Link stitched

Nintendo Land is intended as a Wii U equivalent of Wii Sports, but so far it looks more like a new Wii Play. Not so, says Nintendo. Each of the attractions will be deeper than the games found in Wii Play, with multiple stages, modes and adjusting difficulty levels.

Wii U hardware producer Katsuya Eguchi took to the stage at last night's developer discussion to chat about the theme park title that unites several of Nintendo's franchises in one appealing package. He was keen to emphasise that the 12 attractions will be full featured, with some playable alone or a group.

The Legend of Zelda: Battle Quest is a simplistic take on the adventures of Link in a world where everybody is made of cloth. If you use Wii U GamePad you're an archer, while wielding a Wii Remote Plus hands you a sword. Though up to four players can get in on the action at once — three on Wii Remotes, one on the GamePad — it can also be played alone. The challenge level will change depending on how many people are in the game; enemies might give you a slightly easier time of it if you're solo, for example. Battle Quest includes several levels and bosses to defeat, too.

Adjusting the attractions according to the number of players is a theme that will run throughout Nintendo Land. Map sizes and layouts might switch about to change the experience whether you're on your own or with friends, for example. Players with the GamePad can see different information, viewpoints, advantages and objectives, with a view to creating completely new co-operative and competitive opportunities that bring novice and advanced players together at skill levels they are each comfortable with.

Wii Sports Resort-style challenges also make a return, with coins awarded for each accomplishment. The shiny golden discs can be exchanged to unlock new bonuses around the park. Miis visit from all over the world and you can find out where they're from, how much is in their wallet and other things.

Does any of this make Nintendo Land more appealing to you?
