Some of you may already be aware of the Twilight Princess "Master Arts" series of figurines from First 4 Figures. There have been two models up to now, the first represents Zant, the villain from The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, while the second portrays Midna and Wolf Link. The third figure is now confirmed, and it's possibly the most iconic yet.
The new figurine represents Link and Epona, one of the most memorable images of the GameCube and Wii title. This is also going to be a rather hefty centrepiece, measuring at approximately 17 inches tall and 16 inches long, so enthusiasts will need to clear some room. The normal version will have 1500 pieces available at $424.99.

Like the other models in this series, there is also an 'exclusive' version, which will only have a production run of 500 units. This edition has a bronze finish and will set you back $449.99. Whether this metal Link appeals to you is a matter of taste, but it resembles a golden version of a certain power-up made famous in Super Mario 64.
Are any of you collectors, and do you plan to spend some rupees on these figurines?
[source gameinformer.com]
Comments 26
Looks wicked!
O.O That is beautiful. Not $449.00 worth of beautiful but still amazing.
so want this
I wish there was stuff like this on Club Nintendo.
I'm a collector and I can tell you it IS worth the money, given the size and high-end quality. It could easily have cost more from other manufacturers.
I pre-ordered one, and also the Metroid Prime Gunship with the ultra-cool lighting effects
If only I had 500$ lying around...
Oh man how I would love to have one of these. Unfortunately there is no way in my right (or left) mind I can justify spending that much money on one..........and that would be assuming I had that much sitting around. Nonetheless they look beautiful.
I want it, but ugh....too expensive...!
I would rather have $500 worth of games than something that is just going to sit there and look cool.
1500 pieces? That's a lot of assembly
Rift theres is a simular Link Figerine on Club Nintendo.
@11: That one is only for Europe. I wasn't specifically talking about the Link figurine, just stuff like figurines in general.
"Certain Power up in Super Mario 64"
But seriously, so awesome. I want it, but I don't have that kind of money.
I would love to have that in my house but sadly I cant fork over that kind of money.
.@Iz20XX: Maybe 1,500 is the number of statues they're producing.
Unfortunately, I'm not willing to spend the money on these. I do think the bronze finish is worth the extra $25.
really not a fan of the metal finish, but the other one looks awesome.
The normal version looks better than the deluxe I think. Neither look like 400+ bucks though.
Alot of money. I'd buy this if I was rich.
1500 statues.. not pieces.. haha! Bit above my budget...
Oh wow, when I win the lottery, I'll definitely buy one of these and the Metal Sonic figure
I hate pre-orders.
400 odd bucks? Tell 'em they're dreamin'!
I need money like now...
Really not a fan of the bronze one, but whatever floats your boat...
Are these really worth the cash though? The normal one is a nice-looking figure, but over $400 dollars worth?
How well do these things appreciate in value?
It's beautiful...
Awesome (especially the regular-one) but far to expensive!!
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