April at 6am Pacific / 9am Eastern / 2pm UK / 3pm CET / 10pm Japanese time
Love this:
The Doll concept art... just... mmm!
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