When she's not twerking violently or sticking her tongue out in front of an audience, it appears Miley Cyrus enjoys early morning sessions on Nintendo's latest home console.
The 21-year old pop icon has uploaded a photo onto her official Facebook page of her brandishing a Wii U Pro Controller and wearing some sort of animal-themed onesie, coupled with sunglasses — she claims she "woke up like dis". Whether or not sunglasses are a necessary part of her sleeping ritual was not specified.
Many comments on the photo consisted of people confusing the controller for that of an Xbox One, and one avid contributor expressed their gratitude that young Ms. Cyrus was clothed in the photo. You can see more of these nuggets of wisdom by clicking here.
Have you ever woken up in a similar fashion? Please feel free to share a photo of you doing so in the comments section below.
[source sheattack.com]
Comments 151
The only game she got is Just Dance..
Is this newsworthy?
@XFsWorld How do you play "Just Dance" with a Pro controller...?
News flash: Person owns WiiU.
@XFsWorld Must have been a crazy night playing Mario Kart. We've all had one of those nights
Why is this even newsworthy.. MY GOD!
I too once woke up as Miley Cyrus, wearing an animal costume and sunglasses, with a Wii U pro controller in hand. It was confusing, to say the least.
Don't really care what Miley Cyrus plays on tbh.
Agreed on everyone asking why we should care.
What has she done to you guys? Of course you're going to have loveydovey idiots hating on her because they don't like her new image. She hasn't done anything bad and she's a good singer. I could hate on you guys for being loveydovey nerds and hating on this. It's pretty cool that she owns a Wii U. Get off your loveydovey high horse, nerds.
We don't allow profanity here -Lz
I bet you some people would like to Wii U chat with her...
@melvin2898 No one is hating on her... it's just no one cares either.
I'm selling my Wii U now...
@XFsWorld then why the pro controller?
I didn't know she is gamer? is she?
Did she ever even say she doesn't play video games? Or even dislike Nintendo?
Crap. Guess I need to switch consoles...
(I'm kidding.)
Big deal.
@DanteSolablood It's funny how you assume that everyone has the same opinion as you.
For all the hate she get's I just find it hilarious. Compared to other teen stars, she isn't half that crazy.
She must really love playing Mario Kart 8, I know I do. She must had already pre-order Super Smash Bros. 4 as well.
As if the Wii U didn't have enough problems........
Didn't have her pegged as the gaming type.
Because everyone cares I guess?
Yep now people will avoid even more because its that system that miley cyrus owns.
Slow weekend @AlexOlney
Well, now there is at least a semblance of one reason to like her. Though she should have held it so people could see what kind of controller it was!
Cool? I don't understand the hate. It's just a girl gone wild. (Blame Disney! ) Enlighten me. I was in the same boat (not understanding the hate) with Bieber before but yeah, Bieber is a D-Bag.
@ShanaUnite That's what I was thinking... Although I'd bet she only owns the controller.
I am curious what her mii looks like.
Slow news day huh?
@Wouwter I once woke up and found that I was Miley Cyrus, which was extremely confusing because, for starters, I have no idea who they even are!
Wait... Miley Cyrus is still a thing that people acknowledge?
@Ron1212 There wasn't any assumption at all, I simply read their comments & at the time the vast majority were asking why the story was news worthy (which is neither negative or positive towards Miley), the only assumption was yours.
People can talk bad about Miley Cyrus all they want, but free advertising is free advertising. I'm actually quite curious as to what game she was playing.
Oh please, I wake up like that all the time
Now you need to provide us her Mii QR code.
Love it or hate it, this is the most marketing toward women weve seen for the wiiu so far. Will sell some consoles ifshe keeps doing it. Thats why celebrities are used in commercials.
I am going to make a new mii that looks like her and named it Miiley.
Yeah Nintendo should put her in Tomodachi Life.
She probably doesn't have a Wii u and instead bought a pro controller to "troll" everyone cuz thats what teens do these days...
News, everyone.
@Imagamerboi She's 21. And even then, I don't think it's that much of a stretch to say she has a Wii U. She's worth millions.
@Kyloctopus Well all I'm saying is that she only has one picture with just a pro controller, you can buy a pro controller separately. I'm not saying that she doesn't have a wii u 100 percent but it's just kind of suspicious
I'm disappointed that no-one is sharing photos of themselves waking up in a similar fashion.
Lol, for sure. I predict the next Miley stage costume will feature gun heels.
Give her a break she's just another Wii U owner
@Imagamerboi Well it's hard to take a selfie with a gaming console which is plugged into her TV. If she'd been holding it, you'd have complained that she couldn't have been playing it because it wasn't plugged in.
The story is not news worthy, but I don't see why anyone would attack Miley over it.
@ekreig Hahahaha
Zomg person owns Wii U BREAKING NEWS
I'm surprised more people haven't had such a long Wii U gaming session that they have fallen asleep controller in hand.
I've owned a wii u since day one. Where is my news story? 😢
Oh, no. This is possibly the worst news to ever be tied to a Wii U. Now Nintendo truly is DOOOOOOOOOMED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@siavm Start twerking in public and you'll probably make it up here brah.
@DanteSolablood Vast majority does not equal everyone.
And we should care why?this is Nintendo life not Heat
Twerk it, twerk it, tongue it, tongue it. Gangnam style!
Get your own show, twerk and tongue it in public and you will get covered
Are people confusing it based on the shape? Is no one noticing that the triggers aren't fat like the Xboner triggers?
@BensonUii You guys had better appreciate how difficult it is to make a Mii look like it's sticking its tongue out.
"Get off your loveydovey high horse, nerds"
@Ron1212 Based on ALL posts before mine (the one you first picked on), literally no one was hating on her. The only thing which could have been considered an insult was a comment saying "Just Twerk". So again, the only assumption was yours, unless you're definition of hate includes ANY mention of something she's done in the past.
Do you guy want 3rd party support ? You may get it if ninty sells enough consoles. This kinda thing sells consoles it realy does
Do you guy want 3rd party support ? You may get it if ninty sells enough consoles. This kinda thing sells consoles it realy does
@Randomname19 Depends if she was bribed to do it or not.
Um...don't really see the hoopla behind this. I mean, yeah she owns a Wii U. This isn't exactly news-worthy. Though I guess it could get some of her fans to buy a Wii U.
Why is this news worthy!
Because its publicity for nintendo, its free advertising for the wii U, 350,000 plus likes for just the image or her and the controller (plus however many views), plus celebrity endorsement to her millions of fans that want to be like her could lead to sales. Instead of following the trend of going with the HD twins, she has broken the trend and followed her own path which has obviously led her to Nintendo games. If you are a Nintendo then this is something you want happening more often. Lets hope we hear or see more instances like this.
There will be some teenbop looking at that pic and saying im getting a wiiu, its in
Technically we don't know if she owns a Wii U, she may just have a Pro Controller to lick.
People are mad... lol.
@melvin2898 "She hasn't done anything bad", well about that... http://www.bbc.co.uk/newsbeat/29252551
@WaveWarlock She's making her own game, called U Twerk.
I mean, it isn't completely pointless the fact that she owns a wii u. Technically, people who like her and her music may get interested in what she plays and buy one. Because that's how fans are.
News: Wii U Suddenly Gets a 70% sales improvent, Miley "Twerk" Cyrus The Reason?
insert thumbnail of Miley twerking next to a wii u
Cry all you want over this but she probably just sold more Wii Us than Bayonetta
For everybody asking who cares well her fans might. They may be sick enough to go out and get a Wii U Now because of this. So why is this news worthy, I just mentioned why!
It's not that I don't like her, it's that I very much dislike her provocative behavior and childish decisions. And she's really just a symptom of a much larger problem with society today. You see it everywhere you look now- self glorification and sexual promiscuity, and an unyielding desire to conform to the world
Or, judging by the comment section of her tweet, Xbox consoles lol...
This weekend is just SLOW.
@Spoony_Tech I don't know if they will considering many seem to think it's an Xbox controller
I am no internet hater by nature, so I have to say I LOVE the fact that she is using a Pro controller! Any celeb repping Nintendo these days is good news to me!
@DanteSolablood that IS news.
Also, yet another Wii U gamer that prefers the Pro Controller over the Gamepad.
Nintendo needs to start doing everyone favors and include them in with every console.
WOW, what a news-worthy article!
I would spam her Miiverse if I knew how.
She probably plays as Cia in HW and like Bayonetta.
Ok, I really don't like her. <_> Must... resist... selling... Wii U...
@McGruber Exactly. I'm cool with this. Mainly because the kid has like a billion fans, many of whom are the sheepiest of followers who would totally spend a bunch of money to own what they'd likely conclude is her console of choice.
Whether or not that equates to any noticeable increase Wii U sales, I've no idea.
And for the record, I have woken up with the GamePad in my lap.
Relevant article is relevant.
...And why should I care?
It's Good publicity for the Wii U Regardless. If she only did it in skimpier out fit it would of got more hits. I got nothing against her. She might even like to play a lot of Ninty games. She does own one.That's a good thing.
Guys, it's just a slow news day. Calm down.
It's cool with me.
The more exposure the Wii U gets, the better.
Celebrity endorsements are fine, no matter who does them or where.
Alot of celebrities are gamers (the schedule allows for it) and many like Nintendo.
I remember tons of musician friends who love a round of Goldeneye, Halo, Mario Kart and other local multiplayer games.
They'll talk gaming at shows and even host gaming parties.
I never had an NES till '89 and I didn't get my SNES till 97'.
She might have had one before I did and I'm 30.
Point is, not many celebrities have jumped on the Wii U train. She has. She's in headlines. It's not a huge, stop the presses kind of article. But it is Nintendo related at the least.
@AlexOlney here's a mii that I made with it's tongue sticking out.
Must be crap, to be pigeonholed by 'experts' in the field.
Adult actors and actresses choose all the time to quit a certain role to avoid that exact thing.
Child stars try and break free of that and are immediately slammed.
Girl's 21. Not 17.
The reaction to her newfound sexual discovery is hilarious.
Because let's remember: guys that enjoy sex are manly and girls that enjoy sex are prostitutes.
Nintendo gamers, you don't get 'mature' games because you aren't comfortable with sex yet. Black, shapeless clothing for everyone! Nothing fitted, nothing expressive. Nothing to suggest you've ever had sex or will ever have sex.
Human beings, the only species that has sex for the enjoyment of it. The only species that does it even when reproduction isn't the intention. Selling it yet entirely ashamed of it. I've posed nude for art classes. It's such a non-issue it makes me sad what the populace has subjected this young woman to.
If you don't care about this article, you don't care about her. If you don't care about her, you don't really know her. If you don't really know someone, stop flipping judging them. Worry about your own lives for a change and forget about this person that could comfortably retire on her 22nd birthday.
@SahashraLA What on Earth are you jibbering on about?
I'm genuinely curious. That post, like... I don't know.
I just don't know. Are you bat doggieoopsiepoopie crazy or what man?
I was going to comment how pointless and stupid the article was.
Then I looked at the comments...
Ok. And?
Worst news ever headshot
@SahashraLA http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Animal_sexual_behaviour
This just in! Miley Cyrus farts just like us normal folks, shocking!!
Coming up on the news at eight: Jason Statham drove a car to a stop light, and shocker: Weskley Snipes wear pants! Tune in to the news at eight o' clock tonight.
Hades (Kid Icarus) voice: "Oh look! Who cares?"
Headline feels more like it should be "Gaming Press Confuses Random Celebrity Picture For Something Newsworthy."
I bet she plays Monster Hunter.
Its kind of a catch22. If she was playing some other competing console many would say she is confused anyway and so her opinion doesn't count. But since she is playing the Wii U we'll say she must have some common sense to recognize good games. But frankly I don't really care about celebrities like her.
A lot of caring about not caring
I like that.
Wake up? She doesn't play HYRULE WARRIORS, that's for sure. Haven't slept in weeks.
@SahashraLA Dolphins have sex for enjoyment as far as I know. (Which is based on other more qualified people thinking that is the case.)
@Galvanic_Arcvn Plenty of people care what she does that is not open to negotiation it is a fact.
@melvin2898 Yeah, because rubbing her butt against people on national television, which kids watch, and putting a foam-finger in-between her legs, intending for it to look like a you-know-what totally isn't bad....
@melvin2898 Yeah, because rubbing her butt against people on national television, which kids watch, and putting a foam-finger in-between her legs, intending for it to look like a you-know-what totally isn't bad....
And as for "she's a good singer", that depends on personal opinion...
@LDXD lol I think its because she looks like a twelve year old boy/girl.
Also does this mean a new Miley DLC pack is coming to Mario Kart 8? Naked Miley on a, chain chomp?
@OmegaStar Can't tell if you Joking or insulting?
What are you saying?
Huh...who knew Miley had a WiiU and a Pro Controller to boot to.
Seems she has good taste.
You mean Hannah Montana
Another human being owns the same video game console as I do? Unbelievable!
Such hard hitting news.
Quiet news day...
I love Miley Cyrus but I'm a bit confused by this, I mean, so what if she owns a WiiU? Who really cares...
This reminds me of when Damo did that random story about that Japanese journalist cheating on her fiancé.
It probably confuses fans, because it is considered news. What's next, that she or <put any celebrity name you want> actually wear underwear? That would enlighten a lot of people and make them special.
You're watching Mii News!
Who cares, NL please don't go the way of ign and try to bring in more people by blending in celebrity hokum.
Go away miley.
If we all ignore her, she'll get bored and go back to whatever she does.
It'll only work if everyone ignores her...
*goes back to playing on 3DS
*Gets "The Power" and sends her to the moon
@OmegaStar That's... not what I'm getting at. You made it sound like the minority of people that owns a Wii U are not normal. Which either sounds like you're kidding, or insulting people who owns it.
Who CARES!!!
I know it's Sunday so there's not much happening in the gamebiz, but please NL...don't post nonsence like this!
This is about as interesting as knowing that, at one point, Michael Jordan had a Sega Genesis.
The interesting part was he also had a one-of-a-kind copy of NBA Jam with his likeness in it. Otherwise, people can get whatever console they want, and it should not be news.
If I can't make headlines with my Panasonic 3DO ownership, nobody else should matter either.
You people are boring this has been hands down the most entertaining article I've read here in a while! lol
Whatevz. If her fans buy WiiU's because of this, I'm all for it. Shows they have some brains after all, just odd taste in music.
She better be buying Bayonetta 2.
Such news.
Let's see: 21 years old and unlimited disposable income?
I think the bigger story would be if Miley Cyrus DIDN'T have a Wii U.
miley cyrus Nintendo endorsement deal imminent. Brace yourselves for the backlash.
Wonder how much Nintendo of America paid her to put that pic up on Facebook.
I think she's only using it for licking!
Her outfit is super cute (ö_ö)
lol! like how ppl are so defending her like shes such a "angel" and has done nothing bad xD oh some ppl but yeah slow news yet again kinda like that one article a while back with the fiance cheating thing...
you guys should change the tittle of this article though to "guess which celebrity it is and what game control it is" no seriously i thought it was the d-bag biebs for a sec which would of been hilarious since not to long ago they compared them to looking a like xD
oh yeah while ppl are defending her...then why didnt she fully show it was a controller pro then if shes so "helping" advertise instead of confusing people to think its another consoles controller? in the end though no one really did care and i dont think we want to see her on miiverse spamming it up or others saying "omg cyrus is on miiverse follow her"
@LDXD xD I know it disturbs me too.
By the logic displayed in some of the comments here, I should stop breathing, because many people who's media image I do not approve of, also breath.
And yes, I am aware that many of those commenters weren't serious.
Just ignore these posts if you don't acknowledge them as news. A celebrity promoting the Wii U (pro controller n all) is news worthy. TMZ news worthy but still news.
Good for her she is laughing now she made so much money from her stunts and sticking out her ****! Maybe she is a real gamer, I will join her for a Monster hunter late night hunt if she can handle it lol!
OMG. Someone actually found a Wii U for sale!!!!!
A public figure owning a Wii U controller is definitely newsworthy, especially compared to some of the other things that get news articles on here. I mean, not many people own a Wii U controller.
I've woken up like that before… I'm pretty sure Penny Racers on N64 put me to sleep once when I was nine.
LMAO I just scanned the code on my gamepad. Not bad! Hahaha!
Miley cyrus, what will u do next?
So Nintendo is no longer "kiddie"? Or does this solidify that it is? I can't figure out which way it swings due to how immature she is but, her acts are so provocative that it's definitely not for kids.. I done got brain damage with this one!!!!
Cool kids play nintendo. LOL.
Almost 180 comments saying "Who cares".
Thassa lot of comments for a non-story that many think isn't even "news".
Keep it up Ninty Life. These TMZ-like stories do work.
BTW, Eminem just said that he's playing Super Smash Bros because Destiny bored him to tears. I guess you could make a story on that one and get as many comments (and pageviews and whatnot)
@King_Johobo Your comment is the best I've ever seen.
@Birthday_Boy lol yeah..... XD
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