Nicalis may have a rather questionable record of localising its download titles in all regions — mention Cave Story on DSiWare or the 3DS eShop to a European and see what happens — but it does actively seek to bring high-quality indie releases to Nintendo systems. When you consider that titles such as VVVVVV and NightSky are amongst the very best on the eShop platform, it shows that the publisher is bringing some top-notch gaming to the handheld.
The various releases of Cave Story also show that Nicalis has a fondness for Daisuke "Pixel" Amaya's games, with confirmation from Nintendo, courtesy of an eShop sizzle reel, that Ikachan will finally arrive on 3DS before the end of the year; it was previously linked with a DSiWare release. Nicalis seems to be bringing us another title from the famous indie developer, this time in the form of Guxt, a retro-themed vertical scrolling shmup that forgoes complicated power-ups in favour of the basic, simple act of flying around and shooting everything in sight. Little's known at this stage, but we assume this PC original will get the usual remaster treatment, while Nicalis man Tyrone Rodriguez has tweeted that it'll also have a vertical display option for arcade fans.
You can check out footage of the PC version below — actually a play-through, the original is evidently very short — so you can see what it's all about.
[source, via]
Comments 30
If it's from Pixel, it's worth a look.
Guess they finally got sick of porting Cave Story 100 times over.
That's actually kinda neat that they're bringing Pixel's smaller projects to the 3DS eShop as well.
STILL, Nicalis, Nintendo, hurry up and get these out in the EU eShop as well!
For gods sake don't leave us hanging like you did with the DSiWare release, ya hear?
Edit: Oh, and did you know?
Cave Story has a more obvious reference to Ikachan with the Iron Head boss fight and Alien Medal.
But Cave Story on WiiWare with the remastered graphics has Guxt posters in a few locations.
Man the eshop goodness just keeps piling up.
Wahoo, a vertical SHMUP! The 3DS needs more of these!
I hope they Don't take too long for each of these games
Still waiting for cave story eshop, Nicalis...
Looks quite like Solar Striker.
15 minutes is an appropriate length of time for a shooter like this. I'd like to see some difficulty options though, let us crank it up to really brutal levels and see if it still feels like it lasts 15 minutes.
Nicalis is showering us in games
Cave story
1001 spikes
First bring Cave Story + to Europe, then we'll talk about other games.
This is frustating.
Yes! I'm loving Nicalis right now!
Release Date: Q1 2018
Don't even ask me when you'll see this in Europe lol
Ohh.....I "ruff" Nicalis games, we mant noaw and Ikachen .
oh nicalis, why tease us now with something we won't see for years? u_____u
He made such pretty games.
Could Europeans just get Cave Story and Night Sky first???????
I look forward to playing this in 2014.
Wow! I'd heard rumors he wanted to port Guxt, but for it to be confirmed. O.O
Hmmm...great, they'e probably just teasing us now, this article was just begging for me to show up. While I'll try anything Nicalis would have put out, I'm really hoping they don't break their promise of releasing Cave Story on eShop here in PAL territory. They said it's meant to be out Q4 and I still don't see it anywhere.
As much as I love the fact this is coming out in NA, Nicalis get your head straight!
My european friends want to play your games, but you won't let them buy any? Do you not like pounds/euros Nicalis?
First shmup and it's from Nicalis? Another shmup will release before this one.
@Knuckles: It costs money to bring stuff to Europe, so it's not like they're gonna make all profits
Not normally something I would try but seeing as Pixel made it, it shall be worth a look I think.
@Aqueous pixels the only indie developer I like
@Knuckles You do know that PAL also includes Australia and New Zealand right? I know it's a common mistake, but just remember in the future. I hate complaining about Nicalis, I really do and what I hate most is tweeting them and them never responding, anyone else getting the silent treatment?
I guess I could say that I 'played it before it was cool'?
This looks pretty good, hopefully it won't be too expensive since its such a short game but I hope Nicalis hurries up with the European release of Cave story+.
Looks nice and good music! But wasn't this also initially freeware?
@RetroGBHippie92 I know that, I just was in a hurry and said Europe only, instead of Europe and Austrialia.
Um ok. Sorry but I hope they plan to upgrade that games graphics and music. I cant help but feel after watching that video that I have played that shooter many times over... Star soldier, super star soldier, soldier blade.... All great games but another clone? Really? Is this the best we can get? Whynot just open the floodgate for virtual console and port all the best pcengine shooters then that would really be somethin. Just sayin. Lastly why dont you show our UK friends some love and get them what they want...meaning cave story
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