Converse high-top sneakers are iconic. Super Mario Bros. is iconic. Combine the two, and you get an iconoblast.
These four officially licensed pairs of Mario sneakers might be a little garish for some wardrobes, but if you've ever wanted World 1-1 on your feet then they're your best hope, as long as you live in Japan or don't mind importing: these kicks are unlikely to make it westward.
The black and white designs are 8,190 Yen while the other two are released later this month for 9,240 Yen.
[source andriasang.com]
Comments 39
Cool stuff.
The Bowser stage one looks amazingly bada$$. Too expensive for me though.
Unfortunately, I hate this style of shoe-wear. Their tops are just too high.
Shoes? What about a replica Mario Cap? That's what really gives him his jumping powers!
Or better yet, Mario's actual boots.
If I wore skinny jeans, I would buy these.
I totally want the Bowser stage one
$90 for a pair of chucks? wow.
On my christmas list. NOW.
If I weren't almost 30 years old and didn't look like Bozo the Clown in hightops, I'd totally rock those world _-4 shoes.
I'm sorry but this just looks ugly.
Not a big fan of these designs on my shoes. Still cool though.
I'm not normally into those sorts of shoes but I might make an exception if they were cheaper.
C'mon Converse! Bring them to North America ): But... why you people take converse like they were just for hipsters? D: They're classics, my dad wore them and so do I. If they bring them (and if they were cheaper), I'd buy at least 2 pairs.
I want 'em to europe! D: Freakin' expensive, though...
/ME WANTS!!! How much is 8-9,000 yen in dollars? I would buy and wear them in a heartbeat. They would make a nice addition to my already awesome "Chucks" collection!
The Bowser's castle one looks awesome!
At Nukerprime64
When Mario loses his cap in Mario 64 or NSMBW, he jumps the same. So I think the power is actually in his moustache.
They look cool, but I am not one for Converse.
About $120, which is pretty expensive for a pair of shoes..... Then again, I wear $130 Nike sneakers
These look awesome, but I'm more of a Vans person.
I would buy them. I like the first design the most. My favorite level of Super Mario Bros.
@BanjoKirby I'm more of a Vans person as well.
World 1-1 is my favorite shoe. I think these would be cooler though if they were from back in the day instead of coming out now. But if I saw someone with a pair then it would be instantaneous respect.
Do want, too bad they're so dang expensive. That and I'd never wear them.
ok i looked them up. I WANNA IMPORT THEM! can ANYBODY give me a link? found them on the japanese converse-store but now way to order them DAMMIT! YELP!
their not expensive if you american money is worth alot there
@sinalefa Maybe that AND prolonged exposure to his cap.
(I was joking alright!)
Cool stuff.
I love the designs, but those kind of shoes aren't me.
I like the red & black & the light blue ones with world 1-1, don't really care for the other ones with all the marios on them. just looked on ebay and these bad boys are going over $300, only time I'll ever consider paying that much for mario is if it comes with a game system.
Want these so much!
Should of released alongside 25th anniversary edition and replaced the 'Converse All Star' logo with 'Super Mario All Stars'. Missed a trick there.
do want
The castle ones rule so hard. I'd buy them if they came to the States and were cheaper...
I have a friend who years ago obsessively wore Converse All-Stars, he had a black pair and a red pair. I could totally see myself wearing the day world on one foot and the castle world on the other. What's the Japanese eqivalent of a US men's size 13? Hopefully they carry it, though I doubt most Japanese have big feet like american men...
@catcher82611: Last I checked, 100 yen was worth approximately $1 USD, although it's been a couple years since I ordered anything from The Land of the Rising Sun, and the US economy has definitely gone sour latey...
If you're really that sorry, Iwata-san give a free pair to each one of us.
And I needed new shoes anyways!
Holy balls, $100 for a pair of shoes? Shoes that won't last that long, at that? No thanks.
Dude! Those shoes are EPIC!
Those are so amazing! Not gonna lie, I'd wear them with anything.
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