It's been a pretty awesome week for all Smash Bros. fans, all told. A short video has made its way to our screens with an announcement from Masahiro Sakurai, stating that the new Mewtwo DLC for Smash Bros. Wii U/3DS would be on its way "pretty soon".
As always, Nintendo has more surprises for its fans, with Sakurai also sharing some more interesting news. Apparently, Takamaru from The Mysterious Murasame Castle was considered as a fighter for the incredible Smash Bros. franchise, but did not make the cut due to his unfamiliarity with Nintendo fans. It's a shame, but understandable - Takamaru is virtually unknown outside of Japan because the game he starred in never got released in the west.
As you might have already noticed, fans have been going crazy on Miiverse, requesting fighters that aren't even Nintendo characters. If you had your way, who would you want to be your ultimate fighter, Nintendo character or not? Write your comments below and let's see if we can predict the next Smash Bros. combatant.
Image credit: Elemental Aura
Comments 95
Eh, I would've loved to see him as a fighter, personally. At least he's an Assist Trophy.
Edit: I would like to see Paper Mario himself make it in, even though he would be a "Mario clone" by the many others.
Wasn't Fire Emblem in a similar manner almost?
I bet people would of begged for Banjo-Kazooie at one time.
I love when they put obscure Nintendo characters in Smash. I would have loved to see Takamaru, especially since we finally got his game on the eshop.
I can't think of many others...the new fighters I wanted most ended up in the game (Shulk and Palutena). An Inkling from Splatoon would be pretty cool.
That's a pretty dumb reason...
Wonder-Red, or any W101 character. Maybe a fighter that can cycle through the W101 characters like Pokemon Trainer in Brawl.
Takamaru would've been kool. As for 'Nintendo' character, I'd have to agree with 9th_Sage and say an Inkling. If anyone argues that's not a Nintendo character then I'll go with Takamaru why not.
As for none-Nintendo, I'd say Simon Belmont! His moveset would be ideal for Smash.
It could have worked. Lucas (Mother 3) and half the Fire Emblem characters were virtually unknown outside of Japan until Smash made them famous.
Since they had them working, it'd be great if we could have had one ice climber. Popo or Nana. Just buff the attacks a bit and add a new recovery and I'd be more than satisfied.
"Takamaru is virtually unknown outside of Japan because the game he starred in never got released in the west."
What a mediocre excuse, Marth, Roy, and Lucas all were basically unknown when they were in Super Smash Bros. and look how popular their series get, only thing is Mother is at its end and Fire Emblem is getting more games. Also no one over here knows of him? Ummm...he was in Samurai Warriors 3 for Wii and had a theme mini-game in Nintendo Land as well.
Another swordsman I see. I am happy with the dog, though.
I want Bayonetta, Wonder Red or Rayman for Smash DLC! (Please no more swordfighters...)
I think Smash Bros. is a great gateway for players to possibly learn about good games/franchises of the past and present they've been completely missing out on, so in that sense I don't think the decision was the right one. On the other hand, I can understand the idea of focusing their efforts on other, more relevant franchises. It's not like they can do them all.
Sounds like Takamaru is perfect for dlc.
101 Bayonetta or both.
One of these days I'd like to see the Donkey Kong from the cartoon in the game. CDI Link, Bob Hoskins, and Gooey from KDL3 are also some characters I'd like in the game... but that will never ever happen.
I'm still waiting for Professor Layton or Yarn Kirby! Both of them could gave properly unique move-sets if done right, and Yarn Kirby would be completely different to normal Kirby!
@StephenYap3 I would have rather seen Paper Mario over Dr. Mario. Actually, I think PM could have had some interesting attack choices when you consider how the game works. It would have been more interesting than, "Here's Dr. Mario. He's like regular Mario, but he shoots pills. Please understand."
I would've tried him whether I knew of his game or not. I do think if they just released some of these old imported games like everybody wanted a long time ago it would've helped. Especially when the Wii U first needed to build Virtual Console traction. I personally don't understand the big deal. Remember Reggie saying we'd get Mario 3 before the end of 2013, and it took forever even after that? Heck I'd just buy Virtual Console bundles, instead of deal with these constipated drippings of madness. As far as Smash or Mario Kart, I'd love to see some Mario 2 bosses like Mouser, or get to play as an Octorok or something. I really didn't need two Pits and two Marios.
-Slams and shakes fist- Next time, Sakurai! Next tiiiiiiiiime!
I would've absolutely loved it if he was in Smash, same goes for Gallade
What a terrible, terrible excuse. Maybe if you actually putted him in Smash Sakurai, people would have cared about him. I got into the Mother series mainly because of Lucas inclusion in smash. Most people got into Fire Emblem by playing Melee.
Maybe this is a tease and he will be in the Smash update? Anyway, dream choice? I'd like a Belmont from Castlevania [any will do] and the Skull Kid from Majora's Mask
I'd like to see another Metroid character included. Ridley would be awesome, but also somewhat impractical, though I wouldn't mind seeing any of the other Bounty Hunters from Metroid Prime Hunters.
Another character whom I think could actually be a lot of fun is Starfy. I know he's an assist trophy, but I think we need more cute little characters like Kirby in the game. practically half the roster of the new Smash is sword fighters.
I'd love to see Jiro Musashi from 3D Shinobi III: Return of the Ninja Master in Smash although I'm sure that'll never happen. I can dream.
Phoenix Wright, from the Ace Attorney series
I would also like it if Isaac from Golden Sun somehow made it in. I know he's a sword fighter, but I think you can do more with him then most of the others like him, seeing as how he has both Psynergy powers and can summon Djinn.
Lame. He's a character I think deserves a comeback, it's nice that he's an assist trophy though.
Takamaru should have his own game, they could even be smaller digital titles kinda like Sakura Samurai.
Mysterious Murasame Castle released in NA just last year, if anyone was interested in checking it out.
I would have made Takamaru DLC honestly that way they could have released his game outside Japan and announce him at the same time.
For my wanted character I would love Bayonetta, she would fit perfectly in there but I'm sure she would change the rating of the game lol
That pun was intended.
Would've taken Takamaru over Lucina any day. pls dont hurt me
@SwaveSays I'm gonna have to agree. I liked Dr. Mario back in Melee, but not in SSB4. The reason being that he's got a worst recovery than his red-hatted self, which is one of the reasons I died more times with him than anybody else when 100%ing All Star mode. Another reason is that his final smash is literally Mario Finale with pills replacing the fireballs, which is so cheesy and lazy that as a huge Mario fan myself, even I am offended as to why this exists (how about something different and more faithful, like raining pills that hurt fighters gradually?). If Dr. Mario were to return in the next Smash, he is to be Mario's palette swap only. The only thing I liked about Dr. Mario is his Dr. Tornado move, even though I only use it for nostalgic purposes nowadays.
As for Paper Mario, as you said, he would have an interesting move set (if one were to have played the first two games in the series, at the very least) and I'd much rather have interesting move sets than clones, but even then in some cases, clones aren't bad for me. I do happen to like Dark Pit for quite a bit.
Viewtiful Joe, Simon Belmont, Captain Rainbow, King K. Rool, Dixie Kong, Black Bull, Samurai Goroh, Jody Summer, Krystal, Peppy Hare, Solid Snake, Rayman, Mike Jones, Bayonetta, Frogger.
Takamaru was one of my most wanted characters, under Little Mac, but still pretty daaaaaaaaaaaaaaang high on the list!
He's had recent cameos and appearances in games like Pikmin 2, Captain Rainbow, Samurai Warriors 3 (Wii version only) And even got an attraction in Nintendo Land over other well known series like Star Fox and Fire Emblem.
His game was announced for the virtual console outside of Japan, and many thought that they would had shown him in Smash around the VC release, well...........they did And this video showcases that happened and FEELS! (This video uses the ending of his mode in Samurai Warriors 3 at 0:45, so if you don't want to be spoiled, then stop it at 0:42-0:43)
@Iggly Agreed. The only thing I liked about Lucina's move set is her counter, in which if I'm not mistaken, can counter in any direction as opposed to being fixed to one.
Very lame excuse. Like others have said Marth and Roy weren't known in the West, yet were included in Melee. I'd rather of had him than Dr. Mario AND Dark Pit.
As for what characters I'd want Nintendo-wise, definitely Dark Samus and Samurai Goroh. Their basic movesets are there! Just expand upon them and boom! A [true] second Metroid rep. and a second F-Zero rep.
Heck yes Mike Jones!
Lol I was just going through the article list and saw that fan made announcement picture and got so excited then I looked at the title.
I personally would not mind having him in at all. I mean when I first started playing smash bros. as a kid (melee) I had no clue who the fire emblem guys were, the older characters like game and clue were, and as much as I love the series now I didn't even know who the Loz characters were.
Smash bros. is a gateway to a lot of series for a lot of people so I'm sure people would not mind. Heck we are not clueless of this game existence wasn't it a minigame in Nintendo land?
The reason most likely he was cut was because they could only make so many characters during development and like Samurai said many characters had to be cut. It is a shame and though I wouldn't mind seeing the character I won't get mad over it. Besides maybe he could be added later cough dlc cough.
If there weren't already so many characters with swords, I would say Erdrick from the Dragon Quest series, because the original Dragon Quest came with the NES system. Bonk would fit well with Mega Man, Pacman, and Sonic, as he was the mascot for the TurboGrafx. They should place Thomas from the game Kung-fu, a team from the game Ice Hockey, and Tharja (one of my favorites) from Fire Emblem: Awakening as auxiliary characters.
@Nintex https://miiverse.nintendo.net/posts/AYMHAAACAAADVHirhsjExg
Ray-Man,Chase Mcain,and Mrs PacMan
Takamaru would have worked as a fast but weaker Link with some Sheik-like ninja skills? That would be cool but I agree, too many swordfighters in.
@StephenYap3 I don't understand what it is that granted those two being something more than just an alternate costume. I'd throw Toon Link in there too, but he at least feels different.
I could have done without them and had some fresher IP characters in there.
Maybe he'll make it next time ...
(along with Ice Climbers ='()
I'm still waiting on Isaac from Golden Sun.
Another Japanese sword character barely anyone knows. They should have made some kind of sword battling spin off instead if thats how they wanted to take the series. +1 for Isaac tho and hoping Ravio makes a guest appearance in the next one.
To be honest, I've never heard about Takamaru before but only that he is an assist chara for Super Smash Bros. Maybe because I've never played Nintendo Land and Samurai Warrior before (or even heard about Samurai Warrior). But the real truth is, that I'm no longer into Samurai things, since I guess I had enough about this kind of genre. Anyway, for the fighter for SSB that is not Nintendo, I would go for Splotion Man or Woman perhaps, because those were cool games
Edit: He was in Pikmin 2?!? Where?
Knuckles, Bomberman, or Ryu, anyone? Their move-sets are easily imaginable!
Or if Nintendo-based only, what about another final evolution starter from Pokemon to bridge the gap between 1st and 6th gen? Someone like Sceptile - it would make sense too with the recent ORAS games, as well as it completing the three types of starter Pokemon!
He's actually an assist trophy I believe as well as a normal trophy.
I honestly can't think of anyone I would want to see as a playable character. If we can go out of our way to include non-Nintendo characters, then I'd say Simon Belmont would be awesome. I'm also a big Daisy fan, but if you remodel Peach's Daisy colors to match her jewelry, then I'll be happy. Also, Gardevoir, but that's just a personal favourite
There are however a bunch of characters I would love to see as Assist Trophies, like Professor Layton, Tetriminos, Pauline with some Mini Marios (I made this combo up), the Flipnote Frog and Birdo.
And if I can say something really really really weird, Weegee
Very surprised no one mentioned Isaac. Hes the best character out of the roster. Im still hoping for some justice for him. i would like to see: young link with masks, andross (monkey form), k. Rool, Vaati. For 3rd parties i think we only need simon.
This doesnt make sense.
Look at melee, who had marth and roy, characters who were in the same position as Takamaru.
Perhaps next game.
Like it happened with little mac.
I'd want:
Chibi-Robo, Excitebiker, Dillon, Mallo, Wonder-Red, Captain Toad, Inkling, Paper Mario, Impa, Rayman, Shovel Knight
Also more alternate characters would be nice. Louie, Charlie, & Brittany as alts for Olimar
Daisy alt for Peach
Different Links, Zeldas, and Ganons. (Twilight Princess, Skyward Sword, Ocarina of Time)
-King K. Rool
Stretching It:
-Ninten (he could be an alt for Ness one day. You never know)
-Balloon Fighter
-Paper Mario
-Shovel Knight
-Masked Man
-Mike Jones
Never gonna happen (unfortunately):
More than anything, I wanted to see Captain N. Though I'm sure that's a pipe dream....
Hey, Mac got his Smash gig as an assist Trophy. I'm just saying...
At least I finally got to play this game because of VC. It's neat.
Third-party never-gonna-happen fanboy wish: Professor Layton, then Simon Belmont.
@NintendoFan64 Your list is awesome, sir. I can get behind it.
Uh, I got two characters, which I actually would LOVE to see in SSB...
Sackboy/girl and Ratchet. Gosh, that would be soooo cool XD
Simon Belmont would be the best addition
I've always wanted Professor Layton in smash bros.
Alex Kidd!!!!
That would of been interesting, but I'm more focus on the loss of Ice Climbers. The roster though is already amazing, so I'm satisfied.
Btw, if I could have any character, then Viridi. I just loves here so much in KIU and here significance was really high. At least she got a stage based on her.
Would have loved if Snake was still in....
You know being an assist trophy can help a franchise a lot. After all Brawl had Little Mac, Issac, and Saki as assist trophies, and within 2 years we got a new entry and generally more popularity for each of those series.
And then you realise, that he got his very own mode in Samurai Warriors 3, which WAS released in the west on the Wii.
@NintyMan I 150% agree with you DK deserves a 3rd rep honestly I think deserves 4 reps all together in a perfect world we'd get Dixie Kong and King K. Rool as DLC. The only newcomer I wanted was K. Rool, I'm glad that Duck Hunt happened aswell as Pac-'man and Megaman but King K. Rool was my only WANT. Sakurai saw for to ignore him, and the DK franchise in general the lack of DK content in Smash 4 is disturbing.
It's no surprise they went with the more popular sword fighters than him. Maybe next Smash.
Randolph Carter for Smash DLC.
Goku should'ave been in this since the very beginning.But seriously i would have totally loved Takamaru to be in this.He's way better than Dark Pit or Lucina.
Sakurai could make amends by giving the game a remake and do what he did with Kid Icarus.
But then someone who's shown interest in reviving the franchise is Hideo Kojima. He's going to have some time on his hands soon.
My choices would be:
Mike Jones (Nintendo), Sparkster (Konami), and possibly the most wanted of all Marina Lightyear (Squarenix/ Treasure).
Yes, apparently it was more important to have lots of random pokemon and clones that nobody asked for, instead of having some actual NEWcomers and diversity of franchises (Takamaru, Dixie, King K. Rool, Krystal, S. Goroh, etc)
Maybe they should make a new mysterious castle game and Boost his profile.i know the original got compared to nes zelda so they could use the zelda u engine and keep the constant action from the nes game intact.
For smash Id love to see k.rool lanky Kong or the Heros shade.3rd party wise Id take bomberman or any of the streets of rage characters.
I'd probably say Chrom.
Waluigi, King K. Rool, and Demise
Diskun would of been a comical decision, given R.O.B. and Duck Hunt are in the game....
I want to see the Hebereke group return for Smash, at least one of them, Hebe or Oh-Chan - or Bop-Louie and Freeon-Leon from Ufouria: the Saga for those wondering what the heck I'm talking about, though I really hate the localized designs of Hebe and Oh-Chan. Sukezaemon (Shades) and Jennifer (Gil) would make good assist trophies too.
Most of their games were Nintendo exclusive outside of the arcade until the later puzzle games which were on the PS1/Saturn in Japan, much like Castlevania but I've run my mouth enough about how much I want to see Belmont, Cruz or Alucard as a playable character in Smash, and the fact that a Castlevania stage would be perfect for 8-player matches.
I also want to see SOFIA THE 3RD from Blaster Master appear in some form like a final smash move for some NES game character, assist trophy or even a regular trophy to collect.
Dr Robotnik, Tails & Knuckles. Maybe a Metal SOnic skin for Sonic as well.
And maybe have Space Invaders & Astroids levels.
Looks too much like the Fire Emblem characters anyway.
Would really like Snake and Wolf back as DLC.
Nintendo, Sega, Namco, and Capcom are all in the ring, kinda sad that Konami aren't represented this time.
@retro_player_22 Totally agree.
No. We don't need yet another dude with a sword. I don't get the fascination with obscure Japanese characters that no one outside of Japan will recognize and relate to. Why not more deserving Nintendo classic characters like Waluigi, Toad, or even Simon Belmont? Losing the Ice Climbers was bad enough.
Bring Mysterious Murasame Castle to Wii U VC... it's one of the NES games I never played and would like to check out since I've played Samurai Warriors 3.
I just revisited Klonoa yesterday on PS. He would have been excellent.
Gah, I would've liked to have seen Takamaru as a playable character. I remember when Wii U Smash was first announced one of the rumors were him and Lil Mac being considered as playable characters. Really glad we got Mac and he seamlessly fits nicely as one of my new mains. Maybe next time we'll see Takamaru.
That explains Takamaru's character model being so detailed in the game.
Professor Layton.
Make him throw his hat like a shuriken and spill hot tea on his opponents.
Isaac from Golden Sun. Before anyone else thinks that he is YET another swordsman, it is possible for him to have a moveset without using his sword (or maybe as a taunt - hint hint Falcondorf).
He is a user of Earth based psynergy and can manipulate the earth for tons of attacks. Plus he could have Water, Fire or Wind based attacks to represent all 4 elements if required to.
He is also well known to a lot of Nintendo fans, was extremely popular and is first party. To be honest, I can still hope considering DLC might still be possible.
Too bad Takamaru couldn't become playable. As a guy who has been waiting for tons of years to get a Golden Sun rep in Smash, I understand what Takamaru supports might be feeling now. Isaac might have have been considered and cancelled as well for all I know (sort of explaining his missing AT).
@BLPs Dark Samus isn't a "literal" clone; she's a fusion of Samus' Phazon suit DNA and the Metroid Prime. She's an animalistic, yet cunning creature with the desire to harvest Phazon and spread it all over the galaxy like a virus. Besides her name and appearance of Samus, that's all her and Samus share.
Dark Pit's just another "darker, more edgier palette-swap/doppelganger" to add to the pile.
So yes, I would rather have Dark Samus.
@sgrams04 You think Toad is a better character than Takamaru? Heck, you consider TOAD a character you can relate to?!
from games that aren't out;
games that have been released;
Paper Mario
Wonder Red
Ice Climbers
Well, if Sakurai had that mentality, FE would still be a JP only series.
@NintyMan funky Kong or cranky Kong would have also been acceptable.
I would have wanted wonder red. I'm fine with Takamaru as a assist. I think less westerners know who he is. however if they want to do a new Murasame game then I would be fine with him being dlc....just make it that he can't appear as an assist if he is being played on the field? I'd snap up that amiibo in a second as well.
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