Balloon Fight Banner

So, Balloon Fight is available in exchange for some loose change right now on the Wii U eShop. That's good. The download in Europe is apparently continuing the trend seen on Wii and is running at 50 Hz. That's most definitely bad.

For those of you outside of Europe and unaware, back in the old days — prior to the GameCube era — European gamers endured games that ran almost universally slower than in North America — roughly 17% slower. This was due to televisions in Europe running at a 50 Hz refresh rate, and as their contemporaries in North America and Japan were 60 Hz, games in the region — regardless of the native frame rate of the title — would run slower to accommodate the TVs. The issue passed with modern televisions, thankfully, yet Nintendo's Wii Virtual Console offered up straight emulations meaning that, despite being on the same wavelength as other regions, Europeans still suffered from slower games.

Unfortunately, many are now complaining that Balloon Trip on Wii U is doing the same thing, which is slightly frustrating in the year 2013. After sampling the delights of a full speed Super Mario Bros. and more on the 3DS Virtual Console, Europeans may have hoped that the issue could be resolved for the newest home console. When it comes to the work to prepare Virtual Console games for Wii U, however, it seems like this isn't on Nintendo's list.

You can read more about it in the original post on NeoGaf, and we're planning to look at the issue in a little more detail soon. Hopefully this will be resolved for future downloads, though we won't hold our breath.

Oh, Nintendo.

[source, via]