Pokémon is coming back, of course, but it may not just be in the way we all expect. While we eagerly await the announcement of the next mainline game in the monster catching series, a new Pokémon Rumble game may serve to whet the appetites of Pokémon trainers everywhere.
A web domain for Pokémon Rumble World has been filed, which could point to another entry in the brawling series. The last entry in the spinoff brand was Pokémon Rumble U in 2013.
Pokémon Rumble sees players taking control of various Pokémon and engaging in real-time melee combat with other pocket monsters. The Wii U entry also took advantage of the NFC functionality on the Wii U Gamepad to allow for Pokémon customization.
This is not the only Pokémon spinoff currently announced. Last year Pokken Tournament – a Pokémon fighting game from the developers of Tekken – was announced for Japanese arcades, and has been undergoing play tests this year. This could signal the announcement of even more spinoff titles, or the revival of old titles such as Pokemon: Ranger, or Mystery Dungeon.
With the website registered it's possible that we'll see a reveal soon. Are you a fan of the series? What other kind of Pokémon spinoff would you like to see?
[source gonintendo.com]
Comments 29
Not that I actually have a Wii U to play this with, but if I did I don't know if I'd be that excited for it. Pokemon Rumble for the 3DS was pretty shallow and while I did finish the game, I didn't do much after that
Eh, not really interested. But, who knows - maybe they'll manage to make Pokémon Rumble game that isn't boring this time...
Loved Rumble and Rumble U, not sure about Rumble Blast
They could make the Rumble series amazing if they put actual work into the next title. I know Oshawatt would be surprised if it came to be! (Get it?)
Ugh why another Rumble game...
I bought Rumble Blast and HATED IT.
Never even bothered to play it, nor did I have the motivation to finish it. Absolutely terrible. If anything, Pokémon should try to revive the Mystery Dungeon series, since a lot of people (including myself) enjoy it. The last game was a flop, but I'm sure Pokémon could fix it in the next installment.
Just give us Pokémon Snap 2. The gamepad would be perfect for it!
If they want to reinvent Pokémon Rumble, they should give each Pokémon four attacks instead of just two of them. The combat is rather simplistic the way it is now.
Ugh, another Rumble? I'd much prefer another Mystery Dungeon or Ranger. We've had enough Rumble for now.
Amiibos on the way? Smartphone integration?
Give me PokePark 3 on WiiU. Or better still, an XD HD remake. Yeah, when Pokémon go bad.
Give me Rumble Blast 2 and I will be fine.
Just port pokepark, colesseum and snap to new 3ds
Agree with the peoples in the comments. Rumble needs a refreshing take for it to deserve a new game, and Pokémon Snap or Mystery Dungeon would better fit the Wii U. Would love a Mystery Dungeon with good online (and a different story, the whole human-turned-into-Pokémon thing doesn't do it for me), which would let everyone explore dungeons together. Just the thought of playing Mystery Dungeon on the gamepad gets me excited. Pokémon Snap speaks for itself.
had a lot of fun wth Pokemon Rumble U, and it's low price was good as well. I would buy any sequel if it was also well priced. I haven't bought the 3DS version because it's still $70 in Australia as opposed to $20 for PRU.
I hope if they make amiibo for this they will be proper ones and not deformed like in the last game. (it will probably happen anyway since they look like that in the game...)
PRU was a huge letdown after the first 2, not sure how they messed up such a simple concept but they did.
Putting World in the title makes me think its an amiibo game - weve all known an amiibo game was coming since the announcement. It also makes me think maybe theyll do it right and make a "world" for them to live in along the lines of Pokepark or even multiplayer online like Free Realms or WoW.
Or it could just be a website like TCG. Who knows.
World in the title just makes me think internet multiplayer or at least sharing/trading.
My kids played the Pokemon Rumble demo for Wii over and over... and over. I put off buying it because I knew about the Wii U version coming. Then, that one was so poorly reviewed we just let it go. They still go back and play that demo. lol.
Hopefully, this redeems the series enough and we'll give it a try. If it's for the 3DS (which is likely) it spoils everything for us.
It does sound a bit like it could be a mobile game, though, doesn't it?
@Tops Maybe. But a turn-based Pokemon game would be a much better match. No need for virtual control pad that way.
@Rexx Pokemon Snap 2 for Wii U. Yes. Have wanted that since the day I saw the GamePad. That reveal video had the person looking at people in a building and I thought: Pokemon Snap.
I hope Pokemon Rumble is just being taken in a different direction. The toys concept and lack of 4 moves really hurts what I believe could be a worth while IP. And perhaps there should be an adventure aspect closer to what we're familiar with in the main pokemon series. If you have that and a legit co-op system that doesn't give Activision the desire to sue some ass, I'm certain it'd be strong.
Id really rather we get a new beat em up ip (or even use the old brawl brothers title).one of the problems just now is casuals think nintendo only make mario pokemon and endless spinoffs.even if those games are fun (and they usually are) it wouldn't hurt to actually SEE something different that's not delayed.
Well I like the Pokemon Rumble games so this is exciting!
@aaronsullivan - "It does sound a bit like it could be a mobile game, though, doesn't it?"
Maybe an "app" game that works everywhere - Wii U, 3DS, smart devices and Windows 10?
I have to say I never got the affection for "Pokemon Snap". I'd like to see that as part of a bigger game, but not a game in itself. Isn't posting screenshots to Miiverse the equivalent to Snap for every Wii U game?
Well you know where my fixation lies anyway, amiibo plaza. Though lately I've decided I need a Dragon Ball amiibo game. Something is wrong w/ the world if DB doesn't get it's own toys to life game. Dragonball Sagas on the Gamecube needs a sequel.
If they do make a Rumble game, it will only exist to sell amiibo.
Pokemon Stadium 3!
With online play and a massive amiibo series, this could be a big hit.
As much as I enjoy Rumble, Ranger didn't even get a gen 5 entry and Mystery Dungeon doesn't have a gen 6 entry yet, and those should be much higher priorities than Rumble.
@rjejr Snap is fun when you get into it. I wish it was a bit less on rails but it was very inventive and there's nothing like getting a good picture of a Pokemon you had to work to reveal. The potential for new game play based around the premise along with how great the visuals could be now makes it hard to resist the proposition for fans like me and the GamePad is just the perfect excuse!
It's okay, though, I never got Dragon Ball Z. Two people just yelling at each other from across a canyon for 15 minutes and then woosh! Inexplicable metaphysical power reaction! I'm sure it's fun enough, though
@aaronsullivan -I don't think DBZ has a middle ground, love it or hate it. And it's probably small enough to be considered a cult, but the new Xenoverse game seems to be getting a lot of coverage. Well not on here though
The 15th movie did/is just releasing, they seem to make 1 a year, so I guess the cult isn't too small. My wife hates all the grunting, but the first four seasons of the original Dragon Ball (before Z) is actually fun before the grunting in earnest in season 5, but even that is mild by comparison.
I need a new pokemon snap on the Wii u
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