The state of third party support on Wii U is unfortunate, to say the least. While major AAA developers supported the platform during its initial release, Nintendo's console has been largely abandoned by multiple major publisher; various notable third party efforts - such as Bayonetta 2 and Sonic Lost World - are collaborations, on some level, with Nintendo.
Ubisoft is one of these deserting studios, with its last release being a late port of Watch_Dogs and no other releases planned for the platform in the foreseeable future. If you remember back to E3 of last year, Ubisoft CEO Yves Gullemot even revealed that his company is sitting on a completed Wii U game, with this statement:
Specifically, we have one game that we are waiting until the Wii U has a certain market size before we launch.
Unseen 64 claims that this game is definitely Know Your Friends, which received an ESRB rating back in 2013; it's not that exciting a revelation, admittedly.
There are a few extra snippets of information on this one - it's a multiplayer quiz game focused on unique usage of the GamePad. The whole game has a papercraft artstyle and players can use the controller's camera to photograph their faces to place them on their in-game characters. It features support for both online and local multiplayer, but appears to have an emphasis on local play; its reminiscent of one minigame available in Wii Party U. Unfortunately, Ubisoft still has nothing to say on if or when the game will ever release.
What do you think? Would you like to see Ubisoft release this game eventually? Let us know in the comments below.
[source, via]
Comments 112
And some people actually thought it was something cool.
Thank goodness, I thought we may have missed out on anything interesting. Sometimes it's nice to be wrong.
Well, at least it isn't anything cool.
LOL. Good decision Ubi. It would have sucked. Better port it on PS3.4 and Xbox361.
This is about as bad as my worst expectations of this were.
Well there Gos my Theory on How thay had the "Legends/Origins" Stile 3D Rayman
Comes to something when developers don't even want to release shovelware on the Wii U
So I'm guessing Ghost Recon Phantoms Wii U is dead then? I was really looking forward to that game...
LOL. If that's it, good riddance!
Alas it was shovelware, just like many of us predicted.
And people actually thought it would be something interesting? lol
Of course it was shovelware...
This is better left unreleased.
It wouldn't ha been the fault of the Wii u if they hadn't made a profit, it would have been there own fault. No kme would have bought that game.
Dang, I guess I'll have to settle for Xenoblade X and Zelda U
We already knew this why would Ubisoft hold this?
Damn, there goes my new coaster.
Wow. Disaster
Keep it ubisoft. I don't want it.
On the one hand, any retail releases for the U are good. On the other hand, it sounds like more of the crap that helped kill the Wii. The Just Dance mentality at work. No thanks.
Ubisoft, do you want sales on Wii U? Make an effort, and make good games. I've got an idea for you, one you can have for free, which will guarantee you a profit on Wii U: Beyond Good and Evil 2. You're welcome.
Ehm not sure if this is actually serious, i mean come on look at it. What the l**e is that. Ubisoft are getting worse then EA, also has someone seen the DLC mess with the new game evolve? lmfao xD
I'm going to be crude: it looks like poopitypoop, and it is most probably poopitypoop, maybe even one of the poooooooooooooooooopiest games that could ever disgrace the Wii U. Another piece of shovelware made on the spare time of the worst assistant they could find with half an idea.
And with that goes the last bit of confidence we had in Ubisoft for the Wii U.
Darn. Yet another quality third-party title we missed out on. I just don't know if I can sleep at night knowing that Know Your Friends isn't on the Wii U.
I get the feeling that they're just using the install base as an excuse. This game does look rather unpolished.
"What do you think? Would you like to see Ubisoft release this game eventually?"
Ubisoft can keep sitting on this game as far as I'm concerned. And spin. What I want is at least another Rayman.
God Ubisoft is so lame. They'll have no more of my money ever. It wouldn't really have mattered what this game was, but I feel better knowing it was lame anyway.
Very likely this is the game they are not releasing O_O;
This is the definition of "unappeling to gamers, trap for casuals" a genre very strong on Wii, but the WiiU need a bigger userbase for turn such games in easy profits..... for the first time I'm almost hoping the WiiU to never succed, at least not too much ^^;;;
Thanks Ubisoft, watch dogs is the last game I'll buy from you unless you remake prince of Persia. And I have every, I repeat every game you released onto wii u. And I loved red steel 1 and 2 and many other games last gen on wii, but I guess you don't like money. I only got watch dogs out of principle. I would have bought it day 1 so I don't mind the $60 even though it was late, but it's still a slap in the face.
I was assuming it was that Killer Freaks from Outer Space game. There was a lot of coverage back in 2012 when the Wii U was announced.
Yeah, they might want to wait till the user base is near 100 million. Maybe it would hit 500k then.
nope, they can keep it. I'm done with Ubisoft. I don't buy their games for Sony consoles either.
If they ever announce Zombi U 2, we can talk, until then they are dead to me.
Give it to those "hardcore" gamers on ps4 and xbox1, after all, thats where ubis games sells, right?
I dont want that game.
And of course, the game they had finished was shovelware...why am I not surprised? Seriously, aside from Rayman I REALLY just flat out hate Ubisoft now.
Pretty much an admission that even if the WiiU saw Wii level success Ubisoft would just be using the system as a dumping ground for poor ports and shovelware.
Its ridiculous a company who's biggest success on Wii(Just Dance) has such a disdain for the casual audience that they push out this rubbish instead. Then again they think so little of the PS/Xbox/PC audience that they rush out unfinished garbage as well. I bought Ghost Recon: Shadow Wars, ZombiU and Rayman Legends but I don't think I'll ever buy any software published by Ubisoft ever again.
Good we don't want it Ubi. It looks like utter trash. Keep it to yourself.
They actually admitted they were sitting on a completely finished Wii U game?
And it's this trite?
No thanks
Gross. I watched the Video and ... I am not sure what I just saw... O.o
Considering how much they have messed around with Wii U owners, despite being one of the system’s more supportive companies, I don’t see very many Wii U owners going for this game to be honest with you, because you never know, they may pull off a Rayman Legends and port it over to other systems anyway…
This is why the Wii U is failing. NOT because developers are making bad games for the system, but because people aren't even curious about anything different or GamePad-specific. I know Ubi is toxic around these parts, but there's a market for this game, and frankly I like the use of the camera and even its artstyle. Could have been neat. Could have been garbage. But the immediate disdain is why new game ideas so often wither on the vine and die. Then everybody blames everyone else.
Doesn't look like something I would want to play anyway.
I knew this was happening, Ubisoft has been trolling Nintendo fans ever since they delayed Legends.
Like I predicted, a useless party game. And a truly ugly one at that! Oh Ubisoft, never change...
This one cracked me up.
"Release the unfinished games and hold back the finished ones-Ubisoft logic"
Doesn't look like we missed much.
Actually I miss a Quiz Game like "Smarty Pants" on Wii U!
Not too surprised tbh.
No, I don't think it would be worth releasing that. I still think if Rayman Legends had been released when it was originally planned it would have sold massively on Wii U given the game drought that was on. Instead they waited until Super Mario 3D World released and by then, well not many people had any reason to care. Watch Dogs initially looked like it might have something going on, but ultimately I have to say that Ubisoft is no more a loss than EA was - I'd much rather see Papers Please on the Wii U than yet another Assassin's Creed game.
This would sell badly, regardless of Wii Us sold...
"Specifically, we have one game that we are waiting until the Wii U has a certain market size before we launch."
More like sitting on it until WII U owners are so desperate for third party releases that we'd buy any old tat they throw our way like grateful serfs, they would probably want us to kiss their feet in gratitude too :/
And that's how you make someone stop buying your games Oobiesoft.Good work!
I thought it would be a neat modest game for families, scoring around a 7-8 on most sites.
So much for that thought.
The best part of that video in my opinion, was the music. And I'm willing to bet that that had nothing to do with the game itself.
Didn't Ubisoft say they had a "finished" game for the Wii U?
Seriously even I can make a better game than that!
Oh, good, at least it is nothing even remotely interesting.
@Ralizah It is rather comforting, to say the least. Seriously, SCREW YOU, UBISOFT!
I'm glad this was posted, I occasionally need a reminder of why I hate Ubisoft so much. I was SO close to a Wii U download of Child of Light while it was on sale, even if it meant none of the DLC options to go with it. The thing that makes me the most irritated about Ubi is their attitude towards Wii U gamers, they are essentially blaming us for their failure. No Ubi! We are just consumers, sell us a product we want, when we want it- not inferior, late gimped ports. Your failure is all on you, and judging by this game, it's no real loss to Wii U gamers.
Hilarious!! Ubisoft attempted to hold Nintendo fans interest hostage with this garbage.
Haha. Keep sitting on that garbage. I could care less.
Couldn't you just start the article with: "it's a multiplayer quiz game focused on unique usage of the GamePad," because I didn't have to read further after that.
I actually want a new Rayman 3D platform game. I don't care what system they make it for, just make it happen Ubi.
That's dissapointing. I had some hopes for the game. It can stay in their sock drawer for all I care now that I know what it is.
Isn't this basically a mini-game from Wii Party U?
They would probably release it broken or with massively downgraded, seriously ubisoft have done nothing but alienate themselves from game fans lately
Where's Zombi U 2?
@Kroisos I have made a pact that I will not partake in any profits to Ubisoft until Beyond Good and Evil 2. They will have me singing their praises and comparing them to the golden era of Rareware if they do the smart thing and release it in similar fashion to Bayonetta 2 and include the HD remaster of the first game as well.
But we all know BGaE2 is the next Duke Nukem Forever, and it will come out in another 10 years or so and be so lost in what it was trying to be that it will kill the franchise, and maybe even some of it's fans.
@Funbunz Their attitude towards gamers period has been horrible lately. It started with PC gamers and shoving uPlay down their throats (its forced DRM on PC), then Nintendo gamers with the Rayman delay and all the other bs, and finally Xbox/PlayStation gamers after the Watch_Dogs and AC Unity disasters.
I remember a guy writing it out perfectly I can't encompass all that he said but it was something like
"We ported games months later while not taking advantage of the hardware and making them inferior performance wise while offering less content than other system counterparts, why are these games not selling!"
Being the general attitude of EA and Ubisoft, I mean that's watch_dogs for sure.
Looks like a pile of crap!
And the internet yawned.
Does anybody care about Ubisoft? Other than Rayman (which imo feels at home on Nintendo consoles) and Assassin's Creed (a series I've never played nor had any interest to due so) I couldn't name another one of their titles
@blujay1524 Much like @Pahvi pointed out, there are actually quite a few decent Ubisoft titles that people care about. For instance, I loved Red Steel, it happens to be my favourite FPS of all. As for Child of Light, it's currently my favourite game of this generation.
In any case, this unreleased game doesn't seem too appealing to me, but perhaps it's simply because it's not suited to my tastes and for all we know it could actually be a decent game for the demographic it's made for.
Overall, I just hope that in the circumstance of where a Child of Light 2 or Child of Light spiritual successor is made, that it will still be released on Wii U. I believe there comments towards not releasing further games on Wii U is directed only towards their more mature rated titles, so the likes of Child of Light, Rayman, and other such IPs are likely safe in terms of releasing on Wii U, if further instalments of those IPs are made.
So their unreleased game was "junk". Nothing to see here, moving on...
The main reason why its delayed, is because its showelware which wont sell much. Thats why it requires a few more millions on the market before it sells another 1%.
Is that a joke? Looks like and sounds awful. I don't see anyone buying this game if it gets released. It's like @DarthNocturnal said, the fanbase is probably around 0.001%. That's a rather small fanbase.
Gotta admit, even though many are people complaining about UBISOFT...they have a lot of good games with good franchises just like many others, this one doesn't look too good (like a cheap downloadable title), but at least this is a company that stuck with the Wii U longer than any others. Other than that, Rayman, The Rabbids, Assassin's Creed and many others they own, and since if a new Rayman or Rabbids game was mentioned, we wouldn't see it on the Wii U due to the slow sales. This is not Ubisoft's fault, it's nintendo's. If nintendo would advertise and start making glorious games...(I know they made plenty, but until Zelda and Xenoblade comes out, many of the games seem like cheap little small 2-hour games). Don't get me wrong, I love the Wii U, but it needs support and sales...Gamecube had a lot of games in just 2 years, and the Wii U's category is extremely small.
At least UBI are consistent; consistent in making poor business decisions.
They have got to be the biggest joke in the gaming world.
It has always been said that it was a game for the family, like a party game, so obviously it wasn't going to be anything interesting. Those who hoped for ZombiU 2 can put their hopes to rest now.
Ubisoft can keep that. They made it sound as if they were sitting on Zombi U 2 or something, lol.
That looks disgusting. You can keep it Ubisoft, nobody wants it.
Zombi Thou Also, Rayman Myths, the Reddest of Steels,...
or remain red, dead, and forgotten.
I was hoping it was at least another Rabbids game.
That looks like a game that a high schooler would make for science fair.... And it wouldn't win, sadly.
I hate Ubisoft.
that's a relief for a minute there I was worried wiiU owners were missing out on a worthwhile game there.
@LittleIrves party games are not a new idea. I appreciate your wanting to support this game, but this is worse than Wii Party... It's a half-donkeyed attempt to cash in on "casuals" on a "gamer" console... If this is what developers think Nintendo Gamers want, we got big, big problems. BTW, I own all types of games (including the aforementioned Wii Party), This game hardly carries any appeal. .
@JLPick um... Huh?! So Ubisoft develops a poor title, and somehow that is Nintendo's fault? How is that? Did Nintendo say "Hey! Our sales are not low enough, make a game that will help hinder the outlook of our console!"? Yeah, no. Your anger is misplaced this time, this is all Ubisoft, the only thing we can thank Nintendo for, is doing a poor job of sales so that we never have to see this title.
Ubisoft really doesn't know what the average WiiU consumer wants.
I've always felt that another meaning for the word Ubisoft should be "mediocre". I'll admit that I have had fun playing some of their games in the past, but when I finished those games, I always had feelings that they could have been better. Red Steel was fun but had tons of flaws and it never worked the way they hyped it to work. Assassin's Creed was fun, but got repetitive really quickly. I bought the second one after finishing the first but only played it for like an hour. Their Just Dance series is fun until you realize that you don't actually have to dance to play it. Far Cry and Splinter Cell were not special for me. The Rabbid games are fun for like 20 minutes. When they rebooted Prince of Persia I thought they had a hit, but then they killed that series. They couldn't create a good TMNT game?????? I'll be honest though, the Rayman games, especially the last two are awesome.
Other then that, Ubisoft makes mediocre games IMO. If they made quality games, people would buy them.
@LegatoSkyheart I agree 100%!
@lividd3ad I see what you did there.
But yeah, what you said is totally right. The fact that they're holding back shovelware definitely is something to be worried about, as they're afraid it won't sell it all.
They can keep this shovel ware crap.
Even if the install base trebled I'd be surprised if this sold. To be honest Ubisoft stick to churning out Just Dance, Assasins Cread and any other repetitive crap to make your books balance.
Nintendo needs to think about going to one console. I'm sorry but I'm not talking Wii-U which I do have myself. Nintendo's whole we only have quality games on our systems is coming to end. That advertising campaign worked a lot longer than I would have predicted from the early days of Wii up until now. Its seriously time to make a 3DS which connects to the TV for either a Console experience or portable experience all in one. I don't think this new 3DS should be the system to do that. Maybe the next 3DS console would be the right timing. It would be awesome to be able to hookup the 3DS to the TV and also have controllers able to connect to the 3DS for local Multiplayer. Sorry guys but the Wii-U's energy is starting to fizzle.
Im pretty confident this is NOT the game - I'm sure they were referring to Watch_Dogs as it was a blockbuster title that was complete and simply held back. It's now released, therefore I wouldn't expect any further Ubisoft games on WiiU.
.... Ah well...
What a joke from a joke company. They can keep their trash. To think they are arrogant enough to say "we'll hold on to this little nugget until more people get a Wii U ..." as if even if the Wii U had 100 million units sold, anyone would buy this trash.
Hah good joke Ubi,
Seriously I had a fair bit of respect for UBi but since last year they've been been going downhill.
@THENAMESNORM They were not referring to Watch_Dogs. This interview mentions that game by name and then goes on to talk about the other "unannounced" game.
What did I just watch? This is something I would see on youtube ( in the loony zone)
If this game is released it will singlehandedly shrink the wii u market size
who here hates the hell out of ubisoft i sure hate them i think thry should just stop making their stupid games on the wii u we nintendo gamers dont need the stupid company just like we dont need EA becuae theyreboth shady companies and ubisoft makes bad games now
Trunks: If they release this game, it will be the end of all of us, nooooooooooo!!!
@Platypus101 It's not ubisofts fault at poor sales on the Wii U. They have strong titles that sell well on the other systems and PC's, it's just that the Wii U does not have many people on it. If you read my comments, you'd see that I am not bashing on nintendo (as I own a Wii U and 3DS and their past systems, including the Virtual Boy). In the past, they always advertised, and this system they really messed up on, and they have no one to blame but themselves. Ubisoft is a pretty good company just like many others, and they were behind the Wii U for the first half of the console, while others disappeared. THIS IS nintendo's fault due to lack of advertising and being in their own little world and thinking that their fans will just continue and continue to buy their stuff. Nintendo lost Nintendo Power and many of their other companies due to this, which is starting to bite them in the face. If they continue this down the road, they'll end up being the next Sega Atari Activision, and I don't want that, but they need to start thinking like a business instead of just riding a cloud of sunshine. All you are saying is just being a big fanboy instead of looking at facts...are you with them on this cloud???? Just think to yourself on if you'd continue to run a business like that without thinking of long term investments and ideas.
@JLPick So I disagree with Your point of view so you call me a fanboy?! Wow... Did you have a point or were you just up for insults this morning? I can insult you back if you like... But I thought we were having INTELLIGENT discussion, not "My way or screw you fanboy!" (Whatever the f$?&! That word means) Which is what you're saying. When you have something to say without insults, I'll listen...
@Platypus101 Sounds like to me that you're the one who wants to start the insults. You insulted my whole comments and basically did count yourself as a fanboy to nintendo. I honestly don't care who a Fanboy is, all of the systems are the same thing to me, just one seems to be more expensive than another. What I was stating is that it's not Ubisoft's fault of the lack of sales of their games on the Wii U, it's the fanbase that is with the Wii U...which is a low number. The Wii U is not selling enough systems to push it forward, and if sales show, it's only nintendo-fans that are buying the games, which is leaving the other companies that were for the system, out in the dust, but that was also due to nintendo not advertising the other companies games. Bayonetta 2 was poorly advertised, and nintendo doesn't even seem to advertise their own games for the system, which led to the fact of why the Wii U didn't sell during it's first few months. Second of all, I never said the whole 'my way or screw you', but you need to look at nintendo's business, and realize that they are running a business wrong. They cannot just shrug their shoulders and expect the sales to just eventually pick up. The Wii U is already coming close to being 3 years old, and is still not selling as well as it should. Should they announce another system...noooo!!! Doing that would prove to investors that they messed up, and could lose more investors by doing so...this could also ruin their fanbase (like what happened to Sega and Atari who released systems after systems). The New 3DS helped them with sales, showing that they are still able to go along with games, but they need to find a new way for their consoles. N64, Gamecube, Wii, Wii U. The Wii sold well, but many games didn't. The others have a strong 'want' now, minus the Wii U, but they didn't help nintendo in the past and buying the games for those now are not helping nintendo now. If you read into my comment, you'd see that all I was trying to say is that nintendo lost their third party companies due to the lack of sales in the system and the fanbase, not being the 3rd party companies faults, but is nintendo's fault in this nonsense. Nintendo has dug a hole for themselves this generation for the consoles (not the handheld) and they need some brains in the company to help them step up, create a powerful system that can push the PS4 and XONE's graphics back. PS4 and XONE will be around for another 5 years, which if nintendo creates a new console, gets it bigger than their rivals, add more functions and features besides just being able to play games (even if it is just a bluray or cd player), they could turn themselves around and have something that could last for 5 years...which by that time, sony and microsoft will be announcing a new system, and nintendo can see what those ones will have, and up their next one again. Wii U was released to early, and I think nintendo should start waiting on a longer period of releasing a new console than just the 5 year trend...I think they should release every 7 years like the others. Notice that the last two sentences I put as 'I Think', so you're not bashing me for that.
@JLPick wow... All I said was "your anger may be misplaced" and you freaked out... I read what you wrote. Did you read what YOU wrote? Have you ever been to my home? Have you ever seen my collection of video games going back to my TurboGrafx-16? I collect games... Fun games, don't care which system (please stop with the Hipster crap name calling, I'm just not cool enough to know these terms, don't care to. I would like to continue polite discussion, this is my second time asking you to not call names). A party game that essentially belongs on an app or better yet looks like a Wii port to Wii U is not something to support, for either company.
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