The inevitable Photoshop image

There's pandemonium on the streets, cats and dogs are living together, self-professed hardcore gamers are playing pet sims, and Mario's main power-up is now an AK47. The gaming world has lost its senses, there's no going back.

Well, not really, it's just that Sony's President of Worldwide Studios, Shuhei Yoshida, has doubled his personal count of Wii U systems. He already said he had one, but has now stated on the Kurokawa Juku web show in Japan that he has two, and then expressed support for the system and its games library to date.

I own 2 Wii Us, myself.

The latest Mario game is really good, too. I think the Wii U is just getting started.

People can get together and enjoy [the Wii U], it's got plenty of wonderful games. Nintendo helps raise and teaches the fun of games to people just starting out. I think that's a very important thing in this industry.

Yoshida-san is developing a reputation as a particularly genial executive, so his willingness to publicly praise a competitor is certainly not a huge surprise. His comments also suggest an opinion shared by plenty of others, that the content and target audience of the Wii U aren't necessarily the same as those of PS4 (and One), especially in a world where a number of gamers often own multiple systems. We also wonder whether there's a little Japanese unity going on here, though Sony and Microsoft did exchange Twitter pleasantries over each other's launches.

It's not often a writer on a Nintendo site can say that the Sony's President of Worldwide Studios has more Wii U systems than he does; maybe we should all have two?
