If you haven't heard of Gangnam Style, maybe you're the lucky one. That might be harsh, but the quirky music video has gone so viral that there's no escape, meaning that lots of people are happily imitating it and looking rather silly.
As most will know, meanwhile, the best place to find people dressed in silly outfits with time on their hands is at a university campus, with a good spot seeming to be University of California, Berkeley. The video below is yet another imitation, rather cutely called Super Mario Style, but we must give credit for the successful flash mob that kicks in. As we've suggested, they're probably all students, which explains why they're so cheery and have had lots of opportunity to practice the well-known dance moves. Once this gets going, it's pretty good.
The proper dancers dressed as Mario, Luigi and Toad show off a bit too, though Luigi arguably wins the dance-off.
So what do you think? We suggest anyone with the intention of becoming the 50,350th person to do a Gangnam Style video think about whether it'll be better than this before going through with it.
[source youtube.com]
Comments 51
I've got nothing.
Very WTF lol
Should show my sister this
In a few years this will end up like the macarena.
I like how Batman shows up from nowhere
Koopa Gangnam Style!
Genius, but gangnam is a bit too overused.
Life: made.
That was awesome.
This is the most stupid dance i ever see. oh well...i think being stupid is the new black lol
Multiple levels of awesome are being achieved in this, fantastic!
OVER 9000!!! is not the range of people who haven't heard of Gangnam Style.
Yay, another video not available in Germany. -.-
The Klingon version is better.
For once, this song was parodied with a god dance!
Life. Made. I loved it!
My eyes are bleeding. ;u;
The first time I heard the song, I thought it was Gundam Style, lol.
@Mr_Trill3506: "(insert thing here) is the new black" is a saying that means 'the new hotness' or 'what's in this season'. It has nothing to do with race. check it out! :3
I Am.. Batman ;p
Anyways yea this was dope and the green machine did steal the show for me as well. I like stuff like this very entertaining. Mushroom Kingdom Go Hard !
Alexneon said:
This is the most stupid dance i ever see. oh well...i think being stupid is the new black lol
Mr_Trill3506 said:
WTF did alexneon say new black thing i should pimp slap for talking about blacks like that..
theblackdragon said:
@Mr_Trill3506: "(insert thing here) is the new black" is a saying that means 'the new hotness' or 'what's in this season'. It has nothing to do with race. check it out! :3
I'm seriously loving the amount of parodies for this thing. This was pretty funny, too.
♫ Oppa 'weegee style! ♫
Six years from now, this is going to be the new Macarena.
I love doing this dance at school. You feel so silly doing it, but you have so much fun dancing, that you don't care how you look 😃
This. Is. AWESOME.
Don't know why but I love how batman randomly shows up. Great video!
Lesson of the day:
Oppum Gangnam Style- Meaning I have gangnam style, gangnam being a location in his country with lots of clubs, considered to be cool. (Akin to "Like A Boss" in a diff. language).
I laughed when Batman randomly showed up. Awesome.
Weegee has some good moves. He must have been kicking it on Mario DDR.
Hahaha that was funny! Ill never get tired of this song!
2012 is the year music officially died....
I had never heard of the song until this news article, its an ok song but not really worth listening to again. Guess its just not my style
That almost made the song sound good! good going guys!
oh goodness.............................That's all I have to say
Why is Mario orange???
"If you haven't heard of Gangnam Style, maybe you're the lucky one." So true......
I also liked the part where Batman showed up.
I was a lucky one! Stupid article...
Special guest appearance by Batman.
Haha, this is really cool. I mean yeah it's been done a bunch o' times already but I love that song and dance and they did this pretty well. They seem to have added a lot of their own flair to it and that's cool.
This is probably the best parody of this song that I've seen yet! And, oh, have I seen plenty of those...
........why do people insist on parodying the dance and yet the moves aren't even right?
This was so fun!! Thanks for posting!
Gangnam Style is CRAP, IMO, but everyone at school loves it. I don't get why they love it so much!
This just makes me wanna cry!
What's a Gangnam Style? This just makes me miss the terrible yet awesome dance music of the 90's even more.
It's irritating how this is everywhere. What a stupid phase for society. I wish the song never existed.
Love it, loved when luigi pulls off that hands trick and then batman rises. LOL
Those guys/gals had a blast in the making of that!
They're having too much fun! I love the Gangnam Style video. Anyone else laugh at the Saturday Night Live skit they did?
Very cool!
I don't like Gangnam Style...
[if i said what reasons,i'd probably Get Shot. U.U]
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