Are fans still yelling for an encore?

A full-fledged, retail Rock Band title was last released nearly three long years ago. Since then, developer Harmonix has been busy with more kinetic offerings, including the Dance Central series and the just-announced Disney Fantasia: Music Evolved for Xbox consoles.

But don’t put your six-string in hock just yet, Tommy. In an interview with GamesBeat, Harmonix co-founder Alex Rigopulous responded to a question on departing from older IPs to take on Fantasia by claiming the company is not ready to bury Rock Band just yet:

I’ll also say that we don’t view Rock Band as something that’s being left behind. It’s something we’ll return to at the right point in time and reimagine it as appropriate for its time.

It’s possible Rigopulous said this only as a placeholder of sorts and that no future plans for Rock Band will come to light, or that more downloadable titles like Rock Band Blitz will be the only offerings. If they decide to go back into full equipment-based play, however, how do you think the brand would update itself? A GamePad keyboard or turntable, perhaps?

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