Our first reaction when we heard that Nintendo and Netflix are apparently exploring a live-action TV series for The Legend of Zelda was "yeah, sure they are, what a crazy rumour!". Yet then we saw that it was an article on the respectable Wall Street Journal which, frankly, has little reason or likelihood to simply make it up. There is a trusted source in Netflix saying it's currently under consideration, albeit it's at such an early stage of development that it may never make it to our screens.
Thinking about it further it's not actually that ridiculous a concept. Nintendo's been more than happy to utilise TV (and film) with Pokémon - through the semi-autonomous Pokémon Company, of course - and there have been animated shows, series or one-offs in franchises as diverse as Kirby, Kid Icarus and most recently Pikmin. Nintendo shows may not be dominating the airwaves in prime time, but through streaming services and even the eShop there are shows based on Nintendo games that are - for their target audience - pretty respectable.

Of course, it doesn't mean there isn't some absolute dross that's come from TV and film products, though in fairness to Nintendo these often stem from the late '80s to mid '90s when the company was dominating gaming culture and seemed willing to sanction any old guff. The one-series animated show for The Legend of Zelda from the late '80s is legendarily bad - "Excuuuuuuse me, Princess!" and so on. Another example is the Super Mario Bros. movie, which is a cult hit of sorts because of its weirdness and the mess of its plot - charming, perhaps, but not actually remembered and loved due to its quality.
Overall, then, cartoons or CGI productions have been the majority and have had decent moments. The idea of a live-action Zelda series raises concerns that it could look goofy, for example, as designs that work brilliantly in video games could look bizarre if recreated in outfits or questionable CGI. If the budget and producing talent isn't right the prospective show could be a disaster for the ages, yet we'd argue there's also scope for triumph. We've seen real moments of delicate, touching story-telling in the games - this writer will argue until his dying day that The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword had some emotionally intense sequences - so in the right hands it could actually work.
In any case, we want to know what you think, below are some polls on Zelda and other franchises asking whether they should have / could work as TV shows; yes, we're being random and silly with some of these. Cast your votes!
We've undoubtedly missed some ideas - please understand - but sound off on the good, bad and mad concepts in the comments below; remember, until the world goes crazy this is just a bit of fun!
Comments 170
Yay I voted with 100% of the community!
Metroid would be awesome for live-action, but I think Kid Icarus and Kirby would be perfect animation shows. But imagine a Fire Emblem show!
A Metroid series would be AWESOME, I hope.
Id love a Fire Emblem anime
came in to say fire emblem live action. it would be like game of thrones, with all the dying
Just a few Nintendo games could be series, Zelda and Metroid are prime examples, but Fire Emblem or Advance Wars could be good too.
@uhhhhhhhh You can also make some weird romance plots in there too.
That Super Mario Bros Super Show screenshot is hilarious! Probably should check that show out if not for the laughs alone.
CGI Super Mario Bros. movie by Pixar.
A man can dream...
A TV Show on Ice Climbers they are climbing infinite glacier and on the way up encounter weird things like Egg plants and Giant fish!! Make it about a brother and sister doing it for a world achievement or something and the strain it has on them......dam I'm getting me some paper and ink!!! My Idea now you all heard it hear first I'm contacting Nintendo and Netflix.
Captain Toad cgi surely?!
Hmm. I think a Kid Icarus anime TV show would totally work. I also want to see a new Kirby show, but only because I had to give Right Back at Ya! a thumbs down(because of the way Kirby was portrayed as a... helpless individual)
And where's the Captain Toad animated film?
Wow.. now that I think about it, Nintendo do sure have a lot of resources to make a TV show. Here's to a Smash Bros. movie!
@GeminiSaint That'd be awesome for sure.
A Metroid series of small episodes, almost no dialogue and a bit dark setup... Yeah, I'd watch that
Maybe an anime adaptation of Xenoblade Chronicles. I'd love to see that!
The thing is with some of these suggestions, I can see Legend of Zelda as a show because there's an original story for almost every game, using familiar elements granted, but pretty original for the most part. The show could be yet another original story so as to not ruin any of the existing games, at least. As far as other franchises go, there's not much story to some of them so, a show could easily ruin future games. Or perhaps force them to think further outside the box, I don't know. They'd need a helluva writer I guess. Just thinkin' out loud here.
Star Fox, Metroid, and Spatoon were the only games without some form of animation. Although there was suppose to be a Metroid live action series (fan funded) but Nintendo shut down the project
I was voting "Animation" on all when I reached "F-Zero" and smiled as I saw most people like me want a new game first.
Xenoblade Anime. -drools-
Also not Nintendo related but I'd jump over the moon if they made an Ace Attorney anime.
Metroid would work better as a movie I think..
Anyway, about live-action, that's something that suits games like Metroid, F-Zero and Zelda rather well. I knows there's plenty of cartoon fans, but a big budget live-action movie would be amazing (although quite risky). I've said this in the forums. Perhaps this is the marketing Nintendo should make use of. So many people watch tv series these days, if this is the way to create a bigger audience for the lesser known franchises as Metroid and F-Zero, then I'm in for it.
I'm surprised people would rather see a live action Zelda over an animated one. There are endless possibilities that you can do with animation. With live action, you're limited by what you can do, especially with a tv show since the budget is lower than a movie.
Also, an F-Zero anime exists. It has 51 episodes, but only 13 were dubbed in english, because the ratings were low.
Out of all those, the one I'd really like to see is a proper Kid Icarus animated series, could be awesome if done right.
I also really wanna see a Kirby live action now, because that sounds so ridiculous.
No Fire Emblem in the list? I think it I could see a live action version of it and there was an animation made for the first and third ones.
Dude, Star Fox live-action! I want to see that work. I can't help it. lol.
Also, I liked the old format for Super Mario Bros. with live action between the animated segments. I think I'd watch that if it was well done.
I said yes to most of these except for three.
1. Metroid: The series is dead, and a licensed TV show would just be pissing on its grave no doubt. It's TV with a female main character, and you know what that means – half the airtime would just be close-ups of ZSS's "prominent features"!
2: F-Zero, which should get a new game first.
3. Donkey Kong; the last series proved that the DKC characters shouldn't talk out loud, ever.
I think Metroid, Fire Emblem, or Zelda would be good if handled by the staff working on Star Wars Clones/Rebels.
I'd vote for Mario Kart in the style of Hannah-Barbera's Wacky Racers
I want to see a Metroid live-action TV show... but I really don't want it to focus on "female attributes."
Also... F-Zero... will that be like a Nintendo Speed Racer?
off-topic but can nintendolife do subs for the xenoblade chronicles X presentation/direct, not just a summary but full subs with the video, cant find it anywhere
The recent Sony hack exposed a nearly closed deal to make a new CGI Mario movie. I guess we will wait and see.
There should absolutely be an Animal Crossing TV series in which you play as a villager dealing with daily life in AC land.... You all know how amazing this would be! 😂😂😂😉
Screw it, I actually would love for there to be a Mother anime. It'd be awesome! It'd obviously never make it outside of Japan, but it'd be awesome!
I would love to see a second Kirby TV Show as an anime because I don't know how a live-action series could work, considering hardly any of the characters in the series are humans and costumes would just be weird.
How about we wait and see what the Zelda show will be like first? (If that even happens.)
Am I the only person that would love a Wario cartoon?
Whatever the next Kirby series is, King Dedede better have his southern accent.
@Chaozrush21 Now that you mention it, that would be awesome.
@Ron1212 Damn, they didn't mention Fire Emblem in the pool, disapointed!
A Fire Emblem show would be a good addition for this. Political intrigue, massive scale war, romance... Heck, make it all about Genealogy of the Holy War or Thracia 776 or Blazing Sword, that's the closest thing Nintendo has for a "Game of Thrones" like show.
Metroid is good for being more of a series or a live action movie while Zelda should be more like a movie rather than a series, or make it all like Tales from the Crypt keeper where Zelda should be told as a mini series for several parts per title before jumping the timeline. But if Netflix is going to make an original storyline, I sincerely hope its good.
Live action Kirby show, new animated Donkey Kong show (with the same voice actors from the original), animated Metroid cartoon, a new live action Mario movie...
I'm getting myself hyped for something that will never exist.
I'd like a new Kirby series that's more like the games, with the characters more like they are in the games. And more main villains from the games. They could probably even have a few episodes that each follow the story of one of the games! Wow, I said "games" a lot.
I wouldn't mind a new Kirby since I watched Right Back a Ya a lot when I was younger and I loved how Dedede was potrayed as an angry Republican I NEED A MONSTAH TO CLOBBAH DAT DERE KIRBY!!!!
They should re-create the original Star Fox dolls and make a stop-motion puppet Star Fox show! That's my overall vote and favorite idea of mine
Animations all over the place. Highly preferred over live-action stuff.
A Star Fox cartoon could work. The characters have identifiable but (besides Slippy) not obnoxious personalities and it could work with every week they free a new planet with an overreaching arc of them approaching Venom.
Another Fire Emblem Anime would be great.
@GeminiSaint No more dreaming. It must be real.
I just can't see live action shows doing justice to any of these games.. Maybe its the fact that I've been disappointed with almost every Live action movie that's attempted to make a run with a video game. For some reason animation to real life always clashes with me.
On the other hand I would love to see a Metroid or F-zero (after a new game release of course*) anime series! I think star fox would fit well too.
While Super Mario, Kirby, and Donkey Kong would work great with a revamped Saturday morning cartoon feel. I could see Splatoon working as well, although I have zero attachment or knowledge of any characters. A Cartoon series would be an interesting way to build this?
Strangely enough I honestly think Zelda would fit best as a live action tv series. Although I still completely dislike the idea..
So far it's Zelda, Metroid and F-Zero in the lead for Live-Action with the rest as animation.
As for character voices I don't think a talking Link would be as terrible as everyone thinks but I think he'd work best as a quiet type character that foes keep underestimating.
With the right story telling I would be ok with it but this feels more like shoe horning a franchise to a cartoon for the sake of making a cartoon. When they talked about splatoon and if they should make an IP they said they start with a game idea and then see if an existing ip would work.
If Nintendo wanted to do a cartoon I would like the same approach. come up with a story you want to tell first and then see if it fits an ip.
Personally I would like them to do more animated shorts. the problem with a series is that you now have to come up with stories in a timely matter. The story approach of most games are usually more movie style where there is a clear conclusion.
Shout out to all those that think a live action kirby show would be amazing
LOL a live action Kirby would probably make a good horror movie, like The Blob or The Thing, because the victim would go, "OH GOD NO PLEASE NO AAAAAAH" while Kirby sucks in whole and eats them alive instantly. All the while, Kirby would have a dead shark stare, while grinning widely and saying "Hiiiii!" when the next victim is met!
"Kirby, the Popstar of Serial Killers"
I would love a "Paper Mario" and a "Pikmin" animated series.
A Fire Emblem anime with a focus on politics and large scale battles would be amazing imo.
The idea of Metroid Live Action in the vein of Star Wars, Star Trek, or Stargate might be interesting, but it would be VERY expensive... I'm not sure if Nintendo should be pursuing all these possible live action ventures, I think that even hiring an animation studio willing to experiment on unusual crazy ideas for a series would be less risky than a live action movie or series...
Don't get me wrong, a live action Metroid would be awesome, but TV series are not cheap to create or air, and I'm not confident a Metroid movie would gross enough to recoup costs...
I'm not against it as long as it has absolutely zero percent influence on the games.
I think there should be a Metroid/F-Zero/Star Fox Series. Game or Show, it would work. All three are Bounty Hunters (well, Fox is a mercenary) and all are in the future! It could work well!
Animation is the only way to go. Ever. Live action adaptions are always pooooooooooop imo.
+1 on Metroid live action movies. The rest could either be CGI ala Pixar/Pikmin or animated except:
I voted live-action Kirby!
As others have said, a proper Fire Emblem anime would be amazing, especially if it were handled similarly to political classics such as "Legend of the Galactic Heroes" or "Monster." (Although, of course, with more battles and less exposition.)
@BlackSpy His avatar is missing the "U MAD" text
@BaffleBlend No. I can't believe what you wrote. It's all upside down and it makes no sense to me.
In all honesty, I thought the voices in the DK cartoon were spot on, except for Donkey Kong's which was so downright bizarre that I loved it.
Guys, Clu Clu Land the series.
I'd LOVE to see a Kid Icarus Animated Show and a Metroid Animated Show! As well as another for Super Mario and Kirby.
@BaffleBlend Oh, come on! You KNOW you want a second dose of BANANA SLAMMA!
I think Legend of Zelda, Metroid, and Kid Icarus are the only ones that could work as a live action TV show or movie. It could be awesome if they did Zelda or Kid Icarus in a Game of Thrones style. F-Zero could be a cool live action, but I don't think it would work at this point, it has a dying fan base, there is no recent game for the franchise! All the other IP have potential for a great animated series.
One thing I've learned about game/show development is that just because you CAN, doesn't mean you SHOULD. But alternatively, anything can work with proper execution. Only tip I would give is that if the IP you're using is full of mostly non-human characters, DO NOT try to force it into live action or hybrid format. It rarely ends well...
And speaking of can, but probably shouldn't, would anyone be down for a new Bubsy Bobcat cartoon? Because I've been looking for an excuse to have people hate me. :V
Where's Fire Emblem and Smash Bros?
How about a Kirby TV show? I even have an idea for a theme song:
Only darker and more like Game of Thrones.
I'm pretty sure F-Zero already had a show, and one game was even based on the show (GP Legend for GBA as well as the Japan-only Climax, I think).
I think an experimental animation for Splatoon combining elements in the veins of film noir and cel shaded films, such as "Renaissance", a French black and white cel shaded animation, while adding bright splashes of color to liquids and bullets (including the squid inks and "blood") would make for a visually arresting and uniquely flowing military/tactical/mystery series.
Why is there no option for movies? I feel metroid belongs more on the big screen
There needs to be an Animal Crossing anime, the Japan-only movie of it was pretty good.
@KingMike Yep, F-Zero already has had an anime for a while now, and it's much like one would expect- it features a Falcon Punch that creates a shining explosion, radiating throughout the whole solar system!
There should never be tv shows produced for video games at all. Its a step down, when that god awful final fantasy film came out all I could think is "Oh great, its final fantasy where you have absolutely no control over what is going on and no sense of accomplishment when its over... they stripped it of its redeeming qualities. Sweet."
Fire Emblem live action! Pikmin anime!
I really don't know about these shows...
I'd love a Legend of Zelda series! But animated like the short welcoming to Palutena to super smash ( https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=xTtMuIbURLs ).
I remember seeing it and thinking to myself how cool would a Legend of Zelda anime be. The live action series? I really really hope they rethink it.
@AugustusOxy Not only that, Spirits Within was the poster child for proving how live action or "animated like live action" video game movies can be a very, VERY bad idea, even if it sounds cool: Squaresoft lost a ton of money as a result and couldn't made it back, putting them into debt. That movie is cited as being one of the primary reasons why Squaresoft merged with Enix, while completely screwing up the organization of Square's game studios; thus signaling the beginning of Square's fall from grace.
Nintendo would be wise to heed this important piece of gaming history. Allowing budgets to go out of control for the sake of making "the coolest thing ever" is a startlingly real possibility with projects like that.
@GeminiSaint You're not the only man dreaming...
But seriously, I said animation for all of these. I just need some good cartoons.
Samus could make a good character, but it woudlnt be Metroid or Prime like as a tv show. It would be Firefly after the movie when that girl goes off on her own after killing all those Reavers. It would basically be a Firefly spinoff w/ a hot chick (apologies to the female readers) bounty hunter. The suit would not ball up though, nor make a cannon arm, she would just wear orange and gold spandex and hunt down villain of the week.
I've been saying for years now that nintendo and disney need to partner up. Nintendo could make games based on disney's timeless catalogue, pixar could make a super mario movie, disney studios would do zelda, and disney can build an actual Nintendoland in Tokyo or Kyoto. The problem that they'd have to solve though: Nintendo lets story serve gameplay, Disney puts storytelling above all else. For instance, this live-action Zelda in development at Netflix: They'll need to standardize a lot of things that have been kept intentionally fuzzy about the zelda universe. Do you pick one Hero of Time and follow him, or do you jump around and show them affecting each other? Which version or versions of Hyrule do you go with? What is Link's personality? You need to keep him as stoic as possible while still being likable. Just hope they have producers who love the source material and wanna dig in and figure out how to capture the spirit of the series.
Robot Chicken Nintendo episodes featuring only Nintendo characters.....and Reggie
Out of all of Nintendo's franchises, Kid Icarus, Kirby, and Donkey Kong wouldn't work in a live action setting at all. That being said, Metroid could definitely work with live action; probably more so than Zelda.
Anyways, I'd absolutely love to see Nintendo hire Shaft to make a full blown Kid Icarus anime. Only problem is that they'd have to find ways to make sure the humor doesn't get stale, though there are more serious things they can do with it (coughMagnusbackstorycough).
I say NO to all except for Kid Icarus, Star Fox and maybe Kirby. All animated.
I can't believe so many people wants a Metroid live-action show after the horrible Samus in Metroid Other M which I'm sure is the way they'd take. That without taking into account how bad it would look without a lot of money.
My thoughts on a Zelda show are pretty much the same. It won't be Game of Thrones, at best it'll be Legends of the Seeker.
There was an F ZERO cartoon. It was pretty good.
I would love to see Captain Rainbow as a cartoon! I love the premise, helping out Nintendo B and C listers with their problems!
Pikmin,Animal Crossing and most of all Punch-Out.
There really should've been an option too vote for both.
@CanisWolfred Kirby Right Back At Ya is an abomination! It's 10 x worse than the SUPER MARIO BROS. Movie.
@Vindignant No. Disney + Nintendo is a bad IDEA. Wasn't that discussion raised again, LAST WEEK?
Since I love to go through lists:
-I'd like to know more about the Splatoon, before I see an animated show. Since it may not lend itself to TV, I couldn't say...
Other ideas:
@Tonyc1991 There is a Fire Emblem anime.
Alright so would love to see a Kid Icarus anime and another Fire Emblem anime. Basically, I voted all for animation except for Splatoon because I don't know how that'd go. I do feel that animation would be the way to go especially The Legend of Zelda. I think the animation would fit better than live action. I can't take video game and comic book ideas seriously when it is live action.
@maukenboost Where could I watch it? Is there an English dub? Is it any good?
@Williaint "I wanna know the secrets that the crystal holds and the magic power that it brings..." (eyebrow shake)
@ferrers405 I imagine an advanced wars TV show would be alot like M*A*S*H.
kid icaurs anime please...hell, just make all of them animes, except Fzero and donkey kong
How about a pokemon cartoon? Lol, j/k. But seriously im surprised Earthbound isn't there. I think that'd make a great tv cartoon series, despite not being terribly impressed with the game (though it was enjoyable). Or is it already?
@DarkCoolEdge Sakaguchi is out of the loop for metroid, he's gone and a retribution needs to happen.
I'd like to see a Smash Bros anime.
Chibi Robo would make a good anime and is it only me who has seen the Star Fox furry TV show before?
We need a Mother series of animations for Disney Channel.
@Williaint F-Zero already had a TV show that worked. It was an anime.
Why not a Layton tv show? The Eternal Diva was such a great film...but of course, it's up to Level 5 to decide that one.
Where's the "I want movie" option...
@IceClimbers Saying it "worked" is kind of a stretch.
I know everyone likes to act like the Zelda cartoon was exceptionally horrible, but at the time it really wasn't bad. It was on TV at a time when Ninja Turtles were at their biggest. It's just the way cartoons of the late 80s were.
As far as characterization goes, this was Zelda as it was before Ocarina of Time and A Link to the Past. Link and Zelda were blank slate characters and the writers of the show had to create personalities for them. Hence, they became personalities of their time.
I was a huge fan of the show as a kid and I never thought of it as being particularly horrible. It wasn't until the internet showed up and kids raised of OoT started watching it that it became retroactively "horrible".
Metroid live action could work. I remember that Metroid: Other M commercial,it was pretty good..
Wasn't there already a Donkey Kong TV show?
Also, where's WarioWare? A WarioWare cartoon would be fantastic.
But generally, I'm not a big fan of Nintendo making an actual TV series for any of their game series - the structure of their games doesn't work well for an episodic approach mostly.
But when I look at stuff from WayForward... THAT stuff would be beautiful as animated shows! Especially Shantae and Mighty Switch Force!
@jpfan1989 right, should be fun.
I voted for a LoZ cartoon, but it could make for an equally awesome live action series as well.
As others have said, a Fire Emblem series would be epic!!!
It would be cool if Nintendo and Atlus got together and made an Etrian Odessey cartoon series.
Kirby: Right Back At Ya was one of my favorite shows as a kid. I loved all the characters. I wish Dedede's in-game personality was more like the show. Seeing more of Escargoon would be awesome. Meta Knight was badass, and Kabu was always ready to send the "WARP STAR." Great show/10.
Cast Logan Lerman as Link.
@BlackSpy No more...
@Tonyc1991 You can watch it here. It is only two episodes total.
@Kaze_Memaryu Gotta love those great songs from the Donkey Kong show. Man they are catchy! xD
@OdnetninAges Yes. Enjoy:
As much as I'd like to see some of these turned into shows, realistically I don't know if they would be successful. Star Fox is probably the closest thing to something kids these days would actually like.
I would like to see a TV show based on..........

With special guest, Ellen Degeneres!
@maukenboost No! Stop! GET OUT OF MY HEAAAAD!!!
I think a Fire Emblem anime would be cool to see.
Though, I'm wondering how they would do the battle sequences...which is also the problem I have with other ideas: How will they make Link explore dungeons? Will they make him wander around for a bit, or just show clips of him doing various things?
Still waiting for a Star Fox TV Show/Movie adaptation. I'd even be cool with the Miyamoto 'Thunderbirds' puppets.
wow, the fans love the animation idea
Dood recreat DKC!!!! Id shower them with coconut cream pies
I would like to see a Animal Crossing Animation Series.
What about an officially-licensed comic series? Archie Comics' Megaman & Sonic comics are quite good, after all, I'd love to see a comic based on those.
I think most Nintendo series would be better suited for animation/comic formats, but I'll keep an open mind for live-action.
Y'know, the "Star Fox" series was kinda inspired by the British puppet-drama "Thunderbirds." (This is why the old illustrations for the SNES game looked puppet-like, and why their mouth/facial animations in SF64 were so simple.) In fact, Miyamoto said he wanted to see a "puppet-drama" of Star Fox.
Metroid would really be better suited by a film than a show.
A bat crap crazy, over-the-top Sin & Punishment anime would be ace. The Wonderful 101 could also make a spectacularly over-the-top anime series too I think.
DK, Pikmin and Animal Crossing could all make great, more Western style animated shows for kids and adults alike. Dillon could be pretty cool too.
For live action, the only one I can see working is Fire Emblem, if any Nintendo IP can be translated into a GoT style series it's that. But then those cut scenes in Awakening were so good I'd rather see them take the animated route again.
I can't see Zelda working as live action or animated. I'd like to be proven wrong though.
I don't know if Metroid woul translate properly either. It's all about that feeling of isolation, which is best carried by being the one being isolated. In many way it faces the same issues as Zelda, it's predominantly a single character exploring lost ruins/dungeons on their own, there's little interaction besides killing monsters/aliens. Of course they can change that in a show, but then it starts to become less like the source material :/
@AshFoxX Ah I loved those puppets on the box! Would be ace to see something done with them again, game or TV series
A Star Fox series where the characters are represented by Jim Henson style puppets could work.
Fire Emblem is the only Nintendo IP that would work as a live action show, really. And it could be quite a good one, there's layers of plot there waiting to be used.
I hadn't given the idea of Nintendo themed TV much thought... though as soon as I saw the title of this article I was filled with a longing for a live action F Zero... Need For Speed/Fast and Furious with a futuristic setting... I'm so there.
Metroid and Zelda could work either as animation or as live action if done right. I think a Paper Mario-like Mario anime could be really cool as well.
@Franklin Puppets for Star Fox would be the way to go! Just like the legend says Miyamoto originally visioned them. ^_^
Maybe it's just me, but I think Mario and Zelda shows could work with Mario and Link NOT being the main characters.
Either way, I think Zelda especially needs a serial with a clear story arch and set lenght with a beginning and an end. Mario would benefit from a story line (like the old Super Mario World manga had) as well.
@GeminiSaint CGI "Super Mario Bros. movie by Pixar."
That would be the greatest option for Mario! Get some studio with serious cred to do a proper movie with a good script. Pixar for CGI, Ghibli for anime.
I didn't read all the comments, so forgive me if it's been said, but I think a live action earthbound could work. Kinda like goonies meets the explorers.
Maybe a Rhythm Heaven tv show. I would say a Mega Man tv show, but it's up to Capcom.... Maybe Wario can get a tv show. Anyone remember King Koopa's Kool Kartoons? Chris Latta was a live action King Koopa.
How about a Pikmin live-action show... XD
OH! What about a "Luigi's Mansion" CGI cartoon? Ninty's really pushing "Luigi's Mansion" again with the arcades and sequel.
@FragRed and live action!
I think a World Nintendo show would be fun.. Have a bunch of different crossover stories.
Shouldn't it be "Would you like to see a new Donkey kong show?", did people in the UK get the donkey kong show?
I'd love a new Kirby cartoon.
Let's be real, Nintendo series are made for the saturday morning cartoon treatment.
Probably the one I'd most like to see is Kid Icarus, the characters are perfect for it. Yikes at that F-Zero dig
I'd love an EarthBound animated mini-series.
Duck Hunt Dynasty.
Live Action Movie: Metroid
Live Action TV Show: Zelda
Anime: F-zero, Star Fox, Kirby, Animal Crossing, Fire Emblem, Kid Icarus, Earthbound, Splatoon
No: Donkey Kong, Mario
Everything has to be animation!
Animation all the way!Cause ugh live action?Yuck
Kid Icarua and Smash Anime!
Metroid and F-Zero need live-action movies by yesterday! So much potential!
I want a DK TV series and a movie about the DK crew going on a journey to find the expansion pak.
The movie would be a feature length film.
I think the Kirby series was amazing. But despite THAT movie, I'd like for the Bros to have another go live on the big screen. And Metroid, of course.
Basically just voted ANIMATION to all of them, except for F Zero (make a game first!) and Metroid (live action)! I think Metroid could make a great sci fi movie!
Nintendo needs to make their franchises relevant again. Back in the 80's Mario was everywhere, nearly on the Mickey Mouse level. Animated movies, live action movies, we need them so new audiences can play the game then tune in and watch them play out.
@TheMagus @WaveBoy @B3ND3R
I was thinking of a Captain N: The Game Master reboot as well....
It -could- be quite cool if done right. The original was kind of sloppy in how it handled it's source material.
Although, too strict adherence to canon would be boring too.
Maybe if there was an "Anime" option, then I would've picked that.
@Ron1212 They should just release the Kirby Right Back At Ya animated series on bd and dvd first.
But the animated Palutena for Smash unveiling made me wish for a cross-over Nintendo animated series...
The Pikmin shorts made me want to see more of that as well.
But maybe, just maybe... Wario Ware's cast and randomness could make for a fun series too?
@Tonyc1991 That's a good one, should of been in the poll.
Some crazy Ideas, like Splatoon would work well with Nickelodeon (more along with an older 2000s Nickelodeon). And the option for a live action Kirby me laugh a lot.
I'm not sure if it should be considered by Nintendo, but Chameleon Twist. I've always wanted to see a revival with a CGI film/TV show, plus Chameleon Twist 3. I absolutely loved both Chameleon Twist and the second one. Also to mention, Davy would have made a fantastic Super Smash Bros. for Wii U/3DS character.
@Emaan You can make any series 'Saturday Morning'; Even Half Life, or Resident Evil. But you see the problem? It gives children (Or parents with no knowledge) a false vision of these games. This is what happened with Kirby: RBAY! I think Some Nintendo series would be better for a mature audience...
@Speed_Stick_2600 I like Chameleon Twist, too, but that's not actually developed or produced by Nintendo... It's Sunsoft.
@Culex123 Anime is still animation.
How's about a Claymation Kirby show
@kereke12 That could work well
@ThomasBW84 I may have missed something, but...which of those ideas is silly?
Live action Zelda is going to be sweet unless they totally kid it up. If they could make it similar to the Arrow with a touch of darkness to it. They might have something cool. I just hope it they don't make it goofy
Fire Emblem TV show could be epic!
Please not a Zelda show. Have you guys seen how HORRIBLE the Misadventures of Link on Nintendo Video is????? No chance
Earthbound series or movie?
Live action Pokémon?
An actually good CGI Donkey Kong Country show?
Mario and Sonic show?
@ObviouslySheik Netfix actually has money to properly fund the show though.
@ObviouslySheik I don't think those count. They were only done as quick and cheap shorts mainly meant as advertisement for the game.
With the Mercedes DLC for Mario Kart 8, I sure would like THIS remastered: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I75IVj6QCNo
But, driving a Mercedes at the end.
Also, moar coconut cream pie madness.
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