Oddball 3DS eShop download Picture Lives! has been rechristened Freakyforms: Your Creations, Alive! in Australia.
The Australian Board of Classification gave the game a G for General rating, you'll be pleased to know.
You can check out a Freakyforms: Your Creations, Alive! trailer and come back for a release date as soon as we hear one.
[source classification.gov.au]
Comments 20
At least we know this game is definitely coming out of Japan
Good ol' Australian Classification Board.
What would we do without them.
This looks quite fun.
Why did they change the name from something that sounds ok to something that just sounds completely stupid?
@Kirk: I know, right?
drawn to life is back in 3d
@6 Actually this game isnt in 3D...
and you can only actually draw your own character...
Geonjaha: Bubble Burster
Just Freakyforms would have been a better name.
Freakyforms, huh? Sounds (and looks) like loads of fun!
Freakyforms? Appropiate name!
"This chap looks familiar..."
Hello Pedobear!
@NintendoMike wins 10 internets.
dumbest name ever...
what was wrong with picture lives?
This game looks like 90% "Drawing fun platforms yay!" and 10% "YOUR NIGHTMARES ARE REAL".
i want this game...
@11 - That's pretty much what I thought....
Do note that the actual original title of the game is "Creatoy", not "Picture Lives". America is allowed to change the name of the game, but no one else are?
ausfag how much will it cost
i think since the name is freakyforms your creations ALIVE,sounds Halloween like ,it should be free that day for one day !
That looks o.k
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