There's new content on 3DS Virtual Console, WiiWare and DSiWare this week, so let's get to it and see what's on the way.
3DS Virtual Console
Catrap (Game Boy, ASK, £2.60/€3) — You must restore Catboy and Catgirl to their normal forms — whatever that may be — by heading through a series of mind-bending puzzles. Not the most widely remembered Game Boy release, but then Virtual Console is all about discovering forgotten titles too. We'll have a review soon.
Extreme Hangman 2 (Gamelion Studios, 200pts) — The sequel to a sleeper hit, Extreme Hangman 2 includes more words, more modes and more stick figures meeting a sticky end. You can read our Extreme Hangman 2 review to fill in the gaps.
Trenches Generals (Fishing Cactus, 700pts) — A Wii-specific version of a popular iOS game, Trenches Generals blends real-time action with strategy elements and isn't a bad little game all in all, as our Trenches Generals review explains.
Let us know what you're getting in the comments below.
Comments 39
Looking forward to Catrap
Nothing there that I'm too interested in... atleast I still have Four Swords to tide me over.
Oh! I played Catrap when I was a kid. It was a pretty fun game!
What's this game?
Wow. The eshop is getting depressing.
just watched cat trap video.looks like a good puzzler will get sometime.the eshop is getting better by the thursday.
I've been looking forward to Catrap for a while now! I really hope it comes out here on Thursday as well!
What the eff? Where is Metroid II? If Nintendo made Return of Samus Japan-only game, I'll be seriously pissed off... And I am certainly not getting Catrap, couldn't care less for this game...
Most rare,cult and strange game on game boy EVER
@Kifa: Relax. I seriously doubt that Return of Samus is only gonna be available in Japan. I wouldn't be surprised to see it pop up in a week or two is other regions.
Considering America and Europe usually get VC games weeks after Japan, I'm not surprised that Metroid II isn't on the list yet.
I have emailed NoE to ask them if Europe will get any more Wii VC games released this year or before the new Wii Console is launched. We still have to catch up America for Mega Man 5 and X.
Really looking forward to Catrap but seriously Nintendo of America, where is Double Dragon? Its been over three months since Europe & Japan got it.
Man, Golf was a bad trade-off.
Catrap? never heard of it!
I think this is depressing, too, I want Metroid 2, Zelda Oracle of Ages/Seasons and Y,B Controls for Mario Games.. Nintendo continues to disappoint
Catrap you say? Never heard of it, but sure its awesome!
Nothing for me this week. Slightly interested in Trenches Generals, but I would need a demo for this, I think.
looks like people are getting more and more depressed with the eshop as the weeks role on.
at this rate, it wouldn`t suprise me if this is how things turn out for the wii u download service. lots of promises and with a failed out come.
Catrap looks interesting. From the video, it reminds me a little bit of Toki Tori, might be worth a look.
The Internet answer: "Cat trap? Never heard of that. It must be crap! We need more first-party Nintendo titles!" and then a couple of weeks later; "I wish Nintendo would give some love to third parties rather than shovelling their own stuff all over the eShop."
I played Catrap on my Game Boy, only it was the Japanese version, "Pitman". I never knew that it was released under a completely different title elsewhere. The game was never a favorite of mine, to be honest. Still, what an obscure game to get on the VC, especially this early in the console's life.
Catrap looks cute. I might try it out. Avenging Spirit is awesome by the way.
LOL Asmik's mascot.
@Dyl_Doe, @captnkuessel and @my_point_is Do you really expect to get a great first-party Nintendo title every week? If that happens Nintendo will exhaust all their first-party games for the service way too quickly. You should give some of the obscure third-party games a chance sometimes. At least Catrap looks like a decent game. I'm not sure if I will get Catrap (theres still a chance I might though) but that doesn't mean I'll dismiss every game I haven't heard of that gets a 3DS vc release as crap before I know anything about it.
^ um its just rereleasing the same exact old games, which i dont see it being any effort for nintendo to put more games frequently on virtual console at a LOT fast pace whether it be first party nintendo games or 3rd party. they should just give the people what they want which is obvious. especially being just gameboy games really geez.
I don't have money for these forgotten titles anymore. I'll be waiting for some nice games. This looks alright; but no thanks Nintendo. Give me some more Mario and Zelda.
So no north americans are super pumped for cut the rope? HUH? ONLY ME? oh. So IS cut the rope comin' out in north america? please someone let me know. SIGH.....I have some dusty cash sitting in the eshop, and I won't be spending it until cut the rope is out.
Catrap/Pitman has also been on the Japanese VC for quite a while now. They're just catching up, people. Japan is getting the catch-up title Radar Mission next week while you're having fun with Super Mario Land 2, too.
Catrap/Pitman is an awesome little title . Loads of hours played on this one for me .
Reply from NoE to the lack of Wii VC games in Europe:
Dear Mr Robinson,
Thank you for your email.
There should be VC updates available for the Wii console every week, but there has been a dry spell.
We are sorry for any inconvenience caused and hope that this has not spoiled your enjoyment of Nintendo products.
Many Thanks
The Nintendo Team
So that's there answer a typical politicians response we are none the wiser are we?!!
"A dry spell" is a slight understatement, I'd say
Agreed James, hope we get another Wii VC game in Europe before Xmas!
Metroid 2 PLEASE! It's the only 2d metroid I haven't played yet!
UGH! i wanted freakin catrap! ive been dying for it for months!! dang!
CatRAP= yo yo, nyan, yo yo, meow!
Anyway, gonna get this game eventually. Just need to save up for a prepaid card and get some other games first.
Unlike some others, I have no problems with the pace of the releases, as I'm getting almost every Game Boy game they'll have on the eShop. The amount of new content has grown nicely since my last purchases (in August).
Trenches Generals looks intriguing. Will purchase this with my next batch of points.
Downloaded Catrap. It's pretty great
Catrap is awesome, don't be hating!
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