Nintendo UK has issued us with the following statement:
On 8th May 2014, Mr Iwata announced the decision for Nintendo to release character figurines with built-in NFC functionality that are compatible with video games starting from this year-end sales season.
There has, however, not been any specific announcements regarding which software titles for Nintendo platforms will use this functionality.
We have no other announcements to make at this time.
Original Article:
Nintendo is expected to show off more details regarding its recently-announced Nintendo Figurine Platform at this year's E3, but it would appear that Nintendo of France's managing director Stephan Bole has already divulged some details.
Speaking to French site Le Figaro, Bole states that the Wii U version of Super Smash Bros. will make use of the NFC tech. Here's what he said, funnelled through the Babel fish that is Google Translate:
E3 is also an opportunity to show the use of NFC technology in Nintendo consoles. The NFC will be used in the Wii U version of Super Smash Bros.
There seems to be little room for doubt in that statement, but we've reached out to Nintendo and will add any additional official comment to this story, should it be forthcoming.
The Wii U version of Super Smash Bros. arrives in the Winter of this year. The 3DS version will be hitting store shelves earlier, with a "Summer" window being mentioned.
Would the addition of NFC tech change your perception of Super Smash Bros.? Are you concerned that it could alter the way in which the game plays, forcing players to purchase figures in order to access them in-game? Or do you believe Nintendo will take a different approach to that of Disney Infinity and Skylanders, and the figures will unlock special items, buffs or other content? Let us know with a comment below.
[source lefigaro.fr, via computerandvideogames.com]
Comments 190
Cool. This probaly has to do with Wii U's exclusive game mode.
That will be interesting to see.
They'll take a differing approach I believe. We'll have to wait and see I guess.
Well, in that case they should have figurines prepared for this summer for 3DS, but I don't think so, Sir.
Also he says that Smash Bros 3DS will be released in october in Europe.
He mentions figurines only for the WiiU version.
Oh god. This could be terrible. As long as the game has the entire roster from the 3DS without having to buy any figures then I don't mind. It could be like physical dlc
I had a feeling they were going to do something like that. I just hope it's not mandatory as that will put a lot of the series fans. Hopefully they will enhance the experience rather than be mandatory like extra trophies and add on characters. This E3 is shaping up to be one of the best Nintendo have done for years!
Oh man, Smashboards will go insane.
Since the Wii U version is getting custom moves but they can't be used online, it'd be cool if I could save my custom moveset onto the figure of the character I made it for, bring it to my friends house and use my moveset instantly.
Not too suprising, but good news.
Called it. It would be a nice way to store and transfer data like custom moves and control layout to another Wii U.
I'm more interested to see what else the Wii U version have hiding up it's sleeves.
@MrWalkieTalkie GameXplain had that idea, and I thought it would work. The problem is, none of my friends have a Wii U! I would buy them just as collector's items.
As long as the figures are not REQUIRED to play the game, I'd be fine with them. I like ultraraichu's idea.
@MrWalkieTalkie There's one way to do it! I was thinking that customization could be saved there, and maybe you could unlock special (totally unneeded for the achievement list) trophies based on the figures. E3 can't come soon enough...19 more days!
I'm guessing in order to customize your move sets, you will need to have the figurine. That way you can take it with you if you go play smash at a friends house, and it will contain all of your data.
Interesting tidbit of news. The utter meltdowns this will cause as some extrapolate this tidbit into a nightmare scenario is going to be a get-your-popcorn event!
If we get a full roster (same number of characters or more as previous SSB) I will be fine with it being optional... Thing is, what first run figures would they put out as figures that aren't already in SSB???
Hopefully they give the option to just purchase additional challengers as DLC and unlock players within the game. I'm not too interested in figurines. If they use this for physical trophies then that's fine by me.
Hmmmmm, we'll see what this brings... I for one wouldn't mind EXTRA characters on the roster as figurine 'DLC'
Just enough information to cause utter panic. This is obviously the marketing tactic of a madman.
Straight from the horse's mouth. Quite literally.
While I was hoping for this not to be the case, but I'm not against it. I have no doubt Sakurai would make sure this is utilized well, but geez Nintendo won't let up. It's like why get more news every other day. Which generally just leads to more questions. This whole month Nintendo has been keeping the hype train rolling, and it doesn't. This Digital Event better live up to what they are making it out to be... just 18 more days.
I guess it's more money for Nintendo if the children want the toys.
just hope that it is more like DLC rather than actually having to individual characters
I really don't think this is good. It seems like they may have delayed the Wii U version, just to horde money with NFC. This is not the right thing to do for Smash, maybe something else. If they do use NFC, then I hope it's more like DLC that's extra, not something that was supposed to be a part of the game, but taken out for cash-grab.
I don't see where he states that they'll be used in Smash Bros.:
"L'E3 sera aussi l'occasion de montrer l'utilisation de la technologie NFC [technologie utilisée dans Skylanders et Disney Infinity, permettant d'utiliser des objets réels - ici, des figurines - dans des jeux vidéo] dans les consoles Nintendo."
"E3 will also be the chance to show the use of NFC technology [technology used in Skylanders and Disney Infinity, allowing the use of real objects - here, figurines - in video games] on Nintendo consoles."
I just read this straight from the link in the post, and it doesn't mention that the figurines will be used in Smash Bros...only on Nintendo consoles in general.
Well guess I wont be getting the Wii U version of SSB if this is the case. I think this way of marketing is ridiculous forcing people to buy action figures for a game to be able to access everything.
Thank you Activision not only did you ruin Spyro but not it looks like you are ruining the game industry.
I have some doubts, but if this is true... :/
Looks like I will just get the 3DS version then.
(Nintendo seem to always only choose the worst parts for the consumer of things other people do. e.g having DLC but no GOTY versions).
I suppose there could be the possibility of me buying into it but it would require something Nintendo hasn't done for a very long time.
I really hope nintendo changes their minds and releases both versions together
I'll reserve judgment for when its implementation is fully understood, but I'm not crazy about the prospects of "DLC: Physical Edition" or carrying figures around to store a customized character. That said, I guess there wouldn't be much alternative, aside from Wii Remotes (which isn't a popular controller choice for Smash). If the figure-as-character storage scenario comes true, I hope the game isn't picky about what figures can hold what content.
I hope this turns out to be false.
as long as buying toys is not mandatory to unlock new characters or stages i don't mind
Maybe this will be Nintendo's way of adding extra characters to the game as opposed to (or perhaps as an alternative, meaning you could choose your method of doing so) DLC. So new characters they want to add, you can buy a little toy, scan it in via NFC and then bam, a new character is added to your roster. Or maybe this will be a way to save your custom movesets that they briefly showed off in that Nintendo Direct for Smash.
Knew Sakurai will do something interesting to keep us interested in the Wii U version.
And Kirby in the screenshot, for some odd reason looks like he was edited into the pic. xD
This is cool, I had a feeling it would.
"La Wii U avait souffert l'an passé d'un manque de jeux, avec des sorties très espacées. Le début d'année 2014 a lui aussi été calme, qu'en sera-t-il après la sortie de Mario Kart 8?"
Beaucoup de sorties de jeux seront officialisés lors du salon de l'E3, mais vous savez déjà que nous allons sortir le jeu d'action Bayonnetta 2. D'ici à la fin de l'année, il y aura également le nouveau Skylanders, le nouveau Disney Infinity, Sonic Boom, Watch Dogs ou Zelda Hyrule Warriors. Et du côté des sorties de jeux produits par Nintendo, il y aura évidemment le jeu de combat Super Smash Bros. L'E3 sera aussi l'occasion de montrer l'utilisation de la technologie NFC [technologie utilisée dans Skylanders et Disney Infinity, permettant d'utiliser des objets réels - ici, des figurines - dans des jeux vidéo] dans les consoles Nintendo. Le NFC sera utilisé dans la version Wii U de Super Smash Bros.
This sounds awful... Though I guess I should wait until E3 to see how it plays out.
Definitely a "wait and see"...
For now I suppose it would be a nice way to include DLC, but I would hope that DLC is also available to add digitally too for those who can't find the figurines at local retailers.
@Unca_Lz Called it
Well duh, it makes sense to use that feature
Wait and see, let's all reserve judgment. For right now, we don't even know how it will be utilized.
Everyone are just jumping to conclusions, why don't you wait and see how things turn out before boycotting Smash Bros. they are not bunch of idiots, they realize it shouldn't affect the main gaming experience, it will just be a bonus for people who want it, and in fact I'm very happy they are doing it, they would have done a lot of marketing on the game and now they could reach a broader audience, they have to do something to make kids put down their phones and look elsewhere, and this could be it.
I'll reserve judgement but my initial reaction is that NFC should not be used in smash.
I believe Nintendo won't expect us to pay extra for content that is already stored on the disc. Rather I'm hoping it will be a way to sell 'DLC' through this use. They'd be able to charge more for it than if it was regular DLC but will be justified in doing so.
Everyone is panicking so irrationally right now. Obviously they're not going to require figures to unlock anything in the game. It's still Nintendo, and it's still Sakurai.
Let the segregation begins!!
I don't think this figurines will unlock characters. They gotta sell popular characters figurins and all of them are already in the game. So, I guess this things will unlock stuff like skins. If they unlock anything at all.
Ugh.. Please no..?
I am worried now... So long as there are the default characters in the game and the unlockables that you can get WITHOUT paying more for figures, I'll be ok, but if it is like skylanders and the only characters you are are the figures you have.... I will be VERY upset and I won't buy it because really, I don't want to have to pay $60 for a game and then another $70-$100 just to be able to have the characters to play
Glad I wasn't too interested in this one.
while not surprised, i'm a little concerned.
smash's secret characters and loads of trophies and unlockable modes have been a huge part of the incentive to play the games so much since the original on N64, with each entry adding even more to unlock, more reason to play until you wear out your controllers!
But with NFC figurines i'm concerned that it'll either let players bypass the standards to unlock something, or even worse, there will be exclusive content only unlockable by figurines...
As an adult and big fan of Nintendo, I love the games and characters but not enough to purchase figurines. I don't play with toys anymore...this is designed for children and avid collectors.
i really hope they limit the interaction to skins or trophies or something, not anything major.
AND i hope everything they offer through figurines will be available in game some other way, or at the very least, inexpensive DLC. I don't want to miss out on anything smash has to offer just because i don't want to buy toys...
Ah yep, found it, my mistake
This doesn't bode well...
ive been thinking about this. i think its a good thing. ive definately warmed to it.
Please don't suck and please be good....
I'm not too worried about this honestly. They'll most likely implement it in a way that won't have a negative impact, to be honest.
Good god no...
The worse case scenario is, "With the Smash Bros Starter Kit for 3DS/Wii U you get Mario, Link and PIkachu to begin your Smash Bros fun. Want a larger roster, then go purchase your favorite Nintendo character and set them on the Nintendo Power Pad. Instantly they will be in the game. Want another stage, well then use our handy NES Carts (sold seperately) to add them in. Suck at SSB, then pick up a Power-Up like the Super Mushroom. It will instantly let you boot in a random power up for your fighter."
@ikki5 I bet when it comes to cost it will be closer to the Disney Infinity. (i.e at least double that).
Sorry if someone already said this but I wonder if the 3DS version will use AR cards then.
YES!! im happy about that as That HOPEFULLY means good qualty figers of all the charicters id happly get a Samus Kirby and Fox
@everyone stressing out... go play Pokemon rumble U... it dosnt even NEED the NFC figers... seriusly ppl chillout .
So will my figurines morph into the Smash cast abs fight for my entertainment? =D
Figurines-for-trophies only, please.
I'm relieved: the 3DS version looks a lot better all of a sudden.
Well I won't be eating for a month O-O. Nintendo and Riot are intent on sucking my wallet dry.
I have a feeling this statement will be retracted soon. He probably wasn't supposed to say that until after E3.
Pay to win perhaps??? NO!
There is a reason why I have not bought Disney Infinity
Riot.... as it League of Legends Riot??? You actually pay for those? My RP came from me abusing the referral system. lol Other than that, the game is free and all the stuff you need is free to get so I don't see a reason in giving them a cent.
@ikki5 Name a time when Nintendo has not just cherry picked the worst parts. NSLU and that is the only one I can think of.
I do not want to have to buy figures like you have to with games like Disney infinity (which I actually do own but it cost me way too much).
I don't have the money for this kind of stuff, nor the space in my house to pile it up.
Why is everyone assuming NFC won't be part of the 3DS version. You guys do realize that 3DS will have an NFC adapter right?
I knew this was going to happen.
@brandonbwii Not sure they would be willing to risk both getting boycotted.
I think it will most definitely be a way to transfer customization and personal data to other games, not a way of unlocking content, kinda like an expanded use of that Wiimote function that was hardly ever used as it could've.
I had a funny feeling that NFC was going to be used in Smash Bros. . But what about 3DS that would be nice and a smart move by Nintendo to do both 3DS and Wii U. Doing Transfer .
As long as it doesn't take out features for people who don't want to use NFC, fine. If I need to buy overpriced figurines to unlock modes or charcaters, that will ruin the game andI won't buy it.
@brandonbwii iits as i think the 3DS game will be out befor the figers are releced (my asumption) plus i think your right abiut the E3 bit lol.
Yeah, boycotted. Just like all the little boys and girls who will boycott Tomodachi Life for political reasons? LOL!
If anything there's MORE money to be made by capitalizing on this feature on 3DS. Much bigger child audience.
Glad that no one is jumping to conclusions. Oh wait...
I don't think we have to worry about them taking any characters out...unless the NFC figures also work on the 3DS' Smash Bros...but until then not gonna worry.
they better be careful on how they implement this otherwise they might frustrate players. But everything will probably work out.
That's how I feel. They haven't screwed up their DLC ventures yet so I don't see what all this doom and gloom stuff is about them making toys.
Nintendo was always a toy company and games are an extension of that. Now they're just combining the two extremes.
Very interested in how this will work, since they've denied any chance of DLC. They didn't deny extra characters via NFC though. It might work for some mini-game though, who knows.
I honestly don't see any problem with this. Look at it this way, Disney Infinity is the only NFC game where you NEED more figurines than you get in the starter pack.
All Skylanders games can be completed with just the starter pack and Pokemon Rumble U doesn't need the figurines at all.
As long as they don´t make figurine exclusive characters I´m in.
remember how sakurai said that special attacks would be customizable? maybe this has something to do with it
@Royalblues "won't take off" what, you mean like NFC in general never took off?
@brandonbwii Have you actually tried e.g the Fire Emblem or NSMB2 DLC it is about as bad as anybody does in terms of value (Excluding Cosmetic Items).
this will most likely be used to transfer data for your character progression between wii u and 3ds.
I'm psyched. If it is implemented properly, I'll definitely get a wii u. Maybe I'll even undastand.
I'm not worried either way. Nintendo know better than to ruin Smash by forcing people to buy toys. I think the added features will probably disappoint people again when they realise they're just superficial things to justify buying a toy.
Either that or Captain Falcon is a toy exclusive character
Sounds interesting. It will most likely be for customizing movesets. What if they could be used for special stages based on the world that the character is from?
@unrandomsam I believe you that they're bad value but surely not as bad as some of those train simulators and Gran Turismo!
The only way I see the figurines unlocking characters is if it's as an alternate way to unlock them. Sort of like shortcut dlc, only with figurines.
Anyway, it's one guy saying something and being translated to say they're using NFC on Wii U. I think people need to just wait till there's an official announcement before saying Nintendo is or isn't making a mistake.
No.No no no no no. I am NOT buying characters that'll take up space on my shelves and my wallet.
Skylanders and Infinity are the two most hated games of this generation. Who the flying love would follow their example?!
Please watch the profanity — TBD
@BaffleBlend "most hated"? Says who? They're clearly popular enough to spawn franchises, sequels (in the case of Skylanders) and people implementing the same tech...
To everyone getting butthurt over this decision:
Seriously, you all complain about Nintendo never changing and complain when they do.
Anyway, I quite like this decision. I always hoped Super Smash Brothers would FINALLY have merchandise, and this seems like an awesome start. This could be like fancy DLC, or you could buy one of an existing character, save things like your custom moveset for that character on it, and use it when, say, you're playing at a friend's house.
@BaffleBlend erm... other than there one of the highest grosing ganes releced this gen? Also dont sewere...
NSMB2 DLC wasn't the best, but it worked. I never found myself going, dang it, I wish these stages were included on the cart. It was a little pricey but I knew exactly what I was getting into. I never felt like I NEEDED the DLC to fully enjoy all it had to offer.
In other words it's not like I was paying for modes or to complete a story.
What @Fireninjastar said. Mixing things up could make a cool new experience. I would rather have a new game than brawl 2.0. I'm going to guess that the figures will store records, custom movesets, and save data.
Wow. Just wow. Of all Nitnedo's franchises this has to be the absolute worst choice for an NFC game. And I'm not opposed to toys, we have over 30 Skylanders in my house, and another 2 dozen Pokemon toys b/c kids like toys. But make toys for Nintnedo Land 2 or a Pokepark 3 game, NOT SSB.
My kid is going to his 3rd SB tournament tomorrow night and I just can't see people happy carrying around toys. This turns SSB into a kids game and it's one of Nintneod's few games that's seen as "hardcore".
Whether it's figures or accessories I just see it as a mistake.
@Fireninjastar WOW someone i dont know inperson is speacing with sence! Yeah i see it in the same was and am very excited to get my hands on a Samus Kerbi and Fox figers (plus metter knight with hope)
@Tasuki Sakurai has already revealed a lot of smash bros characters for the game, why even confirm them as players if your going to use them for figurines only? this must be something different, maybe like saving custom sets, or trophies or Extra character DLC (that is not unlockable from the game except for the figurines) I'm sure nintendo is wise enough not to use it like skylanders on a franchise like this. I shall wait for their approach this E3
Last week: "Nintendo don't have a clue what they're doing with the gamepad"
This week: "Nintendo are ruining a game by implementing a gamepad feature"
Next week: "I wish the Mario Kart figurines interacted with the gamepad."
I think that the NFC figures fit the idea of smash perfectly. After all, all the characters come to life from the form of a trophy. Think about the openings to smash 64 and melee, both are toys that are activated.
Horrifying news. Keep NFC away from Smash Bros.
Hopefully this is just a minor, throwaway feature.
I need to know more, but my guess NFC will not effect the core gameplay, Nintendo would be crazy if they did. NFC for Smash Bros will most likely add additional trophies, mini games, and custom move sets. Nothing that will effect the core gameplay, so if you dont buy any NFC Toys you will not be effected by anything.
Arggh, I don't get why everything must be spoiled before E3. I want to be blasted away by everything they have to say at E3, not just be like "knew that, knew this, knew that, oh some more info about something I already knew was coming, cool. Well, guess that was it."
So Nintendo UK doesn't deny Mr. Bole's statement, only saying that no specific titles have yet been announced. Mr. Bole's statement isn't "official," then, but probably still true.
Maybe he's wrong and it's not SSB but a spin-off. They aren't putting Subspace Emissary in the game so if they made that as a separate game, calling it "SSB Adventure" or something, THAT would be ok as a toy game. I always thought that could have been a game unto itself, my kids and I played that over and over again.
I really hope it isn't mandatory. I do not want to contribute unnecessarily to the mounting landfill crisis.
How well this works will depend on how it's implemented. Figurines that provide buffs in-game to give you an advantage over other players, or that grant throwaway unlocks, or unlocks that should be accessible by completing in-game objectives? Bad ideas. Reasonably priced figurines that add new characters to a roster that's of ample size to begin with? Good idea.
@SchamMan89 @rjejr
@JtotheY yep.. I completly agree woth you.. its liek with SSB atn.. finding out all the charicters out befor its out.. i likw secrt charicters 8( i mean.. Meutwo in mele was sutch a HUGE shock! And there was nothing like that in SSBB aside from the story mode... its depresing how ppl have to know EVERYTHING about a gane now befor thay play it...
Yeah! I will be able to play with TOYS!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!1 I'M EXCITED NOW!!!!
@Fireninjastar - Not too softly =P
Funny pic, though
@rjejr "Maybe he's wrong and it's not SSB but a spin-off. They aren't putting Subspace Emissary in the game so if they made that as a separate game, calling it "SSB Adventure" or something, THAT would be ok as a toy game."
That is something I could deal with. Actually, I could deal with anything if there was a way to use the feature without having to buy a figurine (through DLC or whatever). I'm trying to remain cautiously optimistic.
Whatever way Nintendo can sell zillions of the figurines I'm for. They probably will do it in the nicest way, so that you don't have to buy any figurine for anything, but I kinda wish they force them on so they can sell more.
Someone from ign mentioned a while ago when they first announced the Near field toys the custom move sets for smash...you could save your custom sets in the toys then take those custom sets with you, it's wa pure speculation but seems possible now.
Hopefully it just saves custom movesets or something that doesn't affect the actual game that much. Otherwise I'll be sticking to the 3DS version.
@Dr_Corndog "Reasonably priced figurines that add new characters to a roster that's of ample size to begin with? Good idea."
Also a bad idea if it is the only way to add the characters. I'll take DLC, but I don't want toys.
Let us remember that Nintendo was once a TOY company, folks.
All I know is, if I'm forced to buy those stupid figurines to unlock characters, I'm throwing my Wii U in the garbage, where it would then belong.
Can you imagine the 30+ olds here lining up to buy their selfs these toys for DLC? XP.
@2Sang I don't think anyone can undastand what goes on in Iwata's mind.
okay, okay. I'm done using these for the day.
As long as it's not mandatory, and we still get a complete game without having to invest in figurines, I'm more than fine with that.
And that's coming from someone who does intend to buy figurines once they're released; I just think they should be used with caution, more as cool add-ons than as required parts of the gameplay.
I'm gonna be the one guy here who comes out and says this is awesome news and I couldn't be more stoked for this game.
@BaffleBlend How will Toys fill up space in your wallet?
I knew it! Smart move i think
Nintendo's not dumb enough to make separately purchased figures mandatory to enjoy the game. That's the opposite of how Nintendo has always done business.
But it does mean that now, not only will I get to enjoy a new Smash Bros. game for years to come, but there is also the potential I'll get to line my bookshelves with the displayed figurines of the game's entire roster. Great news, indeed.
@bro2dragons agreed as iv sed sevral times now id realy like a Samus Kirby and Fox figers
@JtotheY Completely agreed, I've been like that all along with all the SSB character announcements and was the same with Sonic Lost World. The whole game, aside from a few story twists, was announced before release which made the game a bit dull for me. Every new Pokemon in X/Y version was announced before release too, that took away one of the best things in Pokemon, the discovery of new ones while playing. I like the feeling I get when I discover new things in games myself for the first time.
Just thought I post this here since most people forgot/don't know how the NFP could be utilized in games, most likely not just in SSB and not just a Infinity/Skylander clone.
I don't mind, as long as its optional. The toys should be different Nintendo characters other than what's already in the game. I really don't want to buy little figurines so I can play as Mario or Link..
@ultraraichu lol yeah -_- unfortuntly ppl are in ther own ignrant bubbles... also i do wonder how menny ppl here have actualy PLAYED Skylanders and Disny infinty... i own both games (all 6 skylander games 3 home concle games 3 3ds games)
@Volmun Yep, exactly. A lot of people here seem to be just judging based on what they've seen on Youtube/adverts and what all the other bashers say instead of their own experiences.
Damn they should've definitely kept this news to themselves, immediately people are saying they won't be buying the game, without any of us knowing how the figurines will be implemented. I'm sure it won't affect the core of the game, too much of a risk to be doing that to an already succesful franchise. It could be key to launch some big new franchise a little more on the casual side though.
@kamifox1 @Volmun I wonder the same thing. It's the same with the Pokemon Rumble U figurines. Most people compared it to Skylanders and Infinity without even playing them, much less learn what it does and how necessary it is.
I'll of course wait for them to demonstrate it, but I know right now I won't be buying any toys. I just don't have the room for all that plastic tat around my house. If that means missing out on content, I'll stick to the 3DS version.
If this means that the game will be ANYTHING like Skylanders than count me out. I'm turning 27 in June and I am not buying toys in order to access content that is already on the disc.
If these toys are merely optional than that's entirely different. I will simply ignore that optional content, much like I ignore the GamePad when the Pro Controller is an option.
@Fireninjastar - I have no idea what "the Jimmies rustle softly" means, but the photo does remind me the new PoTA movie is out soon
I think it could be something like:
I think this would be a really smart move.
@WillhamBoyGeniu Its a good idea in countries with weak card security and no eShop cards. Been there done that.
@ikki5 Most of my friends already have League But a positive is that we all get each other gifts XD. I will admit I guilty of being addicted to some skins... I'm looking at you Super Galaxy Rumble. Also, I will give them my money, but only if I feel that I am good at the champ.
I try and get my skins on sale anyways and I prefer getting RP using prepaid cards. That way I know that not all the money goes to Rito.
Oh and by the way, if you are in Europe, what is your summoner name? Maybe we could have a game sometime!
So not totally confirmed now, but still possible...
Well I would like to see what could come of this NFC stuff, just so long as they proceed with caution. To make it mandatory could upset a whole bunch of people, though could see it used for small add on things that don't matter. have to wait and see
I know one thing though, I'm gonna buy all those figures eventually...
I wouldn't oppose to using the figurines I wonder how Nintendo will use them in the game. I hope they (figurines) only add extras and are not necessary to the core gameplay, because that might throw off some people who aren't willing to spend the extra money.
@themac2001 Sorry, I am in NA. I did have a EU champ for when the NA servers went down but I don't remember what it was and also, it was only level 6
If it leads to a Ness figurine I'll be stoked!
When i saw the headline i was like "Uh oh leak credibility! " but it's not confirmed yet
If it isn't mandatory, I'll be happy. Those custom move sets are what it will more than likely interact with, and also some added characters.
If they do it right this is a good move. The WiiU is In dire straits, and this is their biggest WiiU game so it makes sense to use it and it's vast characters & items to launch NFC
@DestinyMan The 3DS one was supposed to come out this summer but the actual NFC device for the 3DS is not expected until early 2015. Nintendo never do things that far in advanced. (They could have done some DLC for Tennis Open and then kept the Mario Golf DLC for a year from now but that is not how they work).
People automatically assume that the NFC figures will be just be unlockable characters/content, and they're not buying the Wii U version because of it. Okay, someone tell me where it says the NFC figures will only be for unlockable characters/content? Yeah, it doesn't.
Who knows, the NFC figures will probably be used for customizing your character or something? Also, this news is NOT an official conformation. If this does turn out to be true that SSBWiiU will use NFC, I REALLY hope that they also do it for the 3DS version just to p!ss off the 3DS owners.
So; do you think they'll let you buy physical versions of the trophies from the game as part of this whole NFC initiative...?
They look ideally suited for it, with those circular bases that look just about the right size based on the handful we've seen.
That would make good sense but knowing modern day Nintendo...
@SockoMario Or get them to grow up and realise it's here to stay and doesn't necessarily affect anything. I personally think the "I'm an adult therefore I don't want to be seen with toys" mentality is much less mature than just buying the toys either because they like specific characters or they want the in-game content. I bet none of them would complain if it was just DLC.
I generally don't think this is a good idea.
I think it will be good. Maybe if i can get enough money rounded up i can get the nfp as well as the game for 3ds..this should be interesting to see.Hopefully it works well.
My only concern is that the NFP for 3DS might make it a bit awkward for a handheld, a device that's designed to be carried around. I had the same issue with the Skylanders Portal of Power and anything that uses AR but if it's only a minor feature, then I'll live without for the period when I'm out and about.
Why...not even a month away, and gaming companies just cant contain their new info. This E3 was shaping up to be colossal, but a lot of it may be spoiled before it even begins this time..
As we speak...
@Kirk Yes, knowing modern day Nintendo, the people who brought us every Pokemon up to Gen 5 in figurine form for Pokemon Rumble U... Are Volmun and I seriously the only people here who remember that? Or are Skylanders and Disney Infinity the only games to have ever done anything like this now as far as you lot are concerned?
Sounds like the usual denial from Nintendo.
@kamifox1 I know when Nintendo do implement stuff like that then it is for the most part even worse.
They already confirmed the rosters are identical.
If the figure unlocks content well then im for it but im not going to buy them just for content.I dont have that much money for it.
As a gamer, this is cool and I can dig it.
As a collector, %@## %$@##*** YEAH!!!
Ever since they mentioned the mirror thing it is all I see now lol
lol At the people freaking out. We don't even know how the NFC feature will be implemented. My guess is that you can enjoy the game without anything to do with the NFC or the toys. But whatever, if negativity and skipping out on a game because a minor feature makes you happy, so be it.
The only time I ever had a problem with Nintendo's DLC ventures was Rusty's Real Deal Baseball. How exactly do you mean Nintendo makes everything worse?
You people are worrying over nothing. It hurts my head to see people say they're passing on this game just cause of something that will not be even remotely required.
Eats popcorn
@NintendoMonkey Oh, yeah. Probably true. I was thinking along more obvious lines; it's likely that Nintendo will do what they so often do and pleasantly surprise us.
This will be why it's taking 6 months longer to develop the Wii U game. Nice try at playing it down Nintendo UK.
WOW all these people are making assumptions like they can see the future! HOW about you buy the game and stop whining like a five year old. Unbelievable!!!
Judging by the way apparently plan to use NFC figurines they could be planning to allow customizable move-sets or who knows what else and that stuff could be transferable to the other games that use the figurines.
As long as its a buy it once and use it indefinitely model it shouldn't be a problem, which seems to be the plan.
As for being too "grown up" for figurines and what not, pulling the age card is also inherently childish. So are a lot of past-times and hobbies to some extent. Being "too old" is the wrong reason to deprive yourself of something.
Lets wait for E3 before diving for the life boats shall we?
You guys remember how in Brawl, each character had a trophy for their Final Smash? What if you could buy NFC figurines for characters that were like those and they gave you access to new final smashes? Remember, there ARE custom movesets!
Between this , HyruleW, Mk8, Pokken(pokemon/tekken), and the inevitable Rhythm Heaven/Wii music U mash up, the sales made from this NFC push to me will be very productive imho and a welcome trifecta +2 lol. This will extend the lifespan of the console. #jetlife #nintendolife
someone's getting fired!
I so knew this was going to happen, Smash is perfect for it. Thats why they delayed it till winter 2014.
In other news, Ike was confirmed as a returning character earlier today. I'm rather shocked this site hasn't mentioned it yet.
NFC figures with different skins/clothing and then u can unlock them in the game? Am I right ladies?
I really hope there's gonna be third or even four characters from FE. It would be super lame if there was only Ike and Marth like in Brawl, considering how popular FE:Awakening was...
@xerneas I feel the same. With how well Awakening did, I'm sure Sakurai will think of something.
@kamifox1 "Yes, knowing modern day Nintendo, the people who brought us every Pokemon up to Gen 5 in figurine form for Pokemon Rumble U... "
...and conversely Pokemon Rumble U instead of the real Pokemon RPG game everyone actually wants (maybe even an MMO).
Which goes to my point: They give us lots of stuff we don't really ask for or expect but often not the stuff we actually want.
Now let's see if they get everything right this time with Smash Bros Wii U and this whole NFC integration...
I want an Ike figure!
I'm sure Mr. Bole will get yelled at for talking out of turn...
I think it will be more similar to what they did with Pokemon Rumble: not tying unlocks to figurines, but adding abilities, making your levelled-up character portable or allowing you to get to use a character more quickly than you could if you unlocked them normally in the game.
@KodyDawg Same here. Hopefully they are semi affordable ($5-$10). It will be interesting to see how they are used in this and other games. Also if there will be variations on characters, ie Mario and Metal Mario. My guess is we will hear more about them at E3.
@Smooching It was already revealed NFC characters would come to market before the end of 2014 and be used on various games. Smash is the only Wii U game being published by Nintendo coming out end of year that has been announced. I speculated it would happen.
My monies are screaming for reprieve already.... Why must this happen?
I remember when That first sky lander game came out I bought every one of them then I even bought the 3DS Version( not that good) I spent mad money. I haven't bought another sky lander game since. I would have to say I would get addicted to these little figure from smash. But I remember that Pokémon figurine and I was like that's it. They-better make them look good.
@ikki5 Shame. I thought from cent you lived in Europe as Americans say dime, right?
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