Mega Man enthusiasts that aren't averse to browsing a bit of crowdfunding will have no doubt followed, with interest, last year's Kickstarter campaign from Jasco Games. Its crowdfunding project for an officially licenced board game based on the classic Capcom series was unsurprisingly popular, raising $415,041 when it had sought just $70,000. It looks rather detailed and complicated, too, which is part of the point when you sit down at a table to play a game for a few hours.
Naturally, fans will be excited to play this, especially those that backed the campaign and are waiting for a big box in the mail. Jasco Games has now opened up pre-orders for those eager to play that didn't jump into the crowdfunding initiative, accepting payment via Paypal on its official website. It is relatively pricey and pre-orders are currently limited to North America, with a price of $79.99 in the U.S. and $94.99 for Canada and Mexico — delivery is expected in October this year.
You can learn more about the game and see it in action in the original Kickstarter video below. Are you tempted to put down a pre-order?
[source, via]
Comments 16
I want this but no idea why.
$100.00 for a board game I always thought was never going to be a real thing when the news about it popped up?
If Nintendo ever made an official Wario board game just maybe I might start to think about paying that much if it reviewed well lol
The price is about average for that type of board game. If you look at some of the big table top game board game projects that Hobby Town carries, they are all around $100. I will hopefully be getting this and having broad game night at the house! FINALLY SOMETHING FROM MEGA MAN!!! Note: I also pledged money for this on KickStarter, although I have to see how much.
Ya I was always a Milton Bradley/Parker Brothers kid growing up. Could probably buy 4 of their board games for 100 bones. But I can understand the price tag on niche market boards just never got into them. Risk and axis and allies will always be my go to though I haven played them in years
I think this is a cool idea... but it's not $75 cool. Don't get together with friends enough to justify that price at all.
Call me when it's $25 and I'll pick it up.
how about a REAL new mega man video game
yea... that would be great
just sell the rights to nintendo... or let nintendo buy your whole incorrigible company, thanks.
I want this. Yes, even at that price.
I almost backed this, but I can't help but feel that ALL the miniatures look great EXCEPT for MegaMan. His figure has a terrible face and it's very off-putting, to put it very bluntly.
Meh, I like it and all; I was even excited when you guys made the previous post about this board game, but $75 is too much fir a project that went 4x further than their kickstarter. I wouldn't play anymore than $30 unless it is a must-have. I'd just like to play with it a few times a year and keep it as a Collector's Toy on the shelf.
Despite the price, I'm definitely pre-ordering this. It sounds awesome!
Cool! Now if CAPCOM were to release a Mega Man video game, that'd make a lot of people happy.
@Dark-Link73 They are...on mobile
I'm not getting that for 80$. I'd rather buy LOZ:ALBW and DKCTF.
mm 1-10 is enough for me.
Seeing this just makes me want a new MegaMan. Oh Capcom, Capcom! What have done with MegaMan? Oh well, got Mighty No. 9 to look forward to.
LOL! $80 for plastic and cardboard, no thanks. Cool for those who are die hard MegaMan fans I guess.
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