Here's a tale of the lengths that editorial director Damien McFerran and editor Tom Whitehead went to in order to test out the new StreetPass games - StreetPass Zombies / Battleground Z and StreetPass Fishing / Ultimate Angler. Due to working in a small UK town and not Tokyo, added to the fact that the StreetPass Plaza update obliterated hard-earned hits from a lunchtime quest for Nintendo Zone hotspots, a post-work tour of sunny Loughborough was required.
In scenes that would raise the suspicions of anyone paying attention, your fearless heroes drove to a local Pizza Hut and loitered in the lobby while awaiting the green light of affirmation. Damien's 3DS was quick to oblige, but Tom's refused, causing him to linger awkwardly for a little too long before retreating.
Next up was McDonald's and, to be fair, looking a bit suspicious while pretending to queue meant that your writers actually blended in quite well with the clientele, with StreetPass redemption for both through additional hits.
Why do we do this? To play cute games that reward us with virtual tickets that can be redeemed on daft virtual hats, outfits and customisable speech bubbles. It's futile, but we can't stop.
That's the power of StreetPass, and as we're addicted to its charms we thought we'd share our thoughts on the latest games on offer. We just can't quit these games - the StreetPass Bunny has a lot to answer for.

StreetPass Zombies / Battleground Z - Damien's Impressions
You might assume - like I did - that StreetPass Zombies (or Battleground Z, depending on where in the world you're playing it) would be the most entertaining of these two new titles, but you'd be mistaken. While there's plenty of button-bashing action on hand and hordes of undead enemies to slay in this light-hearted take on the tried-and-tested zombie apocalypse concept, this actually ends up being the somewhat more shallow experience when compared to StreetPass Fishing - at least that's what my initial impressions would suggest.
The game consists of mini-missions with set objectives, such as finding a certain number of items, defending a building from marauding zombies or merely withstanding waves of attackers for a set period of time. The A button performs an attack with your currently equipped weapon, while holding it down charges up a special attack - of which each weapon has a limited number - that can be deployed to deal with large crowds of zombies. The weapons are refreshingly daft, with your arsenal consisting of Wii Remotes, pillows and boom boxes.
People you've StreetPassed appear as survivors in each mission, cowering in fear and waiting to be rescued. When this happens, they'll happily hand over the weapon they have, and you can toggle these on the touch screen. You don't have an energy bar as such - each weapon you equip has its own vitality, so the more weapons you have, the better your chances are of achieving the mission's objective. Play coins can be used to find more survivors, so even if you don't get a lot of StreetPasses where you live, you can still join in with humanity's fight for survival.
There are a wide range of different zombies to encounter, each with their own strengths and weaknesses. This keeps things interesting, as certain foes are easier to take down with certain weapons, and this encourages experimentation. However, it's hard to escape the realisation that StreetPass Zombies is a glorified button basher - albeit one which is enjoyable in small bursts, which is exactly how it will be played.

StreetPass Fishing / Ultimate Angler - Tom's Impressions
I certainly agree with Damien that this is the new StreetPass game with more depth, which is apt considering its subject matter. The concept sounds underwhelming initially, as you capture fish using bait from StreetPass hits, but after delving in I'm left utterly charmed, and slightly addicted.
This shares a number of similarities, in structure, to Prope's other StreetPass game - StreetPass Mansion / Monster Manor. Like real-life fishing there's equipment required for the task, so instead of levelling up and combining guns to zap ghosts, this time around you're doing similar things with Fishing Rods. You can increase individual areas of a rod's capabilities with a limited number of upgrade points, for example, but combining two rods of the same type increases those upgrade options. Beyond the basic act of fishing you're required to level-up equipment, your Mii (to unlock levels with progress) and to earn money. Throw in aquariums that you can buy and populate, somewhat like the gardens in StreetPass Garden / Flower Town, and you've got a lot to think about.
Away from fishing there's a decent amount going on, then, though we like the implementation of StreetPass Hits with the main activity, too. Each arrival is colour coded and hands over bait, of course, and as you visit different fishing spots some fish can only be caught with specific coloured bait. Each site has multiple targets, but there's a 'Challenge' fish to clear in order to move on; using bait individually to try and catch the right fish, or combining them for a larger, more effective option, adds an extra layer of strategy. The fishing itself is simple, too - using either the A button and Circle Pad or just the touch screen, you grab the fish when it bites and then reel it in, trying not to break your line or to let it get away. It's familiar to anyone that's played a fishing game before, and certainly fun.
This is, for my money, certainly one of the strongest StreetPass games, with plenty of depth and items to obsess over. I've already spent about 80 Play Coins on filling up my boat with artificial StreetPass hits (20 coins each time for a full boat of 10), tackled a 'boss' and enjoyed the madness of a 'fishing frenzy', in which you tap icons on the touch screen to capture a ludicrous amount of fish.
To end with an awful pun, I'm hooked.
Have you picked up either of the new StreetPass games? If so, what do you think? Let us know.
Comments 49
Can we also have more info on the Lounge? Thank You.
You really need homepass to make these games stay fun. If not, they quickly descend into frustration. Stil,l I did like the option of getting my mii to be a zombie in other players' games. I hope that ends up being an unlockable costume. Also hoping that after one playthrough, old allies become available to hire. Otherwise the VIP room will have less usability. Can anyone confirm? I've not got that far yet...
I couldn't agree more. Also I hang out at home depot quite a bit and buy nothing lol. Those precious street passes and they have 2 relays in most stores!
The fishing game also took my by surprise and glad we are getting a full week for international passing instead of just a weekend.
I have the other 4 and cannot justify this purchase so ya...
@DinoFett To be honest we're not overly keen to splash out on the 'lounge', it seems a bit lame. I may do so in the interests of being useful over the weekend though
There's not much to say about VIP room yet. It stores 100 mii characters. I hope that after one playthrough of the games, you can hire old allies from that room with play coins because hte tasks seem to be quite specific - specific bait combinations and specific weapons. You also collect birthdays of people you streetpass. You get plaza tickets for that, which gives you costumes and speech bubbles.
The streetpass theme is lame, btw. It's washed out and boring. They could have done more with that, like integrating your own mii or some such feature. And the VIP room could have been a free update really as it doesn't seem to offer much functionality. Having said that, I've still gone and got everything...
Thank you for the reply's, There just seems to be a lack of photos on the net in regards to the 'Lounge'.
I assumed the fishing game would be more enjoyable.
I suddenly stopped playing all the games in the Streetpass Plaza after getting a huge amount of enjoyment from Puzzle Swap and Streetpass Mansion in particular, and I don't think buying these two will start that craze again unfortunately.
I'm loving both of the new games but agree that Ultimate Angler is more intriguing than Battleground Z. Something about the level of micro management. Those little rotting smiley faces are so adorable though. =)
I was looking forward to battleground Z, love me dem zombies, so it's a bit disappointing to hear, im not super keen on fishing (although I loved fishing in Animal Crossing!) but it might way me in the other direction, but the cost of both with the thank you bonus isn't much more than just one, so I may splurge.
I love that they added the Helper Bunny to Streetpass Quest!
@DinoFett What is the lounge? Nintendo Life's work lounge do you mean, I don't know...
LOVE the fishing game and like the zombie one. I can honestly say the fishing game is gonna be a big problem for me. Its akin to playing the Zelda OoT fishing mini-game for the 1st time. Once you start, its damn near impossible to stop. Quite pleased and scared of my puchase.
I have to admit. I was not looking forward to playing Angler as I'm not a big fishing game fan. I love the Angler game though! I really only bought the bundle because I wanted the Zombie game, and the bundle with the Thank You discount was a much better deal than just getting one. The Zombie game is just "ok" for me. It was pretty surprising.
I haven't heard a thing about the VIP yet, so I haven't gotten it, but it looks like you can get your Street Plaza tickets much more quickly with it.
I live someplace quite remote, so Streetpass is a very rare treat indeed. I can't see spending money on any of it.
I thoroughly enjoyed this article as it perfectly out into words what I do every day. It makes me feel so much better about being the creep who stands outside buildings waiting for the green blinking light. Knowing there are others on the same quest makes me very happy!
streetpass is such an awesome addition to an already awesome handheld and I'm glad it's being used so it has a better chance of being included in next generation handhelds.
@DinoFett Not really, what is the lounge you are referring to?
Here in central New York state most of the McDonald's nintendo zone don't even work anymore. Street passes are far and few between. In the years I've had my 3ds I've finished 1 puzzle.
The only "extra" streetpass game I've bought so far is the Monster Manor one. Not sure which I will buy next. I have no interest in fishing, but it seems like it might be a good fit for Streetpass. Hmmm...
I think StreetPass Zombies is my favorite streetpass game to date. Unfortunately, as everyone seems to be saying, it's very tough to get streetpasses. I am also trying to get this exclusive theme which is a pain.
Anyway... after looking into HomePass, while it sounds awesome, I can't get my head around how to set it up. =/
I hope they release one final update when the 3DS is on it's way out, to either remove or reduce the amount of playcoins required to play. I can dream.
@Sakura I agree. Streetpass works about as well as described in this article, I would constantly be making special trips to specific spots to do it. Without Homepass, I'd never have bought any of the premium Mii Plaza content.
What I love zombie one! I enjoy ability to control my Mii directly and love using lots werid weapons on the zombies horde.
Plus weapons really cool and silly and love overall look of it as well. Plus love zombie book were you test weapons check your rank and look all zombies you defeated in detail! (It's little things) I hope I can unlock zombie mode id love turn my Mii into a zombie! Ha!
My biggest happy moment is when i bought my first streetpass game eg. This one and got zombie hat and speech bubble free XD
Everyone to own but am made up with one I bought!
@k8sMum Where in Central New York are you located? I'm in Ithaca and there are quite a few relays in town that work well.
Which one should I buy? Which one has more to do? And finally, which one is overall more enjoyable and more fun?
Does anyone know how to purchase the bundle in the North American version? I know the update said something about "talking to the bunny in the plaza," but I wasn't paying close attention and don't remember exactly, and now I can't find the option to buy both. Talking to the bunny in the two new game holes only gives me the opportunity to buy them individually.
@drewb0203 I would grab the bundle, but if I had to only pick one it would be the fishing game. It seems like it will have more things to do overall.
I appreciated the 'thank you' discount. I like to see Nintendo reward fans like that.
Same. That's why I bought it, actually. I had $7 to spare, and if they show some appreciation for customers, I can spare a little to support them.
Until these extra streetpass games are 99 cents each, I won't be getting any. The old ones should be heavily discounted by now but Nintendo doesn't do discounts usually so I'm sure I'll just never get to try them. Not complaining, just wish that Nintendo would understand that $1 from 1000 people sure beats $5 from 100.
I got the VIP room. The enhancements are a bit blandish but I haven't gotten any streetpasses yet since the update. One thing that bugs the heck out of me is all the hundreds of Miis in my Plaza have birthdays and VIP lounge does not retroactively apply them to the calendar. I was hoping to see extra birthdays already filled but nothing. I may set up my "old" 3DS with a Feb 29th Mii just for kicks as I think that day holds a special prize.
The VIP lounge is cool but rather useless IMO. I put three gold pants Reggies in there, LOL, one Miamoto, along with a couple Game-X-Change managers from stores I patronize a lot, and a few other old Miis that I knew from college or around the neighborhood that I don't see anymore but previously got a lot of hits from.
I may try to drive around town and make the most of international streetpass week. Most McDonalds are bust now, and Target / Walmart rarely work either. Besides Best Buy somebody mentioned Home Depot. Any other businesses to recommend? Also has anyone ever streetpassed a Japanese Mii during an International Streetpass event? I've never gotten one, except from wifi racers in Mario Kart 7.
I've never been a big fan of street pass myself. I have hardly ever got more than 7 street pass hits a week. I recently took a trip to Arkansas via Las Vegas to Orange County Airport to Houston and into Fayetville Arkansas and back. After all that travel I ended up with 49 streetpass hits for the trip. That's the most street pass hits I've gotten in an 11 day time span. I still think that's low and Nintendo seems to think street pass is this huge hit in North america. It would be huge if we all worked at Nintendo of America and got over 100 street pass hits a day. I was actually happy with the trip as it gave me a chance to play those games I haven't touched in over a year. I do like the games but I think it would be more fun if your friends could hit a button to send their avatar once a week or even once a day or something. It would just be more fun that way
I kind of hate how hooked I am on Streetpass. I lost my launch 3DS about a month ago but the last time I'd checked the records on it, it showed I'd clocked up over 1000 hours on Streetpass. Now I have a replacement 3DS and am back to square one on every game with two new ones. Even with my long commute home, I can't finish them all. Probably not helped by their being a Nintendo Zone now in the train station near my work so every time I head home I get 9 passes. Dammit, I want to spend more time on Majora's Mask & MH4U but I'm too hooked on Streetpass!
Oh I'd like these, but no hits where I live and I don't even know if there is any hotspots in my country anymore. In Stockholm I also checked few places that should have those, but nothing.... I think only ones I've ever seen was in NYC and Berlin.
(Now that Zelda Symphony was pretty good to get SP hits )
I'd have bought the fishing game myself, but no streetpasses where I live. And I don't go to McD anymore, since I spotted some suspicious-looking bearded man...
South New Jersey checking in. I seem to have "enough" Streetpass hits here. But I DO have to use the Streetpass Relays for my hits. With my 3(!) McDonalds and Home Depot around, I can get a bunch quick. This would be awesome if I didnt have to go a little out of the way for the Home Depot and one of the McDonalds, but I still have two Relays right on my usual paths. In addition, I have a second 3DS so I will always be able to play (and with a 2 Play Coin/game discount )
As for the three new items:
Ultimate Angler seems well designed. It is spaced out and rewards multiple SP brought in at the same time. It also allows a nice amount of design to share and the levels and upgrades are built for you to understand what is going on.
Battleground Z is interesting for me too. The levels are clear in their requirements, the additional "metals" for additional challenge adds replay (slightly), and not having to store the weapons allows me the fluid motion between weapons instead of Monster Manor where I was constantly pressed to improve my weapons and keep 3+ weapons around for improved damage.
And finally, the "VIP" room. It is a bit weird. It (currently) has only 4 benefits and those vary based on your impressions and importance. The first is the "VIP" Room itself. If you collect over 1000 (non-Invitation) Miis, you PERMANENTLY lose access to the oldest Mii for the games. While this sounds silly for purposes of using the Miis in the games, the Special Spotpass Miis are included in this. They usually give an additional benefit to the game when they are recruited, so this is welcome to prevent them from expiring. Second, the "Birthday Collector". Basically, it is little more than a Puzzle Swap where the other person can only give you one day out of 366. It also has several Plaza Tickets involved which allows me to get the newest hats (and speech bubbles) quickly. It also claims to give more Tickets than the other games (combined?). The final two things are REALLY minor, however. Simply the ability to change the music playing in the Plaza, and the ability to play the music from the Music Player through headphones while the game is in Sleep Mode. This also is highly inferior, (by what I understand) because it doesnt seem like there is a way to control or modify the list of songs playing. I havent looked into this all that much, however. I could easily be mistaken on this.
I want to know with all these updates, when are they going to get around to giving maps to the majority of countries?
I wish they would give us those nintendo zones or whatever at mcdonalds and such here in australia, I live in only a smallish city and even if i go hang out at the shopping centre all day it is rare to even get a hit or 2 besides the 3ds they always have on at eb games.
@Gobelee I ended up buying the thank you bundle and premium upgrade. So thats that.
I'm at the northern end of Cayuga Lake, Seneca Falls area. Small world, eh?
The Nintendo Zones at the McDs here and in Geneva are very wonky most times. Ah well, at least the snow is finally gone, lol.
I see homepass as cheating... I've over 7000 streetpass hits since my day one purchase.... I'm a huge streetpass fan and take my 3ds with me everywhere and yeah sometimes I go out of my way to get hits but I'm lucky to get loads from colleagues my town and lots of conventions :0)
Riihimäki- Finland here. I'm lucky if I get 1 hit a fortnight lol. I'm well into the fishing game and spent about 200 play coins on it aswell as about 60 on the zombie one today lol. Just can't stop playing it. I like them both (well the fishing one more. Prob. because of OoT.) I just haven't gotten into the zombie one yet, although the disco ball weapon was hilarious.
As for Relay points, they seem to be non existant here- so I rely on play coins. If anybody knows of relay points here in Finland I'd appreciate a heads up. Cheers!
I'm with you guys on which seems stronger. I've blown 80 play coins just like you @ThomasBW84 fishing is so good.
Streetpass games feel like Free To Play games, only instead of energy it's streetpassers/play coins. I bought Battleground Z and I'm finding that I wish I could just play the game whenever I want instead of being totally restricted when I run out of play coins or Streetpassers. In Battleground Z, it blows all your Streetpassers in one level, and even if you do very well and don't damage any weapons, you still don't get to play another level until you acquire more.
Streetpassing should make the game more fun and interesting, but not be required for a game you just spent $5 on. And these are really just mini-games. When you consider the wealth of excellent, full-featured games you can buy for $5 today, I feel like I just threw that money in the toilet. Whoooosh.
I'm really enjoying the additional StreetPass Mii Plaza additions! After playing the heck out of the initial first wave of DLC plaza games, I've fully finished 3 out of the 4 games (Mii Force is giving me a LOT of trouble as far as its achievements), so two new games were quite welcome.
Ultimate Angler is a really nice game, very pleasant and relaxing outside of the occasional excitement of hauling a nice big catch in. The color-coding of the bait is a nice touch, being able to combine it to rank up your catches is awesome, and I can see myself actually going back and trying to get the best possible catches. It took all the best elements of the two more relaxing games from the first pack and combined them.
Battleground Z is also quite nice, though I can't tell if I like it more than Ultimate Angler just yet. My first HUGE plus with this game is that I am the hero, and if my Mii Fighter being used 90% of the time in Smash is any indication, then that should show how much I enjoy and am connected to my Mii character. The hobby-based weapons bring a nice element of surprise, and the invincibility where you battering-ram the zombies reminds me of the original Super Mario Bros. Starman, a delightful touch. The story's okay so far, and I like the pacing of the game, to where I can look forward to StreetPassing folks again to advance the story.
The VIP Lounge, don't know much about it yet but it seems nice, and the StreetPass Birthdays, I'm looking forward to eventually finding someone with my same birthday mostly!
Overall, the new stuff is most definitely worth it.
I need more streetpasses . Ive been in Colombia for 4 month and only have one street pass from a mexican who stayed in the same hostel as me. I feel sorry for the South Americans who actually live here. At least in the states i can swing my mcdonalds every now and then.
Waste of technology and waste of time. Push people to use wireless internet sources and be dependent. Wastefull
@k8sMum Indeed! Well, if you ever have any road trips to visit the Ithaca area, let me know and I'd be happy to hit the relays around town so you can get some of my puzzle pieces.
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