Rage of the Gladiator was one of WiiWare's big-hitting titles a few years back before hopping over to smartphones to thrill iOS and Android players. However, the circle of life looks like it could become complete once more as the game heads back in the direction of Nintendo — recent PEGI and USK ratings suggest that a 3DS eShop launch is forthcoming.
We really liked the WiiWare version of the game, stating: "Rage of the Gladiator is the kind of WiiWare game we'd like to see more often, with excellent control, great design and bags of fun." Hopefully the 3DS version will retain the same high standard when it eventually launches. Is this a 3DS title you'd like to get your hands on? Post a comment to tell us.
Update: We caught up with the guys at Gamelion to verify this and it turns out that the 3DS eShop release should be with us in only a few weeks time.
Here is a brand new trailer for you to check out.
[source nintendoeverything.com, via pegi.info, usk.de]
Comments 19
So buying!
I have it for Wii so, no. I'm not gonna double dip.
Never played it... So I'll look into it. Be brilliant if it came with online play!
Was terrific with MotionPlus, good times.
The demo was fun, but the game look like a low polygon Gamecube game.
Its no punch-out but fun.
I've never tried it, but it looks like a pretty cool game
I'm tempted to buy this version too since the game was so great on WiiWare. I just hope they've added a new opponent or something. Word out to any fans of Punch-Out: Get this game.
I thought the Wii version was pretty good.
Should look pretty cool in proper 3D too (well, not on the 2DS).
Hopefully they've also adjusted the controls slightly to take advantage of the 2DS/3DS extra buttons compared to the Wiimote.
Should be a solid eShop game.
Solid game on WiiWare. Not sure I'd buy a second time... but it's always nice to see more quality software made available. Hopefully Rage of the Gladiator finds more success on eShop than on the poorly supported WiiWare platform.
I just might need this on my 3ds. Will wait for a review but this is a good game to double dip on!
Awesome! I have the WiiWare game...and I now want it on my 3DS!!!!
This time I might just buy it.
There would need to be new content for me to buy this again. Great game, though. They did wonders with the Wiiware file size limit.
I'll get it since I missed it on Wiiware. I don't see how I completely missed this title... I just read the original review and am sorta kicking myself. That was a great review btw @Sean_Aaron!
Might have to buy this again. This is the closest thing to a 3D Punch-Out, which is the one thing I really, really want for 3DS.
So excited, I love the WW game. Probably the best Punch-Out!! clone out there. I'll pick it up again.
I was going to say... This looks like a medivel punch-out!!
I liked the wiiware version, but I'll probably pass on the 3ds version...having sadi that if they offered an upgraded version on Wii U, I might consider it
We'll see... I might just stick to the free version on my smartphone.
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