Figures. Figures everywhere.


Nintendo UK has issued us with the following statement:

On 8th May 2014, Mr Iwata announced the decision for Nintendo to release character figurines with built-in NFC functionality that are compatible with video games starting from this year-end sales season.

There has, however, not been any specific announcements regarding which software titles for Nintendo platforms will use this functionality.

We have no other announcements to make at this time.

Original Article:

Nintendo is expected to show off more details regarding its recently-announced Nintendo Figurine Platform at this year's E3, but it would appear that Nintendo of France's managing director Stephan Bole has already divulged some details.

Speaking to French site Le Figaro, Bole states that the Wii U version of Super Smash Bros. will make use of the NFC tech. Here's what he said, funnelled through the Babel fish that is Google Translate:

E3 is also an opportunity to show the use of NFC technology in Nintendo consoles. The NFC will be used in the Wii U version of Super Smash Bros.

There seems to be little room for doubt in that statement, but we've reached out to Nintendo and will add any additional official comment to this story, should it be forthcoming.

The Wii U version of Super Smash Bros. arrives in the Winter of this year. The 3DS version will be hitting store shelves earlier, with a "Summer" window being mentioned.

Would the addition of NFC tech change your perception of Super Smash Bros.? Are you concerned that it could alter the way in which the game plays, forcing players to purchase figures in order to access them in-game? Or do you believe Nintendo will take a different approach to that of Disney Infinity and Skylanders, and the figures will unlock special items, buffs or other content? Let us know with a comment below.

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