
Back in the '80s, it wasn't uncommon to see Sega and Nintendo launch games with similar themes in order to compete with one another, and a good example of this rivalry is the similarity between the NES light gun title Wild Gunman and the Sega Master System outing Bank Panic.

Both had their origins in the arcades, but it would be on the domestic battleground that they would become mortal enemies. Wild Gunman would find enduring fame thanks to cameo role alongside Elijah Wood's child-like face in the second Back to the Future movie, whereas Bank Panic is all but unknown by those who don't count themselves as hardcore Sega fans.

Popularity doesn't always guarantee quality though, and our friends over at The Sega Channel have decided to answer the question that's on everyone's lips — which title is best?

Check out the video below and let us know what you think by posting a comment.