All the tracks are groovy

Wii U Grooves - a fan made album of remixed Wii U sounds - has been uploaded to the interwebs for your listening pleasure. DJ Cutman, who has a passion for video games and chip-tune music, mixed the 9-track album and has made it available for download right here.

The songs are inspired - and cleverly named - by the music played during firmware updates (Hot Tea & Firmware Updates), to the Wii U menu (Bask in the Menu) and Miiverse (Alone in the Miiverse). Should you wish to download the tracks and stick them on your music player, a minimum donation of $0.20 is needed per track; whereas downloading the whole collection will set you back an incredible $0.50. We know which option we'll be choosing.

If you've had a listen to the tracks, let us know your thoughts. Our favourite is the cheerful and upbeat 'How Attractive!'.

[source, via]